The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal. The economy is showing signs of turning ...

Right now there are reasonable arguments in both directions.

Guessing is fun, but it's just guessing.
The pathetic left is reduced to fantasies about bad things happening to get votes. What a bunch.
Okay. So what? Who cares?

If you’re suggesting that an economic downturn would have negative influence on Trump’s ability to get re-elected in 2020, I don’t think you understand the motives or interests of most people who support him.


35 % of the idiots supporting the old fat derelict could care less wtf he does or who he does it to.

motives and interests - good one.

That 35% has to be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay low. I'm betting 99% of his "base" will vote for him again under any circumstance.

They will vote for him based on what he is and looks like wearing suit and red ties.
They could careless about everything else.

Policies sucks, behavior sucks, racist dog, liar in chief, trade wars sucks, corrupted. Etc etc etc etc.
Dude I was in the military, I know how to fight against the left. I saw what happened when you play nice with a liberal, John McCain and Mittens Romney come to mind. Also, I noticed you just used Rules for Radicals back at me, by trying to put me on the defensive by saying I am ranting and raving, while all I am doing is proving that you are an idiot, who has no clue how to help others achieve their happiness with their God given skills and talent. So, go ahead rant and rave all you want, I know where I am in life, and I help others in their Pursuit of Happiness.

Good for you little buddy, spent 20 years in the Marines myself.

You have already admitted you do not give a fuck about the next recession because you have plenty of money to make even more off of it...and now you pretend to care about someone other than yourself!

make up your mind
I care about my family and me, that is all I can do, that is called personal responsibility and with some of my proceeds I make, I donate to the fisher house. Do you know what the Fisher House does, jar head?
"...bias democrats on the feds"


Once again, you make zero sense. You're completely out of your league here, but you lack the intellectual wherewithal to see it.

Stay in your lane. Go listen to another talk radio podcast.
I follow advisers not idiots on message boards. What was consumer spending numbers at the end of july? you're the expert, did those numbers look good?
No such thing as an expert in my field.

They looked good, that's good news.

Now, let me know when you're ready to provide some intelligent, informed, independent thought.

I won't hold my breath.

What is Trump doing that is causing this?

Consumer confidence drops more than expected, reaching its lowest point in nearly two years
PUBLISHED TUE, JUN 25 2019 10:01 AM JUN 25 2019 11:21 AM EDT
The recovery is long in the tooth. Household debt is getting up there. Corporate debt is high and it's slowing capital spending. Global growth is slow. The trade mess hasn't helped.

It's always a combination of things. It could turn back up. Right now we don't know.
Are you saying we're still in a recovery ?
WTF was Obama doing for 8 years?????

Well, just so you know, when rich people fully recovered from the Bush Great Recession and were actually BENIFITTING from it, blue collar were still struggling.

In fact they still are. Trump has not made America great again.

A Quarter Of Americans Are 'Worse' Now Than Before The Great Recession

The 10-year anniversary of the end of the Great Recession is approaching. A decade after the housing bust, the economy is robust and the unemployment rateis at a 49-year-low. But not all Americans have recovered.

According to a new survey from Bankrate, 23% of Americans who were adults when the recession started in December 2007 say they are now financially worse off than they were before the recession hit. That’s just under 50 million Americans. Another 25% say they are doing the “same.” In all, just over half believe their “overall finances” are better than before.

“Americans were and continue to be in a degree of denial of the financial crisis and Great Recession,” said Mark Hamrick, Bankrate’s senior economic analyst. “One of the constant themes that presents itself in the data is that Americans are still digging out in many ways from that experience.”

“While some have managed to prosper in the decade since, there are still tens of millions who are struggling to even get back to where they were before the economy took a turn for the worse.”

The study notes that over half of all Americans (54%) who were adults when the recession began endured some sort of negative financial impact during that time.

More than 70% of those who had invested in the stock market saw their investments lose money while just under half of homeowners during the recession said their home lost value. A quarter completely spent their emergency savings, while a fifth took on “substantial” debt. More than 20% of those who had a partner who was working said either their partner or themselves lost their job.

What was Obama doing? He was fighting with Republican obstructionists. I can't believe the American people rewarded those obstructionists by staying home in 2010. Notice I didn't say they came and voted for Republicans? They didn't. They just got frustrated and stayed home. So Republicans obstruction paid off. They played politics with the recovery. So everyone still struggling can thank Repugs.
Right now there are reasonable arguments in both directions.

Guessing is fun, but it's just guessing.

you are in the business, you know that it will happen sooner than later. We have already set the record for longest period of economic cannot go on forever. Out system is not made that way.
Limbaugh rarely surprises me at this point, but he did it TWICE today.

