The next administration's immigration crisis


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Stop talking and do something...
National security must be much more than a sound bite.
February 8, 2016
Michael Cutler

Immigration has finally emerged for the elections and the debates - particularly among the Republican candidates for the presidency. Donald Trump opened the floodgates about this issue when he talked about building a wall on the U.S./Mexican government and deporting the criminals entering the United States from other countries. During several debates Senators Cruz and Rubio have come to verbal blows over immigration accusing each other of being weak on immigration.

But immigration must be more that a slogan for a campaign and real solutions must be devised and then implemented. National security must be much more than a “sound bite”.

However, it is my view that most journalists and most supposedly “scientific” polls continue to suppress any meaningful discussion about immigration and its true significance. Pollsters and journalists claim the fear of terrorism is usually placed at the top of the list of concerns for Americans, followed by the economy. Immigration is often characterized as being considerably further down the list of issues Americans want addressed.

Immigration is a critical element in our war against terrorism.


Deterrence through effective enforcement is the solution - theonlysolution.

The Next Administration’s Immigration Crisis
February 9, 2016
On Immigration, Time for the West to Be Realistic
By Michael Curtis


Some of these parties are virulent in their opposition to immigration and their fear of the challenge to Western values. Nevertheless, two factors are relevant. It is not racist to suggest that, for practical reasons, reasonable limits be put on those attempting to immigrate. Considering the millions desiring to leave not only from the Middle East, but also from Africa, Europe faces the possibility of an enormous increase in scale and an uncontrollable pressure. That pressure becomes even more potent since the native population of Europe is aging and declining.

More important is the perceived threat of Muslim migrants to Western values and the possibility of social, cultural, and religious conflicts, and especially Islamist terrorism, they may bring. The question is not one of discrimination, but of real differences: educational levels, cultural behavior, and religious and political views.

The Finnish president on February 3, 2016 said, "We have to ask ourselves whether we aim to protect European values and people … or inflexibly stick to the letter of our international obligation with no regard for the consequences." If Western democracies are to survive the answer is obvious.

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However, it is my view that most journalists and most supposedly “scientific” polls continue to suppress any meaningful discussion about immigration and its true significance. Pollsters and journalists claim the fear of terrorism is usually placed at the top of the list of concerns for Americans, followed by the economy. Immigration is often characterized as being considerably further down the list of issues Americans want addressed.

The simple fact is, the media is not at fault. BOTH sides have allowed this to happen and continually happen. The GOP and the Dems could end it right now by making company ending fines and jail time for those that hire illegals. Neither side is doing that. Yes, the GOP talks about doing something but they are completely silent when it comes down to pen and paper making it a law. They talk the talk but don't walk the walk. The Dems don't because they don't want to lose support from Latinos.

The media is not at fault here, it is the people that continually elect those in congress that do nothing about it.
Skewed Immigration Polls May Skewer Americans

Figures don't lie but liars can figure.
February 23, 2016
Michael Cutler


When all of the results are tallied by the polling company, immigration may well be on the bottom of a list of issues, notwithstanding the fact that immigration is actually the most important issue on that list because it is a major factor in nearly every other issue that concerns Americans.

Today, understandably, we are told the majority of Americans are most concerned about the threat of a terror attack. Indeed, James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, and other high-ranking members of the U.S. intelligence community have publicly stated that ISIS plans to carry out deadly terror attacks inside the United States this year. Consider the February 9, 2016 CNN report, “Top intelligence official: ISIS to attempt U.S. attacks this year.”


National Geographic has been airing a series known as “Brain Games” that explores how the human mind functions. Recently, an episode aired that is well worth watching, “Peer Pressure.” In this program, people actually decided to follow the majority even when their own instincts told them that the majority was getting it wrong.

Another episode of Brain Games, “Power of Persuasion,” provided insight into how easy it is to manipulate decisions people make, convincing them to modify their positions to coincide with what they believe the majority accepted.


America has 50 border states, yet we are constantly told that we simply need to secure the U.S./Mexican border, while ignoring that aliens enter the United States by running the northern border, stowing away on ships or by entering legally as non-immigrant (temporary) visitors who then go on to violate the terms of their admission.

