The news is out Trump Campaign obstructed

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Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

He is pissing off the enemy with in, good God he is supposed to protect the country from foreign and domestic threats, liberals are a threat to our safety and freedom.

See, that's the problem. You view other Americans as the enemy. That's not leadership.
They are the enemy they want to defund the cops, they want high taxes, high cost of living , they want guys in little girls bathrooms.
So lock them up then? Jail everyone with a political opinion you don’t like?

Just one party control.

You’re taking us to a dark place.
I am taking us to a dark place?

What the fuck dude some of us has daughters who

Doesn't want them to see dicks in the little girls bathrooms

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to get rapped, robbed or killed

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to be taxed to death .
WTF is gonna happen with trump raising our debt to the sky with no plan to reduce it ?
Who wanted 3 trillion dollars, Trump or the house Democrats????
Who was willing to compromise Dems or the republicans?
I'm sick and tired of this low life pos ,this scumbag in our WH looking to punish Dem states

They where not paying there fair share to the feds..

Now they are and you're mad, why?
Blue states are the givers Red are the takers Never forget that

That's just a DNC talking point based on contorted statistics. There's no reason to remember it

Ha! Can’t refute it so just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it doesn’t exist.

Face it. The biggest and best economies in this country mostly reside in blue states. No one wants to be Alabama or Mississippi.
Maybe because the "population" moves to where the work is and highly populated areas tend to move toward liberal policies? You haven't proved cause and effect. In fact, you made a typical error in logic. You assume that one drives the other when it could possibly be the other way around. Look at all the businesses leaving California because of liberal policies. You can't refute that and it doesn't support your conclusion.
That’s why I stated as a per capita GDP. If this is just because of population density, then we’ve shown that population density areas are less economically productive.

As for businesses leaving California, I don’t refute that it’s happening but whether it’s significant is far from shown in data.
Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

He is pissing off the enemy with in, good God he is supposed to protect the country from foreign and domestic threats, liberals are a threat to our safety and freedom.

See, that's the problem. You view other Americans as the enemy. That's not leadership.
They are the enemy they want to defund the cops, they want high taxes, high cost of living , they want guys in little girls bathrooms.
So lock them up then? Jail everyone with a political opinion you don’t like?

Just one party control.

You’re taking us to a dark place.
I am taking us to a dark place?

What the fuck dude some of us has daughters who

Doesn't want them to see dicks in the little girls bathrooms

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to get rapped, robbed or killed

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to be taxed to death .
WTF is gonna happen with trump raising our debt to the sky with no plan to reduce it ?
Who wanted 3 trillion dollars, Trump or the house Democrats????
Who was willing to compromise Dems or the republicans?
I'm sick and tired of this low life pos ,this scumbag in our WH looking to punish Dem states

They where not paying there fair share to the feds..

Now they are and you're mad, why?
Blue states are the givers Red are the takers Never forget that

That's just a DNC talking point based on contorted statistics. There's no reason to remember it

Ha! Can’t refute it so just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it doesn’t exist.

Face it. The biggest and best economies in this country mostly reside in blue states. No one wants to be Alabama or Mississippi.

Colfax: Prove me wrong!

Yeah, that's how this works ...

GDP per capita by state. In the top 10, 7 are blue states. The three that are red states are primarily wealthy because of natural resources, not because they actually do anything special. In the bottom 10, 9 are red states states. (Basing blue and red on the 2016 electoral map)

So? What I disputed was your statement "Blue states are the givers Red are the takers." You're full of shit. Don't give me a link with one contrived way of calculating that. That supports my statement, it doesn't contradict it.

The only link that I saw on the site so far was one that only counted direct transfers of money from the Federal government to State governments. It had Virginia as a low beneficiary of Federal money and Maryland just above average. Those States are FLOODED with Federal money.

