The New Hollywood Blacklist, by Democrats: Oppose Trump or face career ruin, racism, sexism, threats

Liberals are spreading hate and fear with a vengeance, threatening any performer who might show up at Donald Trump's inauguration. Many have had their careers threatened, been called racists, n*ggers, traitors, and even received death threats.

All this is coming from people who believe they are the ones who should be running our country. And they are going to attack, slime, lie, denigrate, and ruin people until we accept.


New Hollywood Blacklist: Oppose Trump or Face Career Ruin, Racism, Sexism, Threats

The New Hollywood Blacklist: Oppose Trump or face career ruin, racism, sexism, threats

by John Nolte
Jan. 17, 2017

The original Hollywood Blacklist of the 1950s was at least open and honest. There was a list, you were named, and you were informed. As immoral and indefensible as it was, those who were blacklisted at least knew where they stood.

Today's Hollywood Blacklist is quite different. Yes, your career is still threatened, but no one has the moral courage to come right out and say so. Instead, the phone stops ringing as often or altogether. Meanwhile, you will find yourself publicly attacked as a racist by corporate fascists like The Hollywood Reporter, or publicly smeared and ridiculed by A-list directors like Joss Whedon.

The most deafening silence, though, comes in the form of no one coming to your defense. None of your fellow performers rush forward to defend your right to your beliefs, there are no Variety/Hollywood Reporter/Deadline/Wrap editorials expressing outrage over this return to the bad old days of McCarthyism.

Nope, you are just left out there to twist in the Blacklist Wind of career ruin, boycott threats, death threats, and slurs of the racist and sexist variety.

The message to you is not even subtle: Recant your ThoughtCrime or face career oblivion.

The message to the rest of the entertainment community is just as brazen: Step off the ThoughtPlantation and this will happen to you.
Interesting. This seems to be ANOTHER subject the board liberals are afraid to talk about.

There certainly are a lot of those, aren't there?
Anyone seeing them like me yet? If you don't believe they deserve to be kicked in their arrogant elitist smarmy teeth, then no you don't.

Without exception. Trust me, that is exactly what they would like to do to me. What I do know is as much as they hate Trump and white America and a person like me, I hate them that much more. I just fucking hate them.

If you are not there, then you are not truly seeing what they truly are and how insidious they can get.

Know this. If these fuckers had it their way, they would absolutely bury every last conservative alive. With pure delight.

I say, fuck the fucking fuckers, before the fucking fuckers fuck you.
Hmm, still the liberals are staying hidden.

Who can blame them for a lack of courage and integrity? It's the only existence they've ever known.
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Have any of the liberals who have been threatening and coercing the inaugural performers, apologized yet?
Anybody got a count for how many performers the liberals coerced, slimed, badgered, and sent death threats to?

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