The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal. The economy is showing signs of turning ...

Then why on Earth would you vote ever for a Demonrat, who constantly wants to take from the hard working military members and give it to liberal welfare queens and queers who all they do is sit on their lazy asses smoking dope and bitching how fucked up their lives are. I dont give a man a fish, I teach them how to invest so their dividends can bring them a honest income, that supplements their retirement income better than SS ever would.

Where do you get the idea I vote for Dems? I voted for one, once. That was Bill the first time and that was a direct of someone telling me to read their lips and then lying to me.

Since the vote for Bill I have not voted for a major party candidate since.

I do not like Trump, that much I have made apparent. But not liking Trump does not make me a Dem.
Trump's recession is gearing up.

U.S. Stocks Drop as Treasurys Flash Warning Signal

"Trade tensions between the U.S. and China, uncertainty about the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate policy and signs of slowing economic growth have spurred weeks of turbulence that have rippled through the stock, bond and currency markets. In the Treasury market, the yield on the U.S. 30-year Treasury note touched 2.018%, below the previous intraday low of 2.094% in July 2016, according to Tradeweb.

Meanwhile, yields on the 10-year Treasury note briefly fell below two-year yields for the first time since 2007. This kind of inversion between short and long-term yields is viewed by many as a strong signal that a recession is likely in the future.""

The federal government has broken yet another record for how much money it's spending
"The federal government has spent more real money in the first seven months of this fiscal year than any other year in U.S. history, according to the latest monthly statement by the Department of Treasury. The previous record was set in 2011, when the U.S. was recuperating from the Great Recession."

Mark this up as another failure of Trump's, so many now.

All economic upswings end. You know that right?

Yes, something triggers them. In this instance, it's Trump's trade war that we're losing.
In 2008, it was the mortgage crisis brought about by the big banks.
In 1929 it was the stock market crash caused by shitty pay, too much debt and bank loan defaults.
Any other questions, Einstein?

Trump took a perfectly good economy and he's fucking it up.
He thinks he's a fucking hammer and everything else is a nail, including Xi Jinping.
Actually just like 1989, the problem was corrupt GOP deregulation and oversight. In 1929, it was them making it legal to only pay 10% to buy stocks etc etc etc. 1989 ditto but savings and loan garbage oversight. In 2008, garbage crony oversight of private lending institutions and insurers like a i g. All of which regular people paid for... The GOP is the swamp. Only the GOP propaganda machine and All-American ignoramuses make it possible....
A blistering idiot Trump hater starts a thread about an article written by a blithering idiot leftist. I summarized.
Then why on Earth would you vote ever for a Demonrat, who constantly wants to take from the hard working military members and give it to liberal welfare queens and queers who all they do is sit on their lazy asses smoking dope and bitching how fucked up their lives are. I dont give a man a fish, I teach them how to invest so their dividends can bring them a honest income, that supplements their retirement income better than SS ever would.

Where do you get the idea I vote for Dems? I voted for one, once. That was Bill the first time and that was a direct of someone telling me to read their lips and then lying to me.

Since the vote for Bill I have not voted for a major party candidate since.

I do not like Trump, that much I have made apparent. But not liking Trump does not make me a Dem.
And what economically dont you like about President Trump? Would you prefer the sick bitch that kept falling down, who would of continued to have stifling regulations and taxes to keep businesses over seas?

Just cant understand a Jar Head that would be against this President who loves our troops.

Now for the coming recession you all are hoping for. Yesterday, when the DOW was tanking 800 points because of the inversion in the 3 and 10 year. One of the analysts had said, dont hold your breath for a recession because unlike the 2007, there are 1.5 million jobs out there that arent being filled. That means that more people are working, yet not enough to fill every position, so this means, not that more people are borrowing, but that more people are employed, getting higher wages, and thus able to spend more. You moderates that are too ashamed to admit that you are liberals, need to stop listening to the MSNBC marching orders.
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'Predicted'? This is what traitorous, Trump-hating sore-loser party-1st Democrats / snowflakes have been praying for, for the record-setting economy to stall, for the country to fail, for Americans to be hurt and suffer so they could blame the President, knowing that if the economy remained / remains strong they don't have a shot in hell of beating him in 2020. Pulling for your country to fail for party benefit is akin to treason in my book. You either have something to offer the country on your own or you don't...without praying the country suffers...

