The Negrification of Television

I believe the confusion in this issue derives from use of the word Black in place of the academically correct word, Negro.

The fact is a truly black complexion is relatively rare. The complexion of the vast majority of Negroes is some shade of brown. And the only truly white Caucasians (or Negroes) are albinos. In contemporary parlance the terms Black and White used in reference to ethnicity have a more socio-political than anthropological meaning.

What I'm getting at is having a brown complexion does not mean one belongs to the Negro race. East Indians are brown -- but they are not Negroes. Many South American natives have brown skin, as do Polynesians, along with many Middle Eastern categories, including some Egyptians.

So the correct question is was Ramses III a Negro. While I am not conclusively certain, based on images I've seen he was not.

Negro is a label made up by white people without the consent of Black people. At the end of the day negro is the the Latin word for the color black anyway. So whatever word you choose Ramses III was Black. Same goes for King Tut. This is not my opinion. It is a fact as proven by DNA. Don't take my word for it. Look it up if the proof provided is not up to your standards.

I guess I forgot white people may have a different thought process when it comes to the word Black. I don't mean Black literally as in the color of of ink though some of us are that dark. I mean any light tan, tan, brown, black, or even albino person that has roots in African culture even without realizing it sometimes. We can look at each other and just know we share something. What I'm getting at is when I meet a Polynesian or Fijian for example and we immediately feel the kinship. I have had a lot of them tell me they know their roots are in Africa. Turns out DNA proves that to be true as well.

Negro is the word for the color black in the German language
No, that would be "schwartz", "negro" is Spanish. US public education, eh?
I noticed the same thing in a Sound of Music. Not only that but Mother Superior spoke of having grown up in those hills and played there as a child. This is literary license that permits ignoring the woman's color in favor of her voice.

Did you see the SyFy show Merlin? Queen Guinevere was black. How did that happen?

Yes it is part of the general propaganda of how life should be lived. It is doing the same thing that television did when it depicted a stable family with a responsible father as was done in the 50s.

Sounds a lot like how they use to portray the Egyptians as white people when everyone already knew they were Black.

LOL, right. And the Jews didn't build the pyramids as slaves either. Next we'll be hearing 'The People Could Fly' and other absurd recitations of 'feel good' myths.
I noticed the same thing in a Sound of Music. Not only that but Mother Superior spoke of having grown up in those hills and played there as a child. This is literary license that permits ignoring the woman's color in favor of her voice.

Did you see the SyFy show Merlin? Queen Guinevere was black. How did that happen?

Yes it is part of the general propaganda of how life should be lived. It is doing the same thing that television did when it depicted a stable family with a responsible father as was done in the 50s.

Sounds a lot like how they use to portray the Egyptians as white people when everyone already knew they were Black.

LOL, right. And the Jews didn't build the pyramids as slaves either. Next we'll be hearing 'The People Could Fly' and other absurd recitations of 'feel good' myths.

You can remain ignorant or you can do as your name suggests and not take my word for it. Either way you look dumb not at least finding out before nervously laughing. DNA evidence is pretty hard to beat as proof. 96% sub-saharan DNA is more than the majority of African Americans in the US.
Sounds a lot like how they use to portray the Egyptians as white people when everyone already knew they were Black.

LOL, right. And the Jews didn't build the pyramids as slaves either. Next we'll be hearing 'The People Could Fly' and other absurd recitations of 'feel good' myths.

You can remain ignorant or you can do as your name suggests and not take my word for it. Either way you look dumb not at least finding out before nervously laughing. DNA evidence is pretty hard to beat as proof. 96% sub-saharan DNA is more than the majority of African Americans in the US.

My laughter wasn't nervous, but your's should be........Ok, I'll take your word for it. Doesn't that mean Blacks owe HUGE reparations to the Jewish Community for CENTURIES of enslavement under brutal Egyptian tyranny? It seems to me that toiling in the desert building pyramids was a bit more demanding than field work. Where's the equity ,my esteemed and learned friend? And when might I expect a check?
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I love how Libtards always do their best to deflect from the original thread in order to put forth their own broken ideas.

Do we ever get back to the proposition that, since a semi-black was elected president, advertisers and producers have gone out of their way to include blacks?
LOL, right. And the Jews didn't build the pyramids as slaves either. Next we'll be hearing 'The People Could Fly' and other absurd recitations of 'feel good' myths.

You can remain ignorant or you can do as your name suggests and not take my word for it. Either way you look dumb not at least finding out before nervously laughing. DNA evidence is pretty hard to beat as proof. 96% sub-saharan DNA is more than the majority of African Americans in the US.

