The Myth of Sanders’ Socialism

First of all, Nazi means National Socialist, which is fascism.

???? Nazis, socialists, Fascists, Liberals, communists , Kings, and dictators are all essentially the same according to our genius Founders who made all of those forms of powerful central govt illegal in favor of freedom. Now do you understand?

You are still totally and completely wrong.
Nazis are Fascist. right wing. anti-socialists.
Socialists are left wing and are for decentralization and local autonomy.
The Founders were Liberals, and were for supporting individual liberties.
Kings and dictators are always profit motivated, so the are always capitalists.
Kings and dictators are always profit motivated, so the are always capitalists.
capitalism is when the capitalist keeps his money and does not work for a Communist , King Fascist or liberal who steals his profits and private property. A child would know this .
No, they figured out that even that level of socialism was not sustainable.

The one exception is Denmark. Population 5 million, and the company Royal Dutch Shell to foot the majority of the costs.

Even with the oil company paying for most of the cost the Danish tax rates are extremely high.

The rest of the world spends less than half what we do on health care, per person, and they are very happy with socialism.
No one is retreating from socialism, because capitalist health care cost way more and is worse quality.

Yeah, which is why it sucks. I don't know about you but I don't want to have to wait 60 hours for an ambulance as happens not infrequently with Englands NHS.

Your problem is you only look at sources that fit your bias.

No, I have just talked to people who actually lived there.
They all say they get faster and better service there than here.
They will even fly back there for any medical procedure, rather than deal with the terrible health care here, even though they get full insurance from their employer here.
That is true with Canada as well.

Yeah, I have lived there too. Canadian medical care is so great we have a wing of Renown hospital here in Reno known as the Canada wing.

Hell, their politicians come HERE for their medical procedures.

Try reading a out the failure of public health instead of listening to "people".

In general everyone says Canadian health care is better than the US.
But Canada has a much smaller population, so there are not as many specialists.
So people do come here for specialists, but that is just economy of scale, not that we have a better system.

Except for the Canadians.
And fascism is a dictatorship by a coalition of the military, industrialists, and aristocracy.
So obviously Castro could not at all be a fascist Nazi.

???He was the perfect fascist!! Didn't he control military industry and aristocracy???

No, Hitler controlled nothing.
Hitler was a private who was broke, unemployed, and imprisoned for what was known as the Beerhall Putsch.
The wealthy elite decided he was going to be their front man, to make speeches for him.
That was ALL Hitler was.
He controlled nothing.

From November 8 to November 9, 1923, Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) and his followers staged the Beer Hall Putsch in Munich, a failed takeover of the government in Bavaria, a state in southern Germany. Since 1921, Hitler had led the Nazi Party, a fledgling political group that promoted German pride and anti-Semitism and was unhappy with the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, the peace settlement that ended World War I (1914-18) and required many concessions and reparations from Germany. In the aftermath of the failed “putsch,” or coup d’état, Hitler was convicted of treason and sentenced to five years in prison. He spent less than a year behind bars, during which time he dictated “Mein Kampf,” his political autobiography. The putsch and Hitler’s subsequent trial turned him into a national figure. After prison, he worked to rebuild the Nazi Party and gain power via legal political methods.

If you meant Castro, then he was more of just a capitalist dictator than a fascist.
A fascist shares power with the military, industrialists, and aristocracy.
I don't know if there was any power sharing with the military, industrialists, and aristocracy?
It was Batista who was the fascist Nazi.
not at all, obviously. He did not write a book or subscribe to a philosophy of government. He was a mere dictator who wanted power; he had no desire to rape the souls of his subjects based on an idea like Castro did.

Batista wanting power and money is what makes him a capitalist dictator, but he was also a fascist Nazi because he could not do it alone. Instead, he was picked by the military, aristocracy, and corporate owners.
And it is this union of the wealthy elite that makes it fascist.
The Romans came up with the term originally, and it was symbolized with a bundle of axe handles.
The idea being that an individual could be broken, but the bundle was much stronger than any one alone.
And the reference is to the 3 aspect of the wealthy elite.

You can not complain about Castro because by improving education and health care, he greatly improved the lives of the Cubans.
The proof is they love him.
And Castro greatly improved the standard of living.

what on earth are you talking about?? Cubans live in a concentration camp and have about 5% the income of Cubans in Florida

Cuba is not a concentration camp, and anyone is free to move around as they want.
They have less of an income than the US does, but they can live very inexpensively on socialized housing, food, etc.
No, Hitler controlled nothing.

Actually he controlled Nazi Germany completely . He ordered that all Jews be killed, that Russia and Europe be invaded and that entire economy and social structure be organized around his goals. Again a child would know this.
The US government has supported fascist dictators for decades. Still does. So, what you bitching about?

