The Negrification of Television

The fictional Santa Claus legend is intended for indulgence by children -- not mentally competent adults. The fictional Santa Claus character I am familiar with is a fat, "jolly," White man with a beard. I dismiss any deviation from the traditional incarnation of Santa Claus as either nonsense or purposeful deception.

I'm just saying that he's a fictional character, and that people aught to have the freedom to change attributes of that fictional character if they want to.

You don't have to accept a black Santa, but if a family wants to tell their kids Santa is black/asian, they aught to have the right to do that without getting criticized for it. No one is suggesting that you be forced to do anything.
Change, change, change... WHY put a black woman in the mother superior role... WHY? What MESSAGE were they sending by doing so? Was there no QUALIFIED WHITE women to fit the role? What is it about this never ending NEED to CHANGE things?

Well I think I know as well as YOU do. It's AGENDA DRIVEN, PERIOD. It's POLITICALLY CORRECT. They put a black women in that role so blacks wouldn't feel LEFT OUT. No you say? Then why, recently, was there just a huge stink about no BLACK WOMEN on SNL? Same thing... you BETTER put a black woman in these roles or you're RACIST.

That is what's at the CORE of this issue.

Jesus has to be BLACK
Santa Claus has to be BLACK
obama isn't half white, he's BLACK
NOTHING can remain WHITE. It's RACIST, it's not POLITICALLY CORRECT, and we can't have that.

Stop whiining. Everything is not white and never has been. Your problem is that you have been fooled by the same system set up to fool people of color. Jesus was Black. All you have to do is follow his lineage in the bible to find this out. Santa was based on a black saint. Obama is black because he choose to identify with that. Get over it.
If a White actor stuffed a sock in the mouth of a Black actor's character, took a knife and cut along the top of his forehead, and then ripped his scalp off...all hell would break loose.

Go see "The Butler". Black Son sees his father shot dead before his eyes for picking cotton "too slow" for the white overseer. Based on a true story.

I saw it at a theatre where the packed audience was integrated, and "all hell did not break loose". Just adult people of all types watching a movie, that all went home peacefully after it was over.

Why do you Yanks not distinguish between a 'theatre' - real live actors on a stage, and a 'cinema' - actors not present, just projected onto a screen? I had to read your post twice to make sure you were not talking about a play but a film.

Good question. Maybe it's just a social difference. Here is a picture and story of a "movie theatre" that I used to go to as a kid growing up in San Diego, California.

Balboa Theatre, Downtown San Diego, 1965 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
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If a White actor stuffed a sock in the mouth of a Black actor's character, took a knife and cut along the top of his forehead, and then ripped his scalp off...all hell would break loose.

Go see "The Butler". Black Son sees his father shot dead before his eyes for picking cotton "too slow" for the white overseer. Based on a true story.

I saw it at a theatre where the packed audience was integrated, and "all hell did not break loose". Just adult people of all types watching a movie, that all went home peacefully after it was over.

Why do you Yanks not distinguish between a 'theatre' - real live actors on a stage, and a 'cinema' - actors not present, just projected onto a screen? I had to read your post twice to make sure you were not talking about a play but a film.

Your answer is in your own post about it.
If a White actor stuffed a sock in the mouth of a Black actor's character, took a knife and cut along the top of his forehead, and then ripped his scalp off...all hell would break loose.

Go see "The Butler". Black Son sees his father shot dead before his eyes for picking cotton "too slow" for the white overseer. Based on a true story.

I saw it at a theatre where the packed audience was integrated, and "all hell did not break loose". Just adult people of all types watching a movie, that all went home peacefully after it was over.

Have you seen 12 years as a slave? Everyone in the theatre was in tears. Integrated audience as well.

"Integrated"? What, did they bus people in from different neighborhoods?

Go see "The Butler". Black Son sees his father shot dead before his eyes for picking cotton "too slow" for the white overseer. Based on a true story.

I saw it at a theatre where the packed audience was integrated, and "all hell did not break loose". Just adult people of all types watching a movie, that all went home peacefully after it was over.

Have you seen 12 years as a slave? Everyone in the theatre was in tears. Integrated audience as well.

"Integrated"? What, did they bus people in from different neighborhoods?


no, they brought their own cars.:eusa_shhh:
Personally I don't think calling someone racist for starting a thread entitled "The Negrification of Television" is all that unfair. He clearly has an agenda against black folks.
That would depend on what you mean by "racist." As I've previously mentioned, that word is so over-used and mis-used it has evolved to mean different things to different people.

