The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal. The economy is showing signs of turning ...

So you arent happy that more jobs have come back to the US, and more citizens are employed, got that. You also arent happy that with more people working and wages are going up because of this scarcity of people for jobs being unfilled, you hate that too, got that. Yet you talk about rain for the forecast, and say why do you want it to rain, yet you have a stupid bitch who predicted that the world is going to end in 11 1/3 years. Why fucking bother with the debt or anything else, just party like Epstein, Weinstein and Clinton.

All those things were happening without starting a trade war with the whole world, I do not hate any of it, I just know that Trump was not the cause.

I have told you I am not a Dem, and I tried to be civil because you are a fellow military member...but you are too far gone for that. you are just one more mindless Trump worshiper that is pissed off because I refuse to join your fucking cult.

Go jack off to your poster of Trump, I am done with your ignorance.

But, you should admit that you are an economic illiterate!

Why would I want to lie on this forum? I leave that to folks like you.
No, that was the security guy who forgot to do it and was reminded by The subpoena LOL. End of story.

Yes just like everyone else....

Under her guidance? LOL. The ambassador was a little too brave. End of story.
we can't se the emails cause she deleted them. oops, show there weren't emails, oh wait, she deleted them. yep she deleted emails, and not one person knows how many were deleted. no one. The security guy she hired. oops. instructions carried out. try again, you're losing badly.
She had a group of neutral lawyers look at the emails and decide which ones were personal which she has a right to delete, super duper dupe.

Sorry, you're not allowed to delete government emails that are under subpoena, even if you decide they're personal.
That was done by her security guy who forgot to do it when ordered to months before. Investigated and nothing found. Your whole scheme here is b******* propaganda totally. She was the Secretary of State and she did nothing wrong no crimes except in tinfoil dupe world. All investigated this is ridiculous. And always was. The only reason any of this was investigated was to confront your garbage propaganda. No one else in the world took it seriously or should have.

Investigated!!! By the same FBI that was giving her a free pass before being questioned....dumbass.
With good reason. 25 years of pure garbage hate and misinformation and character assassination about Hillary, absolutely none of it true. GOP propaganda machine the GOP and you idiots are a disgrace. The whole world knows but you.
So you arent happy that more jobs have come back to the US, and more citizens are employed, got that. You also arent happy that with more people working and wages are going up because of this scarcity of people for jobs being unfilled, you hate that too, got that. Yet you talk about rain for the forecast, and say why do you want it to rain, yet you have a stupid bitch who predicted that the world is going to end in 11 1/3 years. Why fucking bother with the debt or anything else, just party like Epstein, Weinstein and Clinton.

All those things were happening without starting a trade war with the whole world, I do not hate any of it, I just know that Trump was not the cause.

I have told you I am not a Dem, and I tried to be civil because you are a fellow military member...but you are too far gone for that. you are just one more mindless Trump worshiper that is pissed off because I refuse to join your fucking cult.

Go jack off to your poster of Trump, I am done with your ignorance.

But, you should admit that you are an economic illiterate!

Why would I want to lie on this forum? I leave that to folks like you.

Go to an eye doctor first, and see if you can read the big letters on the chart.
Then, get back to us.
Oh by the way, in 2007 gasoline went up to $4.00 a gallon so some people had to choose between paying rent or filling their gas tanks up for work. What is the gas price today? Oh yea, brutal...

In 2007 the US was the world's largest importer of oil, and a B-list producer. We're now the world's largest oil producer, and a net exporter, causing domestic prices to be relatively low. Thanks Obama.
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we have reached "Peak Trump"

Washington's empire abroad and phony prosperity at home is terminally failing, and whatever comes next wont be MAGA!
Democrat traitors dreams were dashed today as the DOW closed up.

Maybe next time fellas!
one way or another it'll happen with this idiot and the idiotic GOP who always have to mess with the economy. They are the swamp and always have been. Deregulation and give away to the rich since 1920... Not to mention terminally stupid, disastrous un American foreign policy.... This is just like the trade Wars they had in 1930 terminally stupid....
we can't se the emails cause she deleted them. oops, show there weren't emails, oh wait, she deleted them. yep she deleted emails, and not one person knows how many were deleted. no one. The security guy she hired. oops. instructions carried out. try again, you're losing badly.
She had a group of neutral lawyers look at the emails and decide which ones were personal which she has a right to delete, super duper dupe.

