The news is out Trump Campaign obstructed

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Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

He is pissing off the enemy with in, good God he is supposed to protect the country from foreign and domestic threats, liberals are a threat to our safety and freedom.

See, that's the problem. You view other Americans as the enemy. That's not leadership.
They are the enemy they want to defund the cops, they want high taxes, high cost of living , they want guys in little girls bathrooms.
So lock them up then? Jail everyone with a political opinion you don’t like?

Just one party control.

You’re taking us to a dark place.
I am taking us to a dark place?

What the fuck dude some of us has daughters who

Doesn't want them to see dicks in the little girls bathrooms

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to get rapped, robbed or killed

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to be taxed to death .
WTF is gonna happen with trump raising our debt to the sky with no plan to reduce it ?
Who wanted 3 trillion dollars, Trump or the house Democrats????
Who was willing to compromise Dems or the republicans?
I'm sick and tired of this low life pos ,this scumbag in our WH looking to punish Dem states

They where not paying there fair share to the feds..

Now they are and you're mad, why?
Blue states are the givers Red are the takers Never forget that

I thought you said they are getting punished by paying there fair share to the feds?
Lock him up!!! :D

Cute comment...considering the 1st of Barry's administration / FBI are beginning to plead guilty, be indicted, and go to jail.


For you easy
Kerry delivered some of the strongest words of the night against Trump, especially concerning matters of foreign policy.

“Donald Trump pretends Russia didn’t attack our elections. And now, he does nothing about Russia putting a bounty on our troops,” Kerry said in reference to U.S. intelligence findings. “So he won’t defend our country. He doesn’t know how to defend our troops. The only person he’s interested in defending is himself.”

Kerry has also been criticized by Trump for his role in pushing the U.S. to join the Paris Agreement on climate change, which Trump has also rejected. Those moves and more, Kerry said, have made Trump a laughing stock around the world.

Kerry is a lying, treasonous POS who lied his ass off, threw US soldiers under the bus during Viet Nam, lying about things he never personally saw, in an attempt to launch his worthless political career.

-- He is the male version of 'Hanoi Jane'.

This is the ignorant asshole who said the only people in the military were those who were uneducated and had no other options in life and no alternative but to join the military....for which he was soundly and appropriately MOCKED.

When he ran for President he vowed he would release his military records to substantiate the lies he told - he has still refused to release those records (something hypocritical Democrats tend to overlook when demanding the President release personal documents).

-- Lurch was soundly rejected his ass.

He has continuously sought out and personally collaborated with this nation's enemies in a NON-official capacity indirect opposition of US policy...meaning he did NOT speak for the US government while doing it.

Of course Democrats and snowflakes hailed traitors, communists/socialists, and pedophiles as top party spokesman to advocate the nomination of an old, white, self-enriching, influence-peddling, racist, corrupt, criminal, confessed extorting, pu$$y-grabbing, child groping/sniffing, failed 40-year career politician.
You're FOS Kerry was there ,Your cowardly weasel bought himself out ,,,A punk and a disgrace as a president
Kerry was in Viet Bam but he never saw the atrocities he said under oath that he did. It was all a lie! It was proven....the men he served with called him out for the POS liar he was / is.

'Hanoi' John...

Investigation of Russian interference in 2016 election SENATE INTEL
The idiots alleging that are from the Christian Democrat Union or the Christian Socialist Union straight out of Germany. We sure don't hear about all the European interference in our elections from the mainstream media: it's the New World Order Establishment of the Bilderberg Meetings, the Trilateral Commission, NATO peacekeeping gun control bullshit, church-going Christian abortion-rights activitists, etc., etc., climate change activists,and so on and so forth, die-hard life-ruining liberals, every last one of them.
Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

He is pissing off the enemy with in, good God he is supposed to protect the country from foreign and domestic threats, liberals are a threat to our safety and freedom.

See, that's the problem. You view other Americans as the enemy. That's not leadership.
They are the enemy they want to defund the cops, they want high taxes, high cost of living , they want guys in little girls bathrooms.
So lock them up then? Jail everyone with a political opinion you don’t like?