My laughter wasn't nervous, but your's should be........Ok, I'll take your word for it. Doesn't that mean Blacks owe HUGE reparations to the Jewish Community for CENTURIES of enslavement under brutal Egyptian tyranny? It seems to me that toiling in the desert building pyramids was a bit more demanding than field work. Where's the equity ,my esteemed and learned friend? And when might I expect a check?

I wasn't laughing so why should I be nervous? I have repeatedly told people not to take my word for it. Look it up for yourself. Why exactly would that mean Blacks owe reparations to the Jewish community?
I love how Libtards always do their best to deflect from the original thread in order to put forth their own broken ideas.

Do we ever get back to the proposition that, since a semi-black was elected president, advertisers and producers have gone out of their way to include blacks?

Its called historical accuracy in most cases. In others why not? Whites have been cast in Black roles millions of times. Tuff shit if it bothers you that the tables are turning.
The point is, it's not historical accuracy, except in the rarest of cases. The producers and directors want to shove an "idealized" reality down the throats of the gullible public, in which black people are, in significant numbers, doctors, scientists, presidents, inventors, and even Mother Superiors of Austrian convents.

To some extent this is commendable, because there is no good reason why "Blacks" COULD not fill these roles in significant numbers, and maybe one day that will happen. But for now, it is a propaganda campaign that sometimes goes overboard. And in the case of the Sound of Music Live, it not only went overboard, it fell into the Marianas Trench.
The point is, it's not historical accuracy, except in the rarest of cases. The producers and directors want to shove an "idealized" reality down the throats of the gullible public, in which black people are, in significant numbers, doctors, scientists, presidents, inventors, and even Mother Superiors of Austrian convents.

To some extent this is commendable, because there is no good reason why "Blacks" COULD not fill these roles in significant numbers, and maybe one day that will happen. But for now, it is a propaganda campaign that sometimes goes overboard. And in the case of the Sound of Music Live, it not only went overboard, it fell into the Marianas Trench.

Again you totally miss the point that this has been done for years. Its socialization. I read somewhere that some show called Sex in the City never showed a black person in NY in a major role. I will see if I can find the article. The point is that whites since the invention of television have cast themselves in roles to give visual prompting to the masses. Thats how they convinced most people the Egyptians were white or that American society was like Leave it to Beaver. They show it on TV and most people cannot think for themselves so they just accept it as fact. Why the big hub bub now that it may be historically inaccurate when there was no such cry before?
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NOBODY was ever ever under the illusion that Jesus or any of the Pharoahs looked like Keiffer Sutherland. Everyone knows they had brown skin and dark hair, similar to people from India and today's middle east.

But the suggestion that they were "Black," which all rational people equate with Negro (black skin, kinky hair, wide nose, big lips), is total bullshit.

If Sidney Poitier had been cast as Jesus, the director of that production would been shot - despite the fact that he was one of the most positively-viewed "Negroes" in the U.S. in his most prolific years of acting.
NOBODY was ever ever under the illusion that Jesus or any of the Pharoahs looked like Keiffer Sutherland. Everyone knows they had brown skin and dark hair, similar to people from India and today's middle east.

But the suggestion that they were "Black," which all rational people equate with Negro (black skin, kinky hair, wide nose, big lips), is total bullshit.

If Sidney Poitier had been cast as Jesus, the director of that production would been shot - despite the fact that he was one of the most positively-viewed "Negroes" in the U.S. in his most prolific years of acting.

Thanks for proving my point. You say "rational people equate"? Its not very rational for people to equate that look to all Black people even in Africa. That's what they have been socialized to think. Yes some Africans do have those beautiful features but not all are blessed with that. I for instance am chocolate brown, medium lips, non kinky hair, and was teased for having a "white boy" nose. I am 72% Senegalese by genetics and would fit in Africa with no problem.

The fact that a producer would have been shot for casting Sidney as jesus is indicative to the hysteria whites feel when confronted with the truth. If you follow the lineage of Jesus you would see that at the least he is mixed depending on the ethnicity of some of his ancestors who were either definitely black or as of now unknown.
You can remain ignorant or you can do as your name suggests and not take my word for it. Either way you look dumb not at least finding out before nervously laughing. DNA evidence is pretty hard to beat as proof. 96% sub-saharan DNA is more than the majority of African Americans in the US.

