The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal. The economy is showing signs of turning ...

Total U.S. household debt increased for the 19th consecutive quarter to $13.67 trillion, as of May, boosted by increases in mortgage, auto and student loan balances, and is now $993 billion higher than the peak of $12.68 trillion in the third quarter of 2008, according to the New York Fed.

$13.67 trillion, as of May, boosted by increases in mortgage, auto and student loan balances, and is now $993 billion higher than the peak of $12.68 trillion in the third quarter of 2008

8% higher with real GDP 21% higher.
Okay. So what? Who cares?

If you’re suggesting that an economic downturn would have negative influence on Trump’s ability to get re-elected in 2020, I don’t think you understand the motives or interests of most people who support him.
We knew you deplorable bastards didn't give a frig about the economy.

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I care and I am Defined as a Deplorable. Explain that Capt. Reparations. Yes, you told me I had to pay reparations even though my parents came to this country in the 70s. LOL

You’re a real gem.
name some propaganda for us.
Every phony Scandal you know about Hillary Obama the FBI the deep State etc etc, everything you know about who pays taxes and global warming, the border crisis what Democrats want etc etc etc. All the journalists and law enforcement in the world think you are nuts outside your bubble of b*******....
Did hitlery delete emails while under subpoena?

Did she destroy phones and computers with bleach bit?
Did four Americans die in Benghazi under her guidance? Tell me how those facts are propaganda?
No, that was the security guy who forgot to do it and was reminded by The subpoena LOL. End of story.

Yes just like everyone else....

Under her guidance? LOL. The ambassador was a little too brave. End of story.
we can't se the emails cause she deleted them. oops, show there weren't emails, oh wait, she deleted them. yep she deleted emails, and not one person knows how many were deleted. no one. The security guy she hired. oops. instructions carried out. try again, you're losing badly.
She had a group of neutral lawyers look at the emails and decide which ones were personal which she has a right to delete, super duper dupe.

Sorry, you're not allowed to delete government emails that are under subpoena, even if you decide they're personal.
Democrats side with their Chinese counterparts.

If they were in power they would be asking China what else they can give them. To a Democrat who hates America and Americans, selling America and Americans out, is a virtue.
and the people of hong kong want our democracy, they were singing star spangled banner today and waving american flags, plural.

BTW, the left does not want there to be a middle class. the tax cuts for the rich include the working middle class. they are the rich to the left. just know that.

They all want to know why there weren't tax cuts to the poor that don't pay taxes. that's how fking stupid their shit is.

Ask them, they won't define the rich.
I bet the Hong Kong people own more usa flags then all the Democrats in America combined.

Watch as the Chinese Democrats take over Hong Kong... the American Democrats will try the same in America if they get the chance

American Democrats have traded their American flags in for Mexican ones.
They hoisted it weeks ago in Colorado at the detention facility and took down and defaced the American flag in order to support invaders!!
Democrats burn American flags and wave foreign flags of the country's whose people's they represent.

In this day and age, if you like America and you vote for Democrats, it's like being a jew and voting for nazis.
Trump's recession is gearing up.

U.S. Stocks Drop as Treasurys Flash Warning Signal

"Trade tensions between the U.S. and China, uncertainty about the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate policy and signs of slowing economic growth have spurred weeks of turbulence that have rippled through the stock, bond and currency markets. In the Treasury market, the yield on the U.S. 30-year Treasury note touched 2.018%, below the previous intraday low of 2.094% in July 2016, according to Tradeweb.

Meanwhile, yields on the 10-year Treasury note briefly fell below two-year yields for the first time since 2007. This kind of inversion between short and long-term yields is viewed by many as a strong signal that a recession is likely in the future.""

The federal government has broken yet another record for how much money it's spending
"The federal government has spent more real money in the first seven months of this fiscal year than any other year in U.S. history, according to the latest monthly statement by the Department of Treasury. The previous record was set in 2011, when the U.S. was recuperating from the Great Recession."

Mark this up as another failure of Trump's, so many now.

All economic upswings end. You know that right?

Yes, something triggers them. In this instance, it's Trump's trade war that we're losing.
In 2008, it was the mortgage crisis brought about by the big banks.
In 1929 it was the stock market crash caused by shitty pay, too much debt and bank loan defaults.
Any other questions, Einstein?

Trump took a perfectly good economy and he's fucking it up.
He thinks he's a fucking hammer and everything else is a nail, including Xi Jinping.
Actually just like 1989, the problem was corrupt GOP deregulation and oversight. In 1929, it was them making it legal to only pay 10% to buy stocks etc etc etc. 1989 ditto but savings and loan garbage oversight. In 2008, garbage crony oversight of private lending institutions and insurers like a i g. All of which regular people paid for... The GOP is the swamp. Only the GOP propaganda machine and All-American ignoramuses make it possible....