When we do it it is because they are better than the left wing alternative. Now do you understand?

No, we support dictators because they force the people to work for less and we get more profits from their stuff.
We do not do any good for altruistic reasons, anywhere.
We support dictators because they help us steal.
If you meant Castro, then he was more of just a capitalist dictator than a fascist.
A fascist shares power with the military, industrialists, and aristocracy.
I don't know if there was any power sharing with the military, industrialists, and aristocracy?

bad english . please read what you wrote before you post it.
Cubans do not live in concentration camps, and can easily get the news any time they want.

The island is a concentration camp with little contact with the outside world allowed. People try to escape on rafts and many die.In 2016, as many anticipated a change in U.S. immigration policy, 5,396 Cubans were intercepted by the Coast Guard and more than 56,000 Cubans arrived in U.S. territory through different routes — mainly across the border with Mexico.
No, Hitler controlled nothing.

Actually he controlled Nazi Germany completely . He ordered that all Jews be killed, that Russia and Europe be invaded and that entire economy and social structure be organized around his goals. Again a child would know this.

No, totally wrong.
Hitler has signed alliance pacts with Russia.
The Molotov/Ribbentrop Pact.
Hitler was good friends with Stalin.
Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact - Wikipedia
The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact,[a] officially known as the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics,–Ribbentrop_Pact#cite_note-9 was a non-aggression pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed in Moscow on August 23, 1939, by Foreign Ministers Joachim von Ribbentrop and Vyacheslav Molotov, respectively.[8]

The Pact's clauses provided a written guarantee of peace by each party towards the other and a declared commitment that neither government would ally itself to or aid an enemy of the other. In addition to the publicly-announced stipulations of non-aggression, the treaty included a secret protocol, which defined the borders of Soviet and German spheres of influence across Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland. The secret protocol also recognised the interest of Lithuania in the Vilno region, and Germany declared its complete disinterest in Bessarabia. The Secret Protocol was just a rumour until it was made public at the Nuremberg trials.[9]

Soon, Germany invaded Poland on 1 September 1939. Soviet leader Joseph Stalin ordered the Soviet invasion of Poland on 17 September, one day after a Soviet–Japanese ceasefire at the Khalkhin Gol came into effect.[10] After the invasion, the new border between the two powers was confirmed by the supplementary protocol of the German–Soviet Frontier Treaty. In March 1940, parts of the Karelia and Salla regions l, in Finland, were annexed by the Soviet Union after the Winter War. That was followed by Soviet annexations of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and parts of Romania (Bessarabia, Northern Bukovina and the Hertza region). Concern about ethnic Ukrainians and Belarusians had been used as pretexts for the Soviet invasion of Poland. Stalin's invasion of Bukovina in 1940 violated the pact since it went beyond the Soviet sphere of influence that had been agreed with the Axis.[11]

The territories of Poland annexed by the Soviet Union after the 1939 Soviet invasion, east of the Curzon line, remained in the Soviet Union at the end of World War II and now are parts of Ukraine and Belarus. The formerly-Polish Vilno region is now part of Lithuania, and the city of Vilnius is now the Lithuaian capital. Only the region around Białystok and a small part of Galicia east of the San River, around Przemyśl, were returned to the Poland. Of all the other territories annexed by the Soviet Union in 1939 to 1940, those detached from Finland (Western Karelia, Petsamo), Estonia (Estonian Ingria and Petseri County) and Latvia (Abrene) remain part of Russia, the successor state to the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic upon the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. The territories annexed from Romania had also been integrated into the Soviet Union (as the Moldavian SSR or oblasts of the Ukrainian SSR). The core of Bessarabia now forms Moldova. The northern part of Bessarabia, Northern Bukovina and Hertza now form the Chernivtsi Oblast of Ukraine. Southern Bessarabia is part of the Odessa Oblast, also in Ukraine.

The reason Germany invaded Russia was that his leaders, the industrialists, ordered him to.
Hitler was just the mouthpiece, and made no decisions at all.

And by the way, at least half the Jews were not killed.
There were around 150,000 Jews in the Wehrmacht during WWII.
Jews at labor camps like Dachau and Auschwitz were not exterminated.
Contrary to conventional views, Rigg reveals that a startlingly large number of German military men were classified by the Nazis as Jews or "partial-Jews" (Mischlinge), in the wake of racial laws first enacted in the mid-1930s. Rigg demonstrates that the actual number was much higher than previously thought-perhaps as many as 150,000 men, including decorated veterans and high-ranking officers, even generals and admirals.
Hitler's Jewish Soldiers

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