The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal. The economy is showing signs of turning ...

Isn’t it the Kenyans economy though?

On days the DOW and labor statistics climb to positive territory......only those are Obama Economy Days.

The next week when things stabilize or fall....only then is it "Trump's" economy.

It's how Leftists roll ("take credit for your opponents achievements / Accuse the opposition of that which you are guilty") Their marxists roots showing.

Amazing how long Americans fell for that BS propaganda.
Yes yes, it is Obama's tariffs and trade Wars and chaotic idiocy that AR causing these problems...
The people who are worse off now than before the Recession are the ones who were ignored by Barry! They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector. They were the people that were forced to burn through their lives savings while they waited for The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight (ie the Obama White House) to stop passing things like the ACA (which was a jobs killer) and trying to pass things like Cap & Trade legislation (which would have been another jobs killer!) They suffered while you progressives ignored them and pushed your liberal agenda!
"They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector."

You never stop lying, do you, ya lying con tool?

In reality, Obama is the only president on record to see public sector jobs decrease on his watch...

Truman ............. 609,000
Eisenhower ....... 1,770,000
Kennedy ............ 920,000
Johnson .......... 2,725,000
Nixon ............ 2,119,000
Ford ............... 728,000
Carter ........... 1,304,000
Reagan ........... 1,414,000
GHWBush .......... 1,127,000
Clinton .......... 1,934,000
Bush ............. 1,744,000
Obama ............. -269,000
Trump .............. 190,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Government Jobs

And Bush, along with Herbert Hoover, are the only presidents to see private sector jobs decrease on their watch. (you voted for Bush, didn'tcha?)

Jan/2001: 111,877,000
Jan/2009: 111,495,000

Bush: -382,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2001-2009)

Whereas private sector Jobs were way up under Obama...

With Bush's Great Recession ............................ 11,890,000
Since 2010 when jobs started coming back ... 16,063,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2009-2017)

Way to use statistics to paint a picture that didn't exist, Faun! "Public Sector jobs"? Now what would constitute a Public Sector job? That would be Federal, State and Local government jobs...correct? Did Federal jobs decrease under Obama? The answer to that would be NO...they did not! Despite a recession that saw millions of Americans laid off for years...Federal employees didn't get canned. The number of Federal employees actually increased! So who DID get laid off from government jobs and why did that take place? The answer to that is that State and local government workers got laid off! Why? Because unlike the Federal Government...State and local governments just can't print money to pay their employees! They have to balance budgets. So take your accusation of me "lying" and shove it up your ass! You're the biggest bullshit artist on this board! You don't use statistics to tell the use them to HIDE it!
Poor, lying con tool. I'm going by what you said ... private versus public jobs. Public jobs decreased under Obama; and only under Obama. The private sector did great under him, adding 16 million jobs once jobs returned after Bush's Great Recession.


As far as federal jobs, only 24,000 were added under Obama in 8 years.

Trump's already add nearly half that in just 2½ years, not a word from you.

33,000 added under Bush in 8 years, nearly all added during his recession. Not a word from you.

You single out the Democrat because you're a lying con tool.

Once use a statistic to hide the truth. Your figure of 24,000 added can only be arrived at by counting the massive amount of people that the US Post Office laid organization that is only loosely affiliated with the "Federal Government"! The truth is that while millions of Americans in the Private Sector were being laid off...Barack Obama added to the Federal work force.

"Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009. State and local gov-ernments added jobs during the first several months of the recession, but after employment reached a high point in August 2008, they shed 68,000 jobs through the end of the recession—a decline of about 0.3 percent. (See chart 3.) Employment in State and local government tends not to fall during recessions, and job growth in these areas actu-ally accelerated during the 1990–91 and 2001 recessions.31State and local governments have less flexibility than the Federal Government to run deficits; nearly all State governments have some form of a balanced-budget re-quirement.32 State tax revenues—received primarily from income, sales, and gross receipts taxes—are sensitive to the business cycle, and they began to fall on an annual basis after September 2008.33 Falling revenues put pres-sure on States to cut employment, which they began to do after August 2008. In order to shore up State budgets, nearly 60 billion dollars of fiscal relief was given by the Federal Government to the States in 2009 as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This stimulus package was also intended to help local governments stave off job cuts.34Local governments, unlike State governments, did not see a drop in tax revenue. Local government tax revenues come mostly from property taxes, which continued to grow throughout the recession despite declining home values.35But, according to the National League of Cities, revenue growth was outpaced by spending growth in 2008 and 2009, and local governments began reducing employment after September 2008 in order to cover budget shortfalls.36The recession led not only to employment losses, but also to cuts in workers’ hours.37 In June 2009, average weekly hours of all employees had fallen by 1 hour to 33.7 hours from the peak in June 2007. Aggregate hours, the product of employment and average weekly hours, fell by 9.8 percent between June 2007 and October 2009. As 2010 came to a close, aggregate hours were still 7.6 per-centage points below their prerecession peak."
""Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009.

Lying con tool, do you ever stop lying? Ever??? :ack-1:

You complain about 48,000 government jobs added during Bush's Great Recession; but being the lying con tool you are, you ludicrously blame Obama. When in reality, during the little more than 5 months Obama presided during the recession, non-postal government jobs decreased by 6,000.

Meaning ALL of those jobs (plus 6,000) added -- occurred under Bush. But because you're the lying con tool I've been saying you are, here you are pounding your fists on the table over Obama and blaming him for what Bush actually did.

BLS: total government

BLS: postal service


So now you're claiming that when I cite a government source...that "I'm" lying? How does that work exactly, Faun? You can't bring yourself to admit that Barry SUCKED when it came to the economy and job creation! You use cherry picked statistics to try and make it look like he had a clue what he was doing on the economy but it's obvious that his progressive agenda extended the recession that he inherited and turned it into the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and the Great Depression!
"They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector."

