The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal. The economy is showing signs of turning ...

Trump's recession is gearing up.

U.S. Stocks Drop as Treasurys Flash Warning Signal

"Trade tensions between the U.S. and China, uncertainty about the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate policy and signs of slowing economic growth have spurred weeks of turbulence that have rippled through the stock, bond and currency markets. In the Treasury market, the yield on the U.S. 30-year Treasury note touched 2.018%, below the previous intraday low of 2.094% in July 2016, according to Tradeweb.

Meanwhile, yields on the 10-year Treasury note briefly fell below two-year yields for the first time since 2007. This kind of inversion between short and long-term yields is viewed by many as a strong signal that a recession is likely in the future.""

The federal government has broken yet another record for how much money it's spending
"The federal government has spent more real money in the first seven months of this fiscal year than any other year in U.S. history, according to the latest monthly statement by the Department of Treasury. The previous record was set in 2011, when the U.S. was recuperating from the Great Recession."

Mark this up as another failure of Trump's, so many now.

we're over due for a downturn
In 07 they should of let it burn to the ground ...we would of been better off in the long run

I like complete stock market crashes and large routs.....its called a buying opportunity.
we're going to have to pay for what our "betters " did.....Spackled

Argentina just had a rough one

skiing and steaks ....half price
He has a broken neck. He didn't hang himself stupid fuck. Who's in charge of the FEDERAL prison system? Trump is. But you right wingers want to say it was the Clinton's?
So you are saying PRESIDENT TRUMP killed Epstein, despite the fact that Trump banned Epstein from his resorts after he found out what a perv he was, despite the fact that the Clintons have a long trail of dead bodies paralleling their lives / careers, despite Slick Willy having flown on the 'Pedo Plane' and haing visited 'Pedo Island', numerous times, despite the painting of Slick Willy wearing a blue dress inside 'Pedo Mansion' on 'Pedo Island'....




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I’m not the OP.

Yep, that's almost as good as when you loons say "I never said that".
You don’t like facts?

Do you know a Trumptard that does?

No kidding, another one that must like "truth over facts".

Trumptards don't know truth or facts so what's the difference?

Is that you, Joe Biden?
You do realize that all Trump has to do is rescind the tariffs and the stock market will come roaring right back again...right? (eye roll) Every time you progressives try to start a string that has anything to do with economics you invariably shoot yourselves in the foot because you know so little about the subject.

Stick to your bread and butter, Kiddies! Identity politics!!! Accuse people of being racist...that's what you all do best!
He's a terrible businessman and a terrible president unless he gets lucky.

Gee, Franco...he seems to be REALLY lucky! At what point do you smarten up and realize it isn't luck? Duh?
His economy is no better than Obama's even with 2 trillion dollars in sugar. And everything is going to hell all at once as far as I can tell. Of course I don't listen to propaganda much or believe it at all.

Hard to listen to much of anything when you've got your head as far up your ass as you do, Franco! Anyone claiming that Obama was as good with the economy as Trump has been is CLUELESS!!!
'Predicted'? This is what traitorous, Trump-hating sore-loser party-1st Democrats / snowflakes have been praying for, for the record-setting economy to stall, for the country to fail, for Americans to be hurt and suffer so they could blame the President, knowing that if the economy remained / remains strong they don't have a shot in hell of beating him in 2020. Pulling for your country to fail for party benefit is akin to treason in my book. You either have something to offer the country on your own or you don't...without praying the country suffers...
Yea, we told you so. Our way was slower but steady. All we needed to do to improve the obama economy was to pass a middle class only tax break. The rich were already killing it under obama.

We didn’t pray for it. Don’t be gay. We just told you so. Trumps bad for international business.

Now I worry he will rig the election like putin would. A man he admires. A murderer. So trump had to kill someone to get in the club. Epstein was trumps hit he had to do. For somebody. It is his federal prison. Leadership is responsible. His own words in 2013

So Trump killed Epstein? Really? I mean REALLY? You need to check yourself, Sealy because THAT is some world class stupid shit!!!!!!

As stupid as Clinton killing Epstein?

Didn't see you tell our asshole POTUS to go check himself.

Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar a Lago. Bill Clinton was regular on the Lolita Express! So you tell me which one had more to fear of Epstein cutting a deal to keep out of a long prison sentence! I'm not saying Clinton DID have Epstein killed by the way...but I'm amused by attempts by you on the left to pin the blame on Trump. That's the epitome of stupid!
Dummy time to wake up and smell the roses, even a good chunk of Republicans tollerate this crude amoral asshole only because he didn't yet crash economy.

I have no interest in what Liberal, Establishment Republicans believe or do. They’re no better than the Progressive scum in the Democratic Party.

Well thats because you can't do simple math.

