The Negrification of Television

No, I don't know anyone on this site.
I'm not much interested in common core revisionist tripe.

When the first Europeans explored Sub Saharan Africa, they found numerous warring tribes among the natives. They all shared some common charateristics :
A] None had a writen language
B] They hadn't invented the wheel
C] They hunted with wooden spears
D] No crops were being cultivated
E] No animals had been domesticated
F] Many lived in mud huts and other crudely constructed shelters

So tell me; what happened to all the ancient knowledge, special powers and skills in the interim?
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I'm not much interested in common core revisionist tripe.

When the first Europeans explored Sub Saharan Africa, they found numerous warring tribes among the natives. They all shared some common charateristics :
A] None had a writen language
B] They hadn't invented the wheel
C] They hunted with wooden spears
D] No crops were being cultivated
E] No animals had been domesticated
F] Many lived in mud huts and other crudely constructed shelters

So tell me; what happened to all the ancient knowledge, special powers and skills in the interim?

I know it may be a shock to your system so you have to move the goal posts in the face of such overwhelming evidence. I can only show you the evidence. I cant make you be intelligent and accept it.

I cant believe you fell for what they told you. Why would they tell you these were intelligent people if they planned to commit genocide, swindle the land away from the natives like they did the American Indians, and exploit their resources? Please don't tell me you are not that stupid and gullible still? :lol: Have you ever heard of Timbuktu?
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In this "modern world" where a man can be sanctified as being another mans wife.....anything goes. Your example (OP) is but a minor example of the nigrafication of America...I like Lebron and Benjamin Carson and even Juan Williams ....the hip hop Hollywood negroes suck.
I'm not much interested in common core revisionist tripe.

When the first Europeans explored Sub Saharan Africa, they found numerous warring tribes among the natives. They all shared some common charateristics :
A] None had a writen language
B] They hadn't invented the wheel
C] They hunted with wooden spears
D] No crops were being cultivated
E] No animals had been domesticated
F] Many lived in mud huts and other crudely constructed shelters

So tell me; what happened to all the ancient knowledge, special powers and skills in the interim?

I know it may be a shock to your system so you have to move the goal posts in the face of such overwhelming evidence. I can only show you the evidence. I cant make you be intelligent and accept it.

I cant believe you fell for what they told you. Why would they tell you these were intelligent people if they planned to commit genocide, swindle the land away from the natives like they did the American Indians, and exploit their resources? Please don't tell me you are not that stupid and gullible still? :lol: Have you ever heard of Timbuktu?

So then, I guess you have no answer, just denial. I find it strange that a people whose ancestors designed the pyramids were so easily subjugated by rival tribes and Arabs and sold into slavery. Whites merely transported them, mostly into the Caribbeans.

Timbuktu (/ˌtɪmbʌkˈtuː/; French: Tombouctou [tɔ̃bukˈtu]; Koyra Chiini: Tumbutu), formerly also spelled Timbuctoo and Timbuktoo, is a city in the West African nation of Mali situated 20 km (12 mi) north of the River Niger on the southern edge of the Sahara Desert.

That's not Sub Saharan Africa, and there was a thriving slave market there long before Europeans ever arrived.
We're waaaay of topic here. Believe what ever it takes to comfort yourself.
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I'm not much interested in common core revisionist tripe.

When the first Europeans explored Sub Saharan Africa, they found numerous warring tribes among the natives. They all shared some common charateristics :
A] None had a writen language
B] They hadn't invented the wheel
C] They hunted with wooden spears
D] No crops were being cultivated
E] No animals had been domesticated
F] Many lived in mud huts and other crudely constructed shelters

So tell me; what happened to all the ancient knowledge, special powers and skills in the interim?

I know it may be a shock to your system so you have to move the goal posts in the face of such overwhelming evidence. I can only show you the evidence. I cant make you be intelligent and accept it.

I cant believe you fell for what they told you. Why would they tell you these were intelligent people if they planned to commit genocide, swindle the land away from the natives like they did the American Indians, and exploit their resources? Please don't tell me you are not that stupid and gullible still? :lol: Have you ever heard of Timbuktu?

So then, I guess you have no answer, just denial. I find it strange that a people whose ancestors designed the pyramids were so easily subjugated by rival tribes and Arabs and sold into slavery. Whites merely transported them, mostly into the Caribbeans.

Timbuktu (/ˌtɪmbʌkˈtuː/; French: Tombouctou [tɔ̃bukˈtu]; Koyra Chiini: Tumbutu), formerly also spelled Timbuctoo and Timbuktoo, is a city in the West African nation of Mali situated 20 km (12 mi) north of the River Niger on the southern edge of the Sahara Desert.

That's not Sub Saharan Africa, and there was a thriving slave market there long before Europeans ever arrived.
We're waaaay of topic here. Believe what ever it takes to comfort yourself.

