The Neo Cons are back with a Vengence.

Just what we need, another war.

Will it be like the Iraq-Iran war, where we support a dictatorship against a theocracy?

Shiites and Sunnis have been at each others throats ever since Saddam was toppled, their mutual fear of Saddam's regime stopped most of it while he was around.

It is true that one side are more crazed fanatics than the other, but is it our business to get involved in another civil war, after the mess we made in Syria?
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Just what we need, another war.

Will it be like the Iraq-Iran war, where we support a dictatorship against a theocracy?

Shiites and Sunnis have been at each others throats ever since Saddam was toppled, their mutual fear of Saddam's regime stopped most of it while he was around.

It is true that one side are more crazed fanatics than the other, but is it our business to get involved in another civil war, after the mess we made in Syria?


Nor should it be.

War is good for the military-industrial complex. Defense contractors, PMCs, Private Intelligence firms; oil companies enjoy higher profit margins when the price of oil spikes due to conflict in the ME; Haliburton enjoys taking in billions of near-tax-free taxpayer dollars; Congress gets to loot the treasury; they get to kill brown Muslim's a circus of awesomeness for heartless war profiteers, bigots and the ignorant masses thinking this is what keeps them safe.

Funny how astute President Eisenhower was about this mess.
The NeoCons were the ones that destabilized Iraq and the region on the first place. I say, if they want boots on the ground, they should be the first ones there with M4's in hand.

Ya cause you support censorship and tyranny, we get it really we do.

No actually I don't.

At the same time, the media should be a little more responsible about this shit.

They are the ones that let these fuckers get away with all sorts of bullshit.

Yes you do!
They have to right to speak their views and opinions.
You support them to not speak and to be censored.
Freedom of speech means opposing view points and listening to those view points that each side does not like.
The right does not like a lot of what the left says but the right doesn't want them to stop with their view points or to be censored.
what is it with far reactionary right-wing nutjobs and their time-warp amnesia?

We lost the war in Iraq, now the Iranians are allying with Iran.

The Axis of Evil just got stronger with our help.
what is it with far reactionary right-wing nutjobs and their time-warp amnesia?

We lost the war in Iraq, now the Iranians are allying with Iran.

The Axis of Evil just got stronger with our help.

It was won. The Taliban was driven out.
The people got the freedom to vote. Women had the right to be educated. They were no longer terrorized by the Taliban Tribes.

Obama withdrew the troops to soon and this is what we have now.
We lost it: the women are losing their right to vote, Iran is in Iraq, and the American people would not have tolerated a sustained American troop presence in Iraq.

The overwhelming majority of Americans hate neo-conservatism.
We lost it: the women are losing their right to vote, Iran is in Iraq, and the American people would not have tolerated a sustained American troop presence in Iraq.

The overwhelming majority of Americans hate neo-conservatism.

Because Obama withdrew the troops too soon in 2011.
Neo- conservatism is a term almost exclusively used by the enemies of America's liberation of Iraq. There is no ' neo- conservative' movement in the United States.

Neo-Cons are a bunch of ignorant assholes. None more pathetic then Bremer, Wolfawitz,and Dick Cheney.
Read how these stupid bastard were ready to invade Iraq and have regime change back in 1999.
GW Bush was a moronic tool used by these nut cases.

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