I understandably that you are scared.

Hate to say that you are totally wrong. Even with the good economy by 2020 there’s a very big chance Trump will be out of the office.

It’s almost 3 years his popularity is steady below 50%. Recent Fox News polls sink from 46% to 43%. I can honestly tell you that people are getting sick of his antics fucking with people and this country.

Of the 63+ millions votes in 2016. With all the chaos and self inflicted wounds like a 10 yo kid. Do you honestly believe that the 63+ millions votes.... Increase or Decrease?

A good sign of that is the support of Buttigieg. Look at the millions $ donations pouring in. That is just from the gay & lesbian communities. Remember these people voted for trump 2016. Not any more.
And Hispanic voters.

This country is and always been great and awesome before Trump. This country will become a great and powerful respectable country again to the whole world after Trump.
The only policy option Trump has is to continue blubbering and blathering nonsense to his cheering base.

Meanwhile, its only the top end of the social order that received any benefit from Trump's tax cuts.

The stock market bubble is looking to burst biggly sending 401k values to the bottom.

Europe is already feeling the chill of recession. Its just a matter of time for the USA now.

Trump took a growing economy from Obama and sent it spinning.

The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal

The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal
The economy is showing signs of turning, and the people who saw the least benefit from the latest boom are now the most vulnerable ahead of the next bust

WASHINGTON, DC - AUGUST 9 : President Donald J. Trump stops to talk to reporters and members of the media as he walks to Marine One to depart from the South Lawn at the White House on Friday, Aug 09, 2019 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)
President Donald J. Trump stops to talk to reporters and members of the media as he walks to Marine One to depart from the South Lawn at the White House on Friday, Aug 09, 2019 in Washington, DC.
Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post/Getty Images
Market-watchers enjoying their first sip of coffee around 6 a.m. might have done a spit-take. For a brief period Wednesday morning, yields on two-year Treasury bonds were higher than those on ten-year ones — a short-term investment was seen as riskier than a long term one, and the return therefore higher — a signal that can portend major trouble for the economy. The last time the yields “inverted” was in 2007, before the “great” recession; the two times before that also directly preceded recessions. The dynamic flipped back before markets opened Wednesday, but stocks nevertheless dropped amid new fears of serious economic trouble ahead.

According to research from Credit Suisse (via the Washington Post) recessions historically have followed 18 to 24 months after the yield curve inversions like the one Wednesday morning.
Before we get too carried away, it’s worth mentioning that there are some who argue the yield curve invert isn’t as reliable a recession indicator as it’s generally made out to be. Former Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen struck a note of caution during a Wednesday morning appearance on Fox Business. “Historically, it has been a pretty good signal of recession, and it think that’s when markets pay attention to it, but I would really urge that on this occasion it may be a less good signal,” Yellen said. “The reason for that is there are a number of factors other than market expectations about the future path of interest rates that are pushing down long-term yields.”
But sooner or later, the current economic expansion — by many measures the longest in U.S. history — is going to end. And that’s particularly troubling when you consider how many Americans continue to fare poorly even in the current “strong economy.”
Some 40 percent of American families struggled to cover the cost of food, health care, housing or utilities last year, according to a report from the Urban Institute. A Fed found four in 10 adults couldn’t cover a $400 emergency expense. Even at the current low unemployment rate, about 6 million workers are actively looking for jobs right now — and that doesn’t include part-time workers looking for more hours or those who want work but have stopped looking. Men in the prime of their lives are employed at lower rates than they were before the last recession. Suicide rates are spiking, driving down U.S. life expectancy.
A Gallup poll released in January found 48 percent of Americans felt economic conditions were worsening — a trend that had steadily progressed in preceding months — despite the fundamentals remaining strong. At issue was the fact that the benefits of a strong economy were not being broadly shared by all Americans.
Fed Chairman Jerome H. Powell called the dynamic out in two speeches he delivered at the end of last year. “The benefits of this strong economy and sound financial system have not reached all Americans,” he explained. “The aggregate statistics tend to mask important disparities by income, race and geography.”
A recession could take many of those families struggling on the margins and push them squarely into poverty. A family that can’t cover a $400 expense definitely isn’t ready to weather an unexpected layoff. And workers already struggling to find jobs will fare worse if and when the number of openings plummet and the number of unemployed job seekers climbs.
The fact that there are so many Americans still struggling highlights the opportunity President Trump and Republicans missed when they slashed taxes for corporations, businesses and the wealthy, rather than, say, shoring up social safety net accounts, investing in economic development in marginalized communities, funding worker training programs to help them transition to more stable jobs — or even just paying off some of the nation’s debt.
Instead, of course, Republicans promised the working-class and poor would get their share as benefits trickled down in the form of a tax cut-fueled economic explosion. Whether that was a lie or a delusion doesn’t matter now. The economy is showing signs of turning, and the people who saw the least benefit from the latest boom are now the most vulnerable ahead of the next bust.

