The Negrification of Television

[ame=]Racist Aleve Commercial.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]
"White privilege" did not come from blacks, but black privilege did come from whites.
I think some koolaid from Jim Jones survived and folks didn't die from it. They procreated and braincells were fucked up. NONE of the ones I watched were racist to me. Am I missing something? Or do I have fully functioning brain cells???
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I think some koolaid from Jim Jones survived and folks didn't die from it. They procreated and braincells were fucked up. NONE of the ones I watched were racist to me. Am I missing something? Or do I have fully functioning brain cells???
Reverse the races in these commercials, now are they racist?
Last week, while looking for something to watch on television, I clicked on a "link" to "The Sound of Music Live," which has been promoted rather heavily on the cable system. How can you go wrong with the Sound of Music?

As I watched the opening scene - a convent in Austria around 1938 - the first face shown in the center of the screen had a rather odd "hue." I wondered if my TV was out of adjustment. Within a few seconds as the other nuns came fully on the screen I saw that my television was not out of adjustment, but there was a bizarre casting anomaly. Dumbfounding, actually. The Mother Superior of this convent in Austria was an African American.

Oddly enough, I have been to Salzburg, Austria, and I think I can say with absolute certainty that the probability of any nun in any Catholic convent in this city being of African origin is approximately equal to the probability that I will win the MVP award in the NBA this season.


Then a few days later I tuned into a nice "holiday" movie called, "A Snow Globe Christmas." The description in the guide said that the story was about a hard-edged woman who, while cynically preparing for a Christmas pageant, was bonked on the head by a Snow Globe, and found herself in the "idealized world" of the Snow Globe, with her own self ensconsed in a "perfect snow globe life," which she struggled to understand and deal with.


So I start to watch the story (really, a lame takeoff on Scrooged and other such holiday nonsense). After the snow globe knockout, we come to see that the main character - in the idealized world of the snow globe - is married to a Black guy and has two bi-racial kids.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ. This is the "ideal"? The imaginary perfect world? In whose mind, exactly?

I see a commercial with nauseating frequency - I believe it's from the S. C. Johnson company - of a fairly large group of young people singing a stylized Christmas carol. Not one of the kids is caucasian. There are a few Asians, but basically it is the Harlem Kids Choir - or some variation of it. This is inclusion? This is diversity? I don't think so.

Invariably, in television dramas, sit-coms, and even reality shows, black people are portrayed as more intelligent, insightful, compassionate, reasonable, talented, and patient. With few exceptions, the "Black" people who are cast in these programs have light skin, caucasian features (blue or green eyes, etc), and perfect bone structure. The wide noses and negroid lips that characterize the vast majority of "Black" Americans are rare or non-existent.

Television advertising is amazingly inclusive of mulattos of various shades. A martian viewing nothing but American television would conclude that the American population is 20% gay and 50% bi-racial.

How many people recognize this is a giant propaganda campaign, similar to the ongoing campaign to portray all homosexuals as wholesome and wonderful? I find it quite tiresome.

I understand that next season they are going to do a Black version of the Cosby Show.
Last week, while looking for something to watch on television, I clicked on a "link" to "The Sound of Music Live," which has been promoted rather heavily on the cable system. How can you go wrong with the Sound of Music?

As I watched the opening scene - a convent in Austria around 1938 - the first face shown in the center of the screen had a rather odd "hue." I wondered if my TV was out of adjustment. Within a few seconds as the other nuns came fully on the screen I saw that my television was not out of adjustment, but there was a bizarre casting anomaly. Dumbfounding, actually. The Mother Superior of this convent in Austria was an African American.

Oddly enough, I have been to Salzburg, Austria, and I think I can say with absolute certainty that the probability of any nun in any Catholic convent in this city being of African origin is approximately equal to the probability that I will win the MVP award in the NBA this season.


Then a few days later I tuned into a nice "holiday" movie called, "A Snow Globe Christmas." The description in the guide said that the story was about a hard-edged woman who, while cynically preparing for a Christmas pageant, was bonked on the head by a Snow Globe, and found herself in the "idealized world" of the Snow Globe, with her own self ensconsed in a "perfect snow globe life," which she struggled to understand and deal with.