First he claimed that the 800-point drop was somehow (?) a "dry run" by the "deep state" and the media to see if they could crash the economy. Not only is that a stupid and ignorant thing to say, it's terribly irresponsible considering how much his flock believes him. And sure as shit, they were calling in, in total agreement. "Yup yup yup Rush, that's it". The man has no shame and he knows what he's doing.

Later he said that the American people voted for Trump by a "a clear majority" and no doubt, his flock was bobbing their heads in agreement.

This is group pathology. This is otherworldly, alternate universe stuff. A completely isolated, insulated group living with its own facts and avoiding everything else.
Total U.S. household debt increased for the 19th consecutive quarter to $13.67 trillion, as of May, boosted by increases in mortgage, auto and student loan balances, and is now $993 billion higher than the peak of $12.68 trillion in the third quarter of 2008, according to the New York Fed.
Right now there are reasonable arguments in both directions.

Guessing is fun, but it's just guessing.
Stills swaying in the wind huh? So abortions even after birth is a reasonable argument. Taxing the rich 70% is a reasonable argument. Giving free shit to people who dont deserve it is a reasonable argument. Fuck , you just disgust me.
Limbaugh rarely surprises me at this point, but he did it TWICE today.

First he claimed that the 800-point drop was somehow (?) a "dry run" by the "deep state" and the media to see if they could crash the economy. Not only is that a stupid and ignorant thing to say, it's terribly irresponsible considering how much his flock believes him. And sure as shit, they were calling in, in total agreement. "Yup yup yup Rush, that's it". The man has no shame and he knows what he's doing.

Later he said that the American people voted for Trump by a "a clear majority" and no doubt, his flock was bobbing their heads in agreement.

This is group pathology. This is otherworldly, alternate universe stuff. A completely isolated, insulated group living with its own facts and avoiding everything else.
Fuck Rush!
Right now there are reasonable arguments in both directions.

Guessing is fun, but it's just guessing.

you are in the business, you know that it will happen sooner than later. We have already set the record for longest period of economic cannot go on forever. Out system is not made that way.
Yep, agreed, and that's why markets are so jittery. They're looking for excuses, for an exit.

The consumer keeps spending, though, so we'll see how high debt gets before it pops.
Right now there are reasonable arguments in both directions.

Guessing is fun, but it's just guessing.
Stills swaying in the wind huh? So abortions even after birth is a reasonable argument. Taxing the rich 70% is a reasonable argument. Giving free shit to people who dont deserve it is a reasonable argument. Fuck , you just disgust me.
It's my profession. I can't make stupid, ignorant predictions like you nutters can.
I notice a lot of Democrats are praying for pain for Americans and even rooting for china.

The fundamentals of the economy are strong. Don't bet against Americans.

That is not true.
Maybe if he behave like POTUS. That Americans and democrats are the same.
Maybe if he stop lying.
Maybe if he doesn’t promote hates.
Maybe etc etc etc etc.

Trade wars..... What did he or will accomplish? Answer.... Trade wars punish American consumers.
Hard to argue with the fact that the economy is "showing signs of turning, and the people who saw the least benefit from the latest boom are now the most vulnerable ahead of the next bust." as stated in the OP article.
Dude I was in the military, I know how to fight against the left. I saw what happened when you play nice with a liberal, John McCain and Mittens Romney come to mind. Also, I noticed you just used Rules for Radicals back at me, by trying to put me on the defensive by saying I am ranting and raving, while all I am doing is proving that you are an idiot, who has no clue how to help others achieve their happiness with their God given skills and talent. So, go ahead rant and rave all you want, I know where I am in life, and I help others in their Pursuit of Happiness.

Good for you little buddy, spent 20 years in the Marines myself.

You have already admitted you do not give a fuck about the next recession because you have plenty of money to make even more off of it...and now you pretend to care about someone other than yourself!

make up your mind
I care about my family and me, that is all I can do, that is called personal responsibility and with some of my proceeds I make, I donate to the fisher house. Do you know what the Fisher House does, jar head?

I do, they are a great thing. My wife is a nurse at the local VA hospital, she knows first hand how much they help. We donate money and time to them.

In about a month I will also be playing in the Warrior Golf Classic to raise money for an local organization that helps Vets transition to civilian life.

Pretty active with my local American Legion as well.
Trump's recession is gearing up.

U.S. Stocks Drop as Treasurys Flash Warning Signal

"Trade tensions between the U.S. and China, uncertainty about the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate policy and signs of slowing economic growth have spurred weeks of turbulence that have rippled through the stock, bond and currency markets. In the Treasury market, the yield on the U.S. 30-year Treasury note touched 2.018%, below the previous intraday low of 2.094% in July 2016, according to Tradeweb.

Meanwhile, yields on the 10-year Treasury note briefly fell below two-year yields for the first time since 2007. This kind of inversion between short and long-term yields is viewed by many as a strong signal that a recession is likely in the future.""