No one is sure if the recession is coming or not...

I know you are wishing for one but some indicators have yet to show recession is starting.

When consumer confidence and spending goes down along with increase of unemployment and the wage flatten then maybe it will come but none of that is happening yet.

Yes, the weird thing about the bond yields is something but also what is shaking the market is the trade war.

Oh well, let hope you get what you want so you can cheer the demise of our economy...
I notice a lot of Democrats are praying for pain for Americans and even rooting for china.

The fundamentals of the economy are strong. Don't bet against Americans.

That is not true.
Maybe if he behave like POTUS. That Americans and democrats are the same.
Maybe if he stop lying.
Maybe if he doesn’t promote hates.
Maybe etc etc etc etc.

Trade wars..... What did he or will accomplish? Answer.... Trade wars punish American consumers.
Derp derp derp... orange man bad... derp...

Another NPC triggered...

The Chinese Democrats are just as dumb as the American Democrats...

It is way better to be the consumer in a trade war then the producer. China tarrifs open china up to competition and stand to lose market share.

American Democrats and Republicans that act like Democrats hate America and like seeing their Chinese counterparts cheat Americans. If Democrats took power right now they would bend over for their Chinese counterparts and totally sell Americans out.

Watch the Chinese Democrats in Hong Kong. The American Democrats will try the same stuff in America if they get the chance.
I understandably that you are scared.
Bwuhahahaha..... Save your Socialist Psychological Projectionist Profiling for the snowflake rubes. I've done 30 years serving my country, in numerous conflicts / combat situations, facing far scarier enemies than Socialist Democrats, White Supremacist Bogeymen, or Antifa thugs...and I have heard the same lies / false narratives from smarter snowflakes / Democrats than you.

You claim America was always great BEFORE President Trump?! Funny how Barry didn't think so - he wanted to 'fundamentally change' it, and the 1st Lady was never proud of it until Barry was elected President. Today Socialist Democrats want to turn it into Venezuela, and Omar wants to turn it into the place she and her family fled...and the Democratic Party is facilitating the on-going criminal illegal invasion in at attempt to turn the US into a 3rd World Country that it financially collapses with its ideas of 'Free' health care, education, housing, etc for criminal illegals, 'Free' college for everyone, and a Green New Deal that even AOC admits would destroy the country trying to carry it out...

As I said, save the 'SP3' for the snowflake rubes...
Right now there are reasonable arguments in both directions.

Guessing is fun, but it's just guessing.
Stills swaying in the wind huh? So abortions even after birth is a reasonable argument. Taxing the rich 70% is a reasonable argument. Giving free shit to people who dont deserve it is a reasonable argument. Fuck , you just disgust me.
It's my profession. I can't make stupid, ignorant predictions like you nutters can.

Yep, so what the heck, you make different stupid, ignorant predictions...good job.
Right now there are reasonable arguments in both directions.

