The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal. The economy is showing signs of turning ...

How come progs like yourself say shit just to please yourselves without any respect for honesty?
inequality and upward Mobility just keep getting worse and worse, no matter how many $7 an hour jobs there are.... How are Trump's pals in North Korea Russia Saudi Arabia doing? Taking over Africa while we diddle? Breaking our elections with garbage propaganda? How about the insanity of our Iranian policy? Ditto Venezuela.... Meanwhile the orange idiot watches Fox all day and tweets garbage propaganda Non-Stop? Your party is a disgrace, only propaganda makes this mess possible, super duper. I know, how about a huge tax cut for the richest and giant corporations!

inequality and upward Mobility just keep getting worse and worse,

Yeah, Obama was awful!!!
It is the giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates of the last 35 years, dumbass doop... Google the only tax graph you need to know and read it....

It is the giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates of the last 35 years,

Couldn't have done it without Clinton and Obama, eh comrade?
No the Republicans do it all on their own. They have the garbage GOP reconciliation rule oh, so they only need 51 votes in the Senate to cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else, and the garbage GOP filibuster rule to stop all democratic reform. That and their garbage propaganda machine are a disgrace and a total scam.

No the Republicans do it all on their own.

Those 2 awesome dudes were President for a combined 16 years and they couldn't fix things?

Why are Dem Presidents such weak twats?

They have the garbage GOP reconciliation rule

The Dem controlled Senate couldn't fix that GOP rule?

Why are Dem Senators such weak twats?
The only policy option Trump has is to continue blubbering and blathering nonsense to his cheering base.

Meanwhile, its only the top end of the social order that received any benefit from Trump's tax cuts.

The stock market bubble is looking to burst biggly sending 401k values to the bottom.

Europe is already feeling the chill of recession. Its just a matter of time for the USA now.

Trump took a growing economy from Obama and sent it spinning.

The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal

The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal
The economy is showing signs of turning, and the people who saw the least benefit from the latest boom are now the most vulnerable ahead of the next bust

WASHINGTON, DC - AUGUST 9 : President Donald J. Trump stops to talk to reporters and members of the media as he walks to Marine One to depart from the South Lawn at the White House on Friday, Aug 09, 2019 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)
President Donald J. Trump stops to talk to reporters and members of the media as he walks to Marine One to depart from the South Lawn at the White House on Friday, Aug 09, 2019 in Washington, DC.
Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post/Getty Images
Market-watchers enjoying their first sip of coffee around 6 a.m. might have done a spit-take. For a brief period Wednesday morning, yields on two-year Treasury bonds were higher than those on ten-year ones — a short-term investment was seen as riskier than a long term one, and the return therefore higher — a signal that can portend major trouble for the economy. The last time the yields “inverted” was in 2007, before the “great” recession; the two times before that also directly preceded recessions. The dynamic flipped back before markets opened Wednesday, but stocks nevertheless dropped amid new fears of serious economic trouble ahead.

