The New Idol of the Tea Party - (He's Black)

So much for the Tea Party being racists.


Dr. Ben Carson and the Heresy of Preaching Self-Reliance |

Political pundits on both the left and right were blown away last week. From such an unexpected place, the annual National Prayer Breakfast, a speech touting pure, uncomplicated logic came from Dr. Ben Carson and served as a refreshing bit of inspiration at a time when Americans have been losing hope.

And while his message of self-reliance and accountability was endearing, President Obama’s noticeable contempt look for such heresy was almost as satisfying.

Dr. Carson had dared to offer an alternative to Obama’s vision of government’s role. Within less than a half hour, Dr. Carson shredded to pieces the liberal vision of America. He took aim at political correctness, the educational system, the tax code ,and then set his sights on what he knows best: the healthcare field. While America has heard over and over again these last four years that government is the answer, the self-made surgeon was living, breathing proof that dedication and self-reliance is the surest way to prosperity.

Dr. Carson came from nothing. He lived in poverty, had a short temper and, not surprisingly, did badly in school. His mother, however, refused to allow their dire circumstances to be used as an excuse for failure in life. She instilled responsibility and a reverence for education in her son. He became a world-famous neurosurgeon and the living embodiment of the American success story at a time when such rags-to-riches stories have become entirely too rare.

This was shared today by the Tea Party's Facebook page. From reading the comments, many Tea Partiers are urging him to run for president.

Here's the full speech (phenomenal).

[ame=]Dr. Benjamin Carson Epic Full Speech at National Prayer Breakfast Attacks Obama's Policies! - YouTube[/ame]

God bless this man.

Thanks for the laugh!!! What about Mr. "Nein, nein, nein"? Will he be running for the VP slot? :lol:
Cain can't hold a candle to Dr. Carson. No comparison whatsoever.
It doesn't matter to me what he classifies himself as. It's his ideals that I sympathize with.
What if it turns out he's been a card-carrying Democrat all this time....Then what?

Moral decay, fiscal irresponsibility, they destroyed themselves. And if you don’t think that can happen to America, you get out your books and you start reading

Like a Democrat would say that......HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHhhhhaaaa!!!!!
You would be surprised.
"Carson advocates the same failed, naïve dogma as the TPM and others on the right,"

You mean he naive idea that out of control govt spending will bankrupt the country? Yeah that is naive...
"Carson advocates the same failed, naïve dogma as the TPM and others on the right,"

You mean he naive idea that out of control govt spending will bankrupt the country? Yeah that is naive...
The CRUX of his argument was the need to do away with PC and the need to do away with the partisan bickering.

He called it, and I quote, "stupid."
"would you vote for him if he's an uncle tom, I mean republican?

What's wrong with being an Uncle Tom? Liberal blacks are taught to hate white people. I'd rather have someone who is overly deferential to me, than someone who wants to kill me. I'm quirky like that. And by the way, Dr. Carson is a good man. Not a black man or a white man but simply an American trying to do the right thing. Why can't liberals ever get past somebody's racial, gender or ethnic background and listen to their ideas??
"would you vote for him if he's an uncle tom, I mean republican?

What's wrong with being an Uncle Tom? Liberal blacks are taught to hate white people. I'd rather have someone who is overly deferential to me, than someone who wants to kill me. I'm quirky like that. And by the way, Dr. Carson is a good man. Not a black man or a white man but simply an American trying to do the right thing. Why can't liberals ever get past somebody's racial, gender or ethnic background and listen to their ideas??

The OP's title features Dr. Carson's race.

The OP's a RW Republican.
The New Idol of the Tea Party - (He's Black)

What does his race have to do with anything?

Carson advocates the same failed, naïve dogma as the TPM and others on the right, that they perceive him as some sort of ‘idol’ is not surprising, and actually rather sad.

Carson is a living, breathing embodiment of the American Dream. He advocates for the same things that made him the success he is.

To call that "failed, naive dogma" is just silly...
So much for the Tea Party being racists.


Dr. Ben Carson and the Heresy of Preaching Self-Reliance |

This was shared today by the Tea Party's Facebook page. From reading the comments, many Tea Partiers are urging him to run for president.