Guessing is fun, but it's just guessing.
Stills swaying in the wind huh? So abortions even after birth is a reasonable argument. Taxing the rich 70% is a reasonable argument. Giving free shit to people who dont deserve it is a reasonable argument. Fuck , you just disgust me.
It's my profession. I can't make stupid, ignorant predictions like you nutters can.

Yep, so what the heck, you make different stupid, ignorant predictions...good job.
I did? Where?
You’re about to experience the second Republican mess... I mean economy. I am sorry for you.'re track record on here just reveals you're an Ear's ass licker. Go try and snow someone else, loon
I call them like I see them. Your attack adds no value except to signal you have no argument. Name calling is for dumdasses you dumbass.

Pfffft, you're just another know nothing left loon.

Anyone trying to defend that jackass Ear's economy has no business discussing anything economic
I don’t know you. What are your credentials with respect to evaluating Obama’s economy? I’ve seen all the economic charts . They speak for themselves. Try using the google.

Economic degree...and it's what I do....bud. Now gfy Boot licker

Economic Degree? I thought you were a clerk at law office.

If you have economic degree how can you be so stupid posting all these nonsense about Obama’s economy.

If you even have some little common sense is look at the unemployment in 2015 especially 2016. See how the economy is already booming.

Despite of the real state collapse and the Republicans did their best in making Obama look bad for straight 8 years. Obama was awesome well respected both here and overseas.'re track record on here just reveals you're an Ear's ass licker. Go try and snow someone else, loon
I call them like I see them. Your attack adds no value except to signal you have no argument. Name calling is for dumdasses you dumbass.

Pfffft, you're just another know nothing left loon.

Anyone trying to defend that jackass Ear's economy has no business discussing anything economic
I don’t know you. What are your credentials with respect to evaluating Obama’s economy? I’ve seen all the economic charts . They speak for themselves. Try using the google.

Economic degree...and it's what I do....bud. Now gfy Boot licker

Economic Degree? I thought you were a clerk at law office.

If you have economic degree how can you be so stupid posting all these nonsense about Obama’s economy.

If you even have some little common sense is look at the unemployment in 2015 especially 2016. See how the economy is already booming.

Despite of the real state collapse and the Republicans did their best in making Obama look bad for straight 8 years. Obama was awesome well respected both here and overseas.
During obama, Democrats said it was Bush's economy.

Democrats really have no clue and if you take a Democrat seriously, it says more about your lack of intelligence then it does about the brainwashed drone spewing propaganda.

Democrats say the economy is horrible and have been talking it down while at the same time giving obama the credit for it. They will say anything because they don't know anything. They believe "truth" over "facts".
I follow advisers not idiots on message boards. What was consumer spending numbers at the end of july? you're the expert, did those numbers look good?
No such thing as an expert in my field.

They looked good, that's good news.

Now, let me know when you're ready to provide some intelligent, informed, independent thought.

I won't hold my breath.

What is Trump doing that is causing this?

Consumer confidence drops more than expected, reaching its lowest point in nearly two years
PUBLISHED TUE, JUN 25 2019 10:01 AM JUN 25 2019 11:21 AM EDT
The recovery is long in the tooth. Household debt is getting up there. Corporate debt is high and it's slowing capital spending. Global growth is slow. The trade mess hasn't helped.

It's always a combination of things. It could turn back up. Right now we don't know.
Are you saying we're still in a recovery ?
WTF was Obama doing for 8 years?????

Well, just so you know, when rich people fully recovered from the Bush Great Recession and were actually BENIFITTING from it, blue collar were still struggling.

In fact they still are. Trump has not made America great again.

A Quarter Of Americans Are 'Worse' Now Than Before The Great Recession

The 10-year anniversary of the end of the Great Recession is approaching. A decade after the housing bust, the economy is robust and the unemployment rateis at a 49-year-low. But not all Americans have recovered.

According to a new survey from Bankrate, 23% of Americans who were adults when the recession started in December 2007 say they are now financially worse off than they were before the recession hit. That’s just under 50 million Americans. Another 25% say they are doing the “same.” In all, just over half believe their “overall finances” are better than before.

