The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal. The economy is showing signs of turning ...

Brutal.....Bwaaahhhaaaaaaaa…...More talking points from MSNBC again. Do you ever have an original thought? I have $100,000 waiting for the next down turn. Last time there was a recession that the Democrats caused in 2007(thanks to Nan from San Fran) I went all in with Chipotle making 8 times profit.

And thus the reason we have recession built into our economic system, they help the rich to get richer and keep the rest from getting to close.

Most Americans do not have 100 grand waiting for a recession so they can take advantage of it, most will just see their 401k and other retirement accounts take a hit, those that are already retired being the ones that are hurt the most.
Again, I started as a minimum wage puke make $2.10 an hour, how do you think I ended up having set aside $100,000 just for a down turn in the economy? Wasn't waiting some asswipe old liberal to give me $1,000 a month for free or free healthcare. But you go ahead and listen to the pukes, you still wont have $100,000 of cash to invest with. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Demonrats.

Already have more than that invested and that is why I never vote Dem.

Got anything else there little man?
Brutal.....Bwaaahhhaaaaaaaa…...More talking points from MSNBC again. Do you ever have an original thought? I have $100,000 waiting for the next down turn. Last time there was a recession that the Democrats caused in 2007(thanks to Nan from San Fran) I went all in with Chipotle making 8 times profit.

And thus the reason we have recession built into our economic system, they help the rich to get richer and keep the rest from getting to close.

Most Americans do not have 100 grand waiting for a recession so they can take advantage of it, most will just see their 401k and other retirement accounts take a hit, those that are already retired being the ones that are hurt the most.
Again, I started as a minimum wage puke make $2.10 an hour, how do you think I ended up having set aside $100,000 just for a down turn in the economy? Wasn't waiting some asswipe old liberal to give me $1,000 a month for free or free healthcare. But you go ahead and listen to the pukes, you still wont have $100,000 of cash to invest with. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Demonrats.
Your funny also, because I laugh at how stupid you are not to know how to make lots of money.
Brutal.....Bwaaahhhaaaaaaaa…...More talking points from MSNBC again. Do you ever have an original thought? I have $100,000 waiting for the next down turn. Last time there was a recession that the Democrats caused in 2007(thanks to Nan from San Fran) I went all in with Chipotle making 8 times profit.

And thus the reason we have recession built into our economic system, they help the rich to get richer and keep the rest from getting to close.

Most Americans do not have 100 grand waiting for a recession so they can take advantage of it, most will just see their 401k and other retirement accounts take a hit, those that are already retired being the ones that are hurt the most.
Again, I started as a minimum wage puke make $2.10 an hour, how do you think I ended up having set aside $100,000 just for a down turn in the economy? Wasn't waiting some asswipe old liberal to give me $1,000 a month for free or free healthcare. But you go ahead and listen to the pukes, you still wont have $100,000 of cash to invest with. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Demonrats.

Already have more than that invested and that is why I never vote Dem.

Got anything else there little man?
Yeah your a liar, and a punk, pansy ass liberal.
Brutal.....Bwaaahhhaaaaaaaa…...More talking points from MSNBC again. Do you ever have an original thought? I have $100,000 waiting for the next down turn. Last time there was a recession that the Democrats caused in 2007(thanks to Nan from San Fran) I went all in with Chipotle making 8 times profit.

And thus the reason we have recession built into our economic system, they help the rich to get richer and keep the rest from getting to close.

Most Americans do not have 100 grand waiting for a recession so they can take advantage of it, most will just see their 401k and other retirement accounts take a hit, those that are already retired being the ones that are hurt the most.
Again, I started as a minimum wage puke make $2.10 an hour, how do you think I ended up having set aside $100,000 just for a down turn in the economy? Wasn't waiting some asswipe old liberal to give me $1,000 a month for free or free healthcare. But you go ahead and listen to the pukes, you still wont have $100,000 of cash to invest with. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Demonrats.
Your funny also, because I laugh at how stupid you are not to know how to make lots of money.

You always want to make this about me. This is not about me, this is about the people that will be hurt by the recession. I will be fine, my job is pretty close to recession proof, my wife's is 100% recession proof. like you I will shift funds to take advantage of it.