According to research from Credit Suisse (via the Washington Post) recessions historically have followed 18 to 24 months after the yield curve inversions like the one Wednesday morning.
Before we get too carried away, it’s worth mentioning that there are some who argue the yield curve invert isn’t as reliable a recession indicator as it’s generally made out to be. Former Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen struck a note of caution during a Wednesday morning appearance on Fox Business. “Historically, it has been a pretty good signal of recession, and it think that’s when markets pay attention to it, but I would really urge that on this occasion it may be a less good signal,” Yellen said. “The reason for that is there are a number of factors other than market expectations about the future path of interest rates that are pushing down long-term yields.”
But sooner or later, the current economic expansion — by many measures the longest in U.S. history — is going to end. And that’s particularly troubling when you consider how many Americans continue to fare poorly even in the current “strong economy.”
Some 40 percent of American families struggled to cover the cost of food, health care, housing or utilities last year, according to a report from the Urban Institute. A Fed found four in 10 adults couldn’t cover a $400 emergency expense. Even at the current low unemployment rate, about 6 million workers are actively looking for jobs right now — and that doesn’t include part-time workers looking for more hours or those who want work but have stopped looking. Men in the prime of their lives are employed at lower rates than they were before the last recession. Suicide rates are spiking, driving down U.S. life expectancy.
A Gallup poll released in January found 48 percent of Americans felt economic conditions were worsening — a trend that had steadily progressed in preceding months — despite the fundamentals remaining strong. At issue was the fact that the benefits of a strong economy were not being broadly shared by all Americans.
Fed Chairman Jerome H. Powell called the dynamic out in two speeches he delivered at the end of last year. “The benefits of this strong economy and sound financial system have not reached all Americans,” he explained. “The aggregate statistics tend to mask important disparities by income, race and geography.”
A recession could take many of those families struggling on the margins and push them squarely into poverty. A family that can’t cover a $400 expense definitely isn’t ready to weather an unexpected layoff. And workers already struggling to find jobs will fare worse if and when the number of openings plummet and the number of unemployed job seekers climbs.
The fact that there are so many Americans still struggling highlights the opportunity President Trump and Republicans missed when they slashed taxes for corporations, businesses and the wealthy, rather than, say, shoring up social safety net accounts, investing in economic development in marginalized communities, funding worker training programs to help them transition to more stable jobs — or even just paying off some of the nation’s debt.
Instead, of course, Republicans promised the working-class and poor would get their share as benefits trickled down in the form of a tax cut-fueled economic explosion. Whether that was a lie or a delusion doesn’t matter now. The economy is showing signs of turning, and the people who saw the least benefit from the latest boom are now the most vulnerable ahead of the next bust.
Brutal.....Bwaaahhhaaaaaaaa…...More talking points from MSNBC again. Do you ever have an original thought? I have $100,000 waiting for the next down turn. Last time there was a recession that the Democrats caused in 2007(thanks to Nan from San Fran) I went all in with Chipotle making 8 times profit.

Good for you asshat!!!

Now what happens to the other 300,000,000 plus people in your country. Conservatives are really big on telling us all how well THEY'RE doing, and it's always in the stock market. They're not building things, they're not selling things, their investments are doing well. SOMEBODY has to be working and earning that money for your investments to do well.

And those people are demanding to be paid for their work. It's about time.

You did see today that the 3 year and the 10 year are back to normal, thus showing signs that there isnt a recession coming? What I learned a long time ago, back when I was a minimum wage puke like most liberals are today, is that if I just sit back and be a victim of liberalism, I will never make it in life where I am today. So I used my God given gifts of intelligence and hands that could fix any jet. I am responsible for me, and my family, if you cant be responsible for you and your family, it isnt my fault. Also actions have consequences and when you vote for a liberal who wants to take your money away, that is also your fault, not mine. I cant help stupid people be smart, I can only enlighten a few, and they are now my best friends and are very wealthy.

Why is it that since WWII just about every Democratic President has out performed republic ones when it comes to the economy and its performance?

Bonus question, has the stock market performed better under trump or Obama administration?
Quetion, why haven't we had a great Democrat president since FDR while we've had 3 since WWII in Eisenhower, Reagan and Trump? It's rhetorical question btw, so no need to answer. Whine if you must.
Gee, Franco...he seems to be REALLY lucky! At what point do you smarten up and realize it isn't luck? Duh?
His economy is no better than Obama's even with 2 trillion dollars in sugar. And everything is going to hell all at once as far as I can tell. Of course I don't listen to propaganda much or believe it at all.

How come progs like yourself say shit just to please yourselves without any respect for honesty?
inequality and upward Mobility just keep getting worse and worse, no matter how many $7 an hour jobs there are.... How are Trump's pals in North Korea Russia Saudi Arabia doing? Taking over Africa while we diddle? Breaking our elections with garbage propaganda? How about the insanity of our Iranian policy? Ditto Venezuela.... Meanwhile the orange idiot watches Fox all day and tweets garbage propaganda Non-Stop? Your party is a disgrace, only propaganda makes this mess possible, super duper. I know, how about a huge tax cut for the richest and giant corporations!
name some propaganda for us.
Every phony Scandal you know about Hillary Obama the FBI the deep State etc etc, everything you know about who pays taxes and global warming, the border crisis what Democrats want etc etc etc. All the journalists and law enforcement in the world think you are nuts outside your bubble of b*******....
Did hitlery delete emails while under subpoena?