Just one party control.

You’re taking us to a dark place.
I am taking us to a dark place?

What the fuck dude some of us has daughters who

Doesn't want them to see dicks in the little girls bathrooms

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to get rapped, robbed or killed

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to be taxed to death .
WTF is gonna happen with trump raising our debt to the sky with no plan to reduce it ?
Who wanted 3 trillion dollars, Trump or the house Democrats????
Who was willing to compromise Dems or the republicans?
I'm sick and tired of this low life pos ,this scumbag in our WH looking to punish Dem states
Dem states are punishing themselves
He was president of the Harvard Law Review. Not exactly a nobody.

But he was black and having a black president of the Harvard Law Review was quite a feather in their hat! It would also take the heat off them if they were having any other discriminatory problems in 1990.
Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

He is pissing off the enemy with in, good God he is supposed to protect the country from foreign and domestic threats, liberals are a threat to our safety and freedom.

See, that's the problem. You view other Americans as the enemy. That's not leadership.
They are the enemy they want to defund the cops, they want high taxes, high cost of living , they want guys in little girls bathrooms.
So lock them up then? Jail everyone with a political opinion you don’t like?

Just one party control.

You’re taking us to a dark place.
I am taking us to a dark place?

What the fuck dude some of us has daughters who

Doesn't want them to see dicks in the little girls bathrooms

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to get rapped, robbed or killed

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to be taxed to death .
WTF is gonna happen with trump raising our debt to the sky with no plan to reduce it ?
Who wanted 3 trillion dollars, Trump or the house Democrats????
Who was willing to compromise Dems or the republicans?
I'm sick and tired of this low life pos ,this scumbag in our WH looking to punish Dem states

They where not paying there fair share to the feds..

Now they are and you're mad, why?
Blue states are the givers Red are the takers Never forget that

That's just a DNC talking point based on contorted statistics. There's no reason to remember it
Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

He is pissing off the enemy with in, good God he is supposed to protect the country from foreign and domestic threats, liberals are a threat to our safety and freedom.

See, that's the problem. You view other Americans as the enemy. That's not leadership.
They are the enemy they want to defund the cops, they want high taxes, high cost of living , they want guys in little girls bathrooms.
So lock them up then? Jail everyone with a political opinion you don’t like?

Just one party control.

You’re taking us to a dark place.
I am taking us to a dark place?

What the fuck dude some of us has daughters who

Doesn't want them to see dicks in the little girls bathrooms

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to get rapped, robbed or killed

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to be taxed to death .
WTF is gonna happen with trump raising our debt to the sky with no plan to reduce it ?
Who wanted 3 trillion dollars, Trump or the house Democrats????
Who was willing to compromise Dems or the republicans?
I'm sick and tired of this low life pos ,this scumbag in our WH looking to punish Dem states

They where not paying there fair share to the feds..

Now they are and you're mad, why?
Blue states are the givers Red are the takers Never forget that

That's just a DNC talking point based on contorted statistics. There's no reason to remember it

Ha! Can’t refute it so just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it doesn’t exist.

Face it. The biggest and best economies in this country mostly reside in blue states. No one wants to be Alabama or Mississippi.
Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

He is pissing off the enemy with in, good God he is supposed to protect the country from foreign and domestic threats, liberals are a threat to our safety and freedom.

See, that's the problem. You view other Americans as the enemy. That's not leadership.
They are the enemy they want to defund the cops, they want high taxes, high cost of living , they want guys in little girls bathrooms.
So lock them up then? Jail everyone with a political opinion you don’t like?

Just one party control.

You’re taking us to a dark place.
I am taking us to a dark place?

What the fuck dude some of us has daughters who

Doesn't want them to see dicks in the little girls bathrooms

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to get rapped, robbed or killed

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to be taxed to death .
WTF is gonna happen with trump raising our debt to the sky with no plan to reduce it ?
Who wanted 3 trillion dollars, Trump or the house Democrats????
Who was willing to compromise Dems or the republicans?
I'm sick and tired of this low life pos ,this scumbag in our WH looking to punish Dem states

They where not paying there fair share to the feds..

