The New Political Cartoon: A Media Druidism


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a pandemonium-tale about capitalism-geared idealism and cynicism relevant to the tone of anti-Trump political podiums in this new bazaar-themed globalization stage which arguably saw inception during the Clinton administration.

What do you think of TrumpUSA?

What does OPEC and ISIS think?

I want to measure what kinds of political cartoons are considered censorship-worthy in this new world of media...which is why I favor a new 'brand of political cartoon.'

Farewell Thomas Nast...hello Frank Capra.



Phoenix was a staunch public defender working at a law firm in Tokyo (Japan). He was interested in TrumpUSA and the new 'capital war' being waged in the world-bazaar (i.e., Wall Street/Facebook). Phoenix studied intellectual property mostly and how American media-faces and super-celebrities (i.e., Tom Cruise) were 'diplomats' of press-popularity. Phoenix stated, "Mr. Cruise is really the super-commander of a legion of mindless but passionate capitalism 'drones' (for lack of a better word!)." Phoenix was right. Cruise's only real nemesis was the harlot of Babylon (a woman who defied his domination of culture and trends).


Cruise had become like a 'virtual-reality' President of the mercantilism-loving proletariat, and he stomped on anyone who opposed a general streamlining and numbing of individualism in this new world of networking-gauged 'fashion.' Cruise did not guess that the guardian/boyfriend of the mysterious harlot of Babylon was a super-terrorist named Destro, a man hiding in the suburbs of America and using the Internet to disseminate ideas about self-determined anti-capitalism rhetoric. Destro was pleased that his 'lady' (the harlot of Babylon) had effectively undermined Cruise's sociological dominance of trends/gossip. However, Destro worried that Cruise had become like a 'robotic terminator' of individualism and that his 'lady' (the harlot of Babylon), whom he nicknamed 'Sandy,' had become like a Marxist robo-maid.


Phoenix decided to file an affidavit with the Tokyo Exchange regarding the use of media images by civilians in the market-hyping of fashions and trends which contributed to a gossip-obsessed human conversation around the world. Phoenix implied that the circulation of these images on the Internet deflated the true market-value of brand name products, endorsement-rich items such as Air Jordan sneakers, and of course QVC. Phoenix believed that this 'Commercial War' was being waged in the arena of toys, and that the players would be 'culture-chauffeurs' such as Ben Affleck (a pedestrianism-embracing American movie-star), Kate Hudson (actress and co-owner of a lucrative mercantilism-based fitness-gear company in the USA), and Donald Trump (a capitalism-baron elected into political office under controversial circumstances in the media). Phoenix was right. Harvard economists were making jokes such as, "The AntiChist is a Hollywood movie star."


Dear Abishai100
Yes and no. If you make graven images and idols of things you see in the media,
that is projection from the person. You can't go around blaming external factors
and forces outside yourself, or you will always play the victim to outside control.

The goal is to restore healthy balance and relations between
the individual and the greater collective society.

This can't be done by blaming this or that.
If you abuse the media to teach people to fear oppression
by outside factors and influence, that is part of the game of
divide and conquer. So you are playing right into the trap.

The point is to liberate oneself and humanity from this trap
of victimhood and projected blame, that others keeps people
oppressed, divided and compromised. Once you confront
these fears, then you cannot be manipulated by them.
You realize other people are just as afraid, you form
alliances and allies, and work to overcome these
mutual fears, problems and barriers so all people are uplifted
and justice is re-established globally one relationship at a time.

Send a positive message of empowerment and equal justice
through the media and you uplift humanity.

Keep sending negative messages and it just provokes
and incites more of the same vicious cycle of projected blame
and learned helplessness. Which side of this do you want
to be on, the side of promoting fear of problems and conflicts,
or the side of overcoming setbacks and working together on sustainable solutions
that help all of humanity universally. Help or hurt, promote love of truth
for mutual empowerment, or provoke fear of helpless victimhood, which do you choose to magnify?

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