The "MYTH" that ALL Christians think ALL Muslims are Terrorists!!

Love your OP

It supports the fear tactic that all Muslims are terrorists and that Christianity is a superior religion

Christianity is, by virtue of being right, a superior religion.

And no not all Muslims are terrorists, but certainly we can't afford to ignore the fact that just by virtue of sheer numbers there are many who are.

Or do you deny the number of atrocities committed by Muslims over the years?
OMG !!!!!! a typo!!!!!!!!!!

What to do!?!?!?!?!?!

Laugh. I did. No biggie beyond that.

I have no problem being corrected. But at least be consistent in your enforcment of proper grammar.

I've yet to see you correct TM, but then again that would be a full time job.

It would be, I agree. But it's more fun to watch someone who calls others stupid make mistakes and then clutch their pearls over being corrected.
Love your OP

It supports the fear tactic that all Muslims are terrorists and that Christianity is a superior religion

Christianity is, by virtue of being right, a superior religion.

And no not all Muslims are terrorists, but certainly we can't afford to ignore the fact that just by virtue of sheer numbers there are many who are.

Or do you deny the number of atrocities committed by Muslims over the years?

Both religions are loony. But religions don't kill people....people kill people, using religion as an excuse.
Laugh. I did. No biggie beyond that.

I have no problem being corrected. But at least be consistent in your enforcment of proper grammar.

I've yet to see you correct TM, but then again that would be a full time job.

It would be, I agree. But it's more fun to watch someone who calls others stupid make mistakes and then clutch their pearls over being corrected.

When you can cast the first stone, we'll talk.
Love your OP

It supports the fear tactic that all Muslims are terrorists and that Christianity is a superior religion

Christianity is, by virtue of being right, a superior religion.

And no not all Muslims are terrorists, but certainly we can't afford to ignore the fact that just by virtue of sheer numbers there are many who are.

Or do you deny the number of atrocities committed by Muslims over the years?

Both religions are loony. But religions don't kill people....people kill people, using religion as an excuse.

That is true, but when you look at the sheer number of people who use Islam as an excuse to kill you must concede that something is fishy.

No different than saying neither a rock nor a gun kills people but when you compare the number of people who use rocks to kill people compared to the number of guns used to kill people it is pretty obvious which one is more inherently dangerous.
Love your OP

It supports the fear tactic that all Muslims are terrorists and that Christianity is a superior religion
As religions go, Christianity IS superior to Islam. Christians don't advocate the death of non-believers and have tolerance toward other religions.

Islam demands the death or conversion of all "infidels".

Plain and simple: Christianity is superior to Islam.

Let Allah decide which is superior
Why would we let satan decide anything?
[Probably, but not all are terrorists, because even with the Japanese on Iwo Jima, 200 out of the 21,000 defenders took advantage of the opportunity to surrender when it was offered them.
There are certain pathways that language and culture forces the mind to travel. Christianity, because of its tenet that man has a "freewill" with which each individual must choose whether to follow God's teaching's or not certainly facilitated the formation of the concept of Democracy, starting with the Magna Carta. The German language somehow facilitates a more intense inquisition into the physical sciences. The fields of Physics and Chemistry are littered with the names of German researchers, Bohr, Planck, and Einstein, even though a Jew, he was still born a German.]

"Top Iranian Cleric Blasts Obama’s Koran Burning Apology As “Superficial,” Says Muslims “Devastated By Heinous Crime”…"

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Top Iranian Cleric Blasts Obama’s Koran Burning Apology As “Superficial,” Says Muslims “Devastated By Heinous Crime”…

"Koran Burning Protests Spread To Malaysia – Update: And Pakistan…

The rage is contagious.

ISLAMABAD — Hundreds of Pakistani activists took to the streets on Friday, chanting death to America, demanding that their leaders resign and setting fire to a U.S. flag over the burning of Korans in Afghanistan.

In Pakistan, up to 300 people blocked the main Grand Trunk road in the northwestern city of Peshawar, stomped on and set fire to the US flag, and kicked the dummy representing America and beat it with sticks while it was burning."

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Koran Burning Protests Spread To Malaysia – Update: And Pakistan…

"Tunisian Security Forces Battle Salafi Islamists, Police Station Torched, Mosque Loudspeakers Call For Jihad…

I’ve said this umpteen times but it’s worth repeating, Tunisia was the most secular Arab country prior to the Arab Spring.