“Americans were and continue to be in a degree of denial of the financial crisis and Great Recession,” said Mark Hamrick, Bankrate’s senior economic analyst. “One of the constant themes that presents itself in the data is that Americans are still digging out in many ways from that experience.”

“While some have managed to prosper in the decade since, there are still tens of millions who are struggling to even get back to where they were before the economy took a turn for the worse.”

The study notes that over half of all Americans (54%) who were adults when the recession began endured some sort of negative financial impact during that time.

More than 70% of those who had invested in the stock market saw their investments lose money while just under half of homeowners during the recession said their home lost value. A quarter completely spent their emergency savings, while a fifth took on “substantial” debt. More than 20% of those who had a partner who was working said either their partner or themselves lost their job.

What was Obama doing? He was fighting with Republican obstructionists. I can't believe the American people rewarded those obstructionists by staying home in 2010. Notice I didn't say they came and voted for Republicans? They didn't. They just got frustrated and stayed home. So Republicans obstruction paid off. They played politics with the recovery. So everyone still struggling can thank Repugs. are way off

You DO know that Bush is a globalist just like Obama.....and all of them were taking us to the cleaners, right??!
I understandably that you are scared.
Bwuhahahaha..... Save your Socialist Psychological Projectionist Profiling for the snowflake rubes. I've done 30 years serving my country, in numerous conflicts / combat situations, facing far scarier enemies than Socialist Democrats, White Supremacist Bogeymen, or Antifa thugs...and I have heard the same lies / false narratives from smarter snowflakes / Democrats than you.

You claim America was always great BEFORE President Trump?! Funny how Barry didn't think so - he wanted to 'fundamentally change' it, and the 1st Lady was never proud of it until Barry was elected President. Today Socialist Democrats want to turn it into Venezuela, and Omar wants to turn it into the place she and her family fled...and the Democratic Party is facilitating the on-going criminal illegal invasion in at attempt to turn the US into a 3rd World Country that it financially collapses with its ideas of 'Free' health care, education, housing, etc for criminal illegals, 'Free' college for everyone, and a Green New Deal that even AOC admits would destroy the country trying to carry it out...

As I said, save the 'SP3' for the snowflake rubes...

Trump scared you well. Trump will be dethroned by 2020. I travel around the country regularly I can see the sign.

That is correct America is and always been great before Trump.
Trump made this country a laughing stock, bully, racist country. Sadly.

I’m not a fan of AOC or Omar or her squad.
It just depends on who feels it. I know in the last decade or so American paychecks have gone up 12% was CEO paychecks have gone up 900%.

How many Republicans don’t have any stock at all in the stock market? Most of them? Does anybody think people in Appalachia have stocks?
No such thing as an expert in my field.

They looked good, that's good news.

Now, let me know when you're ready to provide some intelligent, informed, independent thought.

I won't hold my breath.

What is Trump doing that is causing this?

Consumer confidence drops more than expected, reaching its lowest point in nearly two years
PUBLISHED TUE, JUN 25 2019 10:01 AM JUN 25 2019 11:21 AM EDT
The recovery is long in the tooth. Household debt is getting up there. Corporate debt is high and it's slowing capital spending. Global growth is slow. The trade mess hasn't helped.

It's always a combination of things. It could turn back up. Right now we don't know.
Are you saying we're still in a recovery ?
WTF was Obama doing for 8 years?????

Well, just so you know, when rich people fully recovered from the Bush Great Recession and were actually BENIFITTING from it, blue collar were still struggling.

In fact they still are. Trump has not made America great again.

A Quarter Of Americans Are 'Worse' Now Than Before The Great Recession

The 10-year anniversary of the end of the Great Recession is approaching. A decade after the housing bust, the economy is robust and the unemployment rateis at a 49-year-low. But not all Americans have recovered.

According to a new survey from Bankrate, 23% of Americans who were adults when the recession started in December 2007 say they are now financially worse off than they were before the recession hit. That’s just under 50 million Americans. Another 25% say they are doing the “same.” In all, just over half believe their “overall finances” are better than before.

