The myth of the so called "southern strategy" brought about by leftist propagandists.

The waves of Illegals swarming in will sour millions of voters on the Democommies in this election cycle
If Dems stole the election, why do you care about what voters will do?

Won't they just steal the rest of the elections?

Especially since your cult leader, whom I am sure you feel is strong and tough and powerful, did nothing to stop it
If Dems stole the election, why do you care about what voters will do?

Won't they just steal the rest of the elections?

Especially since your cult leader, whom I am sure you feel is strong and tough and powerful, did nothing to stop it
The Base is turning on the Democommies

Yes, wonderful lesson and whenever these blowhards on the left repeat marxist cliches and utter BS about the democrats in the all of sudden switching parties, listen to the truth and counter it with facts.

Not that that would mean much to these contaminated thoroughly dd.moralized leftists around, you can at least have the actual facts.
It's not a myth.
Still waiting for a right-winger to tell me why MLK said this about the GOP in 1964.....the year the GOP nominated a guy who was OPPOSED TO THE CIVIL RIGHTS AND VOTING RIGHTS ACT

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I GUARANTEE YOU not a single right-winger will even attempt to answer that question without deflecting......

And since a majority of black voters began to vote for the party that didn't put forth policies that restricted things like their OWN FUCKING CIVIL AND VOTING RIGHTS; right-wingers call them "slaves on a plantation" -- just because they voted for policies they agree with....

Funny how that isn't said about any other demographic but black never hear these folks say Jews are slaves in a gas chamber just because they overwhelmingly vote for Democrats....

Not deflecting, he threw in with the racist LBJ over the Civil Rights hero Barry Goldwater....condemning generations of black children to generational poverty and crime.
As Democrats embraced Civil Rights, Republicans countered by embracing Confederate Heritage.

They still do
Democrats embraced slavery, Jim crow, race quotas, and now CRT anti-white policy

They have been the racist of the two parties throughout American history
Let me try to explain something to you uneducated white male voters. You have no business voting GOP. How has voting GOP worked out for you?

They learned that the fastest rising death rates among Americans were from drug overdoses, suicide, and alcoholic liver disease. Deaths from these causes have increased between 56% and 387%, depending on the age cohort, over the past two decades, averaging 70,000 per year.

Most of these deaths were attributed to the use of synthetic opioids by uneducated middle-aged white men.

Also most of the gun rampages and serial killers are mostly these white uneducated men.

Over the last 20 years? You think that might be connected to the fact that joey xiden has been in the executive branch for a majority of that time?
Democrats embraced slavery, Jim crow, race quotas, and now CRT anti-white policy

They have been the racist of the two parties throughout American history

TODAYS Republicans are the favorite of white supremacists, defend Confederate Heritage and Confederate Flags and monuments
If Dems stole the election, why do you care about what voters will do?

Won't they just steal the rest of the elections?

Especially since your cult leader, whom I am sure you feel is strong and tough and powerful, did nothing to stop it
You were caught, gonna be tough to do that again! 2000 mules
TODAYS Republicans are the favorite of white supremacists, defend Confederate Heritage and Confederate Flags and monuments
TODAYS Democrats are the favorite of CRT racists who encourage looking at skin color first and encourage demonizing white people as inherently evil because of their skin color.
CRT is more Republicans crying wolf

Trying to whitewash history to protect the racists
CRT is a theoretical exercise to assume that any discrepancy between races is due to discrimination based on race, which is extremely stupid, as different cultural norms and values within races will produce different results on their own without any external influence or theoretical oppression.

Yet, you support it. So.. it seems you aren’t very intelligent.

And bdtex that goes for you too, mr. “I’ll thumbs up stupid opinions without reasoning why”

Im sorry to be crass, but it’s far more complex than your simpleton attempts here. Be better
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why not? He's been in the position of power for the majority of the past two decades along with other dems. Blaming the party out of power for a majority of that time is something tyrantically propagandist would do
why not? He's been in the position of power for the majority of the past two decades along with other dems. Blaming the party out of power for a majority of that time is something tyrantically propagandist would do
you havent been paying attention, even when dems control all 3 branches the press lets them blame republicans and when republicans control only 1 section of one branch then republicans are in charge.
you havent been paying attention, even when dems control all 3 branches the press lets them blame republicans and when republicans control only 1 section of one branch then republicans are in charge.
well they know their dembot base can't grasp how illogical that is...
you havent been paying attention, even when dems control all 3 branches the press lets them blame republicans and when republicans control only 1 section of one branch then republicans are in charge.
The people gave them a mandate of 60 senators too. However the GOP was able to stop Al Franken from being seated for half of 2009. Senator Kennedy died soon thereafter, and the Dems lost their 60 vote supermajority. After that Mitch and his gang could block most all of Obama's remaining agenda with the Cloture rule.
why not? He's been in the position of power for the majority of the past two decades along with other dems. Blaming the party out of power for a majority of that time is something tyrantically propagandist would do
Because I pay attention. I see the bad actors in the GOP when Democrats are in charge and when they are not. I see how the GOP never changes. All they do is wait for people to forget how bad they are. Or wait for inflation to help put them back in power. Republicans suck. And I've been noticing it since Bush 1. I was too young to know Reagan was fucking our future selves with his policies. But I was graduating college when Bush 1 was in charge. He sucked. Clinton rocked. So why didn't we turn over power to Gore? Because we are dumb as fuck and brainwashed by a corporate media who allowed Bush to steal Florida and lie us into Iraq.

The only way Republicans will change for the better is if they lose 4 straight presidential elections and all the midterms in between. Midterms are the cons secret weapon. Americans are too stupid to know they need to vote every 2 years.

The Republican candidates have confirmed what I have been saying about Trump is true.

Trump has confirmed what I said about BUSH is true

Romney and other Republicans confirm what I think about Trump to be true.

Biden confirms what I believe is not stupid.

But this is my perspective. I'd have to know who you are to realize why you are voting GOP and if you are making a mistake. You rich? Educated?

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