You never stop lying, do you, ya lying con tool?

In reality, Obama is the only president on record to see public sector jobs decrease on his watch...

Truman ............. 609,000
Eisenhower ....... 1,770,000
Kennedy ............ 920,000
Johnson .......... 2,725,000
Nixon ............ 2,119,000
Ford ............... 728,000
Carter ........... 1,304,000
Reagan ........... 1,414,000
GHWBush .......... 1,127,000
Clinton .......... 1,934,000
Bush ............. 1,744,000
Obama ............. -269,000
Trump .............. 190,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Government Jobs

And Bush, along with Herbert Hoover, are the only presidents to see private sector jobs decrease on their watch. (you voted for Bush, didn'tcha?)

Jan/2001: 111,877,000
Jan/2009: 111,495,000

Bush: -382,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2001-2009)

Whereas private sector Jobs were way up under Obama...

With Bush's Great Recession ............................ 11,890,000
Since 2010 when jobs started coming back ... 16,063,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2009-2017)

Way to use statistics to paint a picture that didn't exist, Faun! "Public Sector jobs"? Now what would constitute a Public Sector job? That would be Federal, State and Local government jobs...correct? Did Federal jobs decrease under Obama? The answer to that would be NO...they did not! Despite a recession that saw millions of Americans laid off for years...Federal employees didn't get canned. The number of Federal employees actually increased! So who DID get laid off from government jobs and why did that take place? The answer to that is that State and local government workers got laid off! Why? Because unlike the Federal Government...State and local governments just can't print money to pay their employees! They have to balance budgets. So take your accusation of me "lying" and shove it up your ass! You're the biggest bullshit artist on this board! You don't use statistics to tell the use them to HIDE it!
Poor, lying con tool. I'm going by what you said ... private versus public jobs. Public jobs decreased under Obama; and only under Obama. The private sector did great under him, adding 16 million jobs once jobs returned after Bush's Great Recession.


As far as federal jobs, only 24,000 were added under Obama in 8 years.

Trump's already add nearly half that in just 2½ years, not a word from you.

33,000 added under Bush in 8 years, nearly all added during his recession. Not a word from you.

You single out the Democrat because you're a lying con tool.

Once use a statistic to hide the truth. Your figure of 24,000 added can only be arrived at by counting the massive amount of people that the US Post Office laid organization that is only loosely affiliated with the "Federal Government"! The truth is that while millions of Americans in the Private Sector were being laid off...Barack Obama added to the Federal work force.

"Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009. State and local gov-ernments added jobs during the first several months of the recession, but after employment reached a high point in August 2008, they shed 68,000 jobs through the end of the recession—a decline of about 0.3 percent. (See chart 3.) Employment in State and local government tends not to fall during recessions, and job growth in these areas actu-ally accelerated during the 1990–91 and 2001 recessions.31State and local governments have less flexibility than the Federal Government to run deficits; nearly all State governments have some form of a balanced-budget re-quirement.32 State tax revenues—received primarily from income, sales, and gross receipts taxes—are sensitive to the business cycle, and they began to fall on an annual basis after September 2008.33 Falling revenues put pres-sure on States to cut employment, which they began to do after August 2008. In order to shore up State budgets, nearly 60 billion dollars of fiscal relief was given by the Federal Government to the States in 2009 as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This stimulus package was also intended to help local governments stave off job cuts.34Local governments, unlike State governments, did not see a drop in tax revenue. Local government tax revenues come mostly from property taxes, which continued to grow throughout the recession despite declining home values.35But, according to the National League of Cities, revenue growth was outpaced by spending growth in 2008 and 2009, and local governments began reducing employment after September 2008 in order to cover budget shortfalls.36The recession led not only to employment losses, but also to cuts in workers’ hours.37 In June 2009, average weekly hours of all employees had fallen by 1 hour to 33.7 hours from the peak in June 2007. Aggregate hours, the product of employment and average weekly hours, fell by 9.8 percent between June 2007 and October 2009. As 2010 came to a close, aggregate hours were still 7.6 per-centage points below their prerecession peak."
""Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009.

Lying con tool, do you ever stop lying? Ever??? :ack-1:

You complain about 48,000 government jobs added during Bush's Great Recession; but being the lying con tool you are, you ludicrously blame Obama. When in reality, during the little more than 5 months Obama presided during the recession, non-postal government jobs decreased by 6,000.

Meaning ALL of those jobs added occurred under Bush. But because you're the lying con tool I've been saying you are, here you are pounding your fists on the table over Obama and blaming him for what Bush actually did.

BLS: total government

BLS: postal service


Rightwingers trying to do data analysis is like a three legged dog trying to run - it's really sad, but you just can't look away.

Did you want to address the two charts cited in the government report I provided, Anton? Show how they're inaccurate in any way? Explain why they don't show that Barry struggled mightily with the economy and job creation?
"They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector."

You never stop lying, do you, ya lying con tool?

In reality, Obama is the only president on record to see public sector jobs decrease on his watch...

Truman ............. 609,000
Eisenhower ....... 1,770,000
Kennedy ............ 920,000
Johnson .......... 2,725,000
Nixon ............ 2,119,000
Ford ............... 728,000
Carter ........... 1,304,000
Reagan ........... 1,414,000
GHWBush .......... 1,127,000
Clinton .......... 1,934,000
Bush ............. 1,744,000
Obama ............. -269,000
Trump .............. 190,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Government Jobs

And Bush, along with Herbert Hoover, are the only presidents to see private sector jobs decrease on their watch. (you voted for Bush, didn'tcha?)

Jan/2001: 111,877,000
Jan/2009: 111,495,000

Bush: -382,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2001-2009)

Whereas private sector Jobs were way up under Obama...