He complains about the fact that only blacks with perfect bone structure are on TV - as if it's just an issue isolated to black people - and completely ignores the fact that ALL people, black, white, latino, asian, etc are generally beautiful on screen. When was the last time a 230 lb white woman won best actress?

His argument is racist at the core....
Whether or not his argument is "racist" depends on what you mean by "racist." (I once heard a young Black girl on a radio call-in program complain her father was "racist" against cats!)

I believe what DGS49 is saying is tv and print media advertisements which seem to promote accelerated integration always feature a White person coupled with a Black person who is an obvious hybrid (mulatto) rather than representative of the typical African anthropological type.

Also, it should be noted that DGS49 did not make reference to that which is or is not "beautiful." He referred only to anthropological stereotypes, in which mention of such physiological characteristics as bone structure, etc., are perfectly valid distinctions.

Again, please be specific about what you mean by "racist."
Oh look, another racist liberal trying to convince himself he's still a 'good person.' :rolleyes:
It's not hard to see why the history of the democrat party is what it shamefully is.
More liberal progaganda to convince us that blacks can do things other than sports and welfare and crime. Not fooling anyone.
More liberal progaganda to convince us that blacks can do things other than sports and welfare and crime. Not fooling anyone.

You still haven't told us about all your great achievements, or even what advanced degrees in math and/or science you hold. Why is that? I'm certain you've been asked about it many times.

Personally I don't think calling someone racist for starting a thread entitled "The Negrification of Television" is all that unfair. He clearly has an agenda against black folks.
That would depend on what you mean by "racist." As I've previously mentioned, that word is so over-used and mis-used it has evolved to mean different things to different people.

He complains about the fact that only blacks with perfect bone structure are on TV - as if it's just an issue isolated to black people - and completely ignores the fact that ALL people, black, white, latino, asian, etc are generally beautiful on screen. When was the last time a 230 lb white woman won best actress?

His argument is racist at the core....
Whether or not his argument is "racist" depends on what you mean by "racist." (I once heard a young Black girl on a radio call-in program complain her father was "racist" against cats!)

I believe what DGS49 is saying is tv and print media advertisements which seem to promote accelerated integration always feature a White person coupled with a Black person who is an obvious hybrid (mulatto) rather than representative of the typical African anthropological type.

Also, it should be noted that DGS49 did not make reference to that which is or is not "beautiful." He referred only to anthropological stereotypes, in which mention of such physiological characteristics as bone structure, etc., are perfectly valid distinctions.

Again, please be specific about what you mean by "racist."

You can make a very good case for the person being a racist. "Negrification"? I never heard of the word and looked it up. I could not find it in a "official" dictionary but did find it on several white power sites and in the urban dictionary.


The process of societal degradation as manifested by the exaltation of all things relating to negro "culture". White persons opposing this phenomenon and it's effects upon their cultures/nations are to be quickly smeared as "racists" and ostracized from polite society.

Sounds like a racist to me.
Go see "The Butler". Black Son sees his father shot dead before his eyes for picking cotton "too slow" for the white overseer. Based on a true story.

I saw it at a theatre where the packed audience was integrated, and "all hell did not break loose". Just adult people of all types watching a movie, that all went home peacefully after it was over.

Have you seen 12 years as a slave? Everyone in the theatre was in tears. Integrated audience as well.

"Integrated"? What, did they bus people in from different neighborhoods?


Lol. No Unk. They all drove there.
I gave up on TV and movies several years ago. I can't say I've missed anything.

I would say you have missed the years when American TV grew up. Rising from worst in the world to some of the best. Masterpieces like Band of Brothers, The Wire and several more.
Yes. Those are two good ones.

More recently there have been several really fine British productions by the BBC shown on PBS: Gosford Park; Lark Rise to Candleford; Downton Abbey; and Parade's End. I'm becoming a bit of an Anglophile in my determined preference for British television. I like everything about it and I deeply regret never having watched Upstairs/Downstairs.
These fucking white wingers don't even know they are racist. Wasn't it in another thread that someone said someone from their family married a "darky"? They accepted the darky so that proves they aren't racist. Fuck. What do you say to that?
[ame=]Super Bowl Commercials 2013: Volkswagen Ad Stirs Online Racism Debate - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Another anti-White commercial from State Farm Insurance - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Racial Propaganda: Black boy with white girl leads her away from dumb white boy - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]anti-White Gain fabric softener commercial - YouTube[/ame]

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