Did she destroy phones and computers with bleach bit?
Did four Americans die in Benghazi under her guidance? Tell me how those facts are propaganda?
The only policy option Trump has is to continue blubbering and blathering nonsense to his cheering base.

Meanwhile, its only the top end of the social order that received any benefit from Trump's tax cuts.

The stock market bubble is looking to burst biggly sending 401k values to the bottom.

Europe is already feeling the chill of recession. Its just a matter of time for the USA now.

Trump took a growing economy from Obama and sent it spinning.

The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal

The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal
The economy is showing signs of turning, and the people who saw the least benefit from the latest boom are now the most vulnerable ahead of the next bust

WASHINGTON, DC - AUGUST 9 : President Donald J. Trump stops to talk to reporters and members of the media as he walks to Marine One to depart from the South Lawn at the White House on Friday, Aug 09, 2019 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)
President Donald J. Trump stops to talk to reporters and members of the media as he walks to Marine One to depart from the South Lawn at the White House on Friday, Aug 09, 2019 in Washington, DC.
Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post/Getty Images
Market-watchers enjoying their first sip of coffee around 6 a.m. might have done a spit-take. For a brief period Wednesday morning, yields on two-year Treasury bonds were higher than those on ten-year ones — a short-term investment was seen as riskier than a long term one, and the return therefore higher — a signal that can portend major trouble for the economy. The last time the yields “inverted” was in 2007, before the “great” recession; the two times before that also directly preceded recessions. The dynamic flipped back before markets opened Wednesday, but stocks nevertheless dropped amid new fears of serious economic trouble ahead.

According to research from Credit Suisse (via the Washington Post) recessions historically have followed 18 to 24 months after the yield curve inversions like the one Wednesday morning.
Before we get too carried away, it’s worth mentioning that there are some who argue the yield curve invert isn’t as reliable a recession indicator as it’s generally made out to be. Former Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen struck a note of caution during a Wednesday morning appearance on Fox Business. “Historically, it has been a pretty good signal of recession, and it think that’s when markets pay attention to it, but I would really urge that on this occasion it may be a less good signal,” Yellen said. “The reason for that is there are a number of factors other than market expectations about the future path of interest rates that are pushing down long-term yields.”
But sooner or later, the current economic expansion — by many measures the longest in U.S. history — is going to end. And that’s particularly troubling when you consider how many Americans continue to fare poorly even in the current “strong economy.”
Some 40 percent of American families struggled to cover the cost of food, health care, housing or utilities last year, according to a report from the Urban Institute. A Fed found four in 10 adults couldn’t cover a $400 emergency expense. Even at the current low unemployment rate, about 6 million workers are actively looking for jobs right now — and that doesn’t include part-time workers looking for more hours or those who want work but have stopped looking. Men in the prime of their lives are employed at lower rates than they were before the last recession. Suicide rates are spiking, driving down U.S. life expectancy.
A Gallup poll released in January found 48 percent of Americans felt economic conditions were worsening — a trend that had steadily progressed in preceding months — despite the fundamentals remaining strong. At issue was the fact that the benefits of a strong economy were not being broadly shared by all Americans.
Fed Chairman Jerome H. Powell called the dynamic out in two speeches he delivered at the end of last year. “The benefits of this strong economy and sound financial system have not reached all Americans,” he explained. “The aggregate statistics tend to mask important disparities by income, race and geography.”
A recession could take many of those families struggling on the margins and push them squarely into poverty. A family that can’t cover a $400 expense definitely isn’t ready to weather an unexpected layoff. And workers already struggling to find jobs will fare worse if and when the number of openings plummet and the number of unemployed job seekers climbs.
The fact that there are so many Americans still struggling highlights the opportunity President Trump and Republicans missed when they slashed taxes for corporations, businesses and the wealthy, rather than, say, shoring up social safety net accounts, investing in economic development in marginalized communities, funding worker training programs to help them transition to more stable jobs — or even just paying off some of the nation’s debt.
Instead, of course, Republicans promised the working-class and poor would get their share as benefits trickled down in the form of a tax cut-fueled economic explosion. Whether that was a lie or a delusion doesn’t matter now. The economy is showing signs of turning, and the people who saw the least benefit from the latest boom are now the most vulnerable ahead of the next bust.
We heard the same exact thing under Bush until the democrats came along and created the mess they were talking about