The obvious solution is to effectively enforce the immigration laws from within the interior of the United States – but this would conflict with the demands of the campaign contributors.

It has been said that the only polls that counts are the polls that are open on Election Day.

Skewed Immigration Polls May Skewer Americans
Stop talking and do something...
National security must be much more than a sound bite.

February 8, 2016
Michael Cutler

Immigration has finally emerged for the elections and the debates - particularly among the Republican candidates for the presidency. Donald Trump opened the floodgates about this issue when he talked about building a wall on the U.S./Mexican government and deporting the criminals entering the United States from other countries. During several debates Senators Cruz and Rubio have come to verbal blows over immigration accusing each other of being weak on immigration.

But immigration must be more that a slogan for a campaign and real solutions must be devised and then implemented. National security must be much more than a “sound bite”.

However, it is my view that most journalists and most supposedly “scientific” polls continue to suppress any meaningful discussion about immigration and its true significance. Pollsters and journalists claim the fear of terrorism is usually placed at the top of the list of concerns for Americans, followed by the economy. Immigration is often characterized as being considerably further down the list of issues Americans want addressed.

Immigration is a critical element in our war against terrorism.


Deterrence through effective enforcement is the solution - theonlysolution.

The Next Administration’s Immigration Crisis

I really get annoyed when the topic is illegal immigration but they call it plain ole immigration. There is a huge difference between the two.
Dark City: American Arrangement

The Open Door Policy (1899) is what really shaped America's stance on immigration and trade-related international relations.

To understand how commerce and traffic catalyse human migration intrigue (i.e., Tijuana, Mexico), we should analyse the shape of profiteerism-speculation politics.

Open Door Policy

Dark City: American Arrangement

The Open Door Policy (1899) is what really shaped America's stance on immigration and trade-related international relations.

To understand how commerce and traffic catalyse human migration intrigue (i.e., Tijuana, Mexico), we should analyse the shape of profiteerism-speculation politics.

Open Door Policy

View attachment 64571
OK, so you read the daily krap...
Obama Welcomes More STDs to America

February 23, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


As Neil Young or was it Neil Diamond once sang, "Got chancroid to take them there, they're coming to America. Just some granuloma inguinale to spread, they're coming to America. Everywhere around the world, infected with lymphogranuloma venereum, they're coming to America. Today".

Finally, Obama made that dream real, as the Center for Immigration Studies reports.

The Obama administration has lifted the entry ban on three more sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), a policy change that will have both a monetary and a public health cost.

A Center for Immigration Studies report reveals that, just as Obama lifted an entry ban on foreigners with HIV in 2009, he has now removed chancroid, granuloma inguinale, and lymphogranuloma venereum from the short list of "communicable diseases of public health significance" that make an alien ineligible for admission to the United States.

So what diseases can still keep you out of America?


Obama Welcomes More STDs to America
Obama Welcomes More STDs to America

February 23, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


As Neil Young or was it Neil Diamond once sang, "Got chancroid to take them there, they're coming to America. Just some granuloma inguinale to spread, they're coming to America. Everywhere around the world, infected with lymphogranuloma venereum, they're coming to America. Today".

Finally, Obama made that dream real, as the Center for Immigration Studies reports.

The Obama administration has lifted the entry ban on three more sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), a policy change that will have both a monetary and a public health cost.

A Center for Immigration Studies report reveals that, just as Obama lifted an entry ban on foreigners with HIV in 2009, he has now removed chancroid, granuloma inguinale, and lymphogranuloma venereum from the short list of "communicable diseases of public health significance" that make an alien ineligible for admission to the United States.

So what diseases can still keep you out of America?


Obama Welcomes More STDs to America

This is jaw-meets-floor news.
What is the possible explanation for this???????
Obama Welcomes More STDs to America

February 23, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


As Neil Young or was it Neil Diamond once sang, "Got chancroid to take them there, they're coming to America. Just some granuloma inguinale to spread, they're coming to America. Everywhere around the world, infected with lymphogranuloma venereum, they're coming to America. Today".

Finally, Obama made that dream real, as the Center for Immigration Studies reports.

