The need to make churches pay tax

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Throughout our nation's history, churches have done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility. Moral and civil individuals are largely governed by their own sense of right and wrong, and hence have little need for external government. This is the real reason the collectivist Left hates religion: Churches as institutions compete with the state for the people's allegiance, and many devout people put their faith in God before putting their faith in the state. Knowing this, the secularists wage an ongoing war against religion, chipping away bit by bit at our nation's Christian heritage. Dr. Ron Paul

Libtards hate Christian values of personal responsibility and love to use a few bad apples to misrepresent all Christians. Libtards also hate churches because, as Ron Paul said, churches (God) compete with the state for people allegiances.
don't cherry pick the first amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Giving religions a pass on taxes is passing a law respecting the establishment of religion. So the tax free ride the business of religion gets violates the first amendment. Taxing the business of religion does not interfere with the free exercise of religion it simply treats religion like any other business

Churches are simply treated like other non-profits, it's just easier for them to get the exemption.

That's the point. I don't think any business should get an exemption.
If you want to be a nonprofit then show zero profit every year there is no need for any special treatment

Most Churches are not businesses. If a government agency thinks one is, they should go after it.

Of course they are.

They all take in revenue and claim expenses. They just get a pass on taxes

As do other non-profits.

They are not a for profit organization, i.e. what most people consider "business"
Other non-profits still pay property taxes.
The business of religion is bigger than Apple and Google combined.

Denying that is almost as dumb as believing in the magic man in the sky

And here is the crux of your position. You are just an anti-religious bigot.

How progressive of you.
And Skull Pilot gets a taste of the Right-Wing idiocy we Liberals deal with all the time.
You want separation of church and state yet want pay taxes say what?
Yes. I want separation of sports and state, too. The NFL shouldn't be tax-exempt, and owners should pay for their own stadiums, not look to the State to fund it.

The gummint shouldn't be giving tax exempt status to religions because the mere act recognizes religions, violating the 1st amendment. While also creating an uneven playing field.

Think about places like Baton Rouge or Tallahassee.

State capital: takes up acres and acres of prime real estate and pays no property taxes.

Major universities: FSU, FAMU, and 6 other colleges in Tallahassee, and LSU plus 14 other colleges in Baton Rouge! No property taxes.

Churches: There's a church on every corner in both cities. I've spent time in both. It's true. A simple Google Map search confirms it. They pay no property tax.

So who makes up for all that lost tax revenue? Home owners, residents, and businesses.

There are other examples of Capital City/Major University - Madison, Wisconsin comes to mind - but I don't think the 'church on every corner' element is as prevalent. I may be wrong.
You want separation of church and state yet want pay taxes say what?
Yes. I want separation of sports and state, too. The NFL shouldn't be tax-exempt, and owners should pay for their own stadiums, not look to the State to fund it.

The gummint shouldn't be giving tax exempt status to religions because the mere act recognizes religions, violating the 1st amendment. While also creating an uneven playing field.

Think about places like Baton Rouge or Tallahassee.

State capital: takes up acres and acres of prime real estate and pays no property taxes.

Major universities: FSU, FAMU, and 6 other colleges in Tallahassee, and LSU plus 14 other colleges in Baton Rouge! No property taxes.

Churches: There's a church on every corner in both cities. I've spent time in both. It's true. A simple Google Map search confirms it. They pay no property tax.

So who makes up for all that lost tax revenue? Home owners, residents, and businesses.

There are other examples of Capital City/Major University - Madison, Wisconsin comes to mind - but I don't think the 'church on every corner' element is as prevalent. I may be wrong.

What kind of life is that,,?

You do know stadiums brings in millions of dollars to local down town areas right?

Use your brains a damn local professional team brings in millions of dollars.

What do you want every blue citie in America to look like Detroit?
You want separation of church and state yet want pay taxes say what?
Yes. I want separation of sports and state, too. The NFL shouldn't be tax-exempt, and owners should pay for their own stadiums, not look to the State to fund it.

The gummint shouldn't be giving tax exempt status to religions because the mere act recognizes religions, violating the 1st amendment. While also creating an uneven playing field.

Think about places like Baton Rouge or Tallahassee.

