The New Idol of the Tea Party - (He's Black)

What if it turns out he's been a card-carrying Democrat all this time....Then what?

Well it's funny how anti Obama/Democrat he is... No matter if he is a Democrat, a Republican or independent, what is clear is his stance on Government is the polar opposite that of Obama's and most if not all Democrats in congress.

It's like that whole founding fathers were liberals, maybe so, but the title means nothing when the liberals today that hold office are the very people the FF's made war with and broke away from to create the United States.
What has he done or said that you find to be "Anti-Obama?"

I'm sorry... did you uhh, not watch the video? I'd rather not quote something so incredibly accessible.

Obama = Government takes care of you 100%

Dr. Tea Party Fav = Government gives you an account that YOU fill with your own money, not other peoples money - Government can't tax that money - That money get's passed on to family un-taxed when you die and that money can be used be used up if you spend it un-wisely.
This is the funniest thread I have read in quite some time. All of us "righties" are trying to convince the "lefties" that Carson is a polar opposite to Obama Bin Lyin'. They are all on board with him...

What are we thinking anyway? If all these libs are anti-Obamacare, anti-handouts, and for a flat tax all of a sudden because there is a conservative black Independent telling them the same thing we have been telling them for decades, and now they are ready to buy the intelligence of it --- shouldn't we just let them.

If this thread isn't proof that the left doesn't really understand the things they profess to be about, I've never seen it before...

It's incredible, right?

I never thought I'd hear a liberal say they were for a flat taxation system.
Well it's funny how anti Obama/Democrat he is... No matter if he is a Democrat, a Republican or independent, what is clear is his stance on Government is the polar opposite that of Obama's and most if not all Democrats in congress.

It's like that whole founding fathers were liberals, maybe so, but the title means nothing when the liberals today that hold office are the very people the FF's made war with and broke away from to create the United States.
What has he done or said that you find to be "Anti-Obama?"

I'm sorry... did you uhh, not watch the video? I'd rather not quote something so incredibly accessible.

Obama = Government takes care of you 100%

Dr. Tea Party Fav = Government gives you an account that YOU fill with your own money, not other peoples money - Government can't tax that money - That money get's passed on to family un-taxed when you die and that money can be used be used up if you spend it un-wisely.
That's what I thought...nothing.

Carry on.
I think that there is a racist element in certain geographic areas within tea party roots that will turn away without considering his assets. JMHO

Ah, the myth lives on.

"We know they're racist, even if they support him! We just know it because...because...well look where they live!"

I know many Tea Party People who are racist. They hide it as much as possbile, but it comes out on occasion. It is NOT a myth...I hope they are trying to move away from that persona, but it is definitely there.
I think that there is a racist element in certain geographic areas within tea party roots that will turn away without considering his assets. JMHO

Ah, the myth lives on.

"We know they're racist, even if they support him! We just know it because...because...well look where they live!"

I know many Tea Party People who are racist. They hide it as much as possbile, but it comes out on occasion. It is NOT a myth...I hope they are trying to move away from that persona, but it is definitely there.
I know a lot of libtards that are socialists or socialist leaning, most of the idiots are blatant about it. Tea party is better then dimwits, hands down.

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