The newly empowered and sex


Silver Member
Oct 31, 2016
The newly empowered and sex

“but those who wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

For your own sake, I urge you/all to re-read the above several times. Ponder it in conjunction with “when the enemy comes in like a flood the Lord will lift up a standard” Isaiah 59:19

I submit Jesus will soon empower many (no man knows how many) who are “waiting on the Lord” currently sprinkled around the world.

I submit many Jesus will empower will be those that the leaders of organized christianish religion refer to a “Lone Rangers, oddballs, misfits, unconventional and the like. These newly empowered “waiters” will be used to recruit and empower many new servants of Jesus.
”There gathered to David every one that was in distress, and every one in debt, and every one that was discontented” 1 Samuel 22

In like manner many that now appear weak, unimportant, “down and out” and “bottom of the totem pole” are going to become empowered servants of Jesus. Many of these newly empowered will know little more than the reality that Jesus is alive with power and sees us all.

I predict some (perhaps many or all) of the newly empowered servants of Jesus will be promiscuous and feel no guilt about it.
Vi-agra may help you too, not very spiritual though, you may not see God but who knows.

"Not every religion has to have St. Augustine's attitude to sex. Why even in our culture marriages are celebrated in a church, everyone present knows what is going to happen that night, but that doesn't prevent it being a religious ceremony." Ludwig Wittgenstein
For the record: I've decided "promiscuous" was a poor choice of word ... and somewhat misleading.

I'd make my final sentence in my OP to be: I predict the newly empowered servants of Jesus will neither be nor claim to be celibate.

Now ... questions to all:

Did Abraham do anything sinful in the sight of God when he impregnated the concubines that God gave Abe ?

Did Solomon sin when he screwed any of his 300 concubines ? Not to mention the 700 wives.
After Jesus empowers they/we who Jesus deems to be "waiting on Him" then Jesus's Church will begin to take shape around the newly empowered.
The Great Whore family of cults (commonly called "organized christianish religion") will oppose and hate and condemn the Church that Jesus will be forming
around His newly empowered servants (among whom will be prophets and apostles).

After Abraham passed the great test, God could have just let Abe die .... but instead God rewarded Abe and deliberately enshrined the rewarding in scripture.

After Sarah died God rewarded Abraham (around 140 years old) with women. Namely Keturah (with whom Abe had 6 sons) and some unnamed "concubines" that 140-150 year old Abe impregnated and sent away (with gifts). God rewarded Abe by enabling him to have physical pleasure .... sexual gratification ... with wife and concubines for years while Abe was over 140 years old. Safe to say the concubines God gave Abe were considerably younger than Abe.(who was 175 then he died).

Said all that to say this: There is precedent for God giving "concubines" as a reward for service. For pleasing God.
And after Isaiah 40:31 comes to pass, and Jesus's newly empowered servants commence going on "service missions" and being transported to where people have problems only Jesus can fix, then Jesus can be expected to reward His servants as Jesus sees fit. Jesus knows it is hard wired into boys and men to appreciate the esteem of women.

As scads of women are attracted to the newly empowered servants of Jesus, no doubt the Vatican led false "church" will find fault with the newly empowered servants of Jesus.

”When they came home, as David was returning from slaying the Philistine, the women came out from all cities of Israel to meet King Saul, singing and dancing, with tambourines, with joy, and with musical instruments. 7 The dancing women sang and said,“Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands.””
The coming to pass of Isaiah 40:31 will mean a sudden creation of many (no man knows how many) newly empowered servants of Jesus.

The initially newly empowered are going to be used by Jesus to recruit-enlist many (including many young men) into the service of Jesus.
These newly recruited disciples (coming from all kinds of cultures) will have come to believe in Jesus due to having signs and wonders performed in their face.
Not due to preaching.

"For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power." 1 Corinthians 4:20

Many of the young newly recruited apprentice servants of Jesus will initially know very little about Jesus. They will begin study of the NT..

These new disciples will be sent into hospitals ...healing everyone in the hospital.
They will be sent as Jesus sent disciples "Heal the sick, raise the dead, ....". Matthew 10:8
They will be sent where there are such as babies born with no arms/legs and all other manner of deformity.
They will be sent to transfigure women and men whose faces have suffered acid attacks.
Scads of men and women, will be asking to join with the newly empowered.

Promiscuous (having many transient sexual relationships, being sexually indiscriminate, treating sexual activity as casual)
was definitely not the word I was looking for. My mistake. Promiscuity will be a snare.

However, I'm confident many (probably most) of the newly empowered servants of Jesus (coming from all kinds of cultures and sub-cultures)
will neither be celibate nor monogamous. No doubt some will be polygamous.

I bet some will enter into group 'intimate love bonds'.
(what many may call "marriage" I will henceforth call an 'intimate love bond')

"love one another" ... "where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty" ...
"Your kingdom come; Your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven". ......
"The angels of God in heaven do not marry"

I shall now put on my faith flack jacket hunker down and prepare for incoming !

"and above all, taking the shield of faith, with which you will be able to extinguish all the fiery darts of the evil one" Ephesians 6:16

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