The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal. The economy is showing signs of turning ...

wtf?...are you sick fuck seriously saying you will start shooting people if 2020 election doesn't go your way?

Random people, definitely not. I would support and encourage a reestablishment of the active shooting war thst ended in 1865 to overthrow ANY/ALL Liberal or Progressive Administrations in this country

So yes you are saying you will start shooting people (non-randomly :rolleyes:)
They’re invading our country, we have border policies they could follow, that’s on them for illegally ignoring it! Fire away
The GOP refusal of a ID card like other modern countries is like an open invitation to come here and work. Forever. That is the disgrace, super duper. The wall is also stupid and won't work.
"The United States is now, by far, the Biggest, Strongest and Most Powerful Economy in the World, it is not even close!" - Trump today
we can't se the emails cause she deleted them. oops, show there weren't emails, oh wait, she deleted them. yep she deleted emails, and not one person knows how many were deleted. no one. The security guy she hired. oops. instructions carried out. try again, you're losing badly.
She had a group of neutral lawyers look at the emails and decide which ones were personal which she has a right to delete, super duper dupe.

Sorry, you're not allowed to delete government emails that are under subpoena, even if you decide they're personal.
That was done by her security guy who forgot to do it when ordered to months before. Investigated and nothing found. Your whole scheme here is b******* propaganda totally. She was the Secretary of State and she did nothing wrong no crimes except in tinfoil dupe world. All investigated this is ridiculous. And always was. The only reason any of this was investigated was to confront your garbage propaganda. No one else in the world took it seriously or should have.

Investigated!!! By the same FBI that was giving her a free pass before being questioned....dumbass.
Republicans questioning the motives of the FBI because of some stupid emails are idiotic and it's really close to treasonous. Including the orange clown.
We didn’t see them, nor did you, so how the fk you know what was in them? She said so? Every convict in prison is innocent too! You’re a joke
Every phony Scandal you know about Hillary Obama the FBI the deep State etc etc, everything you know about who pays taxes and global warming, the border crisis what Democrats want etc etc etc. All the journalists and law enforcement in the world think you are nuts outside your bubble of b*******....
Did hitlery delete emails while under subpoena?

Did she destroy phones and computers with bleach bit?
Did four Americans die in Benghazi under her guidance? Tell me how those facts are propaganda?
No, that was the security guy who forgot to do it and was reminded by The subpoena LOL. End of story.

Yes just like everyone else....

Under her guidance? LOL. The ambassador was a little too brave. End of story.
we can't se the emails cause she deleted them. oops, show there weren't emails, oh wait, she deleted them. yep she deleted emails, and not one person knows how many were deleted. no one. The security guy she hired. oops. instructions carried out. try again, you're losing badly.
Emails are bulshit issue, super duper....Hillary was a little busy being Secretary of State and nobody gave a damn about emails until the Russians hacked the DNC and our punditocracy spent a year arguing about nothing....if Hillary had a crime to cover up there might be something but this is just garbage propaganda, super duper. All investigated and nothing there but a big mouth GOP attorney general James Comey and a wrecked election based on nothing...

Hillary Clinton lost her run for the Presidency because of three things, Franco. The first was running the State Department through those two private servers hidden at her home so she could work her "pay for play" scheme through the Clinton Foundation. The second was because the games she was playing with Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC to knee cap the Bernie Sanders campaign were exposed which pissed off the Bern Man's fans! The third is that she's not a likeable person. She has zero charisma.
Only one of those is based on reality -the last. She should have shown her self. Of course 25 years of total garbage thrown at her can have that effect. I wish she'd been elected so we can see what she is like LOL...
Did hitlery delete emails while under subpoena?

Did she destroy phones and computers with bleach bit?
Did four Americans die in Benghazi under her guidance? Tell me how those facts are propaganda?
No, that was the security guy who forgot to do it and was reminded by The subpoena LOL. End of story.

Yes just like everyone else....

Under her guidance? LOL. The ambassador was a little too brave. End of story.
we can't se the emails cause she deleted them. oops, show there weren't emails, oh wait, she deleted them. yep she deleted emails, and not one person knows how many were deleted. no one. The security guy she hired. oops. instructions carried out. try again, you're losing badly.
Emails are bulshit issue, super duper....Hillary was a little busy being Secretary of State and nobody gave a damn about emails until the Russians hacked the DNC and our punditocracy spent a year arguing about nothing....if Hillary had a crime to cover up there might be something but this is just garbage propaganda, super duper. All investigated and nothing there but a big mouth GOP attorney general James Comey and a wrecked election based on nothing...