That misses the point that the vast majority of the country will be hurt by it, but you do not give a fuck about anyone but yourself.
How come progs like yourself say shit just to please yourselves without any respect for honesty?
inequality and upward Mobility just keep getting worse and worse, no matter how many $7 an hour jobs there are.... How are Trump's pals in North Korea Russia Saudi Arabia doing? Taking over Africa while we diddle? Breaking our elections with garbage propaganda? How about the insanity of our Iranian policy? Ditto Venezuela.... Meanwhile the orange idiot watches Fox all day and tweets garbage propaganda Non-Stop? Your party is a disgrace, only propaganda makes this mess possible, super duper. I know, how about a huge tax cut for the richest and giant corporations!
name some propaganda for us.
Every phony Scandal you know about Hillary Obama the FBI the deep State etc etc, everything you know about who pays taxes and global warming, the border crisis what Democrats want etc etc etc. All the journalists and law enforcement in the world think you are nuts outside your bubble of b*******....
Did hitlery delete emails while under subpoena?

Did she destroy phones and computers with bleach bit?
Did four Americans die in Benghazi under her guidance? Tell me how those facts are propaganda?
No, that was the security guy who forgot to do it and was reminded by The subpoena LOL. End of story.

Yes just like everyone else....

Under her guidance? LOL. The ambassador was a little too brave. End of story.
we can't se the emails cause she deleted them. oops, show there weren't emails, oh wait, she deleted them. yep she deleted emails, and not one person knows how many were deleted. no one. The security guy she hired. oops. instructions carried out. try again, you're losing badly.
Brutal.....Bwaaahhhaaaaaaaa…...More talking points from MSNBC again. Do you ever have an original thought? I have $100,000 waiting for the next down turn. Last time there was a recession that the Democrats caused in 2007(thanks to Nan from San Fran) I went all in with Chipotle making 8 times profit.

And thus the reason we have recession built into our economic system, they help the rich to get richer and keep the rest from getting to close.

Most Americans do not have 100 grand waiting for a recession so they can take advantage of it, most will just see their 401k and other retirement accounts take a hit, those that are already retired being the ones that are hurt the most.
Again, I started as a minimum wage puke make $2.10 an hour, how do you think I ended up having set aside $100,000 just for a down turn in the economy? Wasn't waiting some asswipe old liberal to give me $1,000 a month for free or free healthcare. But you go ahead and listen to the pukes, you still wont have $100,000 of cash to invest with. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Demonrats.

Already have more than that invested and that is why I never vote Dem.

Got anything else there little man?
Yeah your a liar, and a punk, pansy ass liberal.

Fuck dude, that was weak as hell, even by your own pathetic standards.

Brutal.....Bwaaahhhaaaaaaaa…...More talking points from MSNBC again. Do you ever have an original thought? I have $100,000 waiting for the next down turn. Last time there was a recession that the Democrats caused in 2007(thanks to Nan from San Fran) I went all in with Chipotle making 8 times profit.

And thus the reason we have recession built into our economic system, they help the rich to get richer and keep the rest from getting to close.

Most Americans do not have 100 grand waiting for a recession so they can take advantage of it, most will just see their 401k and other retirement accounts take a hit, those that are already retired being the ones that are hurt the most.
Again, I started as a minimum wage puke make $2.10 an hour, how do you think I ended up having set aside $100,000 just for a down turn in the economy? Wasn't waiting some asswipe old liberal to give me $1,000 a month for free or free healthcare. But you go ahead and listen to the pukes, you still wont have $100,000 of cash to invest with. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Demonrats.
Your funny also, because I laugh at how stupid you are not to know how to make lots of money.

You always want to make this about me. This is not about me, this is about the people that will be hurt by the recession. I will be fine, my job is pretty close to recession proof, my wife's is 100% recession proof. like you I will shift funds to take advantage of it.

That misses the point that the vast majority of the country will be hurt by it, but you do not give a fuck about anyone but yourself.

Yet quite a few of the loonies on the left are hoping for a recession...go figure.
Brutal.....Bwaaahhhaaaaaaaa…...More talking points from MSNBC again. Do you ever have an original thought? I have $100,000 waiting for the next down turn. Last time there was a recession that the Democrats caused in 2007(thanks to Nan from San Fran) I went all in with Chipotle making 8 times profit.

And thus the reason we have recession built into our economic system, they help the rich to get richer and keep the rest from getting to close.