Stop spreading rediculous horseshit, the huge Real Estate market bubble inflected by 2006 and well before Democrat majority, never mind the fact that there was exactly nothing Democrats did from there aside from Bush admin requested bails.

Brutal.....Bwaaahhhaaaaaaaa…...More talking points from MSNBC again. Do you ever have an original thought? I have $100,000 waiting for the next down turn. Last time there was a recession that the Democrats caused in 2007(thanks to Nan from San Fran) I went all in with Chipotle making 8 times profit.

And thus the reason we have recession built into our economic system, they help the rich to get richer and keep the rest from getting to close.

Most Americans do not have 100 grand waiting for a recession so they can take advantage of it, most will just see their 401k and other retirement accounts take a hit, those that are already retired being the ones that are hurt the most.
The only policy option Trump has is to continue blubbering and blathering nonsense to his cheering base.

Meanwhile, its only the top end of the social order that received any benefit from Trump's tax cuts.

The stock market bubble is looking to burst biggly sending 401k values to the bottom.

Europe is already feeling the chill of recession. Its just a matter of time for the USA now.

Trump took a growing economy from Obama and sent it spinning.

The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal

The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal
The economy is showing signs of turning, and the people who saw the least benefit from the latest boom are now the most vulnerable ahead of the next bust

WASHINGTON, DC - AUGUST 9 : President Donald J. Trump stops to talk to reporters and members of the media as he walks to Marine One to depart from the South Lawn at the White House on Friday, Aug 09, 2019 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images)
President Donald J. Trump stops to talk to reporters and members of the media as he walks to Marine One to depart from the South Lawn at the White House on Friday, Aug 09, 2019 in Washington, DC.
Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post/Getty Images
Market-watchers enjoying their first sip of coffee around 6 a.m. might have done a spit-take. For a brief period Wednesday morning, yields on two-year Treasury bonds were higher than those on ten-year ones — a short-term investment was seen as riskier than a long term one, and the return therefore higher — a signal that can portend major trouble for the economy. The last time the yields “inverted” was in 2007, before the “great” recession; the two times before that also directly preceded recessions. The dynamic flipped back before markets opened Wednesday, but stocks nevertheless dropped amid new fears of serious economic trouble ahead.