(Reuters) — Police in a Tunisian town used tear gas on Thursday to break up a crowd of about 200 hardline Islamists, armed with sticks, swords and petrol bombs, who set fire to a police station, witnesses told Reuters"

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Tunisian Security Forces Battle Salafi Islamists, Police Station Torched, Mosque Loudspeakers Call For Jihad…

"Afghan Koran Burning Protests Still Going Strong, Nine More Killed…

Day 4.

KABUL, Feb 24 (Reuters) – Nine more people were killed on Friday in protests in Afghanistan over the burning of copies of the Koran at a NATO base, officials said.

Seven people were killed and 50 wounded in the western province of Herat, while two more were killed in Khost in the east. Three people were killed earlier during protests"

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Afghan Koran Burning Protests Still Going Strong, Nine More Killed…

"Pakistani Taliban Behead 70-Year-Old Baker Accused Of Being a “Spy”…

KHYBER AGENCY – The February 12 decapitation of a 70-year-old baker in Landi Kotal, Khyber Agency, by the Taliban has terrorised the local population and aroused universal condemnation from tribal society and rights activists.

The Taliban accused the man of being a spy in an attempt to justify his murder.

“Waris Khan had always lived a clean life and confined himself to a limited number of friends,” Qadeer Jan, a close friend of the murdered baker, told Central Asia Online, while refusing to comment on militant behaviour on grounds of personal safety.

Taliban terror is the main reason local residents will not comment on such matters, said local elder Hasam ud Din."

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Pakistani Taliban Behead 70-Year-Old Baker Accused Of Being a “Spy”…

"Nigeria: Islamists Slit Throat Of 79-Year-Old Christian Woman, Bible Placed Under Her Feet With Note Threatening Pastor Son…

Boko Haram strikes again. There’s a special place in hell for these people.

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AP) — Police discovered the body of a 79-year-old Christian woman killed in northeast Nigeria, with a note in Arabic left on her chest reading: “We will get you soon,” a witness said Thursday.

The slaying raises religious tensions in Nigeria as a radical Islamist sect increasingly targets Christians in its bloody attacks. While police said they knew of no immediate suspects in the killing, witnesses blamed the attack on the sect known as Boko Haram, which has been blamed for killing at least 305 people this year alone, according to an Associated Press count."

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Nigeria: Islamists Slit Throat Of 79-Year-Old Christian Woman, Bible Placed Under Her Feet With Note Threatening Pastor Son…

"Iran’s Grand Ayatollahs: Earth Belongs To Muslims, End Of The World Is Near…

And these people are on the verge of going nuclear.

Via Daily Caller:

Iran’s economy is struggling because of crippling new restrictions on the country’s financial system, but no amount of sanctions will keep the mullahs from their headlong pursuit of nuclear weapons, which they hope will help usher in Islamic dominance of the world. The religious leaders believe it is their responsibility, as foreshadowed by the Quran, to bring about nuclear war to facilitate the coming of the last Islamic Messiah.

Two Iranian grand ayatollahs are now saying that the Earth will soon be under the feet of Muslims, as promised by the Quran."

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Iran

"Pennsylvania: Muslim Admits To Attacking Atheist – Muslim Judge Dismisses Case, Lectures Atheist On Joys Of Islam…

The Pennsylvania State Director of American Atheists, Inc., Mr. Ernest Perce V., was assaulted by a Muslim while participating in a Halloween parade. Along with a Zombie Pope, Ernest was costumed as Zombie Muhammad. The assault was caught on video, the Muslim man admitted to his crime and charges were filed in what should have been an open-and-shut case. That’s not what happened, though.

The defendant is an immigrant and claims he did not know his actions were illegal, or that it was legal in this country to represent Muhammad in any form. To add insult to injury, he also testified that his 9 year old son was present, and the man said he felt he needed to show his young son that he was willing to fight for his Prophet.

The case went to trial, and as circumstances would dictate, Judge Mark Martin is also a Muslim. What transpired next was surreal. The Judge not only ruled in favor of the defendant, but called Mr. Perce a name and told him that if he were in a Muslim country, he’d be put to death. Judge Martin’s comments included,"

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Pennsylvania: Muslim Admits To Attacking Atheist – Muslim Judge Dismisses Case, Lectures Atheist On Joys Of Islam…

"Karzai Demands American Soldiers Be Put On Public Trial For Burning Koran…

Piss off, Karzai.

