The Nation is experiencing ....uhum......Globull Warming

So exactly what is the perfect average global temperature? I've never been able to get an answer from the climate freaks.
So exactly what is the perfect average global temperature? I've never been able to get an answer from the climate freaks.

They don't have a clue. They don't even know what real climate change is. They think the climate just started changing 30 years ago. Never mind, it has been changing for millions of years.
The Great Global Warming Swindle is all about a massive Global Government power-grab. It's a way of achieving total control of the People and stealing more of their money. Personally, i value my freedom & liberty much more than i fear the Global Warming Boogeyman. So bring on that heat. I'm ready.
No, yea, we all know some small brains only read titles such as "Patriot Act" and "Right to Farm" and "Right to work" and "Global Warming"

Caveman says, "Globe not warm! It cold! Me no understand!" :stupid:

The Left is the the party of bad titles. The Right is the party of manipulative titles. The Left fought for the Anti-Outsourcing bill of 2010 to keep jobs here. The Right never read past the title and voted it down (It was a bill to keep jobs in America). The Right produced "Operation Iranian Freedom" and "Patriot Act" and the pretty words controlled the sheep.

You are consigned to repeat high school until you pass English class.

Or, stfu.
we must necessarily suspend common sense in order to successfully cultivate our faith in the cult of climate change
Given the fact that we have 7 billion mouths to feed on this planet, the optimal temperature and climate is one that is best to do that in. The rapid warming is creating a very uncertain climate where the weather swings continue to get wider and wilder, with an overall warming. That is most definately not optimal for farming. Then there is the matter of seal level rise, affecting our port infrastructure and some of the most productive farm land on earth. At the same time, we have ocean acidification negatively affecting the very base of the oceans food chains, even as over fishing is wiping out the top of that food chain.

You can keep repeating silly mantra's like 'warmer is better' and ignore the reality. But at some point, that reality is going to smack you right in the face. And then your incompetance is going to come home in the empty bellies of children.
Record-Breaking Cold Spreads Across the U.S.

According to the Luddites, socialists, fascists and ignorasses temperatures greater than minus 15 degrees constitute "GLOBULL WARMING"

Let's shut down all our industries - crank up the Federal Reserve Board and let it :mad-61: go crazy printing fiat Money .

My goodness, what a silly shrill little ass you are. Yep, a few hundred cold records set in the US in January and February, several thousand warm records set in the same period. You people on the east coast hardly make up the whole of the nation.

January second-warmest on record globally

The U.S. continued its Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ways in January. There was freakish heat in the West and more typical winter chill in the East. The Western warmth was far more pronounced that the cool was in the East, however, as seven states had one of their 10 warmest January months on record, while no states were top 10 coldest.

In all, 3,499 daily warm temperature records were broken in January, compared with 775 cold ones.

"Winter seems to have completely forgotten about us out here," Kathie Dello, deputy director of the Oregon Climate Service at Oregon State University, said during a press call with reporters Thursday.

Ski areas are shut down due to the lack of snow in Oregon, she said, while people are mowing their lawns and flowers have blossomed.

California is also seeing its warmest and driest winter on record. As a whole, the U.S. had its 24th warmest and 18th driest January.
Keep posting lies from the sites that specialize in them, Kosh. And I will continue to post the evidence that the scientists present. You side has un-degreed TV weathermen, fake English Lords, and obese junkies on the radio. A very impressive cast of charlatans.

Download high resolution versions.

Add 2014 to that as the warmest, we will have experiance 11 of the warmest years on record in the last 17 years. The very years the deniars are claiming there has been no warming.

My question is who the hell decided that the 20th century average was the optimal temperature?

Adjusting the temperature to fit the narrative

People delving into GHCN’s temperature homogenization keep coming up with evidence that the adjustments provided biased results. Readers of the blog Real Science are familiar with Tony Heller’s plots comparing raw data and adjustmented that generally result in a cooling of the past and warming for the last decade or so. The response to Heller’s claims by the expert climate science community have been dismissive at best. Recently, Paul Homewood, who writes the blog Not A Lot of People Know That has looked at the data adjustment, homogenization at a number of monitoring stations and obtained results very similar to Heller’s.

In a recent post, Homewood looked at a paper by Steriou and Koutsoyiannis in 2012 that pretty much slams the methods used to homiogenize and adjust the temperature data. Steriou and Koutsoyiannis found that the homogenization methods used tend to decrease cooling trends and increase warming trends. They found a bias in the methods that resulted in 2/3 of the stations they tested had these trends. They expected a random process to result in about half showing this trend. In other words, the methodology inaccurately contributes about 0.3° to the reported warming over the past century, making it less than the 0.7°-0.8°C reported. The homogenization process is based on statistical methods and not on testing and experimention."

Given the fact that we have 7 billion mouths to feed on this planet, the optimal temperature and climate is one that is best to do that in. The rapid warming is creating a very uncertain climate where the weather swings continue to get wider and wilder, with an overall warming. That is most definately not optimal for farming. Then there is the matter of seal level rise, affecting our port infrastructure and some of the most productive farm land on earth. At the same time, we have ocean acidification negatively affecting the very base of the oceans food chains, even as over fishing is wiping out the top of that food chain.

You can keep repeating silly mantra's like 'warmer is better' and ignore the reality. But at some point, that reality is going to smack you right in the face. And then your incompetance is going to come home in the empty bellies of children.

Keep posting lies from the sites that specialize in them, Kosh. And I will continue to post the evidence that the scientists present. You side has un-degreed TV weathermen, fake English Lords, and obese junkies on the radio. A very impressive cast of charlatans.

The brown trout isn't fake but your glowarm stuff is a pile of steaming dung.

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