You don't know what you're talking about. You're just parroting DNC talking points, as you always do
Cool. So why are red states so economically dysfunctional?
Blue states give more to the fed Red gives less or are TAKERS
Trump finnaly made blue states pay their fair share to the feds, why are you and the left so mad???
Mad?? Angry is a better word We in blue states give far more to the fed than red states Now the moron wants to get even with us ,,use his position to hurt not help ?? Story of his life
can't you see it bear ? with blue states , with those in govt positions , with countries ,,his theme is REVENGE If you're happy with what I call a complete ah Vote for him But don't listen to Obamas speech last night ,,you might change your mind
I guess repubs never heard ,,,that you're known by the friends you keep Seems all of trumps friends belong in jail
Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

He is pissing off the enemy with in, good God he is supposed to protect the country from foreign and domestic threats, liberals are a threat to our safety and freedom.

See, that's the problem. You view other Americans as the enemy. That's not leadership.
They are the enemy they want to defund the cops, they want high taxes, high cost of living , they want guys in little girls bathrooms.
So lock them up then? Jail everyone with a political opinion you don’t like?

Just one party control.

You’re taking us to a dark place.
I am taking us to a dark place?

What the fuck dude some of us has daughters who

Doesn't want them to see dicks in the little girls bathrooms

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to get rapped, robbed or killed

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to be taxed to death .
WTF is gonna happen with trump raising our debt to the sky with no plan to reduce it ?
Who wanted 3 trillion dollars, Trump or the house Democrats????
Who was willing to compromise Dems or the republicans?
I'm sick and tired of this low life pos ,this scumbag in our WH looking to punish Dem states

They where not paying there fair share to the feds..

Now they are and you're mad, why?
Blue states are the givers Red are the takers Never forget that

That's just a DNC talking point based on contorted statistics. There's no reason to remember it

Ha! Can’t refute it so just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it doesn’t exist.

Face it. The biggest and best economies in this country mostly reside in blue states. No one wants to be Alabama or Mississippi.
Maybe because the "population" moves to where the work is and highly populated areas tend to move toward liberal policies? You haven't proved cause and effect. In fact, you made a typical error in logic. You assume that one drives the other when it could possibly be the other way around. Look at all the businesses leaving California because of liberal policies. You can't refute that and it doesn't support your conclusion.
That’s why I stated as a per capita GDP. If this is just because of population density, then we’ve shown that population density areas are less economically productive.

As for businesses leaving California, I don’t refute that it’s happening but whether it’s significant is far from shown in data.
It is mostly due to natural resources. Alabama and Mississippi have nothing except trees, white sand, and mud from the river.

Does California have natural resources?

California has a great environment - Beaches, mountains and desert all within two hours in most places. Great weather can be found pithing a few hours and in some places, like LA, the weather is great year round. People want to live there. Yosemite, Red Woods are incredible. It has absolutely nothing to do with politics and everything to do with resources. I'm so tired of this bull shit argument. It's crap and you know it.
Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

He is pissing off the enemy with in, good God he is supposed to protect the country from foreign and domestic threats, liberals are a threat to our safety and freedom.

See, that's the problem. You view other Americans as the enemy. That's not leadership.
They are the enemy they want to defund the cops, they want high taxes, high cost of living , they want guys in little girls bathrooms.
So lock them up then? Jail everyone with a political opinion you don’t like?

Just one party control.

You’re taking us to a dark place.
I am taking us to a dark place?

What the fuck dude some of us has daughters who

Doesn't want them to see dicks in the little girls bathrooms

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to get rapped, robbed or killed

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to be taxed to death .
WTF is gonna happen with trump raising our debt to the sky with no plan to reduce it ?
Who wanted 3 trillion dollars, Trump or the house Democrats????
Who was willing to compromise Dems or the republicans?
I'm sick and tired of this low life pos ,this scumbag in our WH looking to punish Dem states

They where not paying there fair share to the feds..

Now they are and you're mad, why?
Blue states are the givers Red are the takers Never forget that

That's just a DNC talking point based on contorted statistics. There's no reason to remember it

Ha! Can’t refute it so just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it doesn’t exist.

Face it. The biggest and best economies in this country mostly reside in blue states. No one wants to be Alabama or Mississippi.
Maybe because the "population" moves to where the work is and highly populated areas tend to move toward liberal policies? You haven't proved cause and effect. In fact, you made a typical error in logic. You assume that one drives the other when it could possibly be the other way around. Look at all the businesses leaving California because of liberal policies. You can't refute that and it doesn't support your conclusion.
That’s why I stated as a per capita GDP. If this is just because of population density, then we’ve shown that population density areas are less economically productive.

