The Negative Consequences of Net Neutrality Explained in 2 Minutes

This does a good job of explaining why Net Neutrality will be a disaster.

Wow. Someone who knows nothing about net neutrality linking a video about someone else who knows nothing about net neutrality.

Here please check out this cartoon responding to Rafael Cruz:

Dear Senator Ted Cruz I m going to explain to you how Net Neutrality ACTUALLY works - The Oatmeal

He's more credible than Obama, and one thing we know about Obama is that he's a pathological liar.
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It explains nothing. It's just fear-mongering. Cruz is covering up the fact that without neutrality we're going to end up with cyber-gated communities and cyber-ghettos. I wonder who's stuffing Cruz's pockets?

"cyber-gated communities and cyber-ghettos."

Sooo, where are these ghettos now?

How dumb can you people get?
Anything that gives the power to the government to control the flow of information is a bad thing!
This does a good job of explaining why Net Neutrality will be a disaster.

Wow. Someone who knows nothing about net neutrality linking a video about someone else who knows nothing about net neutrality.

Here please check out this cartoon responding to Rafael Cruz:

Dear Senator Ted Cruz I m going to explain to you how Net Neutrality ACTUALLY works - The Oatmeal

He's more credible than Obama, and one thing we know about Obama is that he's a pathological liar.

"cyber-gated communities and cyber-ghettos."
Sooo, where are these ghettos now?
How dumb can you people get?

Do you even get the point of this thread? Cyber-ghettos are what net neutrality will prevent. They're not here yet, but whoever's stuffing Cruz's pockets will create them, if we let them. The net isn't supposed to belong to any one group over another.
He's more credible than Obama, and one thing we know about Obama is that he's a pathological liar.

I've found that those who throw around that kind of charge are usually trying to distract us from their own lies.
This does a good job of explaining why Net Neutrality will be a disaster.

Wow. Someone who knows nothing about net neutrality linking a video about someone else who knows nothing about net neutrality.

Here please check out this cartoon responding to Rafael Cruz:

Dear Senator Ted Cruz I m going to explain to you how Net Neutrality ACTUALLY works - The Oatmeal

He's more credible than Obama, and one thing we know about Obama is that he's a pathological liar.


Your pic isn't helping your case. Who's the biggest bullshitter in the universe? Here's a hint:

"if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
This does a good job of explaining why Net Neutrality will be a disaster.

While I agree with everything he says, the problem is with the internet providers. As long as the government is regulating the internet providers, there may be some need to regulate access to the internet ensuring equal access. However, once the government is involved, I fear censorship of content it deems illegitimate or controversial is not far behind. Remember SOPA and PIPA? Measures like those will be far easier once Net Neutrality is enacted. Anyone remember these chilling words?

Currently, there are some barriers for who can be an internet provider. If you had some start up capitol, you couldn't just go out and challenge the market place dominance of Comcast, the local DSL carriers in your area, DISH or Direct TV. There are only so many lines available, carrier waves and phone lines with which to provide internet service. As such, these ostensibly ARE public utilities held for the common good. Just like water, land, and other communal resources.

For private entities to bar access to persons that would like to either share information on a non-profit basis, or have a small start up business, large monopolistic enterprises DO pose a threat to the first amendment and the freedom of speech if they let their profit interests trump the public's right to access that public infrastructure and those public resources held in private hands. That is just a fact.

OTH, he is right, if left to bureaucrats that are easily corrupted by industry, it won't matter much either way. Radio and Television are hypothetically supposed to be regulated for the community to have free access, and the only way a person in the community can realistically get access is through a local community cable access channel or through short wave radio. So his concerns might be real, but chances are they are a smoke screen and a diversion for profitable big business interests.

Here is the skinny on Net Neutrality.

This does a good job of explaining why Net Neutrality will be a disaster.

Um, net neutrality has been the state of the internet since its inception. How was it a 'disaster'?

Keep up, there was a new ruling in January. The experts at the Electronic Frontier Foundation weighed in. They are non-partisan, and their only interest is in defending our free speech and commerce rights on the internet.

FCC's New Rules Could Threaten Net Neutrality
FCC s New Rules Could Threaten Net Neutrality Electronic Frontier Foundation
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler is circulating a proposal for new FCC rules on the issue of network neutrality, the idea that Internet service providers (ISPs) should treat all data that travels over their networks equally. Unfortunately, early reports suggest those rules may do more harm than good.
According to reports, Chairman Wheeler’s new proposal embraces a “commercially reasonable” standard for network management. That standard could allow ISPs to charge companies for preferential treatment, such as charging web-based companies like Netflix or Amazon to reach consumers at faster speeds.
This kind of “pay to play” model would be profoundly dangerous for competition. New innovators often cannot afford to pay to reach consumers at the same speeds as well-established web companies. That means ISPs could effectively become gatekeepers to their subscribers.
The problem is that most people don’t know about this extremely opaque process, and so they don’t participate. Let’s change that. Stay tuned. We’ll let you know when it’s time to raise your voice and add your testimony during the FCC’s public comment window when the new proposed rules are announced.
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler is circulating a proposal for new FCC rules on the issue of network neutrality, the idea that Internet service providers (ISPs) should treat all data that travels over their networks equally. Unfortunately, early reports suggest those rules may do more harm than good.

And is Wheeler's plan what Obama is proposing?
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler is circulating a proposal for new FCC rules on the issue of network neutrality, the idea that Internet service providers (ISPs) should treat all data that travels over their networks equally. Unfortunately, early reports suggest those rules may do more harm than good.

And is Wheeler's plan what Obama is proposing?

Quite the opposite, and that's what many people either don't understand, or are deliberately ignoring. The FCC is currently engaging in some very nasty bullshit regulating from their perch which is apparently deep inside Big Telcom's pockets. Obama's proposal will keep bought men at the FCC out of it.
Okay, here is what
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler is circulating a proposal for new FCC rules on the issue of network neutrality, the idea that Internet service providers (ISPs) should treat all data that travels over their networks equally. Unfortunately, early reports suggest those rules may do more harm than good.

And is Wheeler's plan what Obama is proposing?

This is what he has to say. I don't know why you care. He has lied on just about everything. So anyone that doesn't know that he has an ulterior motives by now is an idiot in my book. The video that started this thread is probably more reliable.

Have we caught Mr. Cruz in a lie YET? I emphasize yet. lol

Everything Obama says is for popularity and expediency only. YES, this is what we WANT to hear. It is what we need to hear. Will it be done? Who knows. Are there some caveats? Probably.

And somewhere in there, there is probably a government tax as well. lol

Once again the common theme of the progtard is on vivid display in this thread...



I don't know where or how progtards got that so thoroughly indoctrinated into their brains, but they are truly BRAIN WASHED. All it takes for them is for someone with a D beside their name to come forth with any cockamamie idea under the sun, and they will all line up behind it like the good little programmed sheeple they are. Makes no difference what the idea is, as long as a D said it, it's GOOD. Just amazing how shallow the mind is of the progtard.
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