The New American Revolution


Senior Member
Mar 7, 2015
it's coming

we just need to get organized

there's no concrete plans at the moment however if you don't join the budding community then we will never grow in numbers large enough to make a list of final demands to the government

PM me if you are interested

Don't be scared. We have to take the first steps or we have no chance. They can't kill us all
Who the hell would want to kill you? After all, you are the perfect example of why this is not going to happen. All flap yap, and begging someone else to do the heavy lifting. A laughing stock, nothing else.
Who the hell would want to kill you? After all, you are the perfect example of why this is not going to happen. All flap yap, and begging someone else to do the heavy lifting. A laughing stock, nothing else.
I don't see a single other person out there trying to organize each other and unify to stand up against the government. I promise you I am not all talk. I think about this every single moment that I'm awake. I'm not just going to buy a gun and start shooting police officers and government officials. That's a completely stupid idea. In fact most of those types of people are completely innocent.

We need to ORGANIZE before we DEMAND ACTION
I`m still cool with voting but until we get the money out of politics we`re screwed. The SC`s Citizen`s United decision will kill this country off for good. Whoever has the most money has the most "free speech". What first steps should we be taking and what actions should we be taking Shik?
This is a classic black flag operation.

The OP is in CrusaderFrank's SS uniform passing all the information on to Homeland.
Who the hell would want to kill you? After all, you are the perfect example of why this is not going to happen. All flap yap, and begging someone else to do the heavy lifting. A laughing stock, nothing else.
I don't see a single other person out there trying to organize each other and unify to stand up against the government. I promise you I am not all talk. I think about this every single moment that I'm awake. I'm not just going to buy a gun and start shooting police officers and government officials. That's a completely stupid idea. In fact most of those types of people are completely innocent.

We need to ORGANIZE before we DEMAND ACTION
Organize to do what?

WTF are you talking about?
Shikica, lead Muhammed on. Here is your chance to reel in an Islamist for Homeland.
A group of Heartland Americans tried to organize a grass roots movement, which mainly wanted a balanced budget and less government intrusion into our lives.

They were called the Tea Party, and they scared the shit out of the the the liberals called out their Media to vilify them...crucify call them nothing more than the do what is called..."Marginalize" them. And it worked. They are plenty of people who agree with the basic tenants of the Tea Party...but you risk being called a racist if you agree with them.

Character Assignation is an integral feature of the operations of the Democratic Party.

So, be careful.
Says Mr. Character Assassin himself. That's the far right thugs do, and they messed up the TP, along with the racialists, from being a truly populist power for good.
I`m still cool with voting but until we get the money out of politics we`re screwed. The SC`s Citizen`s United decision will kill this country off for good. Whoever has the most money has the most "free speech". What first steps should we be taking and what actions should we be taking Shik?

For now we should just be connecting with each other on SLIGHTLY more secure channels (I'm aware of the different layers inwhich my communications are compromised) and in a more... orderly way.

What I mean to say is that we should not take any direct action yet. We need to talk amongst ourselves. Share our knowledge learn and grow in secret and just sit and wait AS A GROUP while our numbers grow. When we get bigger we will think about how to tell the media what we want from the government.
Who the hell would want to kill you? After all, you are the perfect example of why this is not going to happen. All flap yap, and begging someone else to do the heavy lifting. A laughing stock, nothing else.
I don't see a single other person out there trying to organize each other and unify to stand up against the government. I promise you I am not all talk. I think about this every single moment that I'm awake. I'm not just going to buy a gun and start shooting police officers and government officials. That's a completely stupid idea. In fact most of those types of people are completely innocent.

We need to ORGANIZE before we DEMAND ACTION
Organize to do what?

WTF are you talking about?
I want to make polite, nonviolent request to our government through media and through face to face discussion with white house officials. Then I want to explain to them, when they decline, just how many of us are ORGANIZED and ready to stand up for ourselves.
Shikica, you are talking about politics. Good.

No need to be secret about it. Tell the world.
Shikica, you are talking about politics. Good.

No need to be secret about it. Tell the world.
People are scared to agree publicly. The mainstream media drowns us out. And there's no way to simply tell the world. How do I go about doing that? I need to create fellow members, a community is what we need. That will help grow our power.
Who the hell would want to kill you? After all, you are the perfect example of why this is not going to happen. All flap yap, and begging someone else to do the heavy lifting. A laughing stock, nothing else.
I don't see a single other person out there trying to organize each other and unify to stand up against the government. I promise you I am not all talk. I think about this every single moment that I'm awake. I'm not just going to buy a gun and start shooting police officers and government officials. That's a completely stupid idea. In fact most of those types of people are completely innocent.

We need to ORGANIZE before we DEMAND ACTION
Organize to do what?

WTF are you talking about?
I want to make polite, nonviolent request to our government through media and through face to face discussion with white house officials. Then I want to explain to them, when they decline, just how many of us are ORGANIZED and ready to stand up for ourselves.
Request for what, exactly?
Revolution? Meh. Might interfere with football season. Clemson is winning it all this year...would hate to interfere. Sorry haha.
Who the hell would want to kill you? After all, you are the perfect example of why this is not going to happen. All flap yap, and begging someone else to do the heavy lifting. A laughing stock, nothing else.
I don't see a single other person out there trying to organize each other and unify to stand up against the government. I promise you I am not all talk. I think about this every single moment that I'm awake. I'm not just going to buy a gun and start shooting police officers and government officials. That's a completely stupid idea. In fact most of those types of people are completely innocent.

We need to ORGANIZE before we DEMAND ACTION
I know a revolution or collapse of the country is coming but your best bet IF YOU ARE SERIOUS is find NORMAL folks who share your view of the future in your local area.
I won't rise up in arms against the United States. Our nation isn't perfect, but name one that is. I've travelled around the globe and have yet to see one that is as free as ours.
Now, that said....I would take up arms if our government were to become:
1. A Theocracy, regardless of the religion. Well the one that worships the "Flying Spaghetti Monster" has acceptable rules.
2. A Communist nation.
3. A Dictatorship.
4. A Military Junta....well, if the military took over for a VERY brief time in order to slightly revamp the US Constitution (making it abundantly clear that YES, private, non-criminal citizens may possess and carry handguns and rifles in public) and forbiding religions that advocate violence against those who leave it or, who do not worship it or follow its edicts.

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