Most Americans do not have 100 grand waiting for a recession so they can take advantage of it, most will just see their 401k and other retirement accounts take a hit, those that are already retired being the ones that are hurt the most.
Again, I started as a minimum wage puke make $2.10 an hour, how do you think I ended up having set aside $100,000 just for a down turn in the economy? Wasn't waiting some asswipe old liberal to give me $1,000 a month for free or free healthcare. But you go ahead and listen to the pukes, you still wont have $100,000 of cash to invest with. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Demonrats.
Your funny also, because I laugh at how stupid you are not to know how to make lots of money.

You always want to make this about me. This is not about me, this is about the people that will be hurt by the recession. I will be fine, my job is pretty close to recession proof, my wife's is 100% recession proof. like you I will shift funds to take advantage of it.

That misses the point that the vast majority of the country will be hurt by it, but you do not give a fuck about anyone but yourself.

Yet quite a few of the loonies on the left are hoping for a recession...go figure.

People on both sides of the political divide put their party before the country. We see it in about 75% of the post on this forum.

Many of the idiots on the left would happily be hurt by a recession to get rid of Trump.

It is a stance I will never understand, but it is there and those on the right are no different.
"...bias democrats on the feds"


Once again, you make zero sense. You're completely out of your league here, but you lack the intellectual wherewithal to see it.

Stay in your lane. Go listen to another talk radio podcast.
I follow advisers not idiots on message boards. What was consumer spending numbers at the end of july? you're the expert, did those numbers look good?
No such thing as an expert in my field.

They looked good, that's good news.

Now, let me know when you're ready to provide some intelligent, informed, independent thought.

I won't hold my breath.

What is Trump doing that is causing this?

Consumer confidence drops more than expected, reaching its lowest point in nearly two years
PUBLISHED TUE, JUN 25 2019 10:01 AM JUN 25 2019 11:21 AM EDT
The recovery is long in the tooth. Household debt is getting up there. Corporate debt is high and it's slowing capital spending. Global growth is slow. The trade mess hasn't helped.

It's always a combination of things. It could turn back up. Right now we don't know.
Are you saying we're still in a recovery ?
WTF was Obama doing for 8 years?????
That's what this is called. You can call it a communist saxophone if you'd like!
Brutal.....Bwaaahhhaaaaaaaa…...More talking points from MSNBC again. Do you ever have an original thought? I have $100,000 waiting for the next down turn. Last time there was a recession that the Democrats caused in 2007(thanks to Nan from San Fran) I went all in with Chipotle making 8 times profit.

And thus the reason we have recession built into our economic system, they help the rich to get richer and keep the rest from getting to close.

Most Americans do not have 100 grand waiting for a recession so they can take advantage of it, most will just see their 401k and other retirement accounts take a hit, those that are already retired being the ones that are hurt the most.
Again, I started as a minimum wage puke make $2.10 an hour, how do you think I ended up having set aside $100,000 just for a down turn in the economy? Wasn't waiting some asswipe old liberal to give me $1,000 a month for free or free healthcare. But you go ahead and listen to the pukes, you still wont have $100,000 of cash to invest with. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Demonrats.
Your funny also, because I laugh at how stupid you are not to know how to make lots of money.

You always want to make this about me. This is not about me, this is about the people that will be hurt by the recession. I will be fine, my job is pretty close to recession proof, my wife's is 100% recession proof. like you I will shift funds to take advantage of it.

That misses the point that the vast majority of the country will be hurt by it, but you do not give a fuck about anyone but yourself.
You always want to make this about me.
Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...

"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'
"One acts decisively only in the conviction that all the angels are on one side and all the devils on the other."
I learned a while ago about Saul Alinksy and his writings. I have been playing by the liberals playbook for a while now, because in war you dont bring a slingshot to a gunfight. You go low, I will go lower.
inequality and upward Mobility just keep getting worse and worse, no matter how many $7 an hour jobs there are.... How are Trump's pals in North Korea Russia Saudi Arabia doing? Taking over Africa while we diddle? Breaking our elections with garbage propaganda? How about the insanity of our Iranian policy? Ditto Venezuela.... Meanwhile the orange idiot watches Fox all day and tweets garbage propaganda Non-Stop? Your party is a disgrace, only propaganda makes this mess possible, super duper. I know, how about a huge tax cut for the richest and giant corporations!
name some propaganda for us.
Every phony Scandal you know about Hillary Obama the FBI the deep State etc etc, everything you know about who pays taxes and global warming, the border crisis what Democrats want etc etc etc. All the journalists and law enforcement in the world think you are nuts outside your bubble of b*******....
Did hitlery delete emails while under subpoena?