KABUL — Afghanistan wants NATO to put on public trial those who burned copies of the Quran at a NATO base, President Hamid Karzai’s office said Thursday, after a third day of bloody protests over the incident.

It said NATO had agreed to a trial, but that could not be immediately confirmed."

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Karzai Demands American Soldiers Be Put On Public Trial For Burning Koran…

"Taliban Incite Afghans To Kill “Crusaders” Over Koran Burning…

Damn, I wish we were “Crusaders.”

Something tells me they don’t need any additional motivation.

Via LWJ:

The Taliban have urged all Afghans to move beyond “mere protests” and attack US military personnel throughout the country for burning copies of the Koran. The Taliban’s call has been echoed by some members of parliament."

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Taliban Incite Afghans To Kill “Crusaders” Over Koran Burning…

[Little things the MSM won't report for fear of getting kicked out of the WhiteHouse Press Pool and Air Force One.
At the risk of repeating myself, FDR, shortly before he died, toyed with the idea of castrating every surviving German male. Since Germany had managed to start two world wars in thirty years FDR wanted to prevent having another generation of Americans forced to march off to put down a third world war started by Germany.
Islam has been at war with Christianity and Western Civilization since 723 AD.............]
Last edited:
As religions go, Christianity IS superior to Islam. Christians don't advocate the death of non-believers and have tolerance toward other religions.

Islam demands the death or conversion of all "infidels".

Plain and simple: Christianity is superior to Islam.

Let Allah decide which is superior
Why would we let satan decide anything?

We shall have to see won't we?

When you go to meet your maker and it turns out to be got a lot of splain'n to do
[Probably, but not all are terrorists, because even with the Japanese on Iwo Jima, 200 out of the 21,000 defenders took advantage of the opportunity to surrender when it was offered them.
There are certain pathways that language and culture forces the mind to travel. Christianity, because of its tenet that man has a "freewill" with which each individual must choose whether to follow God's teaching's or not certainly facilitated the formation of the concept of Democracy, starting with the Magna Carta. The German language somehow facilitates a more intense inquisition into the physical sciences. The fields of Physics and Chemistry are littered with the names of German researchers, Bohr, Planck, and Einstein, even though a Jew, he was still born a German.]

"Top Iranian Cleric Blasts Obama’s Koran Burning Apology As “Superficial,” Says Muslims “Devastated By Heinous Crime”…"

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Top Iranian Cleric Blasts Obama’s Koran Burning Apology As “Superficial,” Says Muslims “Devastated By Heinous Crime”…

"Koran Burning Protests Spread To Malaysia – Update: And Pakistan…

The rage is contagious.

ISLAMABAD — Hundreds of Pakistani activists took to the streets on Friday, chanting death to America, demanding that their leaders resign and setting fire to a U.S. flag over the burning of Korans in Afghanistan.

In Pakistan, up to 300 people blocked the main Grand Trunk road in the northwestern city of Peshawar, stomped on and set fire to the US flag, and kicked the dummy representing America and beat it with sticks while it was burning."

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Koran Burning Protests Spread To Malaysia – Update: And Pakistan…

"Tunisian Security Forces Battle Salafi Islamists, Police Station Torched, Mosque Loudspeakers Call For Jihad…

I’ve said this umpteen times but it’s worth repeating, Tunisia was the most secular Arab country prior to the Arab Spring.

(Reuters) — Police in a Tunisian town used tear gas on Thursday to break up a crowd of about 200 hardline Islamists, armed with sticks, swords and petrol bombs, who set fire to a police station, witnesses told Reuters"

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Tunisian Security Forces Battle Salafi Islamists, Police Station Torched, Mosque Loudspeakers Call For Jihad…

"Afghan Koran Burning Protests Still Going Strong, Nine More Killed…

Day 4.

KABUL, Feb 24 (Reuters) – Nine more people were killed on Friday in protests in Afghanistan over the burning of copies of the Koran at a NATO base, officials said.

Seven people were killed and 50 wounded in the western province of Herat, while two more were killed in Khost in the east. Three people were killed earlier during protests"

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Afghan Koran Burning Protests Still Going Strong, Nine More Killed…

"Pakistani Taliban Behead 70-Year-Old Baker Accused Of Being a “Spy”…

KHYBER AGENCY – The February 12 decapitation of a 70-year-old baker in Landi Kotal, Khyber Agency, by the Taliban has terrorised the local population and aroused universal condemnation from tribal society and rights activists.

The Taliban accused the man of being a spy in an attempt to justify his murder.