Now they are and you're mad, why?
Blue states are the givers Red are the takers Never forget that

That's just a DNC talking point based on contorted statistics. There's no reason to remember it

Ha! Can’t refute it so just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it doesn’t exist.

Face it. The biggest and best economies in this country mostly reside in blue states. No one wants to be Alabama or Mississippi.

So now you're racist ? Alabama and Mississippi is both 20% plus black, the blue states are going broke, Illinois would file for bankruptcy if it was legal to do so.
Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

He is pissing off the enemy with in, good God he is supposed to protect the country from foreign and domestic threats, liberals are a threat to our safety and freedom.

See, that's the problem. You view other Americans as the enemy. That's not leadership.
They are the enemy they want to defund the cops, they want high taxes, high cost of living , they want guys in little girls bathrooms.
So lock them up then? Jail everyone with a political opinion you don’t like?

Just one party control.

You’re taking us to a dark place.
I am taking us to a dark place?

What the fuck dude some of us has daughters who

Doesn't want them to see dicks in the little girls bathrooms

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to get rapped, robbed or killed

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to be taxed to death .
WTF is gonna happen with trump raising our debt to the sky with no plan to reduce it ?
Who wanted 3 trillion dollars, Trump or the house Democrats????
Who was willing to compromise Dems or the republicans?
I'm sick and tired of this low life pos ,this scumbag in our WH looking to punish Dem states

They where not paying there fair share to the feds..

Now they are and you're mad, why?
Blue states are the givers Red are the takers Never forget that

That's just a DNC talking point based on contorted statistics. There's no reason to remember it

Ha! Can’t refute it so just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it doesn’t exist.

Face it. The biggest and best economies in this country mostly reside in blue states. No one wants to be Alabama or Mississippi.

Colfax: Prove me wrong!

Yeah, that's how this works ...
Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

He is pissing off the enemy with in, good God he is supposed to protect the country from foreign and domestic threats, liberals are a threat to our safety and freedom.

See, that's the problem. You view other Americans as the enemy. That's not leadership.
They are the enemy they want to defund the cops, they want high taxes, high cost of living , they want guys in little girls bathrooms.
So lock them up then? Jail everyone with a political opinion you don’t like?

Just one party control.

You’re taking us to a dark place.
I am taking us to a dark place?

What the fuck dude some of us has daughters who

Doesn't want them to see dicks in the little girls bathrooms

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to get rapped, robbed or killed

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to be taxed to death .
WTF is gonna happen with trump raising our debt to the sky with no plan to reduce it ?
Who wanted 3 trillion dollars, Trump or the house Democrats????
Who was willing to compromise Dems or the republicans?
I'm sick and tired of this low life pos ,this scumbag in our WH looking to punish Dem states

They where not paying there fair share to the feds..

Now they are and you're mad, why?
Blue states are the givers Red are the takers Never forget that

That's just a DNC talking point based on contorted statistics. There's no reason to remember it

Ha! Can’t refute it so just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it doesn’t exist.

Face it. The biggest and best economies in this country mostly reside in blue states. No one wants to be Alabama or Mississippi.

So now you're racist ? Alabama and Mississippi is both 20% plus black, the blue states are going broke, Illinois would file for bankruptcy if it was legal to do so.
Playing the race card? Predictable.
Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

He is pissing off the enemy with in, good God he is supposed to protect the country from foreign and domestic threats, liberals are a threat to our safety and freedom.

See, that's the problem. You view other Americans as the enemy. That's not leadership.
They are the enemy they want to defund the cops, they want high taxes, high cost of living , they want guys in little girls bathrooms.
So lock them up then? Jail everyone with a political opinion you don’t like?

Just one party control.

You’re taking us to a dark place.
I am taking us to a dark place?