Hillary Clinton lost her run for the Presidency because of three things, Franco. The first was running the State Department through those two private servers hidden at her home so she could work her "pay for play" scheme through the Clinton Foundation. The second was because the games she was playing with Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC to knee cap the Bernie Sanders campaign were exposed which pissed off the Bern Man's fans! The third is that she's not a likeable person. She has zero charisma.
Only one of those is based on reality -the last. She should have shown her self. Of course 25 years of total garbage thrown at her can have that effect. I wish she'd been elected so we can see what she is like LOL...
She had a group of neutral lawyers look at the emails and decide which ones were personal which she has a right to delete, super duper dupe.

Sorry, you're not allowed to delete government emails that are under subpoena, even if you decide they're personal.
That was done by her security guy who forgot to do it when ordered to months before. Investigated and nothing found. Your whole scheme here is b******* propaganda totally. She was the Secretary of State and she did nothing wrong no crimes except in tinfoil dupe world. All investigated this is ridiculous. And always was. The only reason any of this was investigated was to confront your garbage propaganda. No one else in the world took it seriously or should have.

Investigated!!! By the same FBI that was giving her a free pass before being questioned....dumbass.
Republicans questioning the motives of the FBI because of some stupid emails are idiotic and it's really close to treasonous. Including the orange clown.
We didn’t see them, nor did you, so how the fk you know what was in them? She said so? Every convict in prison is innocent too! You’re a joke
And you have no evidence they are anything but personal. Like every other secretary of state gets to do. You are a brainwashed functional moron. There is no crime to be covered up and the whole email thing is ridiculous just total garbage propaganda. Our punditocracy is a disgrace CNN and MSNBC included.
Sorry, you're not allowed to delete government emails that are under subpoena, even if you decide they're personal.
That was done by her security guy who forgot to do it when ordered to months before. Investigated and nothing found. Your whole scheme here is b******* propaganda totally. She was the Secretary of State and she did nothing wrong no crimes except in tinfoil dupe world. All investigated this is ridiculous. And always was. The only reason any of this was investigated was to confront your garbage propaganda. No one else in the world took it seriously or should have.

Investigated!!! By the same FBI that was giving her a free pass before being questioned....dumbass.
Republicans questioning the motives of the FBI because of some stupid emails are idiotic and it's really close to treasonous. Including the orange clown.
We didn’t see them, nor did you, so how the fk you know what was in them? She said so? Every convict in prison is innocent too! You’re a joke
And you have no evidence they are anything but personal. Like every other secretary of state gets to do. You are a brainwashed functional moron. There is no crime to be covered up and the whole email thing is ridiculous just total garbage propaganda. Our punditocracy is a disgrace CNN and MSNBC included.
Exactly, there’s no evidence, why? She deleted them, go back to school fool you look ridiculous
No, that was the security guy who forgot to do it and was reminded by The subpoena LOL. End of story.

Yes just like everyone else....

Under her guidance? LOL. The ambassador was a little too brave. End of story.
we can't se the emails cause she deleted them. oops, show there weren't emails, oh wait, she deleted them. yep she deleted emails, and not one person knows how many were deleted. no one. The security guy she hired. oops. instructions carried out. try again, you're losing badly.
Emails are bulshit issue, super duper....Hillary was a little busy being Secretary of State and nobody gave a damn about emails until the Russians hacked the DNC and our punditocracy spent a year arguing about nothing....if Hillary had a crime to cover up there might be something but this is just garbage propaganda, super duper. All investigated and nothing there but a big mouth GOP attorney general James Comey and a wrecked election based on nothing...