The federal government has broken yet another record for how much money it's spending
"The federal government has spent more real money in the first seven months of this fiscal year than any other year in U.S. history, according to the latest monthly statement by the Department of Treasury. The previous record was set in 2011, when the U.S. was recuperating from the Great Recession."

Mark this up as another failure of Trump's, so many now.

All economic upswings end. You know that right?

Yes, something triggers them. In this instance, it's Trump's trade war that we're losing.
In 2008, it was the mortgage crisis brought about by the big banks.
In 1929 it was the stock market crash caused by shitty pay, too much debt and bank loan defaults.
Any other questions, Einstein?

Trump took a perfectly good economy and he's fucking it up.
He thinks he's a fucking hammer and everything else is a nail, including Xi Jinping.
Right now there are reasonable arguments in both directions.

Guessing is fun, but it's just guessing.
Stills swaying in the wind huh? So abortions even after birth is a reasonable argument. Taxing the rich 70% is a reasonable argument. Giving free shit to people who dont deserve it is a reasonable argument. Fuck , you just disgust me.
It's my profession. I can't make stupid, ignorant predictions like you nutters can.
The 2020 candidates words not mine, dickhead, maybe if you pulled that peabrain out of your ass you might wake up. Doubt it, that could take work.

Right now there are reasonable arguments in both directions.

Guessing is fun, but it's just guessing.
Stills swaying in the wind huh? So abortions even after birth is a reasonable argument. Taxing the rich 70% is a reasonable argument. Giving free shit to people who dont deserve it is a reasonable argument. Fuck , you just disgust me.
It's my profession. I can't make stupid, ignorant predictions like you nutters can.
The 2020 candidates words not mine, dickhead, maybe if you pulled that peabrain out of your ass you might wake up. Doubt it, that could take work.

View attachment 274542
Yes, you've really found your level. Very impressive.
inequality and upward Mobility just keep getting worse and worse, no matter how many $7 an hour jobs there are.... How are Trump's pals in North Korea Russia Saudi Arabia doing? Taking over Africa while we diddle? Breaking our elections with garbage propaganda? How about the insanity of our Iranian policy? Ditto Venezuela.... Meanwhile the orange idiot watches Fox all day and tweets garbage propaganda Non-Stop? Your party is a disgrace, only propaganda makes this mess possible, super duper. I know, how about a huge tax cut for the richest and giant corporations!
name some propaganda for us.
Every phony Scandal you know about Hillary Obama the FBI the deep State etc etc, everything you know about who pays taxes and global warming, the border crisis what Democrats want etc etc etc. All the journalists and law enforcement in the world think you are nuts outside your bubble of b*******....
Did hitlery delete emails while under subpoena?

Did she destroy phones and computers with bleach bit?
Did four Americans die in Benghazi under her guidance? Tell me how those facts are propaganda?
No, that was the security guy who forgot to do it and was reminded by The subpoena LOL. End of story.

Yes just like everyone else....

Under her guidance? LOL. The ambassador was a little too brave. End of story.
we can't se the emails cause she deleted them. oops, show there weren't emails, oh wait, she deleted them. yep she deleted emails, and not one person knows how many were deleted. no one. The security guy she hired. oops. instructions carried out. try again, you're losing badly.
She had a group of neutral lawyers look at the emails and decide which ones were personal which she has a right to delete, super duper dupe.
Dude I was in the military, I know how to fight against the left. I saw what happened when you play nice with a liberal, John McCain and Mittens Romney come to mind. Also, I noticed you just used Rules for Radicals back at me, by trying to put me on the defensive by saying I am ranting and raving, while all I am doing is proving that you are an idiot, who has no clue how to help others achieve their happiness with their God given skills and talent. So, go ahead rant and rave all you want, I know where I am in life, and I help others in their Pursuit of Happiness.

Good for you little buddy, spent 20 years in the Marines myself.

You have already admitted you do not give a fuck about the next recession because you have plenty of money to make even more off of it...and now you pretend to care about someone other than yourself!

make up your mind
I care about my family and me, that is all I can do, that is called personal responsibility and with some of my proceeds I make, I donate to the fisher house. Do you know what the Fisher House does, jar head?

I do, they are a great thing. My wife is a nurse at the local VA hospital, she knows first hand how much they help. We donate money and time to them.

In about a month I will also be playing in the Warrior Golf Classic to raise money for an local organization that helps Vets transition to civilian life.

Pretty active with my local American Legion as well.
Then why on Earth would you vote ever for a Demonrat, who constantly wants to take from the hard working military members and give it to liberal welfare queens and queers who all they do is sit on their lazy asses smoking dope and bitching how fucked up their lives are. I dont give a man a fish, I teach them how to invest so their dividends can bring them a honest income, that supplements their retirement income better than SS ever would.

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