According to research from Credit Suisse (via the Washington Post) recessions historically have followed 18 to 24 months after the yield curve inversions like the one Wednesday morning.
Before we get too carried away, it’s worth mentioning that there are some who argue the yield curve invert isn’t as reliable a recession indicator as it’s generally made out to be. Former Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen struck a note of caution during a Wednesday morning appearance on Fox Business. “Historically, it has been a pretty good signal of recession, and it think that’s when markets pay attention to it, but I would really urge that on this occasion it may be a less good signal,” Yellen said. “The reason for that is there are a number of factors other than market expectations about the future path of interest rates that are pushing down long-term yields.”
But sooner or later, the current economic expansion — by many measures the longest in U.S. history — is going to end. And that’s particularly troubling when you consider how many Americans continue to fare poorly even in the current “strong economy.”
Some 40 percent of American families struggled to cover the cost of food, health care, housing or utilities last year, according to a report from the Urban Institute. A Fed found four in 10 adults couldn’t cover a $400 emergency expense. Even at the current low unemployment rate, about 6 million workers are actively looking for jobs right now — and that doesn’t include part-time workers looking for more hours or those who want work but have stopped looking. Men in the prime of their lives are employed at lower rates than they were before the last recession. Suicide rates are spiking, driving down U.S. life expectancy.
A Gallup poll released in January found 48 percent of Americans felt economic conditions were worsening — a trend that had steadily progressed in preceding months — despite the fundamentals remaining strong. At issue was the fact that the benefits of a strong economy were not being broadly shared by all Americans.
Fed Chairman Jerome H. Powell called the dynamic out in two speeches he delivered at the end of last year. “The benefits of this strong economy and sound financial system have not reached all Americans,” he explained. “The aggregate statistics tend to mask important disparities by income, race and geography.”
A recession could take many of those families struggling on the margins and push them squarely into poverty. A family that can’t cover a $400 expense definitely isn’t ready to weather an unexpected layoff. And workers already struggling to find jobs will fare worse if and when the number of openings plummet and the number of unemployed job seekers climbs.
The fact that there are so many Americans still struggling highlights the opportunity President Trump and Republicans missed when they slashed taxes for corporations, businesses and the wealthy, rather than, say, shoring up social safety net accounts, investing in economic development in marginalized communities, funding worker training programs to help them transition to more stable jobs — or even just paying off some of the nation’s debt.
Instead, of course, Republicans promised the working-class and poor would get their share as benefits trickled down in the form of a tax cut-fueled economic explosion. Whether that was a lie or a delusion doesn’t matter now. The economy is showing signs of turning, and the people who saw the least benefit from the latest boom are now the most vulnerable ahead of the next bust.
Brutal.....Bwaaahhhaaaaaaaa…...More talking points from MSNBC again. Do you ever have an original thought? I have $100,000 waiting for the next down turn. Last time there was a recession that the Democrats caused in 2007(thanks to Nan from San Fran) I went all in with Chipotle making 8 times profit.

Yep, talking points are out, incumbents don’t usually win a 2nd term in a recession! And, the economic outlook is great, the July consumer spending numbers out did expectations, so the inversion of the 30 year treasury bond was predictable since the feds didn’t lower interest rates to inject more money into the economy!
There is no chance of a recession before 2020...its laughable....

Pretty sure I can dig up comments from know-nothing politicos just like this from 2007.

In Dec 2007 Bush II said the same thing, that our economic system was fundamentally sound...

Notice also that people like Rambunctious only care that the recession comes after Nov 2020, all that matters to them is that their party wins, they do not give a flying fuck about the country.
The only policy option Trump has is to continue blubbering and blathering nonsense to his cheering base.

Meanwhile, its only the top end of the social order that received any benefit from Trump's tax cuts.

The stock market bubble is looking to burst biggly sending 401k values to the bottom.

Europe is already feeling the chill of recession. Its just a matter of time for the USA now.

Trump took a growing economy from Obama and sent it spinning.

The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal
Brutal.....Bwaaahhhaaaaaaaa…...More talking points from MSNBC again. Do you ever have an original thought? I have $100,000 waiting for the next down turn. Last time there was a recession that the Democrats caused in 2007(thanks to Nan from San Fran) I went all in with Chipotle making 8 times profit.

Good for you asshat!!!

Now what happens to the other 300,000,000 plus people in your country. Conservatives are really big on telling us all how well THEY'RE doing, and it's always in the stock market. They're not building things, they're not selling things, their investments are doing well. SOMEBODY has to be working and earning that money for your investments to do well.

And those people are demanding to be paid for their work. It's about time.

You did see today that the 3 year and the 10 year are back to normal, thus showing signs that there isnt a recession coming? What I learned a long time ago, back when I was a minimum wage puke like most liberals are today, is that if I just sit back and be a victim of liberalism, I will never make it in life where I am today. So I used my God given gifts of intelligence and hands that could fix any jet. I am responsible for me, and my family, if you cant be responsible for you and your family, it isnt my fault. Also actions have consequences and when you vote for a liberal who wants to take your money away, that is also your fault, not mine. I cant help stupid people be smart, I can only enlighten a few, and they are now my best friends and are very wealthy.

Why is it that since WWII just about every Democratic President has out performed republic ones when it comes to the economy and its performance?