Trump - Establishment Republicans to pull the lever for him = Democrat President in 2021.
He has a broken neck. He didn't hang himself stupid fuck. Who's in charge of the FEDERAL prison system? Trump is. But you right wingers want to say it was the Clinton's?
So you are saying PRESIDENT TRUMP killed Epstein, despite the fact that Trump banned Epstein from his resorts after he found out what a perv he was, despite the fact that the Clintons have a long trail of dead bodies paralleling their lives / careers, despite Slick Willy having flown on the 'Pedo Plane' and haing visited 'Pedo Island', numerous times, despite the painting of Slick Willy wearing a blue dress inside 'Pedo Mansion' on 'Pedo Island'....


That's your narrative. You guys think Trump is honest and actually cares about you. You're fucking idiots.

Trump is new to having the power the Clinton's have had for decades. Plus he admires Putin. Putin, the guy who murders his adversaries. So we know Trump is at least as scummy as the Clinton's. AT LEAST!
'Predicted'? This is what traitorous, Trump-hating sore-loser party-1st Democrats / snowflakes have been praying for, for the record-setting economy to stall, for the country to fail, for Americans to be hurt and suffer so they could blame the President, knowing that if the economy remained / remains strong they don't have a shot in hell of beating him in 2020. Pulling for your country to fail for party benefit is akin to treason in my book. You either have something to offer the country on your own or you don't...without praying the country suffers...
Yea, we told you so. Our way was slower but steady. All we needed to do to improve the obama economy was to pass a middle class only tax break. The rich were already killing it under obama.

We didn’t pray for it. Don’t be gay. We just told you so. Trumps bad for international business.

Now I worry he will rig the election like putin would. A man he admires. A murderer. So trump had to kill someone to get in the club. Epstein was trumps hit he had to do. For somebody. It is his federal prison. Leadership is responsible. His own words in 2013

So Trump killed Epstein? Really? I mean REALLY? You need to check yourself, Sealy because THAT is some world class stupid shit!!!!!!

As stupid as Clinton killing Epstein?

Didn't see you tell our asshole POTUS to go check himself.

Trump kicked Epstein out of Mar a Lago. Bill Clinton was regular on the Lolita Express! So you tell me which one had more to fear of Epstein cutting a deal to keep out of a long prison sentence! I'm not saying Clinton DID have Epstein killed by the way...but I'm amused by attempts by you on the left to pin the blame on Trump. That's the epitome of stupid!

I stopped hanging out with my college buddy the minute he got put on the sex offenders list. Doesn't mean I don't still love him. I just can't be seen with him.

Clinton is old as fuck and has no power. Trump needs to be re elected. Trump did some shit on the Lolita Express too. Before and after he went to Russia and paid prostitutes to pee on the bed Obama slept in. Sicko perv.

Trump was “compromised” by Russian intelligence as a result of his past visits to Moscow, and that Trump feared he could be blackmailed. The salacious centerpiece of this alleged conspiracy revolves around Trump’s 2013 trip to Moscow, when he stayed at the Ritz-Carlton hotel. Trump was filmed by F.S.B. operatives with “a number of prostitutes” who performed a “‘golden showers’ (urination) show in front of him.”
Dummy time to wake up and smell the roses, even a good chunk of Republicans tollerate this crude amoral asshole only because he didn't yet crash economy.

I have no interest in what Liberal, Establishment Republicans believe or do. They’re no better than the Progressive scum in the Democratic Party.

Well thats because you can't do simple math.

Trump - Establishment Republicans to pull the lever for him = Democrat President in 2021.

I wish "establishment" republicans would stay home in 2020.
I’m not the OP.

Yep, that's almost as good as when you loons say "I never said that".
You don’t like facts?

Do you know a Trumptard that does?

No kidding, another one that must like "truth over facts".

Trumptards don't know truth or facts so what's the difference?
name one we don't know
'Predicted'? This is what traitorous, Trump-hating sore-loser party-1st Democrats / snowflakes have been praying for, for the record-setting economy to stall, for the country to fail, for Americans to be hurt and suffer so they could blame the President, knowing that if the economy remained / remains strong they don't have a shot in hell of beating him in 2020. Pulling for your country to fail for party benefit is akin to treason in my book. You either have something to offer the country on your own or you don't...without praying the country suffers...
Yea, we told you so. Our way was slower but steady. All we needed to do to improve the obama economy was to pass a middle class only tax break. The rich were already killing it under obama.

We didn’t pray for it. Don’t be gay. We just told you so. Trumps bad for international business.

Now I worry he will rig the election like putin would. A man he admires. A murderer. So trump had to kill someone to get in the club. Epstein was trumps hit he had to do. For somebody. It is his federal prison. Leadership is responsible. His own words in 2013

So Trump killed Epstein? Really? I mean REALLY? You need to check yourself, Sealy because THAT is some world class stupid shit!!!!!!

