The need to make churches pay tax

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So what else you want to get rid off jerk off no move liberal arts, no place where people can get together?

Your an idiot like the other one we need moral

I never said I wanted to get rid of it... I'm simply posting information that you are wrong when saying a new stadium revitalizes downtown areas.
I can't believe you would even post crap like this what do live on Mars?

Besides the revenue do you know the pyscho help it brings a citie ?

If they win the Superbowl

The NBA championship

The world series

The Stanley cup

And even for the little cities the high school state championship?

You don't have a clue about moral do you?

Are you talking to me? I'm sorry but academic research isn't crap...

Yes I am talking to you ..

It's assnine powder puff band fag


You are arguing against it and there is no way you read it...

You are that fucking close-minded?

That would be you ..

Sports teams define a city it brings in millions of dollars in revenue.

What would happen if the Chicago Cubs, Chicago bears, Chicago White Sox, the Chicago black Hawks, the Chicago bulls all left Chicago?

This is what would happen

I can't believe you would even post crap like this what do live on Mars?

Besides the revenue do you know the pyscho help it brings a citie ?

If they win the Superbowl

The NBA championship

The world series

The Stanley cup

And even for the little cities the high school state championship?

You don't have a clue about moral do you?

Are you talking to me? I'm sorry but academic research isn't crap...

Yes I am talking to you ..

It's assnine powder puff band fag


You are arguing against it and there is no way you read it...

You are that fucking close-minded?

That would be you ..

Sports teams define a city it brings in millions of dollars in revenue.

What would happen if the Chicago Cubs, Chicago bears, Chicago White Sox, the Chicago black Hawks, the Chicago bulls all left Chicago?

This is what would happen

View attachment 168244

That's your OPINION. I posted a paper that uses actually FACTS to tell why a new stadium downtown does not indeed make the positive financial impact you think it does.
So what else you want to get rid off jerk off no move liberal arts, no place where people can get together?

Your an idiot like the other one we need moral

I never said I wanted to get rid of it... I'm simply posting information that you are wrong when saying a new stadium revitalizes downtown areas.

Have you been personally yet to Minnesota new stadium..I bothered to check the NFC
Yesterday (I have been on a year long boycott of the NFL)

The Vikings are in first place in their division

My bears suck
Have you been to the new stadium in Detroit.?

I have not .

So go there and report back to me if you don't feel some comadre (spl) in the air...

My Clemson tigers headed down to the sugar bowl ..

And the moral is in the air to beat Alabama on the 1st..
So what else you want to get rid off jerk off no move liberal arts, no place where people can get together?

Your an idiot like the other one we need moral

I never said I wanted to get rid of it... I'm simply posting information that you are wrong when saying a new stadium revitalizes downtown areas.

Have you been personally yet to Minnesota new stadium..I bothered to check the NFC
Yesterday (I have been on a year long boycott of the NFL)

The Vikings are in first place in their division

My bears suck
Have you been to the new stadium in Detroit.?

I have not .

So go there and report back to me if you don't feel some comadre (spl) in the air...

My Clemson tigers headed down to the sugar bowl ..

And the moral is in the air to beat Alabama on the 1st..

I don't care about your visits to these places.

FACTS, say you are wrong. Why the fuck do you continue to be so fucking close-minded?
I have a life, I have a job, I skipped a few pages.

What makes a religion. We are dangerously close to declaring everything a religion. Like the Spaghetti Monster religion that started up recently. It wouldn't be fair to not allow the nuts to have their own religions. The fair thing to do is to wipe out the special status they have and make them pay taxes like everybody else.

Like marriage. It's no longer possible to be fair to everyone to let everyone marry everyone. It's time to get the Government out of the marriage regulation business. Let's deregulate both.
You do know stadiums brings in millions of dollars to local down town areas right?
That's false.

Guess you never been to Wrigley Field

Ask your liberal friend RDerp on here for the truth..

He lives right out side it..

I am right your wrong..

You don't have a clue how much sports teams bring into a city

How much mom and pops places it helps

Your an idiot
Yeah, I'm the idiot.