As for businesses leaving California, I don’t refute that it’s happening but whether it’s significant is far from shown in data.
It is mostly due to natural resources. Alabama and Mississippi have nothing except trees, white sand, and mud from the river.

Does California have natural resources?

California has a great environment - Beaches, mountains and desert all within two hours in most places. Great weather can be found pithing a few hours and in some places, like LA, the weather is great year round. People want to live there. Yosemite, Red Woods are incredible. It has absolutely nothing to do with politics and everything to do with resources. I'm so tired of this bull shit argument. It's crap and you know it.
It’s fair to say California has great natural resources, and undoubtedly they benefit from tourism.

But by far industry such as tech and media production is a bigger contributor.

New York and Massachusetts have bigger economies as well. They’re not much different than southern states.
I guess repubs never heard ,,,that you're known by the friends you keep Seems all of trumps friends belong in jail

that you're known by the friends you keep Seems all of trumps friends belong in jail

During the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, controversy broke out [1] regarding Barack Obama's relationship with Bill Ayers, a Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a former leader of the Weather Underground, a radical left organization in the 1970s.[2] Investigations by CNN, The New York Times and other news organizations concluded that Obama did not have a close relationship with Ayers.[3][4][5]

Ayers and his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, hosted a gathering at their home in 1995,[6] where Alice Palmer introduced Obama as her chosen successor in the Illinois State Senate.[4][7] Obama and Ayers service on the board of directors of the Woods Fund of Chicago overlapped for three years from 1999 to 2002.[4][6][7]

Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

He is pissing off the enemy with in, good God he is supposed to protect the country from foreign and domestic threats, liberals are a threat to our safety and freedom.

See, that's the problem. You view other Americans as the enemy. That's not leadership.
They are the enemy they want to defund the cops, they want high taxes, high cost of living , they want guys in little girls bathrooms.
So lock them up then? Jail everyone with a political opinion you don’t like?

Just one party control.

You’re taking us to a dark place.
I am taking us to a dark place?

What the fuck dude some of us has daughters who

Doesn't want them to see dicks in the little girls bathrooms

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to get rapped, robbed or killed

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to be taxed to death .
WTF is gonna happen with trump raising our debt to the sky with no plan to reduce it ?
Who wanted 3 trillion dollars, Trump or the house Democrats????
Who was willing to compromise Dems or the republicans?
I'm sick and tired of this low life pos ,this scumbag in our WH looking to punish Dem states

They where not paying there fair share to the feds..

Now they are and you're mad, why?
Blue states are the givers Red are the takers Never forget that

That's just a DNC talking point based on contorted statistics. There's no reason to remember it

Ha! Can’t refute it so just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it doesn’t exist.

Face it. The biggest and best economies in this country mostly reside in blue states. No one wants to be Alabama or Mississippi.

Colfax: Prove me wrong!

Yeah, that's how this works ...

GDP per capita by state. In the top 10, 7 are blue states. The three that are red states are primarily wealthy because of natural resources, not because they actually do anything special. In the bottom 10, 9 are red states states. (Basing blue and red on the 2016 electoral map)

So? What I disputed was your statement "Blue states are the givers Red are the takers." You're full of shit. Don't give me a link with one contrived way of calculating that. That supports my statement, it doesn't contradict it.

The only link that I saw on the site so far was one that only counted direct transfers of money from the Federal government to State governments. It had Virginia as a low beneficiary of Federal money and Maryland just above average. Those States are FLOODED with Federal money.

You don't know what you're talking about. You're just parroting DNC talking points, as you always do
Cool. So why are red states so economically dysfunctional?

Say what? Restates are all fiscally sound, the blue states are the ones going fucking broke
Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

He is pissing off the enemy with in, good God he is supposed to protect the country from foreign and domestic threats, liberals are a threat to our safety and freedom.

See, that's the problem. You view other Americans as the enemy. That's not leadership.
They are the enemy they want to defund the cops, they want high taxes, high cost of living , they want guys in little girls bathrooms.
So lock them up then? Jail everyone with a political opinion you don’t like?

Just one party control.

You’re taking us to a dark place.
I am taking us to a dark place?