So I start to watch the story (really, a lame takeoff on Scrooged and other such holiday nonsense). After the snow globe knockout, we come to see that the main character - in the idealized world of the snow globe - is married to a Black guy and has two bi-racial kids.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ. This is the "ideal"? The imaginary perfect world? In whose mind, exactly?

I see a commercial with nauseating frequency - I believe it's from the S. C. Johnson company - of a fairly large group of young people singing a stylized Christmas carol. Not one of the kids is caucasian. There are a few Asians, but basically it is the Harlem Kids Choir - or some variation of it. This is inclusion? This is diversity? I don't think so.

Invariably, in television dramas, sit-coms, and even reality shows, black people are portrayed as more intelligent, insightful, compassionate, reasonable, talented, and patient. With few exceptions, the "Black" people who are cast in these programs have light skin, caucasian features (blue or green eyes, etc), and perfect bone structure. The wide noses and negroid lips that characterize the vast majority of "Black" Americans are rare or non-existent.

Television advertising is amazingly inclusive of mulattos of various shades. A martian viewing nothing but American television would conclude that the American population is 20% gay and 50% bi-racial.

How many people recognize this is a giant propaganda campaign, similar to the ongoing campaign to portray all homosexuals as wholesome and wonderful? I find it quite tiresome.

So you have not discovered the location of the "off" button on your TV? Check your user manual.

Perhaps he/she should turn off the TV and try something new, like reading.
These fucking white wingers don't even know they are racist. Wasn't it in another thread that someone said someone from their family married a "darky"? They accepted the darky so that proves they aren't racist. Fuck. What do you say to that?

A real racist would have lynched the guy
I just thought the networks and movies were representing the evolution in America, of many things. They do have to appeal to a broader audience to stay in business. And business does provide jobs.
And the advertisers are not really off base. The fastest growing demographic in the US is mixed-race people.
Last week, while looking for something to watch on television, I clicked on a "link" to "The Sound of Music Live," which has been promoted rather heavily on the cable system. How can you go wrong with the Sound of Music?

As I watched the opening scene - a convent in Austria around 1938 - the first face shown in the center of the screen had a rather odd "hue." I wondered if my TV was out of adjustment. Within a few seconds as the other nuns came fully on the screen I saw that my television was not out of adjustment, but there was a bizarre casting anomaly. Dumbfounding, actually. The Mother Superior of this convent in Austria was an African American.

Oddly enough, I have been to Salzburg, Austria, and I think I can say with absolute certainty that the probability of any nun in any Catholic convent in this city being of African origin is approximately equal to the probability that I will win the MVP award in the NBA this season.


Then a few days later I tuned into a nice "holiday" movie called, "A Snow Globe Christmas." The description in the guide said that the story was about a hard-edged woman who, while cynically preparing for a Christmas pageant, was bonked on the head by a Snow Globe, and found herself in the "idealized world" of the Snow Globe, with her own self ensconsed in a "perfect snow globe life," which she struggled to understand and deal with.


So I start to watch the story (really, a lame takeoff on Scrooged and other such holiday nonsense). After the snow globe knockout, we come to see that the main character - in the idealized world of the snow globe - is married to a Black guy and has two bi-racial kids.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ. This is the "ideal"? The imaginary perfect world? In whose mind, exactly?

I see a commercial with nauseating frequency - I believe it's from the S. C. Johnson company - of a fairly large group of young people singing a stylized Christmas carol. Not one of the kids is caucasian. There are a few Asians, but basically it is the Harlem Kids Choir - or some variation of it. This is inclusion? This is diversity? I don't think so.

Invariably, in television dramas, sit-coms, and even reality shows, black people are portrayed as more intelligent, insightful, compassionate, reasonable, talented, and patient. With few exceptions, the "Black" people who are cast in these programs have light skin, caucasian features (blue or green eyes, etc), and perfect bone structure. The wide noses and negroid lips that characterize the vast majority of "Black" Americans are rare or non-existent.

Television advertising is amazingly inclusive of mulattos of various shades. A martian viewing nothing but American television would conclude that the American population is 20% gay and 50% bi-racial.

