The New Democrat Jim Crow System in the Works


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Obama Administration Seeks Race-Based Government In Hawaii | The Daily Caller

President Barack Obama’s administration has quietly suggested it is willing to create a two-tier race-based legal system in Hawaii, where one set of taxes, spending and law enforcement will govern one race, and the second set of laws will govern every other race.

The diversity proposal is portrayed as an effort to create a separate in-state government for people who are “native Hawaiians

If Obama succeeds, “what’s to prevent creating similar [self-governing racial] groups out of say, Cajuns, or Orthodox Jews or Amish?” said Gail Heriot, a commissioner on the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

“If you can do that with groups that are already part of the mainstream, you can balkanize the country,” said Heriot, who is a law professor at the University of San Diego.

But the proposed measure to increase legal diversity is illegal because the president doesn’t have the power to grant one group of Americans the status of a separate government, she said.

“There is no constitutional basis for conferring such status, and Congress has repeatedly refused to confer this status,” said Carissa Mulder, a spokeswoman for two members of the federal Commission on Civil Rights.

“This seems to be yet another case of the Obama administration ignoring the law to achieve its policy objectives,” she added.

Since when has the Constitution or the Will of Congress or the People been relevant to this Dictator in Chief?
Learn a little Hawaiian history first, and you will have your answer my son..

lol, you still cant answer a simple fucking question.

The thread is about the racism the Democrats are using to set up a parallel legal system for Hawaiians, you fraud, not your tangent about Dole that you cant even state.
It's unconstitutional and it's never going to happen so there is nothing to see here. There was already a thread created on this yesterday.

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