Hillary Clinton lost her run for the Presidency because of three things, Franco. The first was running the State Department through those two private servers hidden at her home so she could work her "pay for play" scheme through the Clinton Foundation. The second was because the games she was playing with Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC to knee cap the Bernie Sanders campaign were exposed which pissed off the Bern Man's fans! The third is that she's not a likeable person. She has zero charisma.
Only one of those is based on reality -the last. She should have shown her self. Of course 25 years of total garbage thrown at her can have that effect. I wish she'd been elected so we can see what she is like LOL...
Absolute zero is how many of your phony scandals against Hillary Are based on reality, been brainwashed functional moron. And the whole deep state conspiracy theory is laughable and treasonous. The GOP is right off the wall and so is the orange clown. Until something he does works. Just like his business was a mess...
That was done by her security guy who forgot to do it when ordered to months before. Investigated and nothing found. Your whole scheme here is b******* propaganda totally. She was the Secretary of State and she did nothing wrong no crimes except in tinfoil dupe world. All investigated this is ridiculous. And always was. The only reason any of this was investigated was to confront your garbage propaganda. No one else in the world took it seriously or should have.

Investigated!!! By the same FBI that was giving her a free pass before being questioned....dumbass.
Republicans questioning the motives of the FBI because of some stupid emails are idiotic and it's really close to treasonous. Including the orange clown.
We didn’t see them, nor did you, so how the fk you know what was in them? She said so? Every convict in prison is innocent too! You’re a joke
And you have no evidence they are anything but personal. Like every other secretary of state gets to do. You are a brainwashed functional moron. There is no crime to be covered up and the whole email thing is ridiculous just total garbage propaganda. Our punditocracy is a disgrace CNN and MSNBC included.
Exactly, there’s no evidence, why? She deleted them, go back to school fool you look ridiculous
Evidence of what, about what. LOL.Talk about a ridiculous fishing expedition....
Yesterday, Trump told us that the market melt down was due to the Fed. Today, he tell us that it is the fault of the media. Tomorrow, he will probably blame it on McCain.
Twitter Users Erupt After Trump Blames Potential Recession On Media
Anyone who makes macro judgements one way or the other on one day's market performance is ignorant.

Or one week, or one month, for that matter.

Plenty of that coming from both ends, as usual. Politics poisons everything.
we can't se the emails cause she deleted them. oops, show there weren't emails, oh wait, she deleted them. yep she deleted emails, and not one person knows how many were deleted. no one. The security guy she hired. oops. instructions carried out. try again, you're losing badly.
Emails are bulshit issue, super duper....Hillary was a little busy being Secretary of State and nobody gave a damn about emails until the Russians hacked the DNC and our punditocracy spent a year arguing about nothing....if Hillary had a crime to cover up there might be something but this is just garbage propaganda, super duper. All investigated and nothing there but a big mouth GOP attorney general James Comey and a wrecked election based on nothing...

Hillary Clinton lost her run for the Presidency because of three things, Franco. The first was running the State Department through those two private servers hidden at her home so she could work her "pay for play" scheme through the Clinton Foundation. The second was because the games she was playing with Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC to knee cap the Bernie Sanders campaign were exposed which pissed off the Bern Man's fans! The third is that she's not a likeable person. She has zero charisma.
Only one of those is based on reality -the last. She should have shown her self. Of course 25 years of total garbage thrown at her can have that effect. I wish she'd been elected so we can see what she is like LOL...
Absolute zero is how many of your phony scandals against Hillary Are based on reality, been brainwashed functional moron. And the whole deep state conspiracy theory is laughable and treasonous. The GOP is right off the wall and so is the orange clown. Until something he does works. Just like his business was a mess...
Yep when the law looked the other way, we know, it’s out in the press the scandal! But she gives you blow jobs so you’re good right? No other reason to defend a felon
And as predicted, Dimocrats celebrating that their 401K's are tanking, and will celebrate even more if workers begin losing their jobs.
The DOW lost 800........BREAK OUT THE CHAMPAGNE!!!!

Horseshit, no one is getting pleasure out of Trump fucking up this country.
It's not Trump doing it.

It's the FED...the Dummycraps......and the media...talking down the economy EXACTLY LIKE THEY DID WHILE BUSH WAS IN OFFICE. I PREDICTED THIS SHIT AS SOON AS TRUMP WON ON ELECTION NIGHT!