Bonus question, has the stock market performed better under trump or Obama administration?
Quetion, why haven't we had a great Democrat president since FDR while we've had 3 since WWII in Eisenhower, Reagan and Trump? It's rhetorical question btw, so no need to answer. Whine if you must.

Sure, high schooler meathead. Let's review.

During the Eisenhower administration the economy produced a new word for bad...stagflation.

The Reagan administration saw America turn from a creditor nation to a debtor one and became defined by his large budget deficits.

The grifter administration is currently turning a solid economy that he inherited into a recession by Smout/Halley trade tactics. BTW the stock market is currently where is was 18 months ago.

And for you historical knowledge the Great Depression started in 1929, not 1933. You apparently misplaced your Hoover Flag.
Well thats because you can't do simple math.

Trump - Establishment Republicans to pull the lever for him = Democrat President in 2021.

That’s fine. I have thousands of rounds of ammunition to support my “Bullets over Ballots” Resistance Campaign if a Democrat wins in 2020.

wtf?...are you sick fuck seriously saying you will start shooting people if 2020 election doesn't go your way?

Brutal.....Bwaaahhhaaaaaaaa…...More talking points from MSNBC again. Do you ever have an original thought? I have $100,000 waiting for the next down turn. Last time there was a recession that the Democrats caused in 2007(thanks to Nan from San Fran) I went all in with Chipotle making 8 times profit.

Good for you asshat!!!

Now what happens to the other 300,000,000 plus people in your country. Conservatives are really big on telling us all how well THEY'RE doing, and it's always in the stock market. They're not building things, they're not selling things, their investments are doing well. SOMEBODY has to be working and earning that money for your investments to do well.

And those people are demanding to be paid for their work. It's about time.

You did see today that the 3 year and the 10 year are back to normal, thus showing signs that there isnt a recession coming? What I learned a long time ago, back when I was a minimum wage puke like most liberals are today, is that if I just sit back and be a victim of liberalism, I will never make it in life where I am today. So I used my God given gifts of intelligence and hands that could fix any jet. I am responsible for me, and my family, if you cant be responsible for you and your family, it isnt my fault. Also actions have consequences and when you vote for a liberal who wants to take your money away, that is also your fault, not mine. I cant help stupid people be smart, I can only enlighten a few, and they are now my best friends and are very wealthy.

Why is it that since WWII just about every Democratic President has out performed republic ones when it comes to the economy and its performance?

Bonus question, has the stock market performed better under trump or Obama administration?
Quetion, why haven't we had a great Democrat president since FDR while we've had 3 since WWII in Eisenhower, Reagan and Trump? It's rhetorical question btw, so no need to answer. Whine if you must.

Sure, high schooler meathead. Let's review.

During the Eisenhower administration the economy produced a new word for bad...stagflation.

The Reagan administration saw America turn from a creditor nation to a debtor one and became defined by his large budget deficits.

The grifter administration is currently turning a solid economy that he inherited into a recession by Smout/Halley trade tactics. BTW the stock market is currently where is was 18 months ago.

And for you historical knowledge the Great Depression started in 1929, not 1933. You apparently misplaced your Hoover Flag.
If you're going to whine, which I suppose is inevitable, at least make sense.
Well thats because you can't do simple math.

Trump - Establishment Republicans to pull the lever for him = Democrat President in 2021.

That’s fine. I have thousands of rounds of ammunition to support my “Bullets over Ballots” Resistance Campaign if a Democrat wins in 2020.

wtf?...are you sick fuck seriously saying you will start shooting people if 2020 election doesn't go your way?

Isn’t what was posted, you’re a loser leftist that caused chaos since you lost 2016, ironic
Brutal.....Bwaaahhhaaaaaaaa…...More talking points from MSNBC again. Do you ever have an original thought? I have $100,000 waiting for the next down turn. Last time there was a recession that the Democrats caused in 2007(thanks to Nan from San Fran) I went all in with Chipotle making 8 times profit.

Good for you asshat!!!

Now what happens to the other 300,000,000 plus people in your country. Conservatives are really big on telling us all how well THEY'RE doing, and it's always in the stock market. They're not building things, they're not selling things, their investments are doing well. SOMEBODY has to be working and earning that money for your investments to do well.