Are pro sports teams economic winners for cities?

There are a lot of things economists disagree about, but the economic impact of sports stadiums isn't one of them.

“If you ever had a consensus in economics, this would be it," says Michael Leeds, a sports economist at Temple University. "There is no impact."

Leeds studied Chicago – as big a sports town as there is, with five major teams.

“If every sports team in Chicago were to suddenly disappear, the impact on the Chicago economy would be a fraction of 1 percent,” Leeds says. “A baseball team has about the same impact on a community as a midsize department store.”
So what else you want to get rid off jerk off no move liberal arts, no place where people can get together?

Your an idiot like the other one we need moral

I never said I wanted to get rid of it... I'm simply posting information that you are wrong when saying a new stadium revitalizes downtown areas.

Have you been personally yet to Minnesota new stadium..I bothered to check the NFC
Yesterday (I have been on a year long boycott of the NFL)

The Vikings are in first place in their division

My bears suck
Have you been to the new stadium in Detroit.?

I have not .

So go there and report back to me if you don't feel some comadre (spl) in the air...

My Clemson tigers headed down to the sugar bowl ..

And the moral is in the air to beat Alabama on the 1st..

I don't care about your visits to these places.

FACTS, say you are wrong. Why the fuck do you continue to be so fucking close-minded?

I want YOU to visit those places first hand

Go visit all the damn foot ball games in America next year when they playing regular season games from pro to college to high school

Go visit right now every NBA stadium, NHL stadium in America from now to the play offs

Go visit every baseball park in America in the spring and summer

Go to every NASCAR tack in America next year

Go to the Indy 500 in May

Go to the Kentucky Derby in May

And report back to us if you feel the same way

Quit being a miserable person ..

So what else you want to get rid off jerk off no move liberal arts, no place where people can get together?

Your an idiot like the other one we need moral

I never said I wanted to get rid of it... I'm simply posting information that you are wrong when saying a new stadium revitalizes downtown areas.

Have you been personally yet to Minnesota new stadium..I bothered to check the NFC
Yesterday (I have been on a year long boycott of the NFL)

The Vikings are in first place in their division

My bears suck
Have you been to the new stadium in Detroit.?

I have not .

So go there and report back to me if you don't feel some comadre (spl) in the air...

My Clemson tigers headed down to the sugar bowl ..

And the moral is in the air to beat Alabama on the 1st..

I don't care about your visits to these places.

FACTS, say you are wrong. Why the fuck do you continue to be so fucking close-minded?

I want YOU to visit those places first hand

Go visit all the damn foot ball games in America next year when they playing regular season games from pro to college to high school

Go visit right now every NBA stadium, NHL stadium in America from now to the play offs

Go visit every baseball park in America in the spring and summer

Go to every NASCAR tack in America next year

Go to the Indy 500 in May

Go to the Kentucky Derby in May

And report back to us if you feel the same way

Quit being a miserable person ..


You're wrong. FACTS say you are wrong. I enjoy sports. I LOVE sports... that doesn't change the facts that new stadium do not fix the economy around them. Quit being so fucking stupid.
You do know stadiums brings in millions of dollars to local down town areas right?
That's false.

Guess you never been to Wrigley Field

Ask your liberal friend RDerp on here for the truth..

He lives right out side it..

I am right your wrong..

You don't have a clue how much sports teams bring into a city

How much mom and pops places it helps

Your an idiot
Yeah, I'm the idiot.

Are pro sports teams economic winners for cities?

There are a lot of things economists disagree about, but the economic impact of sports stadiums isn't one of them.

“If you ever had a consensus in economics, this would be it," says Michael Leeds, a sports economist at Temple University. "There is no impact."

Leeds studied Chicago – as big a sports town as there is, with five major teams.

“If every sports team in Chicago were to suddenly disappear, the impact on the Chicago economy would be a fraction of 1 percent,” Leeds says. “A baseball team has about the same impact on a community as a midsize department store.”

You do know stadiums brings in millions of dollars to local down town areas right?
That's false.

Guess you never been to Wrigley Field

Ask your liberal friend RDerp on here for the truth..