State capital: takes up acres and acres of prime real estate and pays no property taxes.

Major universities: FSU, FAMU, and 6 other colleges in Tallahassee, and LSU plus 14 other colleges in Baton Rouge! No property taxes.

Churches: There's a church on every corner in both cities. I've spent time in both. It's true. A simple Google Map search confirms it. They pay no property tax.

So who makes up for all that lost tax revenue? Home owners, residents, and businesses.

There are other examples of Capital City/Major University - Madison, Wisconsin comes to mind - but I don't think the 'church on every corner' element is as prevalent. I may be wrong.

The Bengals' stadium is actually mostly funded by the county. They are going to have a big fight soon, as it was an odd situation. The county commissioner that helped to set up the deal which is EXTREMELY favorable to the Bengals, once he lost his job working for the county, got a job working for the Bengals. Bob Bedinghaus... screwed over the people of Hamilton County, and then got a job working for the Bengals. Fishy as shit.
You do know stadiums brings in millions of dollars to local down town areas right?
That's false.

Guess you never been to Wrigley Field

Ask your liberal friend RDerp on here for the truth..

He lives right out side it..

I am right your wrong..

You don't have a clue how much sports teams bring into a city

How much mom and pops places it helps

Your an idiot
You do know stadiums brings in millions of dollars to local down town areas right?
That's false.

Guess you never been to Wrigley Field

Ask your liberal friend RDerp on here for the truth..

He lives right out side it..

I am right your wrong..

You don't have a clue how much sports teams bring into a city

How much mom and pops places it helps

Your an idiot

Here is a rather long and well-cited academic journal article stating that new stadiums don't really vitalize the local economy.
I can't believe you would even post crap like this what do live on Mars?

Besides the revenue do you know the pyscho help it brings a citie ?

If they win the Superbowl

The NBA championship

The world series

The Stanley cup

And even for the little cities the high school state championship?

You don't have a clue about moral do you?
I can't believe you would even post crap like this what do live on Mars?

Besides the revenue do you know the pyscho help it brings a citie ?

If they win the Superbowl

The NBA championship

The world series

The Stanley cup

And even for the little cities the high school state championship?

You don't have a clue about moral do you?

Are you talking to me? I'm sorry but academic research isn't crap...
You do know stadiums brings in millions of dollars to local down town areas right?
That's false.

Guess you never been to Wrigley Field

Ask your liberal friend RDerp on here for the truth..

He lives right out side it..

I am right your wrong..

You don't have a clue how much sports teams bring into a city

How much mom and pops places it helps

Your an idiot

Here is a rather long and well-cited academic journal article stating that new stadiums don't really vitalize the local economy.

What would happen with out it?

A bunch of miserable people going to work every day like robots

No high fives , no hugs say we finally did it?

Get the fuck out out of here..
I can't believe you would even post crap like this what do live on Mars?

Besides the revenue do you know the pyscho help it brings a citie ?

If they win the Superbowl

The NBA championship

The world series

The Stanley cup

And even for the little cities the high school state championship?

You don't have a clue about moral do you?

Are you talking to me? I'm sorry but academic research isn't crap...

Yes I am talking to you ..

It's assnine powder puff band fag

I have no problem with any and all places of worship and congregation, to paying local, state and federal taxes. I would allow exemptions for such bonafide groups who offer shelter, food, clothing, etc for the needy.
So what else you want to get rid off jerk off no move liberal arts, no place where people can get together?

Your an idiot like the other one we need moral
I can't believe you would even post crap like this what do live on Mars?

Besides the revenue do you know the pyscho help it brings a citie ?

If they win the Superbowl

The NBA championship

The world series

The Stanley cup

And even for the little cities the high school state championship?

You don't have a clue about moral do you?

Are you talking to me? I'm sorry but academic research isn't crap...

Yes I am talking to you ..

It's assnine powder puff band fag


You are arguing against it and there is no way you read it...

You are that fucking close-minded?

I have no problem with any and all places of worship and congregation, to paying local, state and federal taxes. I would allow exemptions for such bonafide groups who offer shelter, food, clothing, etc for the needy.

And what would you do with the tax dollars?

For your pet projects like killing baby's through abortion?
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