The New Idol of the Tea Party - (He's Black)

Romney's fatal mistake well, one of them was not offering free market alternatives to obamacare

Palin/Carson 2016
I like Dr. Carson's non-partisan views.

He's talking the most sense thus far, don't have a reason not to vote for him.
Romney's fatal mistake well, one of them was not offering free market alternatives to obamacare

Palin/Carson 2016
Palin?....Palin!?!? :eek:

You really DON'T want to be taken seriously on this board or anywhere for that matter....don't you?

I like Dr. Carson's non-partisan views.

He's talking the most sense thus far, don't have a reason not to vote for him.

So you agree in regards to the flat taxation system he's proposing and personal responsibility in terms of health care?
He spoke wellof universal healthcare. You think the baggers will go for that?

He did? I must have missed that. He was on Sean Hannity a week/10days ago. His message is all about accountability and personal responsibility. Pretty sure he's no Dem...

Independents really seem to be responding to him though. Of course he is logical and reasonable and not controlled by either party --- he is just a good old conservative American who believes in not making excuses for failure and working hard --- oh, and he is a Christian.

Like I said - not Dem material at all!

I think he advocates principles embraced by both parties. You do need to go back and look at the video. He said, "We have already started down to the road in solving one of our biggest problems, healthcare." He continue that healthcare is the most important thing one needs.

His ideas on taxes? If you make 10 billion dollars, you pay a billion in taxes. You make $10 you pay a dollar. Oh...and the Cayman islands came mentioned. He says that money has to come back to the US. That doesn't sound so Tea Partyish to me...

Yeah, Palin and this guy would be great in 2016...:eusa_pray:
He spoke wellof universal healthcare. You think the baggers will go for that?

He did? I must have missed that. He was on Sean Hannity a week/10days ago. His message is all about accountability and personal responsibility. Pretty sure he's no Dem...

Independents really seem to be responding to him though. Of course he is logical and reasonable and not controlled by either party --- he is just a good old conservative American who believes in not making excuses for failure and working hard --- oh, and he is a Christian.

Like I said - not Dem material at all!

I think he advocates principles embraced by both parties. You do need to go back and look at the video. He said, "We have already started down to the road in solving one of our biggest problems, healthcare." He continue that healthcare is the most important thing one needs.

His ideas on taxes? If you make 10 billion dollars, you pay a billion in taxes. You make $10 you pay a dollar. Oh...and the Cayman islands came mentioned. He says that money has to come back to the US. That doesn't sound so Tea Partyish to me...

Yeah, Palin and this guy would be great in 2016...:eusa_pray:

He's talking about a flax taxation system there.

1 billion out of 10 billion is the same percentage as 1 dollar out of 10 dollars.

I doubt the democrats would approve of that.
It doesn't matter to me what he classifies himself as. It's his ideals that I sympathize with.
What if it turns out he's been a card-carrying Democrat all this time....Then what?

Are you saying no dem could possibly have principles that differ from your dear leader? I vote for the individual, not party, which I'm sure is a foreign concept to you.

I hear this all the time and it's bullshit.
I think that there is a racist element in certain geographic areas within tea party roots that will turn away without considering his assets. JMHO

Ah, the myth lives on.

"We know they're racist, even if they support him! We just know it because...because...well look where they live!"
He spoke wellof universal healthcare. You think the baggers will go for that?

He did? I must have missed that. He was on Sean Hannity a week/10days ago. His message is all about accountability and personal responsibility. Pretty sure he's no Dem...

Independents really seem to be responding to him though. Of course he is logical and reasonable and not controlled by either party --- he is just a good old conservative American who believes in not making excuses for failure and working hard --- oh, and he is a Christian.

Like I said - not Dem material at all!

I think he advocates principles embraced by both parties. You do need to go back and look at the video. He said, "We have already started down to the road in solving one of our biggest problems, healthcare." He continue that healthcare is the most important thing one needs.