And those people are demanding to be paid for their work. It's about time.

You did see today that the 3 year and the 10 year are back to normal, thus showing signs that there isnt a recession coming? What I learned a long time ago, back when I was a minimum wage puke like most liberals are today, is that if I just sit back and be a victim of liberalism, I will never make it in life where I am today. So I used my God given gifts of intelligence and hands that could fix any jet. I am responsible for me, and my family, if you cant be responsible for you and your family, it isnt my fault. Also actions have consequences and when you vote for a liberal who wants to take your money away, that is also your fault, not mine. I cant help stupid people be smart, I can only enlighten a few, and they are now my best friends and are very wealthy.

Why is it that since WWII just about every Democratic President has out performed republic ones when it comes to the economy and its performance?

Bonus question, has the stock market performed better under trump or Obama administration?
Quetion, why haven't we had a great Democrat president since FDR while we've had 3 since WWII in Eisenhower, Reagan and Trump? It's rhetorical question btw, so no need to answer. Whine if you must.

Sure, high schooler meathead. Let's review.

During the Eisenhower administration the economy produced a new word for bad...stagflation.

The Reagan administration saw America turn from a creditor nation to a debtor one and became defined by his large budget deficits.

The grifter administration is currently turning a solid economy that he inherited into a recession by Smout/Halley trade tactics. BTW the stock market is currently where is was 18 months ago.

And for you historical knowledge the Great Depression started in 1929, not 1933. You apparently misplaced your Hoover Flag.

During the Eisenhower administration the economy produced a new word for bad...stagflation.

Jimmy Carter.
No stagflation during the 50s.
Good for you asshat!!!

Now what happens to the other 300,000,000 plus people in your country. Conservatives are really big on telling us all how well THEY'RE doing, and it's always in the stock market. They're not building things, they're not selling things, their investments are doing well. SOMEBODY has to be working and earning that money for your investments to do well.

And those people are demanding to be paid for their work. It's about time.
You did see today that the 3 year and the 10 year are back to normal, thus showing signs that there isnt a recession coming? What I learned a long time ago, back when I was a minimum wage puke like most liberals are today, is that if I just sit back and be a victim of liberalism, I will never make it in life where I am today. So I used my God given gifts of intelligence and hands that could fix any jet. I am responsible for me, and my family, if you cant be responsible for you and your family, it isnt my fault. Also actions have consequences and when you vote for a liberal who wants to take your money away, that is also your fault, not mine. I cant help stupid people be smart, I can only enlighten a few, and they are now my best friends and are very wealthy.

Why is it that since WWII just about every Democratic President has out performed republic ones when it comes to the economy and its performance?

Bonus question, has the stock market performed better under trump or Obama administration?
Quetion, why haven't we had a great Democrat president since FDR while we've had 3 since WWII in Eisenhower, Reagan and Trump? It's rhetorical question btw, so no need to answer. Whine if you must.

Sure, high schooler meathead. Let's review.

During the Eisenhower administration the economy produced a new word for bad...stagflation.

The Reagan administration saw America turn from a creditor nation to a debtor one and became defined by his large budget deficits.

The grifter administration is currently turning a solid economy that he inherited into a recession by Smout/Halley trade tactics. BTW the stock market is currently where is was 18 months ago.

And for you historical knowledge the Great Depression started in 1929, not 1933. You apparently misplaced your Hoover Flag.
If you're going to whine, which I suppose is inevitable, at least make sense.

Ah, the grifter denial is strong in this one.
His economy is no better than Obama's even with 2 trillion dollars in sugar. And everything is going to hell all at once as far as I can tell. Of course I don't listen to propaganda much or believe it at all.