With Bush's Great Recession ............................ 11,890,000
Since 2010 when jobs started coming back ... 16,063,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2009-2017)

Way to use statistics to paint a picture that didn't exist, Faun! "Public Sector jobs"? Now what would constitute a Public Sector job? That would be Federal, State and Local government jobs...correct? Did Federal jobs decrease under Obama? The answer to that would be NO...they did not! Despite a recession that saw millions of Americans laid off for years...Federal employees didn't get canned. The number of Federal employees actually increased! So who DID get laid off from government jobs and why did that take place? The answer to that is that State and local government workers got laid off! Why? Because unlike the Federal Government...State and local governments just can't print money to pay their employees! They have to balance budgets. So take your accusation of me "lying" and shove it up your ass! You're the biggest bullshit artist on this board! You don't use statistics to tell the use them to HIDE it!
Poor, lying con tool. I'm going by what you said ... private versus public jobs. Public jobs decreased under Obama; and only under Obama. The private sector did great under him, adding 16 million jobs once jobs returned after Bush's Great Recession.


As far as federal jobs, only 24,000 were added under Obama in 8 years.

Trump's already add nearly half that in just 2½ years, not a word from you.

33,000 added under Bush in 8 years, nearly all added during his recession. Not a word from you.

You single out the Democrat because you're a lying con tool.

Once use a statistic to hide the truth. Your figure of 24,000 added can only be arrived at by counting the massive amount of people that the US Post Office laid organization that is only loosely affiliated with the "Federal Government"! The truth is that while millions of Americans in the Private Sector were being laid off...Barack Obama added to the Federal work force.

"Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009. State and local gov-ernments added jobs during the first several months of the recession, but after employment reached a high point in August 2008, they shed 68,000 jobs through the end of the recession—a decline of about 0.3 percent. (See chart 3.) Employment in State and local government tends not to fall during recessions, and job growth in these areas actu-ally accelerated during the 1990–91 and 2001 recessions.31State and local governments have less flexibility than the Federal Government to run deficits; nearly all State governments have some form of a balanced-budget re-quirement.32 State tax revenues—received primarily from income, sales, and gross receipts taxes—are sensitive to the business cycle, and they began to fall on an annual basis after September 2008.33 Falling revenues put pres-sure on States to cut employment, which they began to do after August 2008. In order to shore up State budgets, nearly 60 billion dollars of fiscal relief was given by the Federal Government to the States in 2009 as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This stimulus package was also intended to help local governments stave off job cuts.34Local governments, unlike State governments, did not see a drop in tax revenue. Local government tax revenues come mostly from property taxes, which continued to grow throughout the recession despite declining home values.35But, according to the National League of Cities, revenue growth was outpaced by spending growth in 2008 and 2009, and local governments began reducing employment after September 2008 in order to cover budget shortfalls.36The recession led not only to employment losses, but also to cuts in workers’ hours.37 In June 2009, average weekly hours of all employees had fallen by 1 hour to 33.7 hours from the peak in June 2007. Aggregate hours, the product of employment and average weekly hours, fell by 9.8 percent between June 2007 and October 2009. As 2010 came to a close, aggregate hours were still 7.6 per-centage points below their prerecession peak."
""Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009.

Lying con tool, do you ever stop lying? Ever??? :ack-1:

You complain about 48,000 government jobs added during Bush's Great Recession; but being the lying con tool you are, you ludicrously blame Obama. When in reality, during the little more than 5 months Obama presided during the recession, non-postal government jobs decreased by 6,000.

Meaning ALL of those jobs (plus 6,000) added -- occurred under Bush. But because you're the lying con tool I've been saying you are, here you are pounding your fists on the table over Obama and blaming him for what Bush actually did.

BLS: total government

BLS: postal service


So now you're claiming that when I cite a government source...that "I'm" lying? How does that work exactly, Faun? You can't bring yourself to admit that Barry SUCKED when it came to the economy and job creation! You use cherry picked statistics to try and make it look like he had a clue what he was doing on the economy but it's obvious that his progressive agenda extended the recession that he inherited and turned it into the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and the Great Depression!
maybe it's because it was the worst economic meltdown since the Great Depression, and was only averted by spending 8 trillion dollars or so...
That's what happens when the GOP Rex the entire world economy duh. Thank God Democrats got in fast this time. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.... Europe also spent about that much, but much of the world did have a depression.
Way to use statistics to paint a picture that didn't exist, Faun! "Public Sector jobs"? Now what would constitute a Public Sector job? That would be Federal, State and Local government jobs...correct? Did Federal jobs decrease under Obama? The answer to that would be NO...they did not! Despite a recession that saw millions of Americans laid off for years...Federal employees didn't get canned. The number of Federal employees actually increased! So who DID get laid off from government jobs and why did that take place? The answer to that is that State and local government workers got laid off! Why? Because unlike the Federal Government...State and local governments just can't print money to pay their employees! They have to balance budgets. So take your accusation of me "lying" and shove it up your ass! You're the biggest bullshit artist on this board! You don't use statistics to tell the use them to HIDE it!
Poor, lying con tool. I'm going by what you said ... private versus public jobs. Public jobs decreased under Obama; and only under Obama. The private sector did great under him, adding 16 million jobs once jobs returned after Bush's Great Recession.


As far as federal jobs, only 24,000 were added under Obama in 8 years.

Trump's already add nearly half that in just 2½ years, not a word from you.

33,000 added under Bush in 8 years, nearly all added during his recession. Not a word from you.

You single out the Democrat because you're a lying con tool.

Once use a statistic to hide the truth. Your figure of 24,000 added can only be arrived at by counting the massive amount of people that the US Post Office laid organization that is only loosely affiliated with the "Federal Government"! The truth is that while millions of Americans in the Private Sector were being laid off...Barack Obama added to the Federal work force.

"Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009. State and local gov-ernments added jobs during the first several months of the recession, but after employment reached a high point in August 2008, they shed 68,000 jobs through the end of the recession—a decline of about 0.3 percent. (See chart 3.) Employment in State and local government tends not to fall during recessions, and job growth in these areas actu-ally accelerated during the 1990–91 and 2001 recessions.31State and local governments have less flexibility than the Federal Government to run deficits; nearly all State governments have some form of a balanced-budget re-quirement.32 State tax revenues—received primarily from income, sales, and gross receipts taxes—are sensitive to the business cycle, and they began to fall on an annual basis after September 2008.33 Falling revenues put pres-sure on States to cut employment, which they began to do after August 2008. In order to shore up State budgets, nearly 60 billion dollars of fiscal relief was given by the Federal Government to the States in 2009 as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This stimulus package was also intended to help local governments stave off job cuts.34Local governments, unlike State governments, did not see a drop in tax revenue. Local government tax revenues come mostly from property taxes, which continued to grow throughout the recession despite declining home values.35But, according to the National League of Cities, revenue growth was outpaced by spending growth in 2008 and 2009, and local governments began reducing employment after September 2008 in order to cover budget shortfalls.36The recession led not only to employment losses, but also to cuts in workers’ hours.37 In June 2009, average weekly hours of all employees had fallen by 1 hour to 33.7 hours from the peak in June 2007. Aggregate hours, the product of employment and average weekly hours, fell by 9.8 percent between June 2007 and October 2009. As 2010 came to a close, aggregate hours were still 7.6 per-centage points below their prerecession peak."
""Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009.

Lying con tool, do you ever stop lying? Ever??? :ack-1:

You complain about 48,000 government jobs added during Bush's Great Recession; but being the lying con tool you are, you ludicrously blame Obama. When in reality, during the little more than 5 months Obama presided during the recession, non-postal government jobs decreased by 6,000.

Meaning ALL of those jobs (plus 6,000) added -- occurred under Bush. But because you're the lying con tool I've been saying you are, here you are pounding your fists on the table over Obama and blaming him for what Bush actually did.

BLS: total government

BLS: postal service


So now you're claiming that when I cite a government source...that "I'm" lying? How does that work exactly, Faun? You can't bring yourself to admit that Barry SUCKED when it came to the economy and job creation! You use cherry picked statistics to try and make it look like he had a clue what he was doing on the economy but it's obvious that his progressive agenda extended the recession that he inherited and turned it into the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and the Great Depression!
maybe it's because it was the worst economic meltdown since the Great Depression, and was only averted by spending 8 trillion dollars or so...
That's what happens when the GOP Rex the entire world economy duh. Thank God Democrats got in fast this time. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.... Europe also spent about that much, but much of the world did have a depression.
Make no mistake, brainwashed functional moron. We had the best economy in the world under Obama for 7 and 1/2 years, just as good as Trump's economy even with 2 trillion dollars in sugar for no reason except the typical GOP giveaway to the rich and giant corporations....
Dumbest post of the sound like Pelosi...we must pass it to find out whats in it....

Then give me a few examples of what you would take as "proof" of a coming recession.

What was the proof in 2007?

What was the proof in 2000?

What was the proof in 1990?
In 2007 the banks had unsecured loans on the books so they bundled them and tried to sell them...when they wouldn't sell...when no one bought them I sold my stocks and missed the crash....
and 2000 we had plenty of warning when the tech sector plummeted...1990 I was playing with Sally rotten crotch and didn't care....

Another question for you, do you think it is just coincidence we go through recessions on such a regular pattern?
Do you think it is a coincidence that after The IRS and Federal Reserve were created and granted Asset Forfeiture Powers, & immediately upon being granted that power The Federal Reserve confiscated all the Treasury Notes being held at Private Banks, demanding them from Non Member privately owned Community Banks, and then shorted those private banks of Federal Reserve Notes they were promised, intentionally causing The Great Depression, in what The Federal Reserve called an Intentional Banking Consolidation?

Do you think it's a coincidence they destroyed 30,000 little privately owned Community Banks and only left Federal Reserve member Banks standing, and do you think its a coincidence that both The Federal Reserve and IRS used Asset Forfeiture (Unconstitutional) to seize Billions and Billions in property like farms, homes, private businesses, private banks during their "Banking Consolidation" otherwise known as The Great Depression?

The Left Worships Big Government.

This is what Big Government Does.

It treats people like disposable commodities to be bought, sold and disposed of at will.

Since you know all this to be true why are you such a statist?
Define Statist.
Poor, lying con tool. I'm going by what you said ... private versus public jobs. Public jobs decreased under Obama; and only under Obama. The private sector did great under him, adding 16 million jobs once jobs returned after Bush's Great Recession.


As far as federal jobs, only 24,000 were added under Obama in 8 years.

Trump's already add nearly half that in just 2½ years, not a word from you.

33,000 added under Bush in 8 years, nearly all added during his recession. Not a word from you.

You single out the Democrat because you're a lying con tool.

Once use a statistic to hide the truth. Your figure of 24,000 added can only be arrived at by counting the massive amount of people that the US Post Office laid organization that is only loosely affiliated with the "Federal Government"! The truth is that while millions of Americans in the Private Sector were being laid off...Barack Obama added to the Federal work force.

"Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009. State and local gov-ernments added jobs during the first several months of the recession, but after employment reached a high point in August 2008, they shed 68,000 jobs through the end of the recession—a decline of about 0.3 percent. (See chart 3.) Employment in State and local government tends not to fall during recessions, and job growth in these areas actu-ally accelerated during the 1990–91 and 2001 recessions.31State and local governments have less flexibility than the Federal Government to run deficits; nearly all State governments have some form of a balanced-budget re-quirement.32 State tax revenues—received primarily from income, sales, and gross receipts taxes—are sensitive to the business cycle, and they began to fall on an annual basis after September 2008.33 Falling revenues put pres-sure on States to cut employment, which they began to do after August 2008. In order to shore up State budgets, nearly 60 billion dollars of fiscal relief was given by the Federal Government to the States in 2009 as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This stimulus package was also intended to help local governments stave off job cuts.34Local governments, unlike State governments, did not see a drop in tax revenue. Local government tax revenues come mostly from property taxes, which continued to grow throughout the recession despite declining home values.35But, according to the National League of Cities, revenue growth was outpaced by spending growth in 2008 and 2009, and local governments began reducing employment after September 2008 in order to cover budget shortfalls.36The recession led not only to employment losses, but also to cuts in workers’ hours.37 In June 2009, average weekly hours of all employees had fallen by 1 hour to 33.7 hours from the peak in June 2007. Aggregate hours, the product of employment and average weekly hours, fell by 9.8 percent between June 2007 and October 2009. As 2010 came to a close, aggregate hours were still 7.6 per-centage points below their prerecession peak."
""Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009.