What the fuck dude some of us has daughters who

Doesn't want them to see dicks in the little girls bathrooms

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to get rapped, robbed or killed

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to be taxed to death .
WTF is gonna happen with trump raising our debt to the sky with no plan to reduce it ?
Who wanted 3 trillion dollars, Trump or the house Democrats????
Who was willing to compromise Dems or the republicans?
I'm sick and tired of this low life pos ,this scumbag in our WH looking to punish Dem states

They where not paying there fair share to the feds..

Now they are and you're mad, why?
Blue states are the givers Red are the takers Never forget that

That's just a DNC talking point based on contorted statistics. There's no reason to remember it

Ha! Can’t refute it so just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it doesn’t exist.

Face it. The biggest and best economies in this country mostly reside in blue states. No one wants to be Alabama or Mississippi.

Colfax: Prove me wrong!

Yeah, that's how this works ...

GDP per capita by state. In the top 10, 7 are blue states. The three that are red states are primarily wealthy because of natural resources, not because they actually do anything special. In the bottom 10, 9 are red states states. (Basing blue and red on the 2016 electoral map)

So? What I disputed was your statement "Blue states are the givers Red are the takers." You're full of shit. Don't give me a link with one contrived way of calculating that. That supports my statement, it doesn't contradict it.

The only link that I saw on the site so far was one that only counted direct transfers of money from the Federal government to State governments. It had Virginia as a low beneficiary of Federal money and Maryland just above average. Those States are FLOODED with Federal money.

You don't know what you're talking about. You're just parroting DNC talking points, as you always do
Cool. So why are red states so economically dysfunctional?
Blue states give more to the fed Red gives less or are TAKERS
Trump finnaly made blue states pay their fair share to the feds, why are you and the left so mad???
Mad?? Angry is a better word We in blue states give far more to the fed than red states Now the moron wants to get even with us ,,use his position to hurt not help ?? Story of his life
For the millionth time blue states was not paying their fare share to the federal government.
  • Thanks
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Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

He is pissing off the enemy with in, good God he is supposed to protect the country from foreign and domestic threats, liberals are a threat to our safety and freedom.

See, that's the problem. You view other Americans as the enemy. That's not leadership.
They are the enemy they want to defund the cops, they want high taxes, high cost of living , they want guys in little girls bathrooms.
So lock them up then? Jail everyone with a political opinion you don’t like?

Just one party control.

You’re taking us to a dark place.
I am taking us to a dark place?

What the fuck dude some of us has daughters who

Doesn't want them to see dicks in the little girls bathrooms

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to get rapped, robbed or killed

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to be taxed to death .
WTF is gonna happen with trump raising our debt to the sky with no plan to reduce it ?
Who wanted 3 trillion dollars, Trump or the house Democrats????
Who was willing to compromise Dems or the republicans?
I'm sick and tired of this low life pos ,this scumbag in our WH looking to punish Dem states

They where not paying there fair share to the feds..

Now they are and you're mad, why?
Blue states are the givers Red are the takers Never forget that

That's just a DNC talking point based on contorted statistics. There's no reason to remember it

Ha! Can’t refute it so just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it doesn’t exist.

Face it. The biggest and best economies in this country mostly reside in blue states. No one wants to be Alabama or Mississippi.

Colfax: Prove me wrong!

Yeah, that's how this works ...

GDP per capita by state. In the top 10, 7 are blue states. The three that are red states are primarily wealthy because of natural resources, not because they actually do anything special. In the bottom 10, 9 are red states states. (Basing blue and red on the 2016 electoral map)

So? What I disputed was your statement "Blue states are the givers Red are the takers." You're full of shit. Don't give me a link with one contrived way of calculating that. That supports my statement, it doesn't contradict it.

The only link that I saw on the site so far was one that only counted direct transfers of money from the Federal government to State governments. It had Virginia as a low beneficiary of Federal money and Maryland just above average. Those States are FLOODED with Federal money.

You don't know what you're talking about. You're just parroting DNC talking points, as you always do
Cool. So why are red states so economically dysfunctional?

Say what? Restates are all fiscally sound, the blue states are the ones going fucking broke

Blue States have a spending problem, like all Democrats
Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

He is pissing off the enemy with in, good God he is supposed to protect the country from foreign and domestic threats, liberals are a threat to our safety and freedom.