As stupid as Clinton killing Epstein?

Didn't see you tell our asshole POTUS to go check himself.
one judge is now dead as well, I'd say that comment has more truth than trump. Seen the picture of clinton in a dress? Slick willie? Blue dress from contact with Epstein. hmmmm Vince Foster, seth Rich, patterns.
what we were talking about. you should perhaps wake up and reread the thread your in.
You appear to think that what is happening in stock and bond markets is, in your words, "sabotage".

I mentioned earlier in this thread that this is the spin Rush is using, and there it is again.

It's fantasy, but if you want to think that, go ahead. I've already said that.
how the fk do you know? I'm asking you why they made the statement they made, the bond market, when there wasn't any issue. that's called sabotage. you can prove that all wrong by naming the bonds that are in trouble. I gave you a list, which ones?
What "statement" are you talking about? The drop in yields?

You're not making much sense here. The bond market reacts to conditions and perceptions of future conditions. I already told you that the bond market sees trouble and is reacting accordingly. You think it's some conspiracy.

Good lord, make sense. Use complete thoughts.
You don’t know what the word sabotage means? I was very clear my position. You’re just a dick. Keep holding it.

by the way, WGN TV agreed with Rush on the Europe markets causing today’s loss
Gee, a radio station (may have) said something that no one else (except Rush) said, and you take it as gospel.

Look at ANY financial website and you'll see something quite different. They probably don't exist in the alternative Trumpiverse.

Oh, wait. That's right. Anything different would be deep state commie Hitler socialist commie fake news.
WGN TV is very well respected. I give two fks what you think. you should give up your martyrism
'Predicted'? This is what traitorous, Trump-hating sore-loser party-1st Democrats / snowflakes have been praying for, for the record-setting economy to stall, for the country to fail, for Americans to be hurt and suffer so they could blame the President, knowing that if the economy remained / remains strong they don't have a shot in hell of beating him in 2020. Pulling for your country to fail for party benefit is akin to treason in my book. You either have something to offer the country on your own or you don't...without praying the country suffers...
Yea, we told you so. Our way was slower but steady. All we needed to do to improve the obama economy was to pass a middle class only tax break. The rich were already killing it under obama.

We didn’t pray for it. Don’t be gay. We just told you so. Trumps bad for international business.

Now I worry he will rig the election like putin would. A man he admires. A murderer. So trump had to kill someone to get in the club. Epstein was trumps hit he had to do. For somebody. It is his federal prison. Leadership is responsible. His own words in 2013

So Trump killed Epstein? Really? I mean REALLY? You need to check yourself, Sealy because THAT is some world class stupid shit!!!!!!

As stupid as Clinton killing Epstein?

Didn't see you tell our asshole POTUS to go check himself.
one judge is now dead as well, I'd say that comment has more truth than trump. Seen the picture of clinton in a dress? Slick willie? Blue dress from contact with Epstein. hmmmm Vince Foster, seth Rich, patterns.

Is Oldstyle going to say So Clinton killed Epstein? Really? I mean REALLY? You need to check yourself, jc456 because THAT is some world class stupid shit!!!!!!

Is Oldstyle going to say that to you?

Even Trump admits he is responsible. He is in charge of the Federal Government. Epstein was in a Federal Prison.

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

11:01 AM - 8 Nov 2013
But he got rid of regulation and handed out huge tax cuts to corporations and increased deficits drastically...

Imagine what Republicans would be saying if Hillary started a trade war with China that was clearly leading us into a recession.
Trump promised to destroy everything Obama did. And Obama left Trump a strong economy, so naturally, the economy must be destroyed. It’s the GOP way.
Trump promised to destroy everything Obama did. And Obama left Trump a strong economy, so naturally, the economy must be destroyed. It’s the GOP way.

Lets face it. The American people are stupid AF. Of course I mean the ones who either don't vote or the ones who are middle class/poor and vote GOP.

Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it. Or something like that. Did we forget the Bush era? Reminds me of today. Big tax breaks to the rich. An economy that was making the rich richer than ever but wasn't good for the middle class. All the while Republicans were telling us the fundamentals of our economy were strong. Remember McCain said that when we were heading into a recession? That is why Obama won in 2008. McCain didn't seem to have a clue what to do about the Great Recession Bush caused.

Video: Trump says economy is 'strong' amid Dow plunge
Couldn't agree more. I have 20 years in this business, I live it 24/7/365, and you're just tossing out ignorant, simplistic Trumpsterisms.

Laughable indeed, but also distressing that you and others have been played like this.
it's a message board, you can say anything you wish. doesn't make it fact. A Reagan economic adviser on Fox this morning Art Laffer crediting the European market as well. And he was negative on tariffs, but China and Europe. the rest of the world, and money is flowing into the US. So when you make it on some TV show, I give two shits your knowledge.

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