My laughter wasn't nervous, but your's should be........Ok, I'll take your word for it. Doesn't that mean Blacks owe HUGE reparations to the Jewish Community for CENTURIES of enslavement under brutal Egyptian tyranny? It seems to me that toiling in the desert building pyramids was a bit more demanding than field work. Where's the equity ,my esteemed and learned friend? And when might I expect a check?

I wasn't laughing so why should I be nervous? I have repeatedly told people not to take my word for it. Look it up for yourself. Why exactly would that mean Blacks owe reparations to the Jewish community?

If you want to own it, then own the whole deal. I'm just asking you to be consistant with your views.
If Whites owe the Black Community reparations for slavery, then Blacks, whom you claim were Egyptians, owe Jews reparations for their enslavement. What exactly do you not understand about this concept?
My laughter wasn't nervous, but your's should be........Ok, I'll take your word for it. Doesn't that mean Blacks owe HUGE reparations to the Jewish Community for CENTURIES of enslavement under brutal Egyptian tyranny? It seems to me that toiling in the desert building pyramids was a bit more demanding than field work. Where's the equity ,my esteemed and learned friend? And when might I expect a check?

I wasn't laughing so why should I be nervous? I have repeatedly told people not to take my word for it. Look it up for yourself. Why exactly would that mean Blacks owe reparations to the Jewish community?

If you want to own it, then own the whole deal. I'm just asking you to be consistant with your views.
If Whites owe the Black Community reparations for slavery, then Blacks, whom you claim were Egyptians, owe Jews reparations for their enslavement. What exactly do you not understand about this concept?

I don't "claim" Egyptians were Black. Science has it as a fact so no claim is needed. European Jews were never enslaved by Blacks so I have no clue what you are talking about. Can you elaborate?
I wasn't laughing so why should I be nervous? I have repeatedly told people not to take my word for it. Look it up for yourself. Why exactly would that mean Blacks owe reparations to the Jewish community?

If you want to own it, then own the whole deal. I'm just asking you to be consistant with your views.
If Whites owe the Black Community reparations for slavery, then Blacks, whom you claim were Egyptians, owe Jews reparations for their enslavement. What exactly do you not understand about this concept?

I don't "claim" Egyptians were Black. Science has it as a fact so no claim is needed. European Jews were never enslaved by Blacks so I have no clue what you are talking about. Can you elaborate?

Finally some truth, you have 'no clue'. European Jews are decendants of the same enslaved people your ancestors victimized. You inherited the debt, so pay up with interest.
If you want to own it, then own the whole deal. I'm just asking you to be consistant with your views.
If Whites owe the Black Community reparations for slavery, then Blacks, whom you claim were Egyptians, owe Jews reparations for their enslavement. What exactly do you not understand about this concept?

I don't "claim" Egyptians were Black. Science has it as a fact so no claim is needed. European Jews were never enslaved by Blacks so I have no clue what you are talking about. Can you elaborate?

Finally some truth, you have 'no clue'. European Jews are decendants of the same enslaved people your ancestors victimized. You inherited the debt, so pay up with interest.

No actually European Jews are just white people that picked up Judaism back in the day. I'm sure there was probably some mixing as well but the white Jews of today have nothing to do with the original Hebrews. Also Israel now sits on land that was historically Black. They owe the indigenous people not the other way around. You should read your Bible. Its filled with lots of proof the original Hebrews were Black and no different looking than the Egyptians. For example.

Amos 9:7 ASV
Are ye not as the children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel? saith Jehovah. Have not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt, and the Philistines from Caphtor, and the Syrians from Kir?
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I don't "claim" Egyptians were Black. Science has it as a fact so no claim is needed. European Jews were never enslaved by Blacks so I have no clue what you are talking about. Can you elaborate?

Finally some truth, you have 'no clue'. European Jews are decendants of the same enslaved people your ancestors victimized. You inherited the debt, so pay up with interest.

No actually European Jews are just white people that picked up Judaism back in the day. I'm sure there was probably some mixing as well but the white Jews of today have nothing to do with the original Hebrews. Also Israel now sits on land that was historically Black. They owe the indigenous people not the other way around. You should read your Bible. Its filled with lots of proof the original Hebrews were Black and no different looking than the Egyptians. For example.

Amos 9:7 ASV
Are ye not as the children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel? saith Jehovah. Have not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt, and the Philistines from Caphtor, and the Syrians from Kir?

From Wikipedia on the question of 'Black Egyptians'

Due to its geographical location at the crossroads of several major cultural areas, Egypt has experienced a number of foreign invasions during historical times, including by the Canaanites (Hyksos), the Libyans, the Kushites (Nubians) the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Macedonian Greeks, the Romans (Byzantium in late antiquity/early Middle Ages), the Arabs, the Ottoman Turks, the French and the British.