Lying con tool, do you ever stop lying? Ever??? :ack-1:

You complain about 48,000 government jobs added during Bush's Great Recession; but being the lying con tool you are, you ludicrously blame Obama. When in reality, during the little more than 5 months Obama presided during the recession, non-postal government jobs decreased by 6,000.

Meaning ALL of those jobs (plus 6,000) added -- occurred under Bush. But because you're the lying con tool I've been saying you are, here you are pounding your fists on the table over Obama and blaming him for what Bush actually did.

BLS: total government

BLS: postal service


So now you're claiming that when I cite a government source...that "I'm" lying? How does that work exactly, Faun? You can't bring yourself to admit that Barry SUCKED when it came to the economy and job creation! You use cherry picked statistics to try and make it look like he had a clue what he was doing on the economy but it's obvious that his progressive agenda extended the recession that he inherited and turned it into the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and the Great Depression!
maybe it's because it was the worst economic meltdown since the Great Depression, and was only averted by spending 8 trillion dollars or so...
That's what happens when the GOP Rex the entire world economy duh. Thank God Democrats got in fast this time. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.... Europe also spent about that much, but much of the world did have a depression.
Make no mistake, brainwashed functional moron. We had the best economy in the world under Obama for 7 and 1/2 years, just as good as Trump's economy even with 2 trillion dollars in sugar for no reason except the typical GOP giveaway to the rich and giant corporations....
Dumbest post of the sound like Pelosi...we must pass it to find out whats in it....

Then give me a few examples of what you would take as "proof" of a coming recession.

What was the proof in 2007?

What was the proof in 2000?

What was the proof in 1990?
In 2007 the banks had unsecured loans on the books so they bundled them and tried to sell them...when they wouldn't sell...when no one bought them I sold my stocks and missed the crash....
and 2000 we had plenty of warning when the tech sector plummeted...1990 I was playing with Sally rotten crotch and didn't care....

Another question for you, do you think it is just coincidence we go through recessions on such a regular pattern?
Do you think it is a coincidence that after The IRS and Federal Reserve were created and granted Asset Forfeiture Powers, & immediately upon being granted that power The Federal Reserve confiscated all the Treasury Notes being held at Private Banks, demanding them from Non Member privately owned Community Banks, and then shorted those private banks of Federal Reserve Notes they were promised, intentionally causing The Great Depression, in what The Federal Reserve called an Intentional Banking Consolidation?

Do you think it's a coincidence they destroyed 30,000 little privately owned Community Banks and only left Federal Reserve member Banks standing, and do you think its a coincidence that both The Federal Reserve and IRS used Asset Forfeiture (Unconstitutional) to seize Billions and Billions in property like farms, homes, private businesses, private banks during their "Banking Consolidation" otherwise known as The Great Depression?

The Left Worships Big Government.

This is what Big Government Does.

It treats people like disposable commodities to be bought, sold and disposed of at will.
Sounds like a well regulated banking system, so we have many fewer panics and depressions, in fact we only have them when the GOP scumbag deregulation and crony oversight gives us another huge corrupt bubble and bust....
Sure: Whatever you say. The GOV with The FED and IRS Stole Billions upon Billions in assets and you call it "Banking Regulation" like they called it "Banking Consolidation"

Once use a statistic to hide the truth. Your figure of 24,000 added can only be arrived at by counting the massive amount of people that the US Post Office laid organization that is only loosely affiliated with the "Federal Government"! The truth is that while millions of Americans in the Private Sector were being laid off...Barack Obama added to the Federal work force.

"Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009. State and local gov-ernments added jobs during the first several months of the recession, but after employment reached a high point in August 2008, they shed 68,000 jobs through the end of the recession—a decline of about 0.3 percent. (See chart 3.) Employment in State and local government tends not to fall during recessions, and job growth in these areas actu-ally accelerated during the 1990–91 and 2001 recessions.31State and local governments have less flexibility than the Federal Government to run deficits; nearly all State governments have some form of a balanced-budget re-quirement.32 State tax revenues—received primarily from income, sales, and gross receipts taxes—are sensitive to the business cycle, and they began to fall on an annual basis after September 2008.33 Falling revenues put pres-sure on States to cut employment, which they began to do after August 2008. In order to shore up State budgets, nearly 60 billion dollars of fiscal relief was given by the Federal Government to the States in 2009 as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This stimulus package was also intended to help local governments stave off job cuts.34Local governments, unlike State governments, did not see a drop in tax revenue. Local government tax revenues come mostly from property taxes, which continued to grow throughout the recession despite declining home values.35But, according to the National League of Cities, revenue growth was outpaced by spending growth in 2008 and 2009, and local governments began reducing employment after September 2008 in order to cover budget shortfalls.36The recession led not only to employment losses, but also to cuts in workers’ hours.37 In June 2009, average weekly hours of all employees had fallen by 1 hour to 33.7 hours from the peak in June 2007. Aggregate hours, the product of employment and average weekly hours, fell by 9.8 percent between June 2007 and October 2009. As 2010 came to a close, aggregate hours were still 7.6 per-centage points below their prerecession peak."
""Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009.