His ideas on taxes? If you make 10 billion dollars, you pay a billion in taxes. You make $10 you pay a dollar. Oh...and the Cayman islands came mentioned. He says that money has to come back to the US. That doesn't sound so Tea Partyish to me...

Yeah, Palin and this guy would be great in 2016...:eusa_pray:

Both parties? lol you must be kidding... What US left principle does he embrace?

When he talks about fixing healthcare his idea is personal responsibility - not gov't controlled

A flat tax is the furthest thing from lib ideology - They say steal from the rich and give to the poor.

The way he wants to get people to bring money home from the Caymons is by reducing the tax burdon. Getting the gov't out of the way - not taxing success --- TOTALLY tea party ideology....
What if he's not a Republican?

It doesn't matter to me what he classifies himself as. It's his ideals that I sympathize with.
What if it turns out he's been a card-carrying Democrat all this time....Then what?

Moral decay, fiscal irresponsibility, they destroyed themselves. And if you don’t think that can happen to America, you get out your books and you start reading

Like a Democrat would say that......HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHhhhhaaaa!!!!!
What if he's not a Republican?

It doesn't matter to me what he classifies himself as. It's his ideals that I sympathize with.
What if it turns out he's been a card-carrying Democrat all this time....Then what?

Well it's funny how anti Obama/Democrat he is... No matter if he is a Democrat, a Republican or independent, what is clear is his stance on Government is the polar opposite that of Obama's and most if not all Democrats in congress.

It's like that whole founding fathers were liberals, maybe so, but the title means nothing when the liberals today that hold office are the very people the FF's made war with and broke away from to create the United States.
I think that there is a racist element in certain geographic areas within tea party roots that will turn away without considering his assets. JMHO

There is a huge massive racist element to the Democratic party that literally voted for a person based almost 100% on their skin color... 2016 it will be about if they have a vagina.
It doesn't matter to me what he classifies himself as. It's his ideals that I sympathize with.
What if it turns out he's been a card-carrying Democrat all this time....Then what?

Well it's funny how anti Obama/Democrat he is... No matter if he is a Democrat, a Republican or independent, what is clear is his stance on Government is the polar opposite that of Obama's and most if not all Democrats in congress.

It's like that whole founding fathers were liberals, maybe so, but the title means nothing when the liberals today that hold office are the very people the FF's made war with and broke away from to create the United States.
What has he done or said that you find to be "Anti-Obama?"
So much for the Tea Party being racists.


Dr. Ben Carson and the Heresy of Preaching Self-Reliance |

Political pundits on both the left and right were blown away last week. From such an unexpected place, the annual National Prayer Breakfast, a speech touting pure, uncomplicated logic came from Dr. Ben Carson and served as a refreshing bit of inspiration at a time when Americans have been losing hope.

And while his message of self-reliance and accountability was endearing, President Obama’s noticeable contempt look for such heresy was almost as satisfying.

Dr. Carson had dared to offer an alternative to Obama’s vision of government’s role. Within less than a half hour, Dr. Carson shredded to pieces the liberal vision of America. He took aim at political correctness, the educational system, the tax code ,and then set his sights on what he knows best: the healthcare field. While America has heard over and over again these last four years that government is the answer, the self-made surgeon was living, breathing proof that dedication and self-reliance is the surest way to prosperity.

Dr. Carson came from nothing. He lived in poverty, had a short temper and, not surprisingly, did badly in school. His mother, however, refused to allow their dire circumstances to be used as an excuse for failure in life. She instilled responsibility and a reverence for education in her son. He became a world-famous neurosurgeon and the living embodiment of the American success story at a time when such rags-to-riches stories have become entirely too rare.

This was shared today by the Tea Party's Facebook page. From reading the comments, many Tea Partiers are urging him to run for president.

Here's the full speech (phenomenal).

[ame=]Dr. Benjamin Carson Epic Full Speech at National Prayer Breakfast Attacks Obama's Policies! - YouTube[/ame]

God bless this man.

Thanks for the laugh!!! What about Mr. "Nein, nein, nein"? Will he be running for the VP slot? :lol:

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