What the fuck dude some of us has daughters who

Doesn't want them to see dicks in the little girls bathrooms

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to get rapped, robbed or killed

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to be taxed to death .
WTF is gonna happen with trump raising our debt to the sky with no plan to reduce it ?
Who wanted 3 trillion dollars, Trump or the house Democrats????
Who was willing to compromise Dems or the republicans?
I'm sick and tired of this low life pos ,this scumbag in our WH looking to punish Dem states

They where not paying there fair share to the feds..

Now they are and you're mad, why?
Blue states are the givers Red are the takers Never forget that

That's just a DNC talking point based on contorted statistics. There's no reason to remember it

Ha! Can’t refute it so just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it doesn’t exist.

Face it. The biggest and best economies in this country mostly reside in blue states. No one wants to be Alabama or Mississippi.

Colfax: Prove me wrong!

Yeah, that's how this works ...

GDP per capita by state. In the top 10, 7 are blue states. The three that are red states are primarily wealthy because of natural resources, not because they actually do anything special. In the bottom 10, 9 are red states states. (Basing blue and red on the 2016 electoral map)
Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

He is pissing off the enemy with in, good God he is supposed to protect the country from foreign and domestic threats, liberals are a threat to our safety and freedom.

See, that's the problem. You view other Americans as the enemy. That's not leadership.
They are the enemy they want to defund the cops, they want high taxes, high cost of living , they want guys in little girls bathrooms.
So lock them up then? Jail everyone with a political opinion you don’t like?

Just one party control.

You’re taking us to a dark place.
I am taking us to a dark place?

What the fuck dude some of us has daughters who

Doesn't want them to see dicks in the little girls bathrooms

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to get rapped, robbed or killed

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to be taxed to death .
WTF is gonna happen with trump raising our debt to the sky with no plan to reduce it ?
Who wanted 3 trillion dollars, Trump or the house Democrats????
Who was willing to compromise Dems or the republicans?
I'm sick and tired of this low life pos ,this scumbag in our WH looking to punish Dem states

They where not paying there fair share to the feds..

Now they are and you're mad, why?
Blue states are the givers Red are the takers Never forget that

That's just a DNC talking point based on contorted statistics. There's no reason to remember it

Ha! Can’t refute it so just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it doesn’t exist.

Face it. The biggest and best economies in this country mostly reside in blue states. No one wants to be Alabama or Mississippi.

Colfax: Prove me wrong!

Yeah, that's how this works ...

GDP per capita by state. In the top 10, 7 are blue states. The three that are red states are primarily wealthy because of natural resources, not because they actually do anything special. In the bottom 10, 9 are red states states. (Basing blue and red on the 2016 electoral map)

So? What I disputed was your statement "Blue states are the givers Red are the takers." You're full of shit. Don't give me a link with one contrived way of calculating that. That supports my statement, it doesn't contradict it.

The only link that I saw on the site so far was one that only counted direct transfers of money from the Federal government to State governments. It had Virginia as a low beneficiary of Federal money and Maryland just above average. Those States are FLOODED with Federal money.

You don't know what you're talking about. You're just parroting DNC talking points, as you always do
Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

He is pissing off the enemy with in, good God he is supposed to protect the country from foreign and domestic threats, liberals are a threat to our safety and freedom.

See, that's the problem. You view other Americans as the enemy. That's not leadership.
They are the enemy they want to defund the cops, they want high taxes, high cost of living , they want guys in little girls bathrooms.
So lock them up then? Jail everyone with a political opinion you don’t like?

Just one party control.

You’re taking us to a dark place.
I am taking us to a dark place?

What the fuck dude some of us has daughters who

Doesn't want them to see dicks in the little girls bathrooms

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to get rapped, robbed or killed

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to be taxed to death .
WTF is gonna happen with trump raising our debt to the sky with no plan to reduce it ?
Who wanted 3 trillion dollars, Trump or the house Democrats????
Who was willing to compromise Dems or the republicans?
I'm sick and tired of this low life pos ,this scumbag in our WH looking to punish Dem states

They where not paying there fair share to the feds..

Now they are and you're mad, why?
Blue states are the givers Red are the takers Never forget that

That's just a DNC talking point based on contorted statistics. There's no reason to remember it

Ha! Can’t refute it so just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it doesn’t exist.

