The National Guard Is Spending Time With Sandy Victims Just Explaining How To Eat Arm


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Allison Churchill


NYNG, military, defense

In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, soldiers from the National Guard rushed to the rescue. They provided power, helped people evacuate, and ran up 13 flights of stairs to keep the emergency generator going.

Read more @ Guardsmen Had To Explain To Hurricane Victims How To Use MREs - Business Insider
Yes, the MRE instructions are only written in English. And I don't know that the packages are marked for kosher, halal or vegetarian either.

This is no worse than the handouts that come when your little one has been to the ER, explaining to you that when baies and toddlers cry because they hurt or are afraid you should hold them gently and cuddle them, speaking SOFTLY to 'em.

Or those other handouts from the ER, explaining WHERE to put the Tylenol suppositories - and that you must remove the foil wrapping *first* ..........
The National Guard Is Spending Time With Sandy Victims Just Explaining How To Eat Arm

I gotta admit ... I don't have the foggiest idea how to eat "arm".

And, I'm vegetarian.
The National Guard Is Spending Time With Sandy Victims Just Explaining How To Eat Arm

I gotta admit ... I don't have the foggiest idea how to eat "arm".

And, I'm vegetarian.

Marinate in seasame oil, red wine vinegar, soy sauce, garlic, fresh ginger, a bit of dry mustard, fresh ground pepper. Grilled (charcoal preferred) to sear then slow roast. Tasty with a side a mashed potatoes.

In a situation such as theis you would have to put aside your vegetarian ways and eat arm!
Yes, the MRE instructions are only written in English. And I don't know that the packages are marked for kosher, halal or vegetarian either.

This is no worse than the handouts that come when your little one has been to the ER, explaining to you that when baies and toddlers cry because they hurt or are afraid you should hold them gently and cuddle them, speaking SOFTLY to 'em.

Or those other handouts from the ER, explaining WHERE to put the Tylenol suppositories - and that you must remove the foil wrapping *first* ..........

Someone bitching because something isn't vegan can starve for all I care. And if you are to stupid to not know foil doesn't belong in your ass darwin will get you at some point. Any help only delays the inevitable.

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