Lying con tool, do you ever stop lying? Ever??? :ack-1:

You complain about 48,000 government jobs added during Bush's Great Recession; but being the lying con tool you are, you ludicrously blame Obama. When in reality, during the little more than 5 months Obama presided during the recession, non-postal government jobs decreased by 6,000.

Meaning ALL of those jobs (plus 6,000) added -- occurred under Bush. But because you're the lying con tool I've been saying you are, here you are pounding your fists on the table over Obama and blaming him for what Bush actually did.

BLS: total government

BLS: postal service


So now you're claiming that when I cite a government source...that "I'm" lying? How does that work exactly, Faun? You can't bring yourself to admit that Barry SUCKED when it came to the economy and job creation! You use cherry picked statistics to try and make it look like he had a clue what he was doing on the economy but it's obvious that his progressive agenda extended the recession that he inherited and turned it into the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and the Great Depression!
maybe it's because it was the worst economic meltdown since the Great Depression, and was only averted by spending 8 trillion dollars or so...
That's what happens when the GOP Rex the entire world economy duh. Thank God Democrats got in fast this time. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.... Europe also spent about that much, but much of the world did have a depression.
Make no mistake, brainwashed functional moron. We had the best economy in the world under Obama for 7 and 1/2 years, just as good as Trump's economy even with 2 trillion dollars in sugar for no reason except the typical GOP giveaway to the rich and giant corporations....
Take off your fanny pack of brainwashed BS and maybe you'd be alright....
""Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009.

Lying con tool, do you ever stop lying? Ever??? :ack-1:

You complain about 48,000 government jobs added during Bush's Great Recession; but being the lying con tool you are, you ludicrously blame Obama. When in reality, during the little more than 5 months Obama presided during the recession, non-postal government jobs decreased by 6,000.

Meaning ALL of those jobs (plus 6,000) added -- occurred under Bush. But because you're the lying con tool I've been saying you are, here you are pounding your fists on the table over Obama and blaming him for what Bush actually did.

BLS: total government

BLS: postal service


So now you're claiming that when I cite a government source...that "I'm" lying? How does that work exactly, Faun? You can't bring yourself to admit that Barry SUCKED when it came to the economy and job creation! You use cherry picked statistics to try and make it look like he had a clue what he was doing on the economy but it's obvious that his progressive agenda extended the recession that he inherited and turned it into the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and the Great Depression!
maybe it's because it was the worst economic meltdown since the Great Depression, and was only averted by spending 8 trillion dollars or so...
That's what happens when the GOP Rex the entire world economy duh. Thank God Democrats got in fast this time. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.... Europe also spent about that much, but much of the world did have a depression.
Make no mistake, brainwashed functional moron. We had the best economy in the world under Obama for 7 and 1/2 years, just as good as Trump's economy even with 2 trillion dollars in sugar for no reason except the typical GOP giveaway to the rich and giant corporations....
Take off your fanny pack of brainwashed BS and maybe you'd be alright....
Have you not figured out, no one takes you seriously?

Then give me a few examples of what you would take as "proof" of a coming recession.

What was the proof in 2007?

What was the proof in 2000?

What was the proof in 1990?
In 2007 the banks had unsecured loans on the books so they bundled them and tried to sell them...when they wouldn't sell...when no one bought them I sold my stocks and missed the crash....
and 2000 we had plenty of warning when the tech sector plummeted...1990 I was playing with Sally rotten crotch and didn't care....

Another question for you, do you think it is just coincidence we go through recessions on such a regular pattern?
Do you think it is a coincidence that after The IRS and Federal Reserve were created and granted Asset Forfeiture Powers, & immediately upon being granted that power The Federal Reserve confiscated all the Treasury Notes being held at Private Banks, demanding them from Non Member privately owned Community Banks, and then shorted those private banks of Federal Reserve Notes they were promised, intentionally causing The Great Depression, in what The Federal Reserve called an Intentional Banking Consolidation?

Do you think it's a coincidence they destroyed 30,000 little privately owned Community Banks and only left Federal Reserve member Banks standing, and do you think its a coincidence that both The Federal Reserve and IRS used Asset Forfeiture (Unconstitutional) to seize Billions and Billions in property like farms, homes, private businesses, private banks during their "Banking Consolidation" otherwise known as The Great Depression?

The Left Worships Big Government.

This is what Big Government Does.

It treats people like disposable commodities to be bought, sold and disposed of at will.

Since you know all this to be true why are you such a statist?
Define Statist.

In 2007 the banks had unsecured loans on the books so they bundled them and tried to sell them...when they wouldn't sell...when no one bought them I sold my stocks and missed the crash....
and 2000 we had plenty of warning when the tech sector plummeted...1990 I was playing with Sally rotten crotch and didn't care....

Another question for you, do you think it is just coincidence we go through recessions on such a regular pattern?
Do you think it is a coincidence that after The IRS and Federal Reserve were created and granted Asset Forfeiture Powers, & immediately upon being granted that power The Federal Reserve confiscated all the Treasury Notes being held at Private Banks, demanding them from Non Member privately owned Community Banks, and then shorted those private banks of Federal Reserve Notes they were promised, intentionally causing The Great Depression, in what The Federal Reserve called an Intentional Banking Consolidation?

Do you think it's a coincidence they destroyed 30,000 little privately owned Community Banks and only left Federal Reserve member Banks standing, and do you think its a coincidence that both The Federal Reserve and IRS used Asset Forfeiture (Unconstitutional) to seize Billions and Billions in property like farms, homes, private businesses, private banks during their "Banking Consolidation" otherwise known as The Great Depression?

The Left Worships Big Government.

This is what Big Government Does.

It treats people like disposable commodities to be bought, sold and disposed of at will.

Since you know all this to be true why are you such a statist?
Define Statist.

View attachment 274679
I'd have to say, you don't know me very well at all.
Then give me a few examples of what you would take as "proof" of a coming recession.