Did she destroy phones and computers with bleach bit?
Did four Americans die in Benghazi under her guidance? Tell me how those facts are propaganda?
No, that was the security guy who forgot to do it and was reminded by The subpoena LOL. End of story.

Yes just like everyone else....

Under her guidance? LOL. The ambassador was a little too brave. End of story.
we can't se the emails cause she deleted them. oops, show there weren't emails, oh wait, she deleted them. yep she deleted emails, and not one person knows how many were deleted. no one. The security guy she hired. oops. instructions carried out. try again, you're losing badly.
Emails are bulshit issue, super duper....Hillary was a little busy being Secretary of State and nobody gave a damn about emails until the Russians hacked the DNC and our punditocracy spent a year arguing about nothing....if Hillary had a crime to cover up there might be something but this is just garbage propaganda, super duper. All investigated and nothing there but a big mouth GOP attorney general James Comey and a wrecked election based on nothing...
And thus the reason we have recession built into our economic system, they help the rich to get richer and keep the rest from getting to close.

Most Americans do not have 100 grand waiting for a recession so they can take advantage of it, most will just see their 401k and other retirement accounts take a hit, those that are already retired being the ones that are hurt the most.
Again, I started as a minimum wage puke make $2.10 an hour, how do you think I ended up having set aside $100,000 just for a down turn in the economy? Wasn't waiting some asswipe old liberal to give me $1,000 a month for free or free healthcare. But you go ahead and listen to the pukes, you still wont have $100,000 of cash to invest with. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Demonrats.
Your funny also, because I laugh at how stupid you are not to know how to make lots of money.

You always want to make this about me. This is not about me, this is about the people that will be hurt by the recession. I will be fine, my job is pretty close to recession proof, my wife's is 100% recession proof. like you I will shift funds to take advantage of it.

That misses the point that the vast majority of the country will be hurt by it, but you do not give a fuck about anyone but yourself.

Yet quite a few of the loonies on the left are hoping for a recession...go figure.

People on both sides of the political divide put their party before the country. We see it in about 75% of the post on this forum.

Many of the idiots on the left would happily be hurt by a recession to get rid of Trump.

It is a stance I will never understand, but it is there and those on the right are no different.
one side of the spectrum who wants to fundamentally transform this country into a 3rd world shit hole and the other side is trying to bring it back to its greatness, which side do you want again?
Brutal.....Bwaaahhhaaaaaaaa…...More talking points from MSNBC again. Do you ever have an original thought? I have $100,000 waiting for the next down turn. Last time there was a recession that the Democrats caused in 2007(thanks to Nan from San Fran) I went all in with Chipotle making 8 times profit.

And thus the reason we have recession built into our economic system, they help the rich to get richer and keep the rest from getting to close.

Most Americans do not have 100 grand waiting for a recession so they can take advantage of it, most will just see their 401k and other retirement accounts take a hit, those that are already retired being the ones that are hurt the most.
Again, I started as a minimum wage puke make $2.10 an hour, how do you think I ended up having set aside $100,000 just for a down turn in the economy? Wasn't waiting some asswipe old liberal to give me $1,000 a month for free or free healthcare. But you go ahead and listen to the pukes, you still wont have $100,000 of cash to invest with. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Demonrats.
Your funny also, because I laugh at how stupid you are not to know how to make lots of money.

You always want to make this about me. This is not about me, this is about the people that will be hurt by the recession. I will be fine, my job is pretty close to recession proof, my wife's is 100% recession proof. like you I will shift funds to take advantage of it.

That misses the point that the vast majority of the country will be hurt by it, but you do not give a fuck about anyone but yourself.
You always want to make this about me.
Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...

"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'
"One acts decisively only in the conviction that all the angels are on one side and all the devils on the other."
I learned a while ago about Saul Alinksy and his writings. I have been playing by the liberals playbook for a while now, because in war you dont bring a slingshot to a gunfight. You go low, I will go lower.

I will give you credit, you do put his rules to very good use. How does it feel to now be the very thing you rant and rave against?

It is simply amazing how many of you people are willing to become the thing you hate.
Again, I started as a minimum wage puke make $2.10 an hour, how do you think I ended up having set aside $100,000 just for a down turn in the economy? Wasn't waiting some asswipe old liberal to give me $1,000 a month for free or free healthcare. But you go ahead and listen to the pukes, you still wont have $100,000 of cash to invest with. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Demonrats.
Your funny also, because I laugh at how stupid you are not to know how to make lots of money.