Well you denied factual evidence. I'm denying supposition. Unfortunately since you posed the question you don't get to claim we are way off topic because you fear the information. Yes Mali is considered sub-saharan. its also the site of the one of the oldest, most prestigious universities in ancient times. I too wondered what exactly happened to the cold hard evidence until I realized the climate was not conducive to maintaining documents or things made of wood. Fortunately oral traditions and clay tablets tell us of many great civilizations in all of Africa. White people don seem to place much stock in oral traditions so they would be very ignorant of what history tells us.
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I'm not much interested in common core revisionist tripe.

When the first Europeans explored Sub Saharan Africa, they found numerous warring tribes among the natives. They all shared some common charateristics :
A] None had a writen language
B] They hadn't invented the wheel
C] They hunted with wooden spears
D] No crops were being cultivated
E] No animals had been domesticated
F] Many lived in mud huts and other crudely constructed shelters

So tell me; what happened to all the ancient knowledge, special powers and skills in the interim?

I know it may be a shock to your system so you have to move the goal posts in the face of such overwhelming evidence. I can only show you the evidence. I cant make you be intelligent and accept it.

I cant believe you fell for what they told you. Why would they tell you these were intelligent people if they planned to commit genocide, swindle the land away from the natives like they did the American Indians, and exploit their resources? Please don't tell me you are not that stupid and gullible still? :lol: Have you ever heard of Timbuktu?

So then, I guess you have no answer, just denial. I find it strange that a people whose ancestors designed the pyramids were so easily subjugated by rival tribes and Arabs and sold into slavery. Whites merely transported them, mostly into the Caribbeans.

Timbuktu (/ˌtɪmbʌkˈtuː/; French: Tombouctou [tɔ̃bukˈtu]; Koyra Chiini: Tumbutu), formerly also spelled Timbuctoo and Timbuktoo, is a city in the West African nation of Mali situated 20 km (12 mi) north of the River Niger on the southern edge of the Sahara Desert.

That's not Sub Saharan Africa, and there was a thriving slave market there long before Europeans ever arrived.
We're waaaay of topic here. Believe what ever it takes to comfort yourself.




I can't speak for today but the above images were a familiar sight in midtown New York City back before I moved to New Jersey in 1985. These are representative groups of a negro cult called The Black Israelites, which is one of several similar cults whose members would set up shop on street corners in Harlem, Times Square, and various other sites around the City. They distributed literature and made speeches consisting of extremely inflammatory anti-White rhetoric, most of which was imaginatively fictional. One typical theme was the Middle East had been a civilized and peaceful place inhabited by intelligent, educated, productive and creative Blacks, the original Israelites, whose land was invaded by barbaric European Whites who wiped out their advanced civilization, kidnaped them to the West, enslaving them, stealing their achievements, and reducing them to a race of uneducated, laboring cyphers.

What I always found interesting, and somewhat unsettling, was the way many of the young Blacks who stopped to listen to the fantastic fabrications issued by these fanatics seemed to believe what they were being told. These Black Israelites were not the only organization of its kind, each of which had a similar purpose, which was that of inciting hatred of Whites by young, ignorant, impressionable Blacks.
I know it may be a shock to your system so you have to move the goal posts in the face of such overwhelming evidence. I can only show you the evidence. I cant make you be intelligent and accept it.

I cant believe you fell for what they told you. Why would they tell you these were intelligent people if they planned to commit genocide, swindle the land away from the natives like they did the American Indians, and exploit their resources? Please don't tell me you are not that stupid and gullible still? :lol: Have you ever heard of Timbuktu?

So then, I guess you have no answer, just denial. I find it strange that a people whose ancestors designed the pyramids were so easily subjugated by rival tribes and Arabs and sold into slavery. Whites merely transported them, mostly into the Caribbeans.

Timbuktu (/ˌtɪmbʌkˈtuː/; French: Tombouctou [tɔ̃bukˈtu]; Koyra Chiini: Tumbutu), formerly also spelled Timbuctoo and Timbuktoo, is a city in the West African nation of Mali situated 20 km (12 mi) north of the River Niger on the southern edge of the Sahara Desert.

That's not Sub Saharan Africa, and there was a thriving slave market there long before Europeans ever arrived.
We're waaaay of topic here. Believe what ever it takes to comfort yourself.




I can't speak for today but the above images were a familiar sight in midtown New York City back before I moved to New Jersey in 1985. These are representative groups of a negro cult called The Black Israelites, which is one of several similar cults whose members would set up shop on street corners in Harlem, Times Square, and various other sites around the City. They distributed literature and made speeches consisting of extremely inflammatory anti-White rhetoric, most of which was imaginatively fictional. One typical theme was the Middle East had been a civilized and peaceful place inhabited by intelligent, educated, productive and creative Blacks, the original Israelites, whose land was invaded by barbaric European Whites who wiped out their advanced civilization, kidnaped them to the West, enslaving them, stealing their achievements, and reducing them to a race of uneducated, laboring cyphers.