Everyone BUT Trump’s fault! Democrats caused the trade wars! :rolleyes:

Good job tool.
Like trump himself said... he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any support.
Investigated!!! By the same FBI that was giving her a free pass before being questioned....dumbass.
Republicans questioning the motives of the FBI because of some stupid emails are idiotic and it's really close to treasonous. Including the orange clown.
We didn’t see them, nor did you, so how the fk you know what was in them? She said so? Every convict in prison is innocent too! You’re a joke
And you have no evidence they are anything but personal. Like every other secretary of state gets to do. You are a brainwashed functional moron. There is no crime to be covered up and the whole email thing is ridiculous just total garbage propaganda. Our punditocracy is a disgrace CNN and MSNBC included.
Exactly, there’s no evidence, why? She deleted them, go back to school fool you look ridiculous
Evidence of what, about what. LOL.Talk about a ridiculous fishing expedition....
When one has every fking agency fking you sure
No such thing as an expert in my field.

They looked good, that's good news.

Now, let me know when you're ready to provide some intelligent, informed, independent thought.

I won't hold my breath.

What is Trump doing that is causing this?

Consumer confidence drops more than expected, reaching its lowest point in nearly two years
PUBLISHED TUE, JUN 25 2019 10:01 AM JUN 25 2019 11:21 AM EDT
The recovery is long in the tooth. Household debt is getting up there. Corporate debt is high and it's slowing capital spending. Global growth is slow. The trade mess hasn't helped.

It's always a combination of things. It could turn back up. Right now we don't know.
Are you saying we're still in a recovery ?
WTF was Obama doing for 8 years?????

Well, just so you know, when rich people fully recovered from the Bush Great Recession and were actually BENIFITTING from it, blue collar were still struggling.

In fact they still are. Trump has not made America great again.

A Quarter Of Americans Are 'Worse' Now Than Before The Great Recession

The 10-year anniversary of the end of the Great Recession is approaching. A decade after the housing bust, the economy is robust and the unemployment rateis at a 49-year-low. But not all Americans have recovered.

According to a new survey from Bankrate, 23% of Americans who were adults when the recession started in December 2007 say they are now financially worse off than they were before the recession hit. That’s just under 50 million Americans. Another 25% say they are doing the “same.” In all, just over half believe their “overall finances” are better than before.

“Americans were and continue to be in a degree of denial of the financial crisis and Great Recession,” said Mark Hamrick, Bankrate’s senior economic analyst. “One of the constant themes that presents itself in the data is that Americans are still digging out in many ways from that experience.”

“While some have managed to prosper in the decade since, there are still tens of millions who are struggling to even get back to where they were before the economy took a turn for the worse.”

The study notes that over half of all Americans (54%) who were adults when the recession began endured some sort of negative financial impact during that time.

More than 70% of those who had invested in the stock market saw their investments lose money while just under half of homeowners during the recession said their home lost value. A quarter completely spent their emergency savings, while a fifth took on “substantial” debt. More than 20% of those who had a partner who was working said either their partner or themselves lost their job.

What was Obama doing? He was fighting with Republican obstructionists. I can't believe the American people rewarded those obstructionists by staying home in 2010. Notice I didn't say they came and voted for Republicans? They didn't. They just got frustrated and stayed home. So Republicans obstruction paid off. They played politics with the recovery. So everyone still struggling can thank Repugs.

The people who are worse off now than before the Recession are the ones who were ignored by Barry! They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector. They were the people that were forced to burn through their lives savings while they waited for The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight (ie the Obama White House) to stop passing things like the ACA (which was a jobs killer) and trying to pass things like Cap & Trade legislation (which would have been another jobs killer!) They suffered while you progressives ignored them and pushed your liberal agenda!
too bad you have no evidence of all that stupidity except garbage propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. Obamacare didn't even start until 2013 and experts said it added to the economy. Obama stopped another corrupt GOP World depression. Idiot. And the orange clown has added nothing and given us chaos which is going to hit sometime.