See, that's the problem. You view other Americans as the enemy. That's not leadership.
They are the enemy they want to defund the cops, they want high taxes, high cost of living , they want guys in little girls bathrooms.
So lock them up then? Jail everyone with a political opinion you don’t like?

Just one party control.

You’re taking us to a dark place.
I am taking us to a dark place?

What the fuck dude some of us has daughters who

Doesn't want them to see dicks in the little girls bathrooms

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to get rapped, robbed or killed

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to be taxed to death .
WTF is gonna happen with trump raising our debt to the sky with no plan to reduce it ?
Who wanted 3 trillion dollars, Trump or the house Democrats????
Who was willing to compromise Dems or the republicans?
I'm sick and tired of this low life pos ,this scumbag in our WH looking to punish Dem states

They where not paying there fair share to the feds..

Now they are and you're mad, why?
Blue states are the givers Red are the takers Never forget that

That's just a DNC talking point based on contorted statistics. There's no reason to remember it

Ha! Can’t refute it so just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it doesn’t exist.

Face it. The biggest and best economies in this country mostly reside in blue states. No one wants to be Alabama or Mississippi.

Colfax: Prove me wrong!

Yeah, that's how this works ...

GDP per capita by state. In the top 10, 7 are blue states. The three that are red states are primarily wealthy because of natural resources, not because they actually do anything special. In the bottom 10, 9 are red states states. (Basing blue and red on the 2016 electoral map)

So? What I disputed was your statement "Blue states are the givers Red are the takers." You're full of shit. Don't give me a link with one contrived way of calculating that. That supports my statement, it doesn't contradict it.

The only link that I saw on the site so far was one that only counted direct transfers of money from the Federal government to State governments. It had Virginia as a low beneficiary of Federal money and Maryland just above average. Those States are FLOODED with Federal money.

You don't know what you're talking about. You're just parroting DNC talking points, as you always do
Cool. So why are red states so economically dysfunctional?

Say what? Restates are all fiscally sound, the blue states are the ones going fucking broke
That’s because red states don’t give a damn about their people or their prosperity.
Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

He is pissing off the enemy with in, good God he is supposed to protect the country from foreign and domestic threats, liberals are a threat to our safety and freedom.

See, that's the problem. You view other Americans as the enemy. That's not leadership.
They are the enemy they want to defund the cops, they want high taxes, high cost of living , they want guys in little girls bathrooms.
So lock them up then? Jail everyone with a political opinion you don’t like?

Just one party control.

You’re taking us to a dark place.
I am taking us to a dark place?

What the fuck dude some of us has daughters who

Doesn't want them to see dicks in the little girls bathrooms

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to get rapped, robbed or killed

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to be taxed to death .
WTF is gonna happen with trump raising our debt to the sky with no plan to reduce it ?
Who wanted 3 trillion dollars, Trump or the house Democrats????
Who was willing to compromise Dems or the republicans?
I'm sick and tired of this low life pos ,this scumbag in our WH looking to punish Dem states

They where not paying there fair share to the feds..

Now they are and you're mad, why?
Blue states are the givers Red are the takers Never forget that

That's just a DNC talking point based on contorted statistics. There's no reason to remember it

Ha! Can’t refute it so just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it doesn’t exist.

Face it. The biggest and best economies in this country mostly reside in blue states. No one wants to be Alabama or Mississippi.

Colfax: Prove me wrong!

Yeah, that's how this works ...

GDP per capita by state. In the top 10, 7 are blue states. The three that are red states are primarily wealthy because of natural resources, not because they actually do anything special. In the bottom 10, 9 are red states states. (Basing blue and red on the 2016 electoral map)

So? What I disputed was your statement "Blue states are the givers Red are the takers." You're full of shit. Don't give me a link with one contrived way of calculating that. That supports my statement, it doesn't contradict it.

The only link that I saw on the site so far was one that only counted direct transfers of money from the Federal government to State governments. It had Virginia as a low beneficiary of Federal money and Maryland just above average. Those States are FLOODED with Federal money.

You don't know what you're talking about. You're just parroting DNC talking points, as you always do
Cool. So why are red states so economically dysfunctional?

