the new most popular song in Moscow, by the country's number 1 singer of all time, Shaman. It's called... yeah, it's "Mein Kampf."


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
the new most popular song in Moscow, by the country's number 1 singer of all time, Shaman. It's called... yeah, it's "Mein Kampf." ps Well at least he didn’t post it on Hitler’s birthday 🇷🇺 this time....

The moscovy NKVD- fascist government and their neo-Nazi supporters:

lol yes. That's why I laugh at the allegedly right wing' tards sniveling about Ukrainian Natzees N Stuff!!!', as if Republicans were against Nazis or something. They're still sniveling about Da Evul FDR winning WW II pretty much without them against both Nazis and their Japanese thug allies at the same time. Lots of skinheads in Russia.
The thing that worries me is the sudden lack of coverage of the Ukraine war. Biden is pro Ukraine, our media is totally woke (pro Biden), so if it were going well over there our media would be playing it up as a great Biden victory. Since they're pretty quiet now, I'm wondering if maybe Ukraine might not be doing so good these days. Our government-media always gets quiet when the shit hits the fan like it did with election fraud, Hunters laptop, deadly vaccines, lockdowns, Joe's top secret documents in his unlocked car garage. That's why this silence is hitting me as something bad for Ukraine.
if it were going well over there our media would be playing it up as a great Biden victory. Since they're pretty quiet now, I'm wondering if maybe Ukraine might not be doing so good these days. That's why this silence is hitting me as something bad for Ukraine.
At least you have cottoned on to the obvious . Do you not know that the present Kyiv Nazi army is their third one -- the first two were obliterated ,which is exactly how things are going for this present one ? Losses have been beyond catastrophic . Stop reading MSM garbage and step into the real world .
DONT DO kinky porn´s steamings in Twitter , and everything is gonna be fine

I do fine without it at all, but thanks. If posters don't want to post texts and prefer to link to sites half the country have blocked, that's fine. too; I doubt if I'm missing any jeenyus level stuff.
do you have twitter ?

No. I have two gardens, a 92 year old mother with a big pool that I take care of, I make wine, I golf, I drink, I go to casinos, I go to Broadway, I go to the shore, I go to concerts and sports events, I travel and I start a new project almost every month. I try to stay informed as best I can but I really don't have a shitload of time. I certainly don't any time for Twitter or Facebook. USMB is enough for me.
No. I have two gardens, a 92 year old mother with a big pool that I take care of, I make wine, I golf, I drink, I go to casinos, I go to Broadway, I go to the shore, I go to concerts and sports events, I travel and I start a new project almost every month. I try to stay informed as best I can but I really don't have a shitload of time. I certainly don't any time for Twitter or Facebook. USMB is enough for me.

Cluster ammo has great stats: -4 million 155mm cluster shells in stock -each shell 7 times more effective than regular 155mm shells So even if Ukraine fired only 1000 of these a day, that would be the equivalent of 7000 regular shells and Ukraine could keep it up for 10 years!
Do Nazis enjoy themselves , Titty Winkle? That is why we are eradicating scum like you. See Sophie Ellis Bextor, Nazi Winkle .

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