What I always found interesting, and somewhat unsettling, was the way many of the young Blacks who stopped to listen to the fantastic fabrications issued by these fanatics seemed to believe what they were being told. These Black Israelites were not the only organization of its kind, each of which had a similar purpose, which was that of inciting hatred of Whites by young, ignorant, impressionable Blacks.

Never heard of them. They may have a case though. Its pretty evident reading the bible that the orginal Hebrews were Black. Take Moses for example. Pretty hard to fool a black pharaoh with a white kid for all those years. I'm interested in why you would think they were fabricating. What evidence do you have that the Hebrews were white originally?
I know it may be a shock to your system so you have to move the goal posts in the face of such overwhelming evidence. I can only show you the evidence. I cant make you be intelligent and accept it.

I cant believe you fell for what they told you. Why would they tell you these were intelligent people if they planned to commit genocide, swindle the land away from the natives like they did the American Indians, and exploit their resources? Please don't tell me you are not that stupid and gullible still? :lol: Have you ever heard of Timbuktu?

So then, I guess you have no answer, just denial. I find it strange that a people whose ancestors designed the pyramids were so easily subjugated by rival tribes and Arabs and sold into slavery. Whites merely transported them, mostly into the Caribbeans.

Timbuktu (/ˌtɪmbʌkˈtuː/; French: Tombouctou [tɔ̃bukˈtu]; Koyra Chiini: Tumbutu), formerly also spelled Timbuctoo and Timbuktoo, is a city in the West African nation of Mali situated 20 km (12 mi) north of the River Niger on the southern edge of the Sahara Desert.

That's not Sub Saharan Africa, and there was a thriving slave market there long before Europeans ever arrived.
We're waaaay of topic here. Believe what ever it takes to comfort yourself.

Well you denied factual evidence. I'm denying supposition. Unfortunately since you posed the question you don't get to claim we are way off topic because you fear the information. Yes Mali is considered sub-saharan. its also the site of the one of the oldest, most prestigious universities in ancient times. I too wondered what exactly happened to the cold hard evidence until I realized the climate was not conducive to maintaining documents or things made of wood. Fortunately oral traditions and clay tablets tell us of many great civilizations in all of Africa. White people don seem to place much stock in oral traditions so they would be very ignorant of what history tells us.

I guess I 'don' and Jews are now considered 'white'. You deny empirical evidence based on data collected by many respected European explorers, then suppose there were papers and wooden items that were lost to weather damage in a Muslim controled city. I have little doubt Sub Saharan Africans were present; unfortunately they would have been slaves.
It's all part of the Great White Plot to hold a brother down, I suppose. We can all see how well African nations operate after they purge the 'white devils'. Zimbabwe comes to mind.

In response to the great Sub Saharan contribution in Timbuktu.
Half Sigma: Manuscripts from Timbuktu do not prove anything about sub-Saharan African intelligence

I see little point in engaging you further. I never attended Black History courses, so I'll just assume you are well versed on all the revisionist talking points.

Happy Holidays to you Sir.
I suspect you aren't being honest. Seriously, you never hear of the Black Israelites? Surely you jest.

You also suspect you are intelligent. So far you are 0-2.

You've told two lies in five minutes. Did the white man teach you that?

Tank you may need to hold a pow wow. Please help these rookies on how to be funny and insulting at the same time. They really suck donkey dick in that department.
if this is indicative of how the black isrealites act they sound....err.... a little over zealous. I will need to read up on how they think acting like this proves anything to anyone.

"Just go on drinking your pork Slurpee, you Egyptian!" Zodach screamed.

"Uh, we're Indian—and this is chicken," the man responded.
suck donkey dick

Now there is a topic you understand.

Better (A-F Scale please)?

LOL. Nice; I find that very funny. It's impossible to have an intelligent debate with a delusional revisionist, don't you think? When all else fails, just deny facts, make up your own and start name calling.
It's very predictable. Have fun with this character, I'm done.
I think I lost 10 IQ points in the attempt. Any further debate and I'll be convinced he's a 'Flyin Black Egyptian'.
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if this is indicative of how the black isrealites act they sound....err.... a little over zealous. I will need to read up on how they think acting like this proves anything to anyone.

"Just go on drinking your pork Slurpee, you Egyptian!" Zodach screamed.

"Uh, we're Indian—and this is chicken," the man responded.

Looks like there is a nut case fringe sect and another group of people that are sane and have a valid argument. I know there is a tribe in Zimbabwe that have more Hebrew DNA than other white Hebrews. I know Israel accepts Ethiopians in as Jewish people but was unaware there was a large amount of African Americans that claim Hebrew lineage. Interesting.

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