Say what? Restates are all fiscally sound, the blue states are the ones going fucking broke

Blue States have a spending problem, like all Democrats
too many pensions then they leave NY for hicksville
Have a link for that?
Gee who would suspect the trumps are lying scum ..?....Only ones who ignore it are called repubs ,his base
Looks like Eddie the uneducated bitch can’t read. One big little word there. MAY. Meaning they have ZERO proof. No actual names mentioned or legitimate sources cited. As usual, Eddie and Stupidus fall flat on their lying faces.
They have all the proof they need. Obstruction proven, check, finance campaign violations with Michael Cohen, check.
You have nothing. As usual idiot. No obstruction per the senile Mule-er’s own words. Courts have already said the Stormy Daniels shit from Cohen does not violate campaign finance law since Trump used HIS OWN MONEY. You lose. As always.
What logical deductive reasoning do you not understand about this? Mueller is not allowed to render a decision on obstruction because of the OLC opinion. But law enforcement can do that when Trump leaves office. You lose the argument again.
Investigation of Russian interference in 2016 election SENATE INTEL .....Which means traitors your own senate knows it was crooked,,,,but we know you don't give a damn He's your crook
Oh Lordy!
The lord won't help you meat......It is what it is

And, what it is, is nothing. Just like the other 10,000 times they've said, "we've got him NOW!"
How exactly is it nothing, when both parties concluded Trump obstructed the investigation?

They'll sort it out then, won't they?

They'll conduct their investigation and, discover what isn't there, just like every other time they've had him, dead to rights.
Abbey They got Manafort, Trumps campaign manager with many meetings with Top Russians Even knew what info about polling that was passed on You support a den of thieves

Is it at all weird to you that the crimes Manafort was charged with were long past and uncared about by law enforcement until he spent 5 month with the Trump campaign.
And during the campaign he colluded with the Russians to give them polling data.
Investigation of Russian interference in 2016 election SENATE INTEL .....Which means traitors your own senate knows it was crooked,,,,but we know you don't give a damn He's your crook
Oh Lordy!
The lord won't help you meat......It is what it is

And, what it is, is nothing. Just like the other 10,000 times they've said, "we've got him NOW!"
How exactly is it nothing, when both parties concluded Trump obstructed the investigation?

They'll sort it out then, won't they?

They'll conduct their investigation and, discover what isn't there, just like every other time they've had him, dead to rights.
Abbey They got Manafort, Trumps campaign manager with many meetings with Top Russians Even knew what info about polling that was passed on You support a den of thieves

Is it at all weird to you that the crimes Manafort was charged with were long past and uncared about by law enforcement until he spent 5 month with the Trump campaign.
Are you surrendering to post #119? You presented no challenge to the video testimony given by Mueller. You're a loser.
Say what? Restates are all fiscally sound, the blue states are the ones going fucking broke
That’s because red states don’t give a damn about their people or their prosperity.

When you typed that in and read it before clicking post, that sounded good to you? Seriously?

Tell me what explains why the states with the worst health outcomes, worst educational attainment and lowest per capita GDP almost al happen to be red states?

I mean, yeah, their budgets are balanced, but who cares if the state is performing so poorly.
Investigation of Russian interference in 2016 election SENATE INTEL .....Which means traitors your own senate knows it was crooked,,,,but we know you don't give a damn He's your crook
Oh Lordy!
The lord won't help you meat......It is what it is

And, what it is, is nothing. Just like the other 10,000 times they've said, "we've got him NOW!"
How exactly is it nothing, when both parties concluded Trump obstructed the investigation?

They'll sort it out then, won't they?

They'll conduct their investigation and, discover what isn't there, just like every other time they've had him, dead to rights.
They've already found what is there. The report by the senate and the Mueller investigation, and the campaign finance crimes with Cohen, have already been proven.

The Mueller investigation completely exonerated everyone they looked at.
Sadly they overlooked all the real crimes that the Dems committed.

There were no campaign finance violations
Cohen pleaded guilty to non-proven-crimes in an attempt to curry favor with the Mueller Team.

those are what we call facts.
Everything you said has zero relationship with the truth. You are incapable of understanding the English language, and the semantics that are involved.
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