The Obama administration has lifted the entry ban on three more sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), a policy change that will have both a monetary and a public health cost.

A Center for Immigration Studies report reveals that, just as Obama lifted an entry ban on foreigners with HIV in 2009, he has now removed chancroid, granuloma inguinale, and lymphogranuloma venereum from the short list of "communicable diseases of public health significance" that make an alien ineligible for admission to the United States.

So what diseases can still keep you out of America?


Obama Welcomes More STDs to America

This is jaw-meets-floor news.
What is the possible explanation for this???????
Progressive/Liberals = deviousness and sinisterism
Obama Welcomes More STDs to America

February 23, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


As Neil Young or was it Neil Diamond once sang, "Got chancroid to take them there, they're coming to America. Just some granuloma inguinale to spread, they're coming to America. Everywhere around the world, infected with lymphogranuloma venereum, they're coming to America. Today".

Finally, Obama made that dream real, as the Center for Immigration Studies reports.

The Obama administration has lifted the entry ban on three more sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), a policy change that will have both a monetary and a public health cost.

A Center for Immigration Studies report reveals that, just as Obama lifted an entry ban on foreigners with HIV in 2009, he has now removed chancroid, granuloma inguinale, and lymphogranuloma venereum from the short list of "communicable diseases of public health significance" that make an alien ineligible for admission to the United States.

So what diseases can still keep you out of America?


Obama Welcomes More STDs to America

This is jaw-meets-floor news.
What is the possible explanation for this???????
Progressive/Liberals = deviousness and sinisterism

They must deeply hate their fellow citizens.
Immigration or an iPhone
We don’t have an encryption problem; we have a Muslim immigration problem.
February 25, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

The public argument between Apple and the FBI over cracking the encryption on an iPhone used by the San Bernardino Muslim terrorists is one of those ongoing civil liberties debates that negotiate the terms on which we are asked to sacrifice our civil liberties for the sake of Muslim immigration.


We do not have an iPhone encryption problem or a shoe problem or a mouthwash problem. We have a Muslim terror problem.

Whatever decision is made about iPhone encryption will not be the last word. The simple reality is that privacy carries too high a price as long as we have large numbers of people in this country who want to kill us in equally large numbers. If we want our privacy back, it's not the FBI that is standing in our way. It's the religious organizations that are paid to bring Muslim "refugees" to this country. It's the liberal, libertarian and even conservative voices that think there is something wrong with pausing the mass migration of the group that is disproportionately responsible for our terror problem. It’s the media that would rather discuss anything and everything than discuss the problem we are really dealing with.

The source of this problem is not whether the FBI handled the iPhone correctly or whether Apple should be obligated to build a way for law enforcement to access its devices. These arguments would exist even without Muslim terrorism, but they would lack the same level of life and death urgency.

This is not an iOS problem. It's an immigration problem.


The only way to protect our lives and our freedoms from Muslim terrorism and its consequences is by shutting down Muslim immigration. If we fail to do this, then we will lose our lives and our liberties.

Immigration or an iPhone
Illegal Immigration Up 131% in 2016
May 5, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

And why shouldn't it be? Obama opened the door with exactly this intention. Enforcement has dropped sharply. The border patrol has been turned into coyotes smuggling in illegals. And here we are.


Of course this easily backfires into a contribution to the Trump campaign. But the Democrats are counting on transforming illegal migration into a civil rights issue. Quickly followed by legalization and demographic transformation. But a growing sense of crisis at the border could easily turn things around very sharply.

Illegal Immigration Up 131% in 2016
Voters Not Fooled by Democrats' Dangerous Immigration Agenda
There's a new sheriff in town.
December 19, 2016
Michael Cutler


Donald Trump made building a wall to secure the U.S./Mexican border the rallying cry of his campaign. He has also promised to enforce America’s immigration laws to prevent the entry and continued presence of criminal aliens and make certain that American workers get the jobs being taken by foreign workers, including high-tech workers.

This stands in stark contrast with the policies of the Obama administration and promises made by Hillary during her campaign.