He lives right out side it..

I am right your wrong..

You don't have a clue how much sports teams bring into a city

How much mom and pops places it helps

Your an idiot
Yeah, I'm the idiot.

Are pro sports teams economic winners for cities?

There are a lot of things economists disagree about, but the economic impact of sports stadiums isn't one of them.

“If you ever had a consensus in economics, this would be it," says Michael Leeds, a sports economist at Temple University. "There is no impact."

Leeds studied Chicago – as big a sports town as there is, with five major teams.

“If every sports team in Chicago were to suddenly disappear, the impact on the Chicago economy would be a fraction of 1 percent,” Leeds says. “A baseball team has about the same impact on a community as a midsize department store.”

You better check your tampon because it's leaking

You do know stadiums brings in millions of dollars to local down town areas right?
That's false.

Guess you never been to Wrigley Field

Ask your liberal friend RDerp on here for the truth..

He lives right out side it..

I am right your wrong..

You don't have a clue how much sports teams bring into a city

How much mom and pops places it helps

Your an idiot
Yeah, I'm the idiot.

Are pro sports teams economic winners for cities?

There are a lot of things economists disagree about, but the economic impact of sports stadiums isn't one of them.

“If you ever had a consensus in economics, this would be it," says Michael Leeds, a sports economist at Temple University. "There is no impact."

Leeds studied Chicago – as big a sports town as there is, with five major teams.

“If every sports team in Chicago were to suddenly disappear, the impact on the Chicago economy would be a fraction of 1 percent,” Leeds says. “A baseball team has about the same impact on a community as a midsize department store.”
Yeah, I'm the idiot.

Impact of Camden Yards is debated as it turns 25

Weighing the benefits

A quarter-century after Camden Yards opened, there is still debate over the economic benefits of the state's investment.

"I wouldn't deny that there are real emotional, psychological and, I would call them, economic benefits because economics is about people's happiness as much as anything," said Dennis Coates, a professor of economics at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. "It's just that these benefits are incredibly difficult to measure. And the things that we can measure don't show up. Number of jobs? It doesn't do anything for jobs. Income? It didn't do anything for income."

Coates and others believe professional sports teams often hype expected benefits because "they're selling something."

"I do hear people say the opening of Oriole Park jump-started redevelopment for the entire city and I think that's an exaggeration," said Louis Miserendino, a visiting fellow with the Maryland Public Policy Institute. "You don't have to look far to see it hasn't translated into an influx of development even within a mile or quarter-mile of the ballpark."
I have a life, I have a job, I skipped a few pages.

What makes a religion. We are dangerously close to declaring everything a religion. Like the Spaghetti Monster religion that started up recently. It wouldn't be fair to not allow the nuts to have their own religions. The fair thing to do is to wipe out the special status they have and make them pay taxes like everybody else.

Like marriage. It's no longer possible to be fair to everyone to let everyone marry everyone. It's time to get the Government out of the marriage regulation business. Let's deregulate both.

Dumbshit (Slyhunter) says, "The fair thing to do is to wipe out the special status they have and make them pay taxes like everybody else., there are numerous posts in in this." Dumbshit, there are numerous posts in this thread pointing out that churches pay taxes the same as any other non-profit organization. Churches don't get special treatment, dumbshit.

Ironically, Slyhunger, you're almost right. The government needs to stop imposing religious tests and cease looking for grounds to discriminate against people on the basis of religion. Yes, churches should be treated like everyone else, with complete disregard that they are religious. The same for any other organization, the government shouldn't concern itself with any organization's religious beliefs, or lack thereof. The government shouldn't be in the business of coercing anyone to do anything, so what people believe shouldn't be an issue.

And as the government has taken to using marriage for libtard fascism, the government should also stop concerning itself with people's relationships,such as marriage.
What would happen if the Chicago Cubs, Chicago bears, Chicago White Sox, the Chicago black Hawks, the Chicago bulls all left Chicago?

What would happen if any number of organizations or businesses left a town, that when added together equal the financial size of a football team? Many cities do just fine without major sports team.
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