The Nation of Islam advocates murdering for speaking against a Prophet...


Nov 7, 2014
In this video, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan cites former Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad as saying, "and what if we did [kill Malcolm X for scandalizing 'God's Messenger']?":

The Nation of Islam is one sick group of people.
Though NoI is no part of Islam, and simply a cult using a familar name to deceive stupid people, they at least share their intolerance of dissing prophets with actual Islam.
Though NoI is no part of Islam, and simply a cult using a familar name to deceive stupid people, they at least share their intolerance of dissing prophets with actual Islam.

...I don't even think that anyone in the Moslem world is practicing actual Islam:

"(31)...and be not ye among those who join gods with Allah,- (32)Those who split up their Religion, and become (mere) Sects,- each party rejoicing in that which is with itself!" Qur'an 30:31-32, Yusuf Ali translation

All Moslems practice sectarianism, which goes against the Qur'an...
Nation of Islam member confessing that he and other NOI members murdered Malcolm X:


I can actually respect the idea of humans fighting or killing or even dying on behalf of their god(s). Often times however, mindless killing in the name of religion is nothing more than the result of insidious religious manipulation/ indoctrination and nefarious political strategies that have almost nothing to do with the god(s) these people are supposedly fighting for... in which case the names of these gods are brought up solely to coerce the gullible into fighting for some other human's cause.

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...Farrakhan claims that the truth of what happened in the Malcolm X murder is not known to is a video showing that the confessed murderer has been on parole since 2010 and asking (the video asks) the question, "Why hasn't Farrakhan met with him?" Were Farrakhan to meet with him, everyone could "find out what really happened" in the murder and he could stop talking about "what might have happened"...:

Though NoI is no part of Islam, and simply a cult using a familar name to deceive stupid people, they at least share their intolerance of dissing prophets with actual Islam.

As a Muslim, does NOI offend you? Malcolm's crime was converting to Islam, pissed the NOI bruthas off.
Though NoI is no part of Islam, and simply a cult using a familar name to deceive stupid people, they at least share their intolerance of dissing prophets with actual Islam. it sounds like you have converted to Islam since I was last here Delta. Is that true? :)
I never liked Louis Farrakhan, nor respected the way he brainwashed people into the Nation of Islam, while taking their money. He amassed fame and fortune from the wealthy, Like Muhammad Ali.

Shadow 355
In this video, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan cites former Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad as saying, "and what if we did [kill Malcolm X for scandalizing 'God's Messenger']?":

The Nation of Islam is one sick group of people.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.
Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Why does Louis Farrakhan have bodyguards, many- many visible bodyguards.....and whom go out of their way to be seen on camera....... wherever he goes?

I am not prejudiced or bigoted in the least, but I would like to have one of his bodyguards in the boxing ring to see how good they are.

Expensive suits and sunglasses - standing like they are important. They better be good and competent.

Shadow 355
Islam, where brain cells go to die.

Why does Louis Farrakhan have bodyguards, many- many visible bodyguards.....and whom go out of their way to be seen on camera....... wherever he goes?

I am not prejudiced or bigoted in the least, but I would like to have one of his bodyguards in the boxing ring to see how good they are.

Expensive suits and sunglasses - standing like they are important. They better be good and competent.

Shadow 355

Luis Farakhan should be arrested and tried for treason. He's a fifth column enemy within that has met and plotted with America's enemies.
Listening to Farrakhan is exactly like listening to Hitler. Pay attention to the cadence and the inflection. Sheeple are incapable of processing the words, but the emotions...they respond to that.
Luis Farakhan should be arrested and tried for treason. He's a fifth column enemy within that has met and plotted with America's enemies.

He says that America is his choice of countries to live in, yet he dissuades his race (Blacks) from fighting in defense of America if and when it is attacked (he tells his race NOT to participate in the American military)...he is a confused, evil, s.o.b. haha
Luis Farakhan should be arrested and tried for treason. He's a fifth column enemy within that has met and plotted with America's enemies.

He says that America is his choice of countries to live in, yet he dissuades his race (Blacks) from fighting in defense of America if and when it is attacked (he tells his race NOT to participate in the American military)...he is a confused, evil, s.o.b. haha

Amish, Quakers, and others resist military conscription too. Isn't just NoI.
Listening to Farrakhan is exactly like listening to Hitler. Pay attention to the cadence and the inflection. Sheeple are incapable of processing the words, but the emotions...they respond to that.

The d*mn nut thinks that the death decree from Iran on English author Salman Rushdie just for writing against Mohammed (the Arabian "prophet") is something gloriously good smh...:

Amish, Quakers, and others resist military conscription too. Isn't just NoI.

He actually believes in fighting, like all Moslems do...he is just opposed to America is why he says that Blacks should not defend it if and when it is attacked...

The people you cited just religiously don't believe in fighting...

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