CDZ The new NAFTA with Mexico?


Gold Member
Nov 15, 2009
So so, this is exciting. What is the scuttlebut on what is in it?

For the record let me say I'm optimistic. This seems like a fairly adult process and it may just help out our trade deficit a little bit.

Our (expert) trophy wife hunting, bankruptcy declaring, childish commander in chief HAS talked with North Korea and at least improving NAFTA even a little bit appears within his reach.

We'll talk about his environmental problems another day. But yeah, slap Donald into acting like an adult, keep him in the negotiating room and your attractive daughters or ethics challenged sons away from him and he seems to do decent.

I'm optimistic, what do you all hear is in it?
I’m willing to wait and see how it goes

My gut feeling it is a rebranded NAFTA

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