As long as we have these giveaway to the rich tax rates that we've had for 35 years, inequality and upward Mobility will continue to get worse along with the middle class and our infrastructure. Great job! No matter how many $7 an hour jobs there are. The Democrats have only passed the stimulus and ObamaCare in the last 50 years. The GOP is a lying thieving swamp...
Republicans questioning the motives of the FBI because of some stupid emails are idiotic and it's really close to treasonous. Including the orange clown.
We didn’t see them, nor did you, so how the fk you know what was in them? She said so? Every convict in prison is innocent too! You’re a joke
And you have no evidence they are anything but personal. Like every other secretary of state gets to do. You are a brainwashed functional moron. There is no crime to be covered up and the whole email thing is ridiculous just total garbage propaganda. Our punditocracy is a disgrace CNN and MSNBC included.
Exactly, there’s no evidence, why? She deleted them, go back to school fool you look ridiculous
Evidence of what, about what. LOL.Talk about a ridiculous fishing expedition....
When one has every fking agency fking you sure
what is her supposed crime she was covering up or what the hell are you talkin about, the whole thing is a ridiculous hoax. No one in the world outside your bubble of b******* believes in it.
China's response to the US trade 'effort' was to further devalue the Yuan. Their intention is to push us into a recession.

Xi Jinping alluded to a "New Long March" during a speech in May. The double meaning was in essence preparing the Chinese people for an impending recession.

Xi Jinping says China is embarking on a 'new Long March,' signaling no end to trade war soon

If the economy does go into recession...does not bode well for Trump

Trump has been calling for and probably receiving quantitative easing via the Fed...for some months now.

Trump Calls for New Quantitative Easing to Prop Up U.S. Economy
If we go into recession we are in big trouble. We are already spending like we are in a recession. Interest rates are very low. We already did a huge tax handout. Not any options to get out.

Please share what we could do to get out of recession.

Nuclear attack on Iran ? Dat'd get shit rolling !
America is working again, America is winning again, America is respected again around the world more than ever before!
"whether you love me or hate me, you gotta vote for me, you have no choice, your 401K will go down the tubes!" - Trump in NH
Emails are bulshit issue, super duper....Hillary was a little busy being Secretary of State and nobody gave a damn about emails until the Russians hacked the DNC and our punditocracy spent a year arguing about nothing....if Hillary had a crime to cover up there might be something but this is just garbage propaganda, super duper. All investigated and nothing there but a big mouth GOP attorney general James Comey and a wrecked election based on nothing...

Hillary Clinton lost her run for the Presidency because of three things, Franco. The first was running the State Department through those two private servers hidden at her home so she could work her "pay for play" scheme through the Clinton Foundation. The second was because the games she was playing with Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the DNC to knee cap the Bernie Sanders campaign were exposed which pissed off the Bern Man's fans! The third is that she's not a likeable person. She has zero charisma.
Only one of those is based on reality -the last. She should have shown her self. Of course 25 years of total garbage thrown at her can have that effect. I wish she'd been elected so we can see what she is like LOL...
Absolute zero is how many of your phony scandals against Hillary Are based on reality, been brainwashed functional moron. And the whole deep state conspiracy theory is laughable and treasonous. The GOP is right off the wall and so is the orange clown. Until something he does works. Just like his business was a mess...
Yep when the law looked the other way, we know, it’s out in the press the scandal! But she gives you blow jobs so you’re good right? No other reason to defend a felon
What happened to innocent until proven guilty. You got a absolutely nothing. Absolutely ridiculous. And spare me the FBI is a conspiracy against you absolute idiocy. Just like the rest of the garbage propaganda machine and you idiots. Poor America.
Did hitlery delete emails while under subpoena?

Did she destroy phones and computers with bleach bit?
Did four Americans die in Benghazi under her guidance? Tell me how those facts are propaganda?
No, that was the security guy who forgot to do it and was reminded by The subpoena LOL. End of story.

Yes just like everyone else....

Under her guidance? LOL. The ambassador was a little too brave. End of story.
we can't se the emails cause she deleted them. oops, show there weren't emails, oh wait, she deleted them. yep she deleted emails, and not one person knows how many were deleted. no one. The security guy she hired. oops. instructions carried out. try again, you're losing badly.
She had a group of neutral lawyers look at the emails and decide which ones were personal which she has a right to delete, super duper dupe.

Sorry, you're not allowed to delete government emails that are under subpoena, even if you decide they're personal.
That was done by her security guy who forgot to do it when ordered to months before. Investigated and nothing found. Your whole scheme here is b******* propaganda totally. She was the Secretary of State and she did nothing wrong no crimes except in tinfoil dupe world. All investigated this is ridiculous. And always was. The only reason any of this was investigated was to confront your garbage propaganda. No one else in the world took it seriously or should have.

No crimes?
Sorry, idiot, even the Secretary of State isn't allowed to keep Top Secret material on her private server.

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