How come progs like yourself say shit just to please yourselves without any respect for honesty?
inequality and upward Mobility just keep getting worse and worse, no matter how many $7 an hour jobs there are.... How are Trump's pals in North Korea Russia Saudi Arabia doing? Taking over Africa while we diddle? Breaking our elections with garbage propaganda? How about the insanity of our Iranian policy? Ditto Venezuela.... Meanwhile the orange idiot watches Fox all day and tweets garbage propaganda Non-Stop? Your party is a disgrace, only propaganda makes this mess possible, super duper. I know, how about a huge tax cut for the richest and giant corporations!
name some propaganda for us.
Every phony Scandal you know about Hillary Obama the FBI the deep State etc etc, everything you know about who pays taxes and global warming, the border crisis what Democrats want etc etc etc. All the journalists and law enforcement in the world think you are nuts outside your bubble of b*******....
Did hitlery delete emails while under subpoena?

Did she destroy phones and computers with bleach bit?
Did four Americans die in Benghazi under her guidance? Tell me how those facts are propaganda?
No, that was the security guy who forgot to do it and was reminded by The subpoena LOL. End of story.

Yes just like everyone else....

Under her guidance? LOL. The ambassador was a little too brave. End of story.
Brutal.....Bwaaahhhaaaaaaaa…...More talking points from MSNBC again. Do you ever have an original thought? I have $100,000 waiting for the next down turn. Last time there was a recession that the Democrats caused in 2007(thanks to Nan from San Fran) I went all in with Chipotle making 8 times profit.

And thus the reason we have recession built into our economic system, they help the rich to get richer and keep the rest from getting to close.

Most Americans do not have 100 grand waiting for a recession so they can take advantage of it, most will just see their 401k and other retirement accounts take a hit, those that are already retired being the ones that are hurt the most.
Again, I started as a minimum wage puke make $2.10 an hour, how do you think I ended up having set aside $100,000 just for a down turn in the economy? Wasn't waiting some asswipe old liberal to give me $1,000 a month for free or free healthcare. But you go ahead and listen to the pukes, you still wont have $100,000 of cash to invest with. Stupid is as stupid votes, and they vote Demonrats.
Brutal.....Bwaaahhhaaaaaaaa…...More talking points from MSNBC again. Do you ever have an original thought? I have $100,000 waiting for the next down turn. Last time there was a recession that the Democrats caused in 2007(thanks to Nan from San Fran) I went all in with Chipotle making 8 times profit.

Good for you asshat!!!

Now what happens to the other 300,000,000 plus people in your country. Conservatives are really big on telling us all how well THEY'RE doing, and it's always in the stock market. They're not building things, they're not selling things, their investments are doing well. SOMEBODY has to be working and earning that money for your investments to do well.

And those people are demanding to be paid for their work. It's about time.

You did see today that the 3 year and the 10 year are back to normal, thus showing signs that there isnt a recession coming? What I learned a long time ago, back when I was a minimum wage puke like most liberals are today, is that if I just sit back and be a victim of liberalism, I will never make it in life where I am today. So I used my God given gifts of intelligence and hands that could fix any jet. I am responsible for me, and my family, if you cant be responsible for you and your family, it isnt my fault. Also actions have consequences and when you vote for a liberal who wants to take your money away, that is also your fault, not mine. I cant help stupid people be smart, I can only enlighten a few, and they are now my best friends and are very wealthy.

Why is it that since WWII just about every Democratic President has out performed republic ones when it comes to the economy and its performance?

Bonus question, has the stock market performed better under trump or Obama administration?
Quetion, why haven't we had a great Democrat president since FDR while we've had 3 since WWII in Eisenhower, Reagan and Trump? It's rhetorical question btw, so no need to answer. Whine if you must.

Sure, high schooler meathead. Let's review.

During the Eisenhower administration the economy produced a new word for bad...stagflation.

The Reagan administration saw America turn from a creditor nation to a debtor one and became defined by his large budget deficits.

The grifter administration is currently turning a solid economy that he inherited into a recession by Smout/Halley trade tactics. BTW the stock market is currently where is was 18 months ago.

And for you historical knowledge the Great Depression started in 1929, not 1933. You apparently misplaced your Hoover Flag.

Seems that you forgot that JFK started the war in Vietnam and LBJ escalated that war, thus causing major damage to the economy and its workforce. Why did you forget to mention that? You are such a meat puppet.

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