You always want to make this about me. This is not about me, this is about the people that will be hurt by the recession. I will be fine, my job is pretty close to recession proof, my wife's is 100% recession proof. like you I will shift funds to take advantage of it.

That misses the point that the vast majority of the country will be hurt by it, but you do not give a fuck about anyone but yourself.

Yet quite a few of the loonies on the left are hoping for a recession...go figure.

People on both sides of the political divide put their party before the country. We see it in about 75% of the post on this forum.

Many of the idiots on the left would happily be hurt by a recession to get rid of Trump.

It is a stance I will never understand, but it is there and those on the right are no different.
one side of the spectrum who wants to fundamentally transform this country into a 3rd world shit hole and the other side is trying to bring it back to its greatness, which side do you want again?

I am on the side that thinks it never quit being great. Why do you hate your country and say it is not great?
And thus the reason we have recession built into our economic system, they help the rich to get richer and keep the rest from getting to close.

Most Americans do not have 100 grand waiting for a recession so they can take advantage of it, most will just see their 401k and other retirement accounts take a hit, those that are already retired being the ones that are hurt the most.
Again, I started as a minimum wage puke make $2.10 an hour, how do you think I ended up having set aside $100,000 just for a down turn in the economy? Wasn't waiting some asswipe old liberal to give me $1,000 a month for free or free healthcare. But you go ahead and listen to the pukes, you still wont have $100,000 of cash to invest with. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Demonrats.
Your funny also, because I laugh at how stupid you are not to know how to make lots of money.

You always want to make this about me. This is not about me, this is about the people that will be hurt by the recession. I will be fine, my job is pretty close to recession proof, my wife's is 100% recession proof. like you I will shift funds to take advantage of it.

That misses the point that the vast majority of the country will be hurt by it, but you do not give a fuck about anyone but yourself.
You always want to make this about me.
Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'...

"...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...'
"One acts decisively only in the conviction that all the angels are on one side and all the devils on the other."
I learned a while ago about Saul Alinksy and his writings. I have been playing by the liberals playbook for a while now, because in war you dont bring a slingshot to a gunfight. You go low, I will go lower.

I will give you credit, you do put his rules to very good use. How does it feel to now be the very thing you rant and rave against?

It is simply amazing how many of you people are willing to become the thing you hate.
Dude I was in the military, I know how to fight against the left. I saw what happened when you play nice with a liberal, John McCain and Mittens Romney come to mind. Also, I noticed you just used Rules for Radicals back at me, by trying to put me on the defensive by saying I am ranting and raving, while all I am doing is proving that you are an idiot, who has no clue how to help others achieve their happiness with their God given skills and talent. So, go ahead rant and rave all you want, I know where I am in life, and I help others in their Pursuit of Happiness.
Yea whatever. I got $1800. Hasn't changed my life at all. But the rich are really enjoying Trump's huge tax breaks. So are corporations. And our breaks will expire. And they are adding to the debt.

PLUS, if Trump wins a second term he will push to make cuts to our social security and medicare to offset the tax breaks. In other words the tax break you got will cost you a lot more in the future. DUMMY.

Yea whatever. I got $1800.

You lied. I know.

You got cuts under Bush too.

And our breaks will expire.

Because the Dems are twats.
Has Pelosi introduced a bill to make the middle class cuts permanent yet?

I know that is your angle. That's why Trump didn't make the middle class tax breaks permanent. If I were the next POTUS I'd make the middle class ones stay but do away with the breaks he gave the rich.
That's why Trump didn't make the middle class tax breaks permanent.

Because the Dems wouldn't vote to make them permanent.

He got his tax bill passed without the Democrats. Stop lying.

So why didn't he make it all permanent? Go ahead, look it up.
So he could use it next year when running for re election.
Dude I was in the military, I know how to fight against the left. I saw what happened when you play nice with a liberal, John McCain and Mittens Romney come to mind. Also, I noticed you just used Rules for Radicals back at me, by trying to put me on the defensive by saying I am ranting and raving, while all I am doing is proving that you are an idiot, who has no clue how to help others achieve their happiness with their God given skills and talent. So, go ahead rant and rave all you want, I know where I am in life, and I help others in their Pursuit of Happiness.

Good for you little buddy, spent 20 years in the Marines myself.

You have already admitted you do not give a fuck about the next recession because you have plenty of money to make even more off of it...and now you pretend to care about someone other than yourself!

make up your mind

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