In 1929, it was them making it legal to only pay 10% to buy stocks etc etc etc.

Republicans passed legislation to allow stock purchases with only 10% margin? That's awful!!

What day did that legislation pass? Link?

What was the margin requirement before the pesky Republicans changed it?
And what economically dont you like about President Trump?

I do not agree with his trade war, especially his stupidity in going after the whole world at the same time. I also do not agree with his record level spending and near record deficits. I am against tariffs as I am a free market advocate.

Would you prefer the sick bitch that kept falling down, who would of continued to have stifling regulations and taxes to keep businesses over seas?

The 2016 election to me was much like the 2019 Super Bowl, there was not side I wanted to see win.

Just cant understand a Jar Head that would be against this President who loves our troops.

Trump loves Trump, and little else.

Now for the coming recession you all are hoping for. Yesterday, when the DOW was tanking 800 points because of the inversion in the 3 and 10 year. One of the analysts had said, dont hold your breath for a recession because unlike the 2007, there are 1.5 million jobs out there that arent being filled. That means that more people are working, yet not enough to fill every position, so this means, not that more people are borrowing, but that more people are employed, getting higher wages, and thus able to spend more. You moderates that are too ashamed to admit that you are liberals, need to stop listening to the MSNBC marching orders.

I am not hoping for a recession, I just happen to understand our economy and know that it is inevitable. We have already broken the record to the most consecutive months of economic growth in the history of our country.

If you knew anything about our economic system you would understand it is not a matter of "if' it is a matter of when and how bad. The trade war will make it worse, the fact that we are lowering the Fed rate while things are still good will make it worse.

But more people are borrowing, it is that borrowing that is driving the economy. We are at record levels for consumer debt, sadly most consumers are just like our country, they live beyond their means. This debt will be a problem sooner or later.

you cant tell Trumpdrones jackshit, and I doubt showing them will soak in either.


Their logic is so flawed it is scary.

This is them..

Bob “ hey joe did you see rain is forecasted for the weekend?”

Joe “why do you want it to rain?”

The only policy option Trump has is to continue blubbering and blathering nonsense to his cheering base.

Meanwhile, its only the top end of the social order that received any benefit from Trump's tax cuts.

The stock market bubble is looking to burst biggly sending 401k values to the bottom.

Europe is already feeling the chill of recession. Its just a matter of time for the USA now.

Trump took a growing economy from Obama and sent it spinning.

The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal

The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal
The economy is showing signs of turning, and the people who saw the least benefit from the latest boom are now the most vulnerable ahead of the next bust

WASHINGTON, DC - AUGUST 9 : President Donald J. Trump stops to talk to reporters and members of the media as he walks to Marine One to depart from the South Lawn at the White House on Friday, Aug 09, 2019 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)
President Donald J. Trump stops to talk to reporters and members of the media as he walks to Marine One to depart from the South Lawn at the White House on Friday, Aug 09, 2019 in Washington, DC.
Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post/Getty Images
Market-watchers enjoying their first sip of coffee around 6 a.m. might have done a spit-take. For a brief period Wednesday morning, yields on two-year Treasury bonds were higher than those on ten-year ones — a short-term investment was seen as riskier than a long term one, and the return therefore higher — a signal that can portend major trouble for the economy. The last time the yields “inverted” was in 2007, before the “great” recession; the two times before that also directly preceded recessions. The dynamic flipped back before markets opened Wednesday, but stocks nevertheless dropped amid new fears of serious economic trouble ahead.