Face it. The biggest and best economies in this country mostly reside in blue states. No one wants to be Alabama or Mississippi.

Colfax: Prove me wrong!

Yeah, that's how this works ...

GDP per capita by state. In the top 10, 7 are blue states. The three that are red states are primarily wealthy because of natural resources, not because they actually do anything special. In the bottom 10, 9 are red states states. (Basing blue and red on the 2016 electoral map)

So? What I disputed was your statement "Blue states are the givers Red are the takers." You're full of shit. Don't give me a link with one contrived way of calculating that. That supports my statement, it doesn't contradict it.

The only link that I saw on the site so far was one that only counted direct transfers of money from the Federal government to State governments. It had Virginia as a low beneficiary of Federal money and Maryland just above average. Those States are FLOODED with Federal money.

You don't know what you're talking about. You're just parroting DNC talking points, as you always do
Cool. So why are red states so economically dysfunctional?
Republicans Are you FN kidding me??? Bannon indicted Manafort Stone Flynn Cohen WTF do you need to show trump is a gd crook whose friends are all crooks??
Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

He is pissing off the enemy with in, good God he is supposed to protect the country from foreign and domestic threats, liberals are a threat to our safety and freedom.

See, that's the problem. You view other Americans as the enemy. That's not leadership.
They are the enemy they want to defund the cops, they want high taxes, high cost of living , they want guys in little girls bathrooms.
So lock them up then? Jail everyone with a political opinion you don’t like?

Just one party control.

You’re taking us to a dark place.
I am taking us to a dark place?

What the fuck dude some of us has daughters who

Doesn't want them to see dicks in the little girls bathrooms

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to get rapped, robbed or killed

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to be taxed to death .
WTF is gonna happen with trump raising our debt to the sky with no plan to reduce it ?
Who wanted 3 trillion dollars, Trump or the house Democrats????
Who was willing to compromise Dems or the republicans?
I'm sick and tired of this low life pos ,this scumbag in our WH looking to punish Dem states

They where not paying there fair share to the feds..

Now they are and you're mad, why?
Blue states are the givers Red are the takers Never forget that

That's just a DNC talking point based on contorted statistics. There's no reason to remember it

Ha! Can’t refute it so just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it doesn’t exist.

Face it. The biggest and best economies in this country mostly reside in blue states. No one wants to be Alabama or Mississippi.

Colfax: Prove me wrong!

Yeah, that's how this works ...

GDP per capita by state. In the top 10, 7 are blue states. The three that are red states are primarily wealthy because of natural resources, not because they actually do anything special. In the bottom 10, 9 are red states states. (Basing blue and red on the 2016 electoral map)

So? What I disputed was your statement "Blue states are the givers Red are the takers." You're full of shit. Don't give me a link with one contrived way of calculating that. That supports my statement, it doesn't contradict it.

The only link that I saw on the site so far was one that only counted direct transfers of money from the Federal government to State governments. It had Virginia as a low beneficiary of Federal money and Maryland just above average. Those States are FLOODED with Federal money.

You don't know what you're talking about. You're just parroting DNC talking points, as you always do
Cool. So why are red states so economically dysfunctional?
Blue states give more to the fed Red gives less or are TAKERS
If you republicans don't want to get really scared DON"T listen to Obamas speech last night Our Democracy is at stake if this pos trump is elected
Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

He is pissing off the enemy with in, good God he is supposed to protect the country from foreign and domestic threats, liberals are a threat to our safety and freedom.

See, that's the problem. You view other Americans as the enemy. That's not leadership.
They are the enemy they want to defund the cops, they want high taxes, high cost of living , they want guys in little girls bathrooms.
So lock them up then? Jail everyone with a political opinion you don’t like?

Just one party control.

You’re taking us to a dark place.
I am taking us to a dark place?

