The New Zealand shooting is not going to stop me from criticizing Islam

It is unfortunate what happened, but the Islamic religion is the most toxic religion ever invented by man and it is the third deadliest philosophy after Communism and Nazism.

Naw, Catholicism is more fucked up than Islam. And trust me, I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years. ...

I guess "for less than 12 seconds" you liked to say. Then they threw you out.

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Isn't it funny how the left is so quick to defend a group of people who throw gays off of rooftops, want to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth, don't allow women to drive or hold jobs, or claim that they were raped unless they had X amount of witnesses?

Ladies and gentlemen: I give you today's Democrat Party. A bigger bunch of disingenuous hypocrites and liars there has never been in this country.

No, what's funny is that the homophobic misogynist right actually pretends to care about women and gays in those countries because they happen to be standing on top of a shit-ton of oil.

Our problem with the middle east has nothing to do with their religion, it has to do with our policy of letting the Zionists and Oil Companies tell us we need to fight wars over the last 30 years to keep their interests safe.
Actually, I am the opposite of ignorant about Islam. The more I know about Islam, the more I realize how evil its teachings are, and how tragic it is that so many people are deluded into believing it.

Sure you are...

"My SKy Pixie can beat up your Sky Pixie!"

That's about your level of understanding.

Really. I don't think so. I think it's wrong to cut up the private parts of little girls and sew them back together. That opinion is not based on either ignorance, fear or hate---it's based on knowledge and science.

I agree.

And now for the truth. FGM is not a religious practice, is not called for in any religious text of Islam. Christian women in that region ALSO practice it, and the practice dates back to antiquity, as we have found mummies who had it done to them.

But because of your Ignorance, Fear and Hate, you blame this on a religion and not a culture.

I also think it's wrong to throw homosexuals off rooftops. Do you think that opinion is based on ignorance, fear or hate? Am I now a bigot for that?

No, you just want to deny ALL of them marriage, instead of just throwing a couple off a roof-top in a region where law and order has broken down.

I imagine that if civil order broke down in this country, you bible thumpers would be evening a few scores, too. .
It is unfortunate what happened, but the Islamic religion is the most toxic religion ever invented by man and it is the third deadliest philosophy after Communism and Nazism.
Ten simple Commandments from a God not the Expense of Government.

That should be a Religious requirement.
Actually, I am the opposite of ignorant about Islam. The more I know about Islam, the more I realize how evil its teachings are, and how tragic it is that so many people are deluded into believing it.

Sure you are...

"My SKy Pixie can beat up your Sky Pixie!"

That's about your level of understanding.

Really. I don't think so. I think it's wrong to cut up the private parts of little girls and sew them back together. That opinion is not based on either ignorance, fear or hate---it's based on knowledge and science.

I agree.

And now for the truth. FGM is not a religious practice, is not called for in any religious text of Islam. Christian women in that region ALSO practice it, and the practice dates back to antiquity, as we have found mummies who had it done to them.

But because of your Ignorance, Fear and Hate, you blame this on a religion and not a culture.

I also think it's wrong to throw homosexuals off rooftops. Do you think that opinion is based on ignorance, fear or hate? Am I now a bigot for that?

No, you just want to deny ALL of them marriage, instead of just throwing a couple off a roof-top in a region where law and order has broken down.

I imagine that if civil order broke down in this country, you bible thumpers would be evening a few scores, too. .

Mohammed himself condoned FGM, do you realize this? It might have been "cultural" at one time but it now is very much part of Islamic practice for many Muslims. And that is why.

And why do defend the way Muslims treat homosexuals anyway? Why would you ever feel the need to defend them? Isn't that odd?
Isn't it funny how the left is so quick to defend a group of people who throw gays off of rooftops, want to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth, don't allow women to drive or hold jobs, or claim that they were raped unless they had X amount of witnesses?

Ladies and gentlemen: I give you today's Democrat Party. A bigger bunch of disingenuous hypocrites and liars there has never been in this country.

No, what's funny is that the homophobic misogynist right actually pretends to care about women and gays in those countries because they happen to be standing on top of a shit-ton of oil.

Our problem with the middle east has nothing to do with their religion, it has to do with our policy of letting the Zionists and Oil Companies tell us we need to fight wars over the last 30 years to keep their interests safe.

What are you even talking about? Under President Trump. we are now a net exporter of oil and gas for the first time. We have more oil and gas in this country than any other place in the world.
Isn't it funny how the left is so quick to defend a group of people who throw gays off of rooftops, want to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth, don't allow women to drive or hold jobs, or claim that they were raped unless they had X amount of witnesses?