Sorry, you're not allowed to delete government emails that are under subpoena, even if you decide they're personal.
That was done by her security guy who forgot to do it when ordered to months before. Investigated and nothing found. Your whole scheme here is b******* propaganda totally. She was the Secretary of State and she did nothing wrong no crimes except in tinfoil dupe world. All investigated this is ridiculous. And always was. The only reason any of this was investigated was to confront your garbage propaganda. No one else in the world took it seriously or should have.

Investigated!!! By the same FBI that was giving her a free pass before being questioned....dumbass.
With good reason. 25 years of pure garbage hate and misinformation and character assassination about Hillary, absolutely none of it true. GOP propaganda machine the GOP and you idiots are a disgrace. The whole world knows but you.

Yep, only thing the whole world knows is what whiney little wimps you libs are.
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So you arent happy that more jobs have come back to the US, and more citizens are employed, got that. You also arent happy that with more people working and wages are going up because of this scarcity of people for jobs being unfilled, you hate that too, got that. Yet you talk about rain for the forecast, and say why do you want it to rain, yet you have a stupid bitch who predicted that the world is going to end in 11 1/3 years. Why fucking bother with the debt or anything else, just party like Epstein, Weinstein and Clinton.

All those things were happening without starting a trade war with the whole world, I do not hate any of it, I just know that Trump was not the cause.

I have told you I am not a Dem, and I tried to be civil because you are a fellow military member...but you are too far gone for that. you are just one more mindless Trump worshiper that is pissed off because I refuse to join your fucking cult.

Go jack off to your poster of Trump, I am done with your ignorance.

But, you should admit that you are an economic illiterate!

Why would I want to lie on this forum? I leave that to folks like you.

Go to an eye doctor first, and see if you can read the big letters on the chart.
Then, get back to us.

Not without my glasses I cannot. I go to the eye doctor every year.

What does that have to do with your constant lies?
So you arent happy that more jobs have come back to the US, and more citizens are employed, got that. You also arent happy that with more people working and wages are going up because of this scarcity of people for jobs being unfilled, you hate that too, got that. Yet you talk about rain for the forecast, and say why do you want it to rain, yet you have a stupid bitch who predicted that the world is going to end in 11 1/3 years. Why fucking bother with the debt or anything else, just party like Epstein, Weinstein and Clinton.

All those things were happening without starting a trade war with the whole world, I do not hate any of it, I just know that Trump was not the cause.

I have told you I am not a Dem, and I tried to be civil because you are a fellow military member...but you are too far gone for that. you are just one more mindless Trump worshiper that is pissed off because I refuse to join your fucking cult.

Go jack off to your poster of Trump, I am done with your ignorance.

But, you should admit that you are an economic illiterate!

Why would I want to lie on this forum? I leave that to folks like you.

Go to an eye doctor first, and see if you can read the big letters on the chart.
Then, get back to us.

Not without my glasses I cannot. I go to the eye doctor every year.

What does that have to do with your constant lies?

Cause you claim to have 2 good eyes, but still can't see.
And as predicted, Dimocrats celebrating that their 401K's are tanking, and will celebrate even more if workers begin losing their jobs.
The DOW lost 800........BREAK OUT THE CHAMPAGNE!!!!

Horseshit, no one is getting pleasure out of Trump fucking up this country.
It's not Trump doing it.

It's the FED...the Dummycraps......and the media...talking down the economy EXACTLY LIKE THEY DID WHILE BUSH WAS IN OFFICE. I PREDICTED THIS SHIT AS SOON AS TRUMP WON ON ELECTION NIGHT!

Everyone BUT Trump’s fault! Democrats caused the trade wars! :rolleyes:

Good job tool.
wtf?...are you sick fuck seriously saying you will start shooting people if 2020 election doesn't go your way?

Random people, definitely not. I would support and encourage a reestablishment of the active shooting war thst ended in 1865 to overthrow ANY/ALL Liberal or Progressive Administrations in this country

So yes you are saying you will start shooting people (non-randomly :rolleyes:)
wtf?...are you sick fuck seriously saying you will start shooting people if 2020 election doesn't go your way?