What was the proof in 2007?

What was the proof in 2000?

What was the proof in 1990?
In 2007 the banks had unsecured loans on the books so they bundled them and tried to sell them...when they wouldn't sell...when no one bought them I sold my stocks and missed the crash....
and 2000 we had plenty of warning when the tech sector plummeted...1990 I was playing with Sally rotten crotch and didn't care....

Another question for you, do you think it is just coincidence we go through recessions on such a regular pattern?
Do you think it is a coincidence that after The IRS and Federal Reserve were created and granted Asset Forfeiture Powers, & immediately upon being granted that power The Federal Reserve confiscated all the Treasury Notes being held at Private Banks, demanding them from Non Member privately owned Community Banks, and then shorted those private banks of Federal Reserve Notes they were promised, intentionally causing The Great Depression, in what The Federal Reserve called an Intentional Banking Consolidation?

Do you think it's a coincidence they destroyed 30,000 little privately owned Community Banks and only left Federal Reserve member Banks standing, and do you think its a coincidence that both The Federal Reserve and IRS used Asset Forfeiture (Unconstitutional) to seize Billions and Billions in property like farms, homes, private businesses, private banks during their "Banking Consolidation" otherwise known as The Great Depression?

The Left Worships Big Government.

This is what Big Government Does.

It treats people like disposable commodities to be bought, sold and disposed of at will.
Sounds like a well regulated banking system, so we have many fewer panics and depressions, in fact we only have them when the GOP scumbag deregulation and crony oversight gives us another huge corrupt bubble and bust....
Sure: Whatever you say. The GOV with The FED and IRS Stole Billions upon Billions in assets and you call it "Banking Regulation" like they called it "Banking Consolidation"

so they caused the Great Depression intentionally? You are out of your tiny mind. it was caused by GOP greed and deregulation. Like being able to buy stocks with a 10% margin. Great idea! The GOP just can't stop screwing with the economy. Obama proved our economy does just great without messing with it....
Another question for you, do you think it is just coincidence we go through recessions on such a regular pattern?
Do you think it is a coincidence that after The IRS and Federal Reserve were created and granted Asset Forfeiture Powers, & immediately upon being granted that power The Federal Reserve confiscated all the Treasury Notes being held at Private Banks, demanding them from Non Member privately owned Community Banks, and then shorted those private banks of Federal Reserve Notes they were promised, intentionally causing The Great Depression, in what The Federal Reserve called an Intentional Banking Consolidation?

Do you think it's a coincidence they destroyed 30,000 little privately owned Community Banks and only left Federal Reserve member Banks standing, and do you think its a coincidence that both The Federal Reserve and IRS used Asset Forfeiture (Unconstitutional) to seize Billions and Billions in property like farms, homes, private businesses, private banks during their "Banking Consolidation" otherwise known as The Great Depression?

The Left Worships Big Government.

This is what Big Government Does.

It treats people like disposable commodities to be bought, sold and disposed of at will.

Since you know all this to be true why are you such a statist?
Define Statist.

View attachment 274679
I'd have to say, you don't know me very well at all.

I do not know you at all, maybe all this crap you post on here is just an act...but it is all I have to go on
In 2007 the banks had unsecured loans on the books so they bundled them and tried to sell them...when they wouldn't sell...when no one bought them I sold my stocks and missed the crash....
and 2000 we had plenty of warning when the tech sector plummeted...1990 I was playing with Sally rotten crotch and didn't care....

Another question for you, do you think it is just coincidence we go through recessions on such a regular pattern?
Do you think it is a coincidence that after The IRS and Federal Reserve were created and granted Asset Forfeiture Powers, & immediately upon being granted that power The Federal Reserve confiscated all the Treasury Notes being held at Private Banks, demanding them from Non Member privately owned Community Banks, and then shorted those private banks of Federal Reserve Notes they were promised, intentionally causing The Great Depression, in what The Federal Reserve called an Intentional Banking Consolidation?

Do you think it's a coincidence they destroyed 30,000 little privately owned Community Banks and only left Federal Reserve member Banks standing, and do you think its a coincidence that both The Federal Reserve and IRS used Asset Forfeiture (Unconstitutional) to seize Billions and Billions in property like farms, homes, private businesses, private banks during their "Banking Consolidation" otherwise known as The Great Depression?

The Left Worships Big Government.

This is what Big Government Does.

It treats people like disposable commodities to be bought, sold and disposed of at will.
Sounds like a well regulated banking system, so we have many fewer panics and depressions, in fact we only have them when the GOP scumbag deregulation and crony oversight gives us another huge corrupt bubble and bust....
Sure: Whatever you say. The GOV with The FED and IRS Stole Billions upon Billions in assets and you call it "Banking Regulation" like they called it "Banking Consolidation"

so they caused the Great Depression intentionally? You are out of your tiny mind. it was caused by GOP greed and deregulation. Like being able to buy stocks with a 10% margin. Great idea! The GOP just can't stop screwing with the economy. Obama proved our economy does just great without messing with it....

Only they were not mistakes. It was Intentional. Research The Things They Did. It was all to draw power to themselves and to eliminate all competition to The Federal Reserve System.

The Great Depression | Federal Reserve History

“Regarding the Great Depression, … we did it. We’re very sorry. … We won’t do it again.” Ben Bernanke, November 8, 2002, in a speech given at “A Conference to Honor Milton Friedman … On the Occasion of His 90th Birthday.”

In 2002, Ben Bernanke, then a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, acknowledged publicly what economists have long believed. The Federal Reserve’s mistakes contributed to the “worst economic disaster in American history” (Bernanke 2002).