Here's the full speech (phenomenal).

Dr. Benjamin Carson Epic Full Speech at National Prayer Breakfast Attacks Obama's Policies! - YouTube

God bless this man.

Thanks for the laugh!!! What about Mr. "Nein, nein, nein"? Will he be running for the VP slot? :lol:
Cain can't hold a candle to Dr. Carson. No comparison whatsoever.

No doubt! I just get amused with the "hired gun" approach some people who are republican have toward some Black republican candidates. You know the; "See he (fill in the blank with Cain, West. et al) said that about the Blacks, let's run him for a while!" type of attitude.

If these same people 'supporting' him now, actually support him against a Romney, Rubio, or Rand Paul, I will be surprised. If they actually do support him when they realize he's not going to being running against Obama, they will definitely have my respect. I also think that if he starts sharing more of his ideas in a micro level, he may go the way of General Powell and Michael Steele with them.
"would you vote for him if he's an uncle tom, I mean republican?

What's wrong with being an Uncle Tom? Liberal blacks are taught to hate white people. I'd rather have someone who is overly deferential to me, than someone who wants to kill me. I'm quirky like that. And by the way, Dr. Carson is a good man. Not a black man or a white man but simply an American trying to do the right thing. Why can't liberals ever get past somebody's racial, gender or ethnic background and listen to their ideas??

The OP's title features Dr. Carson's race.

The OP's a RW Republican.

Yes, I did. I already mentioned a few posts ago that I did it to get more views on the thread as I thought it would draw more attention.

And since I've seen countless threads about "Republican Racism" the last few days, I thought I'd use this to point out that Tea Parties, Republicans and Conservatives haven't the slightest problem with supporting a black man for President.
Thanks for the laugh!!! What about Mr. "Nein, nein, nein"? Will he be running for the VP slot? :lol:
Cain can't hold a candle to Dr. Carson. No comparison whatsoever.

No doubt! I just get amused with the "hired gun" approach some people who are republican have toward some Black republican candidates. You know the; "See he (fill in the blank with Cain, West. et al) said that about the Blacks, let's run him for a while!" type of attitude.

If these same people 'supporting' him now, actually support him against a Romney, Rubio, or Rand Paul, I will be surprised. If they actually do support him when they realize he's not going to being running against Obama, they will definitely have my respect. I also think that if he starts sharing more of his ideas in a micro level, he may go the way of General Powell and Michael Steele with them.

But Rubio is a "Hispanic" and the Democrats love to paint Conservatives and Republicans as being racist against Hispanics because of illegal immigration.
Cain can't hold a candle to Dr. Carson. No comparison whatsoever.

No doubt! I just get amused with the "hired gun" approach some people who are republican have toward some Black republican candidates. You know the; "See he (fill in the blank with Cain, West. et al) said that about the Blacks, let's run him for a while!" type of attitude.

If these same people 'supporting' him now, actually support him against a Romney, Rubio, or Rand Paul, I will be surprised. If they actually do support him when they realize he's not going to being running against Obama, they will definitely have my respect. I also think that if he starts sharing more of his ideas in a micro level, he may go the way of General Powell and Michael Steele with them.

But Rubio is a "Hispanic" and the Democrats love to paint Conservatives and Republicans as being racist against Hispanics because of illegal immigration.

Some conservatives and republicans paint themselves in that manner.
This is the funniest thread I have read in quite some time. All of us "righties" are trying to convince the "lefties" that Carson is a polar opposite to Obama Bin Lyin'. They are all on board with him...

What are we thinking anyway? If all these libs are anti-Obamacare, anti-handouts, and for a flat tax all of a sudden because there is a conservative black Independent telling them the same thing we have been telling them for decades, and now they are ready to buy the intelligence of it --- shouldn't we just let them.

If this thread isn't proof that the left doesn't really understand the things they profess to be about, I've never seen it before...
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YOU: The OP's title features Dr. Carson's race.

ME: Ok, but did they call him an Uncle Tom? If I as a white person voted for Obama should I be called Uncle Dipshit??

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