“Americans were and continue to be in a degree of denial of the financial crisis and Great Recession,” said Mark Hamrick, Bankrate’s senior economic analyst. “One of the constant themes that presents itself in the data is that Americans are still digging out in many ways from that experience.”

“While some have managed to prosper in the decade since, there are still tens of millions who are struggling to even get back to where they were before the economy took a turn for the worse.”

The study notes that over half of all Americans (54%) who were adults when the recession began endured some sort of negative financial impact during that time.

More than 70% of those who had invested in the stock market saw their investments lose money while just under half of homeowners during the recession said their home lost value. A quarter completely spent their emergency savings, while a fifth took on “substantial” debt. More than 20% of those who had a partner who was working said either their partner or themselves lost their job.

What was Obama doing? He was fighting with Republican obstructionists. I can't believe the American people rewarded those obstructionists by staying home in 2010. Notice I didn't say they came and voted for Republicans? They didn't. They just got frustrated and stayed home. So Republicans obstruction paid off. They played politics with the recovery. So everyone still struggling can thank Repugs. are way off

You DO know that Bush is a globalist just like Obama.....and all of them were taking us to the cleaners, right??!

Oh brother. A globalist. LOL. We should be a part of the fucking global economy. BUT, just like every other country does, we should have protected our vital industries. What industry is that you say? Manufacturing. And Obama and Bush are also part of the deep state. LOL.

This is what happens when birthers win elections. We are truly fucked. God help America.
Limbaugh rarely surprises me at this point, but he did it TWICE today.

First he claimed that the 800-point drop was somehow (?) a "dry run" by the "deep state" and the media to see if they could crash the economy. Not only is that a stupid and ignorant thing to say, it's terribly irresponsible considering how much his flock believes him. And sure as shit, they were calling in, in total agreement. "Yup yup yup Rush, that's it". The man has no shame and he knows what he's doing.

Later he said that the American people voted for Trump by a "a clear majority" and no doubt, his flock was bobbing their heads in agreement.

This is group pathology. This is otherworldly, alternate universe stuff. A completely isolated, insulated group living with its own facts and avoiding everything else.
Limbaugh: “Nobody is a fiscal conservative anymore. All this talk about concern for the deficit and the budget has been bogus

What they were really against was Democrats spending on anything. When the GOP gets to call the shots, it's like they think they have a bottomless pit of money while they reduce revenue in the form of tax breaks for the rich.

Chris Wallace called him out.
Bad news for Blaine da' loser (and the rest of anti-American DemocRATS).
China is now signalling they will meet the U.S. halfway, the market is stabilizing, and U.S. manufacturing beginning to increase again.
What a difference a few days makes for the 'chicken-littles'. F'in total losers!
Yeah maybe if you live in California it was hovering slight below 4.00 but the average was about 2.70 for the US. US producers made money when oil prices for barrels went up.

The next down turn is expected but you would thing that by now they would be prepared for it

Politicians need to be boy scouts and be prepared for anything

Prior to 2007 some economist weren't buying that there might be a recession while some were waving that red flag hey look over here. Such disagreements only breed certainty in whatever it is that you believe will happen in the future

Still it was greed that contributed to the problem when mortgages were resold like a hooker whom people want in the beginning but overtime as its past on to the next customer it becomes nothing more than fluff until there is nothing left but staring at the ceiling

Banks sold mortgages to Fannie Mae, Fannie may sold mortgages to the private sector and so on down the line

Feds raise the interest rate and boom goes the dynamite

Average joe homeowner says it cheaper to sell low or default than to continue this charade

Banks said hey were not refinancing

Meanwhile the dirty word deregulation rises it ugly head and the market wasn't regulated to prevent or at least mitigate the problem.

Obama got it turned around along with the FED and now its Trumps to lose as he is more interested in getting elected than worrying about what may happen or understanding basic economics.

What would you expect from basically a guy who is into real estate and the mantra Real Estate always sells

Still if it happens in the next year and a half it is all over for him

History does repeat itself but the people do not pay attention to the past. Politicians are even more tone death

Anyway Demos didn't cause it as it was the housing market that crashed because homes loss their value even in real estate

Even if the banking community is unregulated in this regard, Fannie Mae was selling these mortgages and they were resold and resold until the home value wasn't enough to continue when the only asset the house had lost its value.