According to research from Credit Suisse (via the Washington Post) recessions historically have followed 18 to 24 months after the yield curve inversions like the one Wednesday morning.
Before we get too carried away, it’s worth mentioning that there are some who argue the yield curve invert isn’t as reliable a recession indicator as it’s generally made out to be. Former Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen struck a note of caution during a Wednesday morning appearance on Fox Business. “Historically, it has been a pretty good signal of recession, and it think that’s when markets pay attention to it, but I would really urge that on this occasion it may be a less good signal,” Yellen said. “The reason for that is there are a number of factors other than market expectations about the future path of interest rates that are pushing down long-term yields.”
But sooner or later, the current economic expansion — by many measures the longest in U.S. history — is going to end. And that’s particularly troubling when you consider how many Americans continue to fare poorly even in the current “strong economy.”
Some 40 percent of American families struggled to cover the cost of food, health care, housing or utilities last year, according to a report from the Urban Institute. A Fed found four in 10 adults couldn’t cover a $400 emergency expense. Even at the current low unemployment rate, about 6 million workers are actively looking for jobs right now — and that doesn’t include part-time workers looking for more hours or those who want work but have stopped looking. Men in the prime of their lives are employed at lower rates than they were before the last recession. Suicide rates are spiking, driving down U.S. life expectancy.
A Gallup poll released in January found 48 percent of Americans felt economic conditions were worsening — a trend that had steadily progressed in preceding months — despite the fundamentals remaining strong. At issue was the fact that the benefits of a strong economy were not being broadly shared by all Americans.
Fed Chairman Jerome H. Powell called the dynamic out in two speeches he delivered at the end of last year. “The benefits of this strong economy and sound financial system have not reached all Americans,” he explained. “The aggregate statistics tend to mask important disparities by income, race and geography.”
A recession could take many of those families struggling on the margins and push them squarely into poverty. A family that can’t cover a $400 expense definitely isn’t ready to weather an unexpected layoff. And workers already struggling to find jobs will fare worse if and when the number of openings plummet and the number of unemployed job seekers climbs.
The fact that there are so many Americans still struggling highlights the opportunity President Trump and Republicans missed when they slashed taxes for corporations, businesses and the wealthy, rather than, say, shoring up social safety net accounts, investing in economic development in marginalized communities, funding worker training programs to help them transition to more stable jobs — or even just paying off some of the nation’s debt.
Instead, of course, Republicans promised the working-class and poor would get their share as benefits trickled down in the form of a tax cut-fueled economic explosion. Whether that was a lie or a delusion doesn’t matter now. The economy is showing signs of turning, and the people who saw the least benefit from the latest boom are now the most vulnerable ahead of the next bust.
Sounds like It's time for you to dump your stocks and 401k...

And don't forget to sell your house and any other properties you own,, before real estate prices tank... (You can always live in a tent, which shouldn't depreciate much!!!)

Just tell everybody the crackhead at "Rolling Stoned" told you to!!!
China have lost millions of jobs. thousands of companies have closed. China wants Biden to be president, badly!
DJIA ended + 99
S & P up + 7
The Democrats working with their Chinese counterparts tried hard yesterday to cause Americans pain.
Pretty Sure Google and The MSM were also helping to drive a mini panic in hopes of a Recession.

They were selling the '2s10s' mantra like it was the word of God, failing to realize that this economy is not like Obama's.
The only reason Obama's economy has any positive data is because of the fracking boom he tried to stop
DJIA ended + 99
S & P up + 7
The Democrats working with their Chinese counterparts tried hard yesterday to cause Americans pain.
Pretty Sure Google and The MSM were also helping to drive a mini panic in hopes of a Recession.

They were selling the '2s10s' mantra like it was the word of God, failing to realize that this economy is not like Obama's.
The only reason Obama's economy has any positive data is because of the fracking boom he tried to stop

Along with the fact that 92% of new jobs created under Obama were part-time!
DJIA ended + 99
S & P up + 7
The Democrats working with their Chinese counterparts tried hard yesterday to cause Americans pain.
Pretty Sure Google and The MSM were also helping to drive a mini panic in hopes of a Recession.

They were selling the '2s10s' mantra like it was the word of God, failing to realize that this economy is not like Obama's.
The only reason Obama's economy has any positive data is because of the fracking boom he tried to stop

Along with the fact that 92% of new jobs created under Obama were part-time!
That was because of the healthcare mandate. Many people had hours cut and were forced to get 2 jobs. I know many people who got screwed by that.

Democrats force Americans to buy the same healthcare they give away to foreign nationals who come and go unchecked and unregulated at will. It's like the cartels and china run the DNC.
The Democrats working with their Chinese counterparts tried hard yesterday to cause Americans pain.
Pretty Sure Google and The MSM were also helping to drive a mini panic in hopes of a Recession.

They were selling the '2s10s' mantra like it was the word of God, failing to realize that this economy is not like Obama's.
The only reason Obama's economy has any positive data is because of the fracking boom he tried to stop

Along with the fact that 92% of new jobs created under Obama were part-time!
That was because of the healthcare mandate. Many people had hours cut and were forced to get 2 jobs. I know many people who got screwed by that.

Democrats force Americans to buy the same healthcare they give away to foreign nationals who come and go unchecked and unregulated at will. It's like the cartels and china run the DNC.

Actually, it was because under Obama, the Bureau of Labor statistics started to lump in part-time jobs with full-time jobs under general employment stats.

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