Random people, definitely not. I would support and encourage a reestablishment of the active shooting war thst ended in 1865 to overthrow ANY/ALL Liberal or Progressive Administrations in this country

So yes you are saying you will start shooting people (non-randomly :rolleyes:)
They’re invading our country, we have border policies they could follow, that’s on them for illegally ignoring it! Fire away
All those things were happening without starting a trade war with the whole world, I do not hate any of it, I just know that Trump was not the cause.

I have told you I am not a Dem, and I tried to be civil because you are a fellow military member...but you are too far gone for that. you are just one more mindless Trump worshiper that is pissed off because I refuse to join your fucking cult.

Go jack off to your poster of Trump, I am done with your ignorance.

But, you should admit that you are an economic illiterate!

Why would I want to lie on this forum? I leave that to folks like you.

Go to an eye doctor first, and see if you can read the big letters on the chart.
Then, get back to us.

Not without my glasses I cannot. I go to the eye doctor every year.

What does that have to do with your constant lies?

Cause you claim to have 2 good eyes, but still can't see.

What are you talking about?

first they are not that good and second I see you posting lie after lie.
There is no chance of a recession before 2020...its laughable....

Pretty sure I can dig up comments from know-nothing politicos just like this from 2007.
Pretty sure you can't...we all knew about the banks unsecured loans forced on them by Reno and Clinton....

Here are some such comments from a know-nothing politics from Dec of did that work out?

“The basics in the economy are good" :21::21::21::21::21:

Bush says economic fundamentals are good - Reuters
Right now there are reasonable arguments in both directions.

Guessing is fun, but it's just guessing.
Stills swaying in the wind huh? So abortions even after birth is a reasonable argument. Taxing the rich 70% is a reasonable argument. Giving free shit to people who dont deserve it is a reasonable argument. Fuck , you just disgust me.
It's my profession. I can't make stupid, ignorant predictions like you nutters can.

Yep, so what the heck, you make different stupid, ignorant predictions...good job.
I did? Where?

Yep, don't have to be on this site very long to figure out who are the biggest cheerleaders for every wacko liberal idea possible. And then it's always "I didn't say that".
Yeah, I suspected you wouldn't be able to back up your words.

I'm shocked. Just shocked.

Show me the quotes, or you're just another coward & liar.
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There is no chance of a recession before 2020...its laughable....

Pretty sure I can dig up comments from know-nothing politicos just like this from 2007.
Pretty sure you can't...we all knew about the banks unsecured loans forced on them by Reno and Clinton....

Here are some such comments from a know-nothing politics from Dec of did that work out?

“The basics in the economy are good" :21::21::21::21::21:

Bush says economic fundamentals are good - Reuters
Of course Bush the sitting president at the time will of said that....he was trying to instill confidence.....
Now lets get your real you think we are just around the corner from a recession?.....if the answer is no then what the hell are you doing?...trying to stoke fear?.....that's pitiful dude....
No, that was the security guy who forgot to do it and was reminded by The subpoena LOL. End of story.

Yes just like everyone else....

Under her guidance? LOL. The ambassador was a little too brave. End of story.
we can't se the emails cause she deleted them. oops, show there weren't emails, oh wait, she deleted them. yep she deleted emails, and not one person knows how many were deleted. no one. The security guy she hired. oops. instructions carried out. try again, you're losing badly.
She had a group of neutral lawyers look at the emails and decide which ones were personal which she has a right to delete, super duper dupe.

Sorry, you're not allowed to delete government emails that are under subpoena, even if you decide they're personal.
That was done by her security guy who forgot to do it when ordered to months before. Investigated and nothing found. Your whole scheme here is b******* propaganda totally. She was the Secretary of State and she did nothing wrong no crimes except in tinfoil dupe world. All investigated this is ridiculous. And always was. The only reason any of this was investigated was to confront your garbage propaganda. No one else in the world took it seriously or should have.

Investigated!!! By the same FBI that was giving her a free pass before being questioned....dumbass.
Republicans questioning the motives of the FBI because of some stupid emails are idiotic and it's really close to treasonous. Including the orange clown.

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