Still when people can't agree that there is a problem, then how can they come up with a plan to prevent or slow down the problem
No such thing as an expert in my field.

They looked good, that's good news.

Now, let me know when you're ready to provide some intelligent, informed, independent thought.

I won't hold my breath.

What is Trump doing that is causing this?

Consumer confidence drops more than expected, reaching its lowest point in nearly two years
PUBLISHED TUE, JUN 25 2019 10:01 AM JUN 25 2019 11:21 AM EDT
The recovery is long in the tooth. Household debt is getting up there. Corporate debt is high and it's slowing capital spending. Global growth is slow. The trade mess hasn't helped.

It's always a combination of things. It could turn back up. Right now we don't know.
Are you saying we're still in a recovery ?
WTF was Obama doing for 8 years?????

Well, just so you know, when rich people fully recovered from the Bush Great Recession and were actually BENIFITTING from it, blue collar were still struggling.

In fact they still are. Trump has not made America great again.

A Quarter Of Americans Are 'Worse' Now Than Before The Great Recession

The 10-year anniversary of the end of the Great Recession is approaching. A decade after the housing bust, the economy is robust and the unemployment rateis at a 49-year-low. But not all Americans have recovered.

According to a new survey from Bankrate, 23% of Americans who were adults when the recession started in December 2007 say they are now financially worse off than they were before the recession hit. That’s just under 50 million Americans. Another 25% say they are doing the “same.” In all, just over half believe their “overall finances” are better than before.

“Americans were and continue to be in a degree of denial of the financial crisis and Great Recession,” said Mark Hamrick, Bankrate’s senior economic analyst. “One of the constant themes that presents itself in the data is that Americans are still digging out in many ways from that experience.”

“While some have managed to prosper in the decade since, there are still tens of millions who are struggling to even get back to where they were before the economy took a turn for the worse.”

The study notes that over half of all Americans (54%) who were adults when the recession began endured some sort of negative financial impact during that time.

More than 70% of those who had invested in the stock market saw their investments lose money while just under half of homeowners during the recession said their home lost value. A quarter completely spent their emergency savings, while a fifth took on “substantial” debt. More than 20% of those who had a partner who was working said either their partner or themselves lost their job.

What was Obama doing? He was fighting with Republican obstructionists. I can't believe the American people rewarded those obstructionists by staying home in 2010. Notice I didn't say they came and voted for Republicans? They didn't. They just got frustrated and stayed home. So Republicans obstruction paid off. They played politics with the recovery. So everyone still struggling can thank Repugs. are way off

You DO know that Bush is a globalist just like Obama.....and all of them were taking us to the cleaners, right??!

So Obama was on the same team as the GOP who all pledged to make him a 1 term president?

This is just like today you idiots call Democrats socialists. So anyone who isn't with you is a socialist or deep stater or globalist.

Even Trump is a globalist. That's why he blinked on his China tariffs.

Trump just blinked, giving China a possible edge in trade war, Jim Chanos and others say

  • Some influential voices on Wall Street are saying Trump blinked in the latest exchange with China and showed just how much pain the U.S. could tolerate. China may use that to its advantage.
  • “Tell me why Xi should not continue to wait out The World’s Greatest Negotiator, who keeps ‘dealing’ with himself?” says Jim Chanos, founder and managing Partner of Kynikos Associates.
  • Markets rallied on the announcement by the U.S. Trade Representative office that certain items were being removed from the new China tariff list and others would be delayed until mid-December.

Trump knows not to fuck with the holidays. That's where a lot of his supporters make their money.

Trump told reporters Tuesday afternoon that he postponed tariffs for the Christmas season “in case it had an impact on shopping” and the delay would “help a lot of people.”

Hedge fund manager and Hayman Capital Management founder Kyle Bass said based on the tariff de-escalation, “it does look like President Trump has blinked.” While Trump has been vocal in the tariff fight, Bass said “every time it makes the stock market go down a few hundred points” the president “backs away.”

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