UNESCO convened the "Symposium on the Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of the Meroitic Script" in Cairo in 1974. At that forum the "Black Egyptian" theory was rejected by 90% of delegates,[30][31] and the symposium concluded that Ancient Egyptians were much the same as modern Egyptians. The arguments for all sides are recorded in the UNESCO publication General History of Africa,[30] with the "Origin of the Egyptians" chapter being written by Diop.

In 1996, the Indianapolis Museum of Art published a collection of essays, which included contributions from leading experts in various fields including archaeology, art history, physical anthropology, African studies, Egyptology, Afrocentric studies, linguistics, and classical studies. While the contributors differed in some opinions, the consensus of the authors was that Ancient Egypt was a Northeast African civilization (although ethnic type was not mentioned), based on Egypt's geographic location on the African continent.[32]

In 2008, S. O. Y. Keita wrote that "There is no scientific reason to believe that the primary ancestors of the Egyptian population emerged and evolved outside of northeast Africa.... The basic overall genetic profile of the modern population is consistent with the diversity of ancient populations that would have been indigenous to northeastern Africa and subject to the range of evolutionary influences over time, although researchers vary in the details of their explanations of those influences."[33]

I believe your view is rooted in wishful thinking and a lot of very bad science. I also believe your views of Jewish genealogy are skewed as well......But I do have a book to recommend for you. It should be a good fit to augment your beliefs.

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Finally some truth, you have 'no clue'. European Jews are decendants of the same enslaved people your ancestors victimized. You inherited the debt, so pay up with interest.

No actually European Jews are just white people that picked up Judaism back in the day. I'm sure there was probably some mixing as well but the white Jews of today have nothing to do with the original Hebrews. Also Israel now sits on land that was historically Black. They owe the indigenous people not the other way around. You should read your Bible. Its filled with lots of proof the original Hebrews were Black and no different looking than the Egyptians. For example.

Amos 9:7 ASV
Are ye not as the children of the Ethiopians unto me, O children of Israel? saith Jehovah. Have not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt, and the Philistines from Caphtor, and the Syrians from Kir?

From Wikipedia on the question of 'Black Egyptians'

Due to its geographical location at the crossroads of several major cultural areas, Egypt has experienced a number of foreign invasions during historical times, including by the Canaanites (Hyksos), the Libyans, the Kushites (Nubians) the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Macedonian Greeks, the Romans (Byzantium in late antiquity/early Middle Ages), the Arabs, the Ottoman Turks, the French and the British.

UNESCO convened the "Symposium on the Peopling of Ancient Egypt and the Deciphering of the Meroitic Script" in Cairo in 1974. At that forum the "Black Egyptian" theory was rejected by 90% of delegates,[30][31] and the symposium concluded that Ancient Egyptians were much the same as modern Egyptians. The arguments for all sides are recorded in the UNESCO publication General History of Africa,[30] with the "Origin of the Egyptians" chapter being written by Diop.

In 1996, the Indianapolis Museum of Art published a collection of essays, which included contributions from leading experts in various fields including archaeology, art history, physical anthropology, African studies, Egyptology, Afrocentric studies, linguistics, and classical studies. While the contributors differed in some opinions, the consensus of the authors was that Ancient Egypt was a Northeast African civilization (although ethnic type was not mentioned), based on Egypt's geographic location on the African continent.[32]

In 2008, S. O. Y. Keita wrote that "There is no scientific reason to believe that the primary ancestors of the Egyptian population emerged and evolved outside of northeast Africa.... The basic overall genetic profile of the modern population is consistent with the diversity of ancient populations that would have been indigenous to northeastern Africa and subject to the range of evolutionary influences over time, although researchers vary in the details of their explanations of those influences."[33]

I believe your view is rooted in wishful thinking and a lot of very bad science. I also believe your views of Jewish genealogy are skewed as well......But I do have a book to recommend for you. It should be a good fit to augment your beliefs.


Do you know a guy named Protectist? He posted the exact same thing in another thread without realizing that DNA evidence has conclusively put to bed the genetics of the Egyptians. Did you notice how old all those entries are? Not only are the Egyptians not white, they are more sub-saharan than I am. Now give this careful consideration. Why did it take undisputable DNA evidence to silence all the people that supported your post? Answer. It was because white people convinced the world Egyptians were white with inaccurate portrayals on TV.


To help you understand a little more, this is from another genetic company.

The Thuya Gene

The King Tut Gene

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