For nearly eight years the Obama administration has issued illegal executive orders to gut the enforcement of our immigration laws. The consequence of the administration’s immigration policies including the release of criminal aliens has resulted in more crimes committed against more victims across the United States.

In fact, at one recent Congressional hearing into the administration’s policies of releasing violent criminal aliens from prison, Congressman Lamar Smith asked the rhetorical question, “President Obama: Accessory To The Crimes Committed By Illegal Aliens?

The Obama administration flooded the United States with thousands of refugees who cannot be vetted, playing “Immigration Roulette” with national security and public safety. Hillary Clinton promised to admit even more such refugees.


Voters Not Fooled by Democrats' Dangerous Immigration Agenda
Immigration Failures vs. Americans
How law enforcement failures undermine our citizen’s civil rights.
January 13, 2017
Michael Cutler

Immigration anarchists have repeatedly drawn false analogies between their efforts to block the enforcement of immigration laws and the heroic action of those whose hard-fought efforts for decades provided black Americans with civil rights, but at great cost.

These anarchists emulate Jimmy Carter, creator of the Orwellian term 'Undocumented Immigrant' by referring to advocates for fair and effective immigration law enforcement as being “Anti-Immigrant.” This despicable tactic is now being used to falsely attack Senator Jeff Sessions, the nominee for Attorney General, accuse his support for such effective enforcement of our immigration laws as running contrary to civil rights and being against immigrants.

These anarchists refuse to concede what should be obvious, while aliens illegally present in the United States are entitled to human rights and due process, they are not entitled to broad civil rights protections. It is an outrageous contradiction in concepts to claim that aliens whose mere presence represents a violation of law should be provided with opportunities equal to those provided to American citizens and lawful immigrants.

In reality, immigration anarchists are, themselves, responsible for undermining the civil rights of Americans, particularly American minorities who suffer the greatest harm because of the failures of our government to enforce the immigration laws. Those immigration anarchists also are responsible for undermining the civil rights of lawful immigrants.

For the sake of clarity and to prevent any potential misunderstandings, illegal aliens, not unlike others, are entitled to human rights and are properly entitled to due process when accused of committing crimes. There are two reasons why due process must be devoid of consideration as to the immigration status of the accused. First of all, it is a matter of fairness and justice.

Creating a lower standard for convicting illegal aliens for committing crimes would undermine the judicial system.

Additionally, unscrupulous prosecutors who simply wanted a “quick kill” would be encouraged to seek the conviction of illegal aliens who did not actually commit the crime. This is immoral and unjust. Secondly, under such circumstances, law enforcement authorities would stop looking for the actual criminal who would therefore remain at large and continue to pose a threat.

Civil rights laws were initially enacted to address the wrongs visited upon black Americans beginning with slavery and then segregation.

Today those laws are focused on providing citizens, irrespective of race, religion, ethnicity, gender or sexual identity or orientation, with equal protection under our laws and equal opportunities, thereby enabling them to be full participants in the communities where they live and throughout our nation.

Sanctimonious and hypocritical mayors of “Sanctuary Cities” portray themselves as heroic figures, perhaps on par with the “Freedom Riders” who, decades ago, at great personal risk, fought to end racial discrimination and segregation in the South.

Make no mistake, those Freedom Riders were heroes who should be lauded and remembered for their morality, courage and achievements.

Mayors of Sanctuary Cities, however, are anything but heroes. They are betrayers. Betrayers of the Constitution, betrayers of their oaths of office, betrayers of national security and public safety and betrayers of their constituents.


The destruction of the middle class is not an “unintended consequence” but the goal of their duplicitous conduct.

A news report on how job losses create multiple stresses quoted Michael McKee, a psychologist at the Center for Integrative Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic who articulated his concerns about how the possible loss of financial ability to support oneself and family my lead to a loss of self-respect and the respect of others. Thus leading to the loss of identity, security and daily structure, ultimately leading to people who lose meaning and hope.

A study published a couple of years ago found that poverty stresses the brain so much that it’s like losing 13 IQ points.

Prior to the Second World War the enforcement of our nation’s immigration laws was vested primarily within the Labor Department to make certain that Americans would not have to compete with foreign workers for jobs. This is how America created the largest and most upwardly mobile middle class of all countries on this planet at the time, thus creating the “American Dream.”