Ladies and gentlemen: I give you today's Democrat Party. A bigger bunch of disingenuous hypocrites and liars there has never been in this country.
How many of those killed in NZ threw gays off of roofs? And I have found that many of those having a hard time refraining from cheering over the slaughter in Christchurch also had a hard time keeping from cheering over the gay night club massacre in Florida a few years back. Ironically for you, many of them have called me and other posters derogatory names for gay people over the last day.
Mohammed himself condoned FGM, do you realize this? It might have been "cultural" at one time but it now is very much part of Islamic practice for many Muslims. And that is why.

You have no idea what you are talking about.... you really don't. Stick to your own backwards superstitions.

And why do defend the way Muslims treat homosexuals anyway? Why would you ever feel the need to defend them? Isn't that odd?

For 11 years of my life, I was in the military, and guess what, whenever someone wants to get you outraged about "those people", watch to find what their own motives are. The One Percent (THE REAL ENEMY) only cares about what goes on over there because they are standing on a shit-ton of oil. It's not like their kids are coming home in body bags.

What are you even talking about? Under President Trump. we are now a net exporter of oil and gas for the first time. We have more oil and gas in this country than any other place in the world.

No, we really don't.
Nothing to do with Trump, but bringing up a few drops of shale oil and fucking up the environment in the process isn't worth it.
Mohammed himself condoned FGM, do you realize this? It might have been "cultural" at one time but it now is very much part of Islamic practice for many Muslims. And that is why.

You have no idea what you are talking about.... you really don't. Stick to your own backwards superstitions.

And why do defend the way Muslims treat homosexuals anyway? Why would you ever feel the need to defend them? Isn't that odd?

For 11 years of my life, I was in the military, and guess what, whenever someone wants to get you outraged about "those people", watch to find what their own motives are. The One Percent (THE REAL ENEMY) only cares about what goes on over there because they are standing on a shit-ton of oil. It's not like their kids are coming home in body bags.

What are you even talking about? Under President Trump. we are now a net exporter of oil and gas for the first time. We have more oil and gas in this country than any other place in the world.

No, we really don't.
Nothing to do with Trump, but bringing up a few drops of shale oil and fucking up the environment in the process isn't worth it.

It's in the Hadith Joe, but you're rather dull, so I'm sure you're going to defend it, right? Right. I already know this is coming.

The Story of Mohammed: 26 Female Genital Mutilation
Isn't it funny how the left is so quick to defend a group of people who throw gays off of rooftops, want to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth, don't allow women to drive or hold jobs, or claim that they were raped unless they had X amount of witnesses?

Ladies and gentlemen: I give you today's Democrat Party. A bigger bunch of disingenuous hypocrites and liars there has never been in this country.
How many of those killed in NZ threw gays off of roofs? And I have found that many of those having a hard time refraining from cheering over the slaughter in Christchurch also had a hard time keeping from cheering over the gay night club massacre in Florida a few years back. Ironically for you, many of them have called me and other posters derogatory names for gay people over the last day.

Awww, you poor sweetie. :itsok:

Don't feel too bad though. I've had more than my share of gay slurs hurled at me from the left. Just shrug it off.

Mohammed himself condoned FGM, do you realize this? It might have been "cultural" at one time but it now is very much part of Islamic practice for many Muslims. And that is why.

You have no idea what you are talking about.... you really don't. Stick to your own backwards superstitions.

And why do defend the way Muslims treat homosexuals anyway? Why would you ever feel the need to defend them? Isn't that odd?

For 11 years of my life, I was in the military, and guess what, whenever someone wants to get you outraged about "those people", watch to find what their own motives are. The One Percent (THE REAL ENEMY) only cares about what goes on over there because they are standing on a shit-ton of oil. It's not like their kids are coming home in body bags.

What are you even talking about? Under President Trump. we are now a net exporter of oil and gas for the first time. We have more oil and gas in this country than any other place in the world.

No, we really don't.
Nothing to do with Trump, but bringing up a few drops of shale oil and fucking up the environment in the process isn't worth it.

Obviously you forgot to do your homework. A "few drops of shale oil"??


Hydraulic fracking now accounts for about two-thirds of the total US marketed gas production, as well as half of the current oil production.

And that was in 2016.

Unconventional no more: Two-thirds of natural gas comes from fracking
It's in the Hadith Joe, but you're rather dull, so I'm sure you're going to defend it, right? Right. I already know this is coming.

First, the Hadiths are not the Q'uran.

Second, you used an Islamophobic website to make your point.

Third, the citations are kind of vague, and refer to male circumcission, not FGM. One of them it sounds like he's telling people NOT to cut on women.

Fourth, fuck you, you Islamophobic Twat.
Obviously you forgot to do your homework. A "few drops of shale oil"??