“Waris Khan had always lived a clean life and confined himself to a limited number of friends,” Qadeer Jan, a close friend of the murdered baker, told Central Asia Online, while refusing to comment on militant behaviour on grounds of personal safety.

Taliban terror is the main reason local residents will not comment on such matters, said local elder Hasam ud Din."

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Pakistani Taliban Behead 70-Year-Old Baker Accused Of Being a “Spy”…

"Nigeria: Islamists Slit Throat Of 79-Year-Old Christian Woman, Bible Placed Under Her Feet With Note Threatening Pastor Son…

Boko Haram strikes again. There’s a special place in hell for these people.

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AP) — Police discovered the body of a 79-year-old Christian woman killed in northeast Nigeria, with a note in Arabic left on her chest reading: “We will get you soon,” a witness said Thursday.

The slaying raises religious tensions in Nigeria as a radical Islamist sect increasingly targets Christians in its bloody attacks. While police said they knew of no immediate suspects in the killing, witnesses blamed the attack on the sect known as Boko Haram, which has been blamed for killing at least 305 people this year alone, according to an Associated Press count."

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Nigeria: Islamists Slit Throat Of 79-Year-Old Christian Woman, Bible Placed Under Her Feet With Note Threatening Pastor Son…

"Iran’s Grand Ayatollahs: Earth Belongs To Muslims, End Of The World Is Near…

And these people are on the verge of going nuclear.

Via Daily Caller:

Iran’s economy is struggling because of crippling new restrictions on the country’s financial system, but no amount of sanctions will keep the mullahs from their headlong pursuit of nuclear weapons, which they hope will help usher in Islamic dominance of the world. The religious leaders believe it is their responsibility, as foreshadowed by the Quran, to bring about nuclear war to facilitate the coming of the last Islamic Messiah.

Two Iranian grand ayatollahs are now saying that the Earth will soon be under the feet of Muslims, as promised by the Quran."

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Iran

"Pennsylvania: Muslim Admits To Attacking Atheist – Muslim Judge Dismisses Case, Lectures Atheist On Joys Of Islam…

The Pennsylvania State Director of American Atheists, Inc., Mr. Ernest Perce V., was assaulted by a Muslim while participating in a Halloween parade. Along with a Zombie Pope, Ernest was costumed as Zombie Muhammad. The assault was caught on video, the Muslim man admitted to his crime and charges were filed in what should have been an open-and-shut case. That’s not what happened, though.

The defendant is an immigrant and claims he did not know his actions were illegal, or that it was legal in this country to represent Muhammad in any form. To add insult to injury, he also testified that his 9 year old son was present, and the man said he felt he needed to show his young son that he was willing to fight for his Prophet.

The case went to trial, and as circumstances would dictate, Judge Mark Martin is also a Muslim. What transpired next was surreal. The Judge not only ruled in favor of the defendant, but called Mr. Perce a name and told him that if he were in a Muslim country, he’d be put to death. Judge Martin’s comments included,"

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Pennsylvania: Muslim Admits To Attacking Atheist – Muslim Judge Dismisses Case, Lectures Atheist On Joys Of Islam…

"Karzai Demands American Soldiers Be Put On Public Trial For Burning Koran…

Piss off, Karzai.

KABUL — Afghanistan wants NATO to put on public trial those who burned copies of the Quran at a NATO base, President Hamid Karzai’s office said Thursday, after a third day of bloody protests over the incident.

It said NATO had agreed to a trial, but that could not be immediately confirmed."

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Karzai Demands American Soldiers Be Put On Public Trial For Burning Koran…

"Taliban Incite Afghans To Kill “Crusaders” Over Koran Burning…

Damn, I wish we were “Crusaders.”

Something tells me they don’t need any additional motivation.

Via LWJ:

The Taliban have urged all Afghans to move beyond “mere protests” and attack US military personnel throughout the country for burning copies of the Koran. The Taliban’s call has been echoed by some members of parliament."

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Taliban Incite Afghans To Kill “Crusaders” Over Koran Burning…

[Little things the MSM won't report for fear of getting kicked out of the WhiteHouse Press Pool and Air Force One.
At the risk of repeating myself, FDR, shortly before he died, toyed with the idea of castrating every surviving German male. Since Germany had managed to start two world wars in thirty years FDR wanted to prevent having another generation of Americans forced to march off to put down a third world war started by Germany.
Islam has been at war with Christianity and Western Civilization since 723 AD.............]

See? Loony.

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