The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended segregation and under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, discriminatory employment practices were prohibited to insure, equal employment opportunities. Over time these laws were amended to protect additional groups of protected workers and even include aliens who are authorized to work in the United States.

In fact, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has posted the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) on its website. Among the provisions of IRCA was a massive amnesty program for millions of illegal aliens and the provision that, for the very first time, deemed the knowing employment of illegal aliens to be a violation of law.

The EEOC has a vested interest and, indeed, jurisdiction, in cases involving allegations of Employment Discrimination.

Not only does the EEOC have jurisdiction when Americans claim employment discrimination, but it also has jurisdiction if an allegation is made that an alien, authorized to work in the United States seeking employment, suffered discrimination during the hiring process by an overly zealous employer who went beyond the requirements of preparing the Form I-9 to verify the identity and eligibility of an alien applying for a job or if an alien, authorized to work in the United States, faced discriminatory policies by his/her employer.


For open borders/immigration anarchists, failures of the immigration system are to be engineered and then celebrated.

In reality, those failures are devastating to America and Americans and undermine the letter and spirit of our civl rights laws.

If immigration anarchists want to point to those responsible for undermining civil rights, they should stand in front of a mirror and point at themselves.

Immigration Failures vs. Americans
Trump’s Immigration Executive Orders and the Constitution
Thumbs up or thumbs down?
February 20, 2017
Michael Cutler

President Trump has stated that he plans to modify and re-issue his executive order concerning his executive order to suspend the entry of aliens into the United States who are citizens of countries that have a nexus to terrorism and where the citizens of those countries cannot be properly vetted to prevent terrorists from entering the United States.

It will be interesting to see what the new executive order will contain. I am certain that Attorney General Jeff Sessions will be able to devise a “new and improved” executive order. However, I am still struggling to understand how the first order ran into any problems.

Those opposed to President Trump’s executive orders on immigration have freely and frequently invoked the claim that those executive orders are “unconstitutional.”

Although many politicians, pundits and journalists have made that claim on a string of news programs on the major networks, they have rarely, if ever, been challenged to explain how the President’s executive orders violate the Constitution.

Usually when making their fatuous claims about the “unconstitutionality” of the immigration executive orders, they cite the First Amendment of the Constitution and the issue of religious freedom.

What has been generally glossed over was the fact that the executive order did not mention any religion, let alone Islam. However, inasmuch the seven countries identified in the executive order as being “Muslim majority countries” the illusion was created that President Trump was attempting to bar the entry of Muslims into the United States.

What was also ignored by the media is that the list had been compiled by the Obama administration.

What has additionally been ignored is that in 1980 President Carter suspended the entry of citizens of Iran into the United States when our embassy at Tehran was seized.


Thankfully, however, Trump did win.

He is acting swiftly and decisively to effectively address these vulnerabilities. His executive orders, in my judgement, are consistent with the findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission, to which I provided testimony. His executive orders and are entirely reasonable and, indeed, essential for the safety and security of America and Americans and provide clear and unequivocal proof of his determination to adhere to the dictates of the Constitution of the United States and hence, his oath of office.

Trump’s Immigration Executive Orders and the Constitution
Oh man...where to start with this gem?

I guess we can begin with the fact that this PoS keeps coming back into our country illegally:
"Chavez Corona was convicted of a felony drug charge and deported four times between 1996 and 2000, ICE officials told the paper"

But it only gets better from there:
Grace Chavez, the American-born wife of Chavez Corona, told the paper she’s weighing legal action against the state police. The couple has three children, all who are U.S. citizens, she added to the News-Tribune.

“They violated our rights,” Grace Chavez told the paper. “He was the victim of the accident.” have no "rights". The U.S. Constitution is not an international document. It applies to U.S. citizens only on U.S. soil only. If you're not a legal U.S. citizen on U.S. soil - the document is null and void.

You're a criminal. It's imperative that the people of Washington put tremendous pressure to have 'ole Grace here deported as well.

Trooper under 'review' over calling ICE after car crash

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