The New Zealand shooting is not going to stop me from criticizing Islam

It is unfortunate what happened, but the Islamic religion is the most toxic religion ever invented by man and it is the third deadliest philosophy after Communism and Nazism.
Of course not.

Like most on the right you’re an frightened, ignorant, hateful bigot.
Isn't it funny how the left is so quick to defend a group of people who throw gays off of rooftops, want to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth, don't allow women to drive or hold jobs, or claim that they were raped unless they had X amount of witnesses?

Ladies and gentlemen: I give you today's Democrat Party. A bigger bunch of disingenuous hypocrites and liars there has never been in this country.
It is unfortunate what happened, but the Islamic religion is the most toxic religion ever invented by man and it is the third deadliest philosophy after Communism and Nazism.

A true Trump believer just spoke his mind. His views are shared by many of Trump's fans. Why is that? Allow me to explain.

"Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on," Trump said to national television audience.

Referring to the clash of neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and members of the KKK versus the townspeople of Charlottesville defending their homes, Trump declared, “You also had some very fine people on both sides.”

In an interview yesterday with Breitbart News, Trump said this:

You know, the left plays a tougher game, it’s very funny. I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher. Okay? I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump — I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad. But the left plays it cuter and tougher.

It would be very bad, very bad.

There’s no particular reason to give Trump the benefit of the doubt on this. But even if he did intend it in this somewhat less disgusting way, he’s still saying that the ranks of his armed supporters could at some point feel provoked to violence. He doesn’t say they should feel provoked, but merely that they might feel provoked under certain conditions and Trump is giving his okay by saying, "I have the tough people."

Trump said Friday he does not believe white nationalism is a rising global danger after a suspected gunman who authorities say espoused that ideology massacred 49 Muslims in New Zealand.

“I don’t really. I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems. It’s certainly a terrible thing,” he said.
He's correct.
It is unfortunate what happened, but the Islamic religion is the most toxic religion ever invented by man and it is the third deadliest philosophy after Communism and Nazism.

It’s unfortunate that they were imported to turn churches into mosques.
There is a reason that liberals are scientifically linked to psychosis. They are the first to berate and act like animals about Mike Pence, his wife and their personal views. All while walking hand in hand in fake solidarity with a religion that openly discriminates against the people they "pretend" to fight for. Theres zero logic behind anything they say or do. ... its just so mind blowing at how the so called "educated" are also so retarded
It is unfortunate what happened, but the Islamic religion is the most toxic religion ever invented by man and it is the third deadliest philosophy after Communism and Nazism.
Of course not.

Like most on the right you’re an frightened, ignorant, hateful bigot.
Actually, I am the opposite of ignorant about Islam. The more I know about Islam, the more I realize how evil its teachings are, and how tragic it is that so many people are deluded into believing it.
It is unfortunate what happened, but the Islamic religion is the most toxic religion ever invented by man and it is the third deadliest philosophy after Communism and Nazism.
Most racists agree

Fascinating, really.

You criticize Christianity at the drop of a hat on the daily. But now criticism of Islam is "racist". How funny, Islam is not a race. Predictably, you're blinded by the "diversity", aren't you?
It is unfortunate what happened, but the Islamic religion is the most toxic religion ever invented by man and it is the third deadliest philosophy after Communism and Nazism.
Most racists agree

Is Islam a race or religion? Last time I checked it was a religion.
Bigotry, then.

Either way it’s ignorance, fear, and hate – just as reprehensible as racism.

Really. I don't think so. I think it's wrong to cut up the private parts of little girls and sew them back together. That opinion is not based on either ignorance, fear or hate---it's based on knowledge and science. I think it's wrong to deny the right of women to work, or drive a car, or walk with a man and not behind him. Again, that opinion is not based on ignorance, or fear, or hate, but on rational thought. I also think it's wrong to throw homosexuals off rooftops. Do you think that opinion is based on ignorance, fear or hate? Am I now a bigot for that?

What stupid thoughts you have, Clayton.
Clayton is half-educated in law, which means he thinks he's qualified to spout off legal opinions.
It is unfortunate what happened, but the Islamic religion is the most toxic religion ever invented by man and it is the third deadliest philosophy after Communism and Nazism.

Only to make this clear: That's not the opinion of the very most Christians in the world - and specially also not the opinion of the very most Catholics in the world - nor is this, what you say here, in any harmony with the teachings of our church and our pontifex Francesco.

I hope I speak now for all Catholics in the world when I say we all are very shocked and full of sorrow and deep compassion for the victims of this terrible godless terroristic attack. God may help everyone of the relatives and friends of this martyrs and he might open the paradise for them, so they are able to live in peace and harmony together with god forever. My praying and best wishes are with the victims of this terrible deed and with all inhabitants of New Zealand within this very dark hours of all mankind. You are not alone.

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It is unfortunate what happened, but the Islamic religion is the most toxic religion ever invented by man and it is the third deadliest philosophy after Communism and Nazism.

You mean right up there with Christians and Judaism? The Right wing nuts are the Nazi's of today.
It is unfortunate what happened, but the Islamic religion is the most toxic religion ever invented by man and it is the third deadliest philosophy after Communism and Nazism.

Naw, Catholicism is more fucked up than Islam. And trust me, I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years. Talk about a bunch of fucked up hypocrisy to listen to some frustrated old Lesbian tell you being gay was bad.

ALL religion can be abused. You know why? Because once you've convinced less smart people that know the way into an eternal paradise that is better than whatever you have going on now, you can get those stupid shits to do anything.

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