The New American Revolution

America is the best place on Earth. You people are idiots if you think otherwise. Despite our conflict and partisanship. ..this place is amazing.
it's coming

we just need to get organized

there's no concrete plans at the moment however if you don't join the budding community then we will never grow in numbers large enough to make a list of final demands to the government

PM me if you are interested

Don't be scared. We have to take the first steps or we have no chance. They can't kill us all

The Koch brothers are always looking for a new "Grass Roots" organization to fund. :lol:
it's coming

we just need to get organized

there's no concrete plans at the moment however if you don't join the budding community then we will never grow in numbers large enough to make a list of final demands to the government

PM me if you are interested

Don't be scared. We have to take the first steps or we have no chance. They can't kill us all

The Koch brothers are always looking for a new "Grass Roots" organization to fund. :lol:

And why shouldn't they, and are you questioning their right to do so?
it's coming

we just need to get organized

there's no concrete plans at the moment however if you don't join the budding community then we will never grow in numbers large enough to make a list of final demands to the government

PM me if you are interested

Don't be scared. We have to take the first steps or we have no chance. They can't kill us all

The Koch brothers are always looking for a new "Grass Roots" organization to fund. :lol:

And why shouldn't they, and are you questioning their right to do so?

No, of course not. Just the description that any movement no matter how small is "Grass Roots" when funded by a few million bucks owed to the Koch Industries.
I won't rise up in arms against the United States. Our nation isn't perfect, but name one that is. I've travelled around the globe and have yet to see one that is as free as ours.
Now, that said....I would take up arms if our government were to become:
1. A Theocracy, regardless of the religion. Well the one that worships the "Flying Spaghetti Monster" has acceptable rules.
2. A Communist nation.
3. A Dictatorship.
4. A Military Junta....well, if the military took over for a VERY brief time in order to slightly revamp the US Constitution (making it abundantly clear that YES, private, non-criminal citizens may possess and carry handguns and rifles in public) and forbiding religions that advocate violence against those who leave it or, who do not worship it or follow its edicts.

America is the best place on Earth. You people are idiots if you think otherwise. Despite our conflict and partisanship. ..this place is amazing.

America is great, and those who say it isn't are stupid.

You guys are delusional. This is not a question simply of your OWN, MIDDLE CLASS OBLIVIOUS first world life. The United States has overthrown democracies and installed a series of dictators in a country to enslave the population and do horrible things. Everyone cries about the holocaust, about the rape of nanking, but what about the enslavement of guatemala?

This country is a terrorist sponsoring nation, the CIA and NSA regularly participate in terrorism to say the least and it is up to us as citizens to stand up and protect the world.
Who the hell would want to kill you? After all, you are the perfect example of why this is not going to happen. All flap yap, and begging someone else to do the heavy lifting. A laughing stock, nothing else.
I don't see a single other person out there trying to organize each other and unify to stand up against the government. I promise you I am not all talk. I think about this every single moment that I'm awake. I'm not just going to buy a gun and start shooting police officers and government officials. That's a completely stupid idea. In fact most of those types of people are completely innocent.

We need to ORGANIZE before we DEMAND ACTION
I know a revolution or collapse of the country is coming but your best bet IF YOU ARE SERIOUS is find NORMAL folks who share your view of the future in your local area.
I'm having trouble finding a single person in my area that even cares about this... I live in a very white area where everyone is at LEAST standard middle class.

I see no problems with using the internet as a way to meet fellow thinkers.
My bet, in about 24 months, when there is no longer a negro in the White House...all of this sedition talk will end.
Revolution? Meh. Might interfere with football season. Clemson is winning it all this year...would hate to interfere. Sorry haha.

Clemson? Nah, the Crimson Tide has reloaded and will be back to the top spot this year.

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