Hydraulic fracking now accounts for about two-thirds of the total US marketed gas production, as well as half of the current oil production.

And that was in 2016.

Again, we are fucking up the environment to get something we could buy cheaper from the Arabs... but never mind, we gave Big Oil what they wanted again.
It's in the Hadith Joe, but you're rather dull, so I'm sure you're going to defend it, right? Right. I already know this is coming.

First, the Hadiths are not the Q'uran.

Second, you used an Islamophobic website to make your point.

Third, the citations are kind of vague, and refer to male circumcission, not FGM. One of them it sounds like he's telling people NOT to cut on women.

Fourth, fuck you, you Islamophobic Twat.

Why are you so quick to defend Islam, Joe, to call me such a horrid misogynistic name?

You're not a very incisive thinker, to do the bidding of your Overlords so quickly, and leap to defend Islam. THINK Joe. Really try.
It's in the Hadith Joe, but you're rather dull, so I'm sure you're going to defend it, right? Right. I already know this is coming.

First, the Hadiths are not the Q'uran.

Second, you used an Islamophobic website to make your point.

Third, the citations are kind of vague, and refer to male circumcission, not FGM. One of them it sounds like he's telling people NOT to cut on women.

Fourth, fuck you, you Islamophobic Twat.

Also that quote is DEFINITELY not about male circumcision. Wow Joe, what is it about Islam that makes you love it soooo much?

Just the "diversity"? Can you answer? Prove to me just once you have some ORIGINAL THINKING, Joe, can you do that?
It's in the Hadith Joe, but you're rather dull, so I'm sure you're going to defend it, right? Right. I already know this is coming.

First, the Hadiths are not the Q'uran.

Second, you used an Islamophobic website to make your point.

Third, the citations are kind of vague, and refer to male circumcission, not FGM. One of them it sounds like he's telling people NOT to cut on women.

Fourth, fuck you, you Islamophobic Twat.

Maybe Joe loves him the Muslims because he dreams of oppressing women. I mean look at his foul little mouth and his small, weasely mind. He'd fit right in the oppressed, Middle Eastern nations, oppressing women, hiding them under burkas, having them at home and barefoot and trailing after them.

The secret of why Leftist men love Islam, read it right here folks.
Why are you so quick to defend Islam, Joe, to call me such a horrid misogynistic name?

You're not a very incisive thinker, to do the bidding of your Overlords so quickly, and leap to defend Islam. THINK Joe. Really try.

The misogynistic name I WANT to call you they won't let me use.

You are a truly nasty piece of work, like most religious nuts.

In the words of George McGovern, I am tired of old people finding excuses for young people to die.

Maybe Joe loves him the Muslims because he dreams of oppressing women. I mean look at his foul little mouth and his small, weasely mind. He'd fit right in the oppressed, Middle Eastern nations, oppressing women, hiding them under burkas, having them at home and barefoot and trailing after them.

It's your side that wants to force women to have babies they don't want. I learned a long time ago, never stand between a woman and her stupidity. So if she wants to marry a Muslim or a white trash wifebeater, just not my problem.

Here's the thing, the people in those middle east nations are oppressed because of the governments the west set up for them. And then when one of those people we armed turns on us (Saddam, Bin Laden) the Zionists and the Oil companies INSIST young men have to go over and fight and die for it.

Just because you get played for a fool, doesn't mean all of us have to

Here's my plan for peace in the middle east. Have a draft, so EVERYONE has to go, not just the poor kids. And then take the children of the rich and the politicians, and put them in an elite airborne infantry unit that will be the first deployed to any war zone.

Betcha we ain't too keen on "civilizing' them after that.
Here's my plan for peace in the middle east. Have a draft, so EVERYONE has to go, not just the poor kids. And then take the children of the rich and the politicians, and put them in an elite airborne infantry unit that will be the first deployed to any war zone.

Betcha we ain't too keen on "civilizing' them after that.

You can call it the bone spur brigade. When the call to arms comes they'll play golf. It will confound the enemy. After the war, and millions die maybe someone will realize that the average muslim isn't any more evil than their own grandmothers and grandfathers, sisters and brothers, who were abused since childhood until they lost their minds and believed it was a sentimental and holy obligation to celebrate the torture and death of Jesus on Christmas eve.
FGM is not a religious practice, is not called for in any religious text of Islam.
Just one problem there....Muhammed specifically condones it and teaches someone the best way to do it in the hadiths. And many Muslims see him as the perfect human and believe his actions are perfect and correct. So, for the people who believe Islam DOES mandate it, they don't need a verse directing them to do it. Their prophet condoned it, so they must do it as well. To them, it most certainly is a religious practice.

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