How many people recognize this is a giant propaganda campaign, similar to the ongoing campaign to portray all homosexuals as wholesome and wonderful? I find it quite tiresome.

Everyone recognizes this as typical conservative fear of diversity.

As well as the propensity of many on the right to contrive a controversy where none exists.
Last week, while looking for something to watch on television, I clicked on a "link" to "The Sound of Music Live," which has been promoted rather heavily on the cable system. How can you go wrong with the Sound of Music?

As I watched the opening scene - a convent in Austria around 1938 - the first face shown in the center of the screen had a rather odd "hue." I wondered if my TV was out of adjustment. Within a few seconds as the other nuns came fully on the screen I saw that my television was not out of adjustment, but there was a bizarre casting anomaly. Dumbfounding, actually. The Mother Superior of this convent in Austria was an African American.

Oddly enough, I have been to Salzburg, Austria, and I think I can say with absolute certainty that the probability of any nun in any Catholic convent in this city being of African origin is approximately equal to the probability that I will win the MVP award in the NBA this season.


Then a few days later I tuned into a nice "holiday" movie called, "A Snow Globe Christmas." The description in the guide said that the story was about a hard-edged woman who, while cynically preparing for a Christmas pageant, was bonked on the head by a Snow Globe, and found herself in the "idealized world" of the Snow Globe, with her own self ensconsed in a "perfect snow globe life," which she struggled to understand and deal with.


So I start to watch the story (really, a lame takeoff on Scrooged and other such holiday nonsense). After the snow globe knockout, we come to see that the main character - in the idealized world of the snow globe - is married to a Black guy and has two bi-racial kids.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ. This is the "ideal"? The imaginary perfect world? In whose mind, exactly?

I see a commercial with nauseating frequency - I believe it's from the S. C. Johnson company - of a fairly large group of young people singing a stylized Christmas carol. Not one of the kids is caucasian. There are a few Asians, but basically it is the Harlem Kids Choir - or some variation of it. This is inclusion? This is diversity? I don't think so.

Invariably, in television dramas, sit-coms, and even reality shows, black people are portrayed as more intelligent, insightful, compassionate, reasonable, talented, and patient. With few exceptions, the "Black" people who are cast in these programs have light skin, caucasian features (blue or green eyes, etc), and perfect bone structure. The wide noses and negroid lips that characterize the vast majority of "Black" Americans are rare or non-existent.

Television advertising is amazingly inclusive of mulattos of various shades. A martian viewing nothing but American television would conclude that the American population is 20% gay and 50% bi-racial.

How many people recognize this is a giant propaganda campaign, similar to the ongoing campaign to portray all homosexuals as wholesome and wonderful? I find it quite tiresome.

Everyone recognizes this as typical conservative fear of diversity.

As well as the propensity of many on the right to contrive a controversy where none exists.

The truth is for them portraying gays in any light except a negative one threatens their distorted view of what is moral.
In contrast to the "black" woman as Mother Superior in the Sound of Music Live, consider the black drill instructor in "An Officer and a Gentleman." Lou Gossett, if memory serves.

This (unlike The Sound of Music) is an entirely fictitious story in which the author saw the Drill Sergeant as a typical white, southern, red neck Drill Instructor. That's what was in the script. But Lou Gossett read for the part and kicked ass, and in fact he kicked ass in the movie.

I have no problem with that. In fact I applaud the Director for being willing to see a different and possibly better presentation of the basic fictional story.

Contrast this with the SOML. The story is "based on actual events" that happened to the von Trapp family in Austria during the time in question. The Trapp family is a real family (now living in Vermont). The convent was real and had real nuns, and like it or not, THEY WERE ALL WHITE AND EVERYONE KNOWS IT. Having a "black" woman cast at the Mother Superior is a crime against nature.

Josh Groban as Porgy. Same, same. Bullshit.


I flog myself mightily for confusing natalie wood with audrey hepburn. Yes, natalie wood played Maria (badly) in West Side Story. Audrey hepburn played 'Liza Doolitle, but couldn't sing the part, and had one of the worst phony English accents in the history of cinema - second only to Dick Van Dyke's in Mary Poppins.

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