What the fuck dude some of us has daughters who

Doesn't want them to see dicks in the little girls bathrooms

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to get rapped, robbed or killed

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to be taxed to death .
WTF is gonna happen with trump raising our debt to the sky with no plan to reduce it ?
Who wanted 3 trillion dollars, Trump or the house Democrats????
Who was willing to compromise Dems or the republicans?
I'm sick and tired of this low life pos ,this scumbag in our WH looking to punish Dem states

They where not paying there fair share to the feds..

Now they are and you're mad, why?
Blue states are the givers Red are the takers Never forget that

That's just a DNC talking point based on contorted statistics. There's no reason to remember it

Ha! Can’t refute it so just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it doesn’t exist.

Face it. The biggest and best economies in this country mostly reside in blue states. No one wants to be Alabama or Mississippi.
Maybe because the "population" moves to where the work is and highly populated areas tend to move toward liberal policies? You haven't proved cause and effect. In fact, you made a typical error in logic. You assume that one drives the other when it could possibly be the other way around. Look at all the businesses leaving California because of liberal policies. You can't refute that and it doesn't support your conclusion.
Yeah, if you want to know what someone is really like, as someone who hates their ever loving guts. You'll get the unbiased truth that way
Aw, did I hurt your feewings?

That doesn't even make sense. This is several posts in a row from you that don't even make logical sense in the discussion. I guess that's what butt hurt does to you
Alright, let's roll it back. Trump is an idiot. He lies. He's a fraud. He's a troll. That's not being a better candidate. That's tapping into rage and hatred or the stupidity of the electorate.

Our country used the react against that impulse, but now it's been legitimized, embraced.

Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure. Was she a troll? No.

Well there we have it, your mad because Trump trolls the fuck out of you.

Why wouldn't I? Trolling is intended to make people mad.

Think about it. The president of the United States is purposefully trying to piss off citizens of the country he is supposedly leading for no reason other than he enjoys it.

How screwed up is this country?

He is pissing off the enemy with in, good God he is supposed to protect the country from foreign and domestic threats, liberals are a threat to our safety and freedom.

See, that's the problem. You view other Americans as the enemy. That's not leadership.
They are the enemy they want to defund the cops, they want high taxes, high cost of living , they want guys in little girls bathrooms.
So lock them up then? Jail everyone with a political opinion you don’t like?

Just one party control.

You’re taking us to a dark place.
I am taking us to a dark place?

What the fuck dude some of us has daughters who

Doesn't want them to see dicks in the little girls bathrooms

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to get rapped, robbed or killed

Some of us has children who:

Doesn't want them to be taxed to death .
WTF is gonna happen with trump raising our debt to the sky with no plan to reduce it ?
Who wanted 3 trillion dollars, Trump or the house Democrats????
Who was willing to compromise Dems or the republicans?
I'm sick and tired of this low life pos ,this scumbag in our WH looking to punish Dem states

They where not paying there fair share to the feds..

Now they are and you're mad, why?
Blue states are the givers Red are the takers Never forget that

That's just a DNC talking point based on contorted statistics. There's no reason to remember it

Ha! Can’t refute it so just stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it doesn’t exist.

Face it. The biggest and best economies in this country mostly reside in blue states. No one wants to be Alabama or Mississippi.

Colfax: Prove me wrong!

Yeah, that's how this works ...

GDP per capita by state. In the top 10, 7 are blue states. The three that are red states are primarily wealthy because of natural resources, not because they actually do anything special. In the bottom 10, 9 are red states states. (Basing blue and red on the 2016 electoral map)

So? What I disputed was your statement "Blue states are the givers Red are the takers." You're full of shit. Don't give me a link with one contrived way of calculating that. That supports my statement, it doesn't contradict it.

The only link that I saw on the site so far was one that only counted direct transfers of money from the Federal government to State governments. It had Virginia as a low beneficiary of Federal money and Maryland just above average. Those States are FLOODED with Federal money.

You don't know what you're talking about. You're just parroting DNC talking points, as you always do
Cool. So why are red states so economically dysfunctional?
Blue states give more to the fed Red gives less or are TAKERS
Trump finnaly made blue states pay their fair share to the feds, why are you and the left so mad???
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