Bernanke, like other economic historians, characterized the Great Depression as a disaster because of its length, depth, and consequences. The Depression lasted a decade, beginning in 1929 and ending during World War II. Industrial production plummeted. Unemployment soared. Families suffered. Marriage rates fell. The contraction began in the United States and spread around the globe. The Depression was the longest and deepest downturn in the history of the United States and the modern industrial economy.
Another question for you, do you think it is just coincidence we go through recessions on such a regular pattern?
Do you think it is a coincidence that after The IRS and Federal Reserve were created and granted Asset Forfeiture Powers, & immediately upon being granted that power The Federal Reserve confiscated all the Treasury Notes being held at Private Banks, demanding them from Non Member privately owned Community Banks, and then shorted those private banks of Federal Reserve Notes they were promised, intentionally causing The Great Depression, in what The Federal Reserve called an Intentional Banking Consolidation?

Do you think it's a coincidence they destroyed 30,000 little privately owned Community Banks and only left Federal Reserve member Banks standing, and do you think its a coincidence that both The Federal Reserve and IRS used Asset Forfeiture (Unconstitutional) to seize Billions and Billions in property like farms, homes, private businesses, private banks during their "Banking Consolidation" otherwise known as The Great Depression?

The Left Worships Big Government.

This is what Big Government Does.

It treats people like disposable commodities to be bought, sold and disposed of at will.
Sounds like a well regulated banking system, so we have many fewer panics and depressions, in fact we only have them when the GOP scumbag deregulation and crony oversight gives us another huge corrupt bubble and bust....
Sure: Whatever you say. The GOV with The FED and IRS Stole Billions upon Billions in assets and you call it "Banking Regulation" like they called it "Banking Consolidation"

so they caused the Great Depression intentionally? You are out of your tiny mind. it was caused by GOP greed and deregulation. Like being able to buy stocks with a 10% margin. Great idea! The GOP just can't stop screwing with the economy. Obama proved our economy does just great without messing with it....

Only they were not mistakes. It was Intentional. Research The Things They Did. It was all to draw power to themselves and to eliminate all competition to The Federal Reserve System.

The Great Depression | Federal Reserve History

“Regarding the Great Depression, … we did it. We’re very sorry. … We won’t do it again.” Ben Bernanke, November 8, 2002, in a speech given at “A Conference to Honor Milton Friedman … On the Occasion of His 90th Birthday.”

In 2002, Ben Bernanke, then a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, acknowledged publicly what economists have long believed. The Federal Reserve’s mistakes contributed to the “worst economic disaster in American history” (Bernanke 2002).

Bernanke, like other economic historians, characterized the Great Depression as a disaster because of its length, depth, and consequences. The Depression lasted a decade, beginning in 1929 and ending during World War II. Industrial production plummeted. Unemployment soared. Families suffered. Marriage rates fell. The contraction began in the United States and spread around the globe. The Depression was the longest and deepest downturn in the history of the United States and the modern industrial economy.

You just refuted your own claim
Do you think it is a coincidence that after The IRS and Federal Reserve were created and granted Asset Forfeiture Powers, & immediately upon being granted that power The Federal Reserve confiscated all the Treasury Notes being held at Private Banks, demanding them from Non Member privately owned Community Banks, and then shorted those private banks of Federal Reserve Notes they were promised, intentionally causing The Great Depression, in what The Federal Reserve called an Intentional Banking Consolidation?

Do you think it's a coincidence they destroyed 30,000 little privately owned Community Banks and only left Federal Reserve member Banks standing, and do you think its a coincidence that both The Federal Reserve and IRS used Asset Forfeiture (Unconstitutional) to seize Billions and Billions in property like farms, homes, private businesses, private banks during their "Banking Consolidation" otherwise known as The Great Depression?

The Left Worships Big Government.

This is what Big Government Does.

It treats people like disposable commodities to be bought, sold and disposed of at will.
Sounds like a well regulated banking system, so we have many fewer panics and depressions, in fact we only have them when the GOP scumbag deregulation and crony oversight gives us another huge corrupt bubble and bust....
Sure: Whatever you say. The GOV with The FED and IRS Stole Billions upon Billions in assets and you call it "Banking Regulation" like they called it "Banking Consolidation"

so they caused the Great Depression intentionally? You are out of your tiny mind. it was caused by GOP greed and deregulation. Like being able to buy stocks with a 10% margin. Great idea! The GOP just can't stop screwing with the economy. Obama proved our economy does just great without messing with it....

Only they were not mistakes. It was Intentional. Research The Things They Did. It was all to draw power to themselves and to eliminate all competition to The Federal Reserve System.

The Great Depression | Federal Reserve History

“Regarding the Great Depression, … we did it. We’re very sorry. … We won’t do it again.” Ben Bernanke, November 8, 2002, in a speech given at “A Conference to Honor Milton Friedman … On the Occasion of His 90th Birthday.”

In 2002, Ben Bernanke, then a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, acknowledged publicly what economists have long believed. The Federal Reserve’s mistakes contributed to the “worst economic disaster in American history” (Bernanke 2002).

Bernanke, like other economic historians, characterized the Great Depression as a disaster because of its length, depth, and consequences. The Depression lasted a decade, beginning in 1929 and ending during World War II. Industrial production plummeted. Unemployment soared. Families suffered. Marriage rates fell. The contraction began in the United States and spread around the globe. The Depression was the longest and deepest downturn in the history of the United States and the modern industrial economy.

You just refuted your own claim
What claim?

I claimed they intentionally caused The Great Depression.

I just posted an article that state The Federal Reserve Caused The Great Depression. The article posted, tries to explain it away as "Mistakes'

Research The Great Depression.

The Actions they took were Not Mistakes.

Federal Reserve: The Real Cause Of 1930s Great Depression

The Fed was created as “lender of last resort” for banks. It’s a private corporation whose shareholders are member banks — perhaps including foreign banks, although this is disputed. (However, foreign financiers were instrumental in establishing the Federal Reserve System in 1913. These included globally-influential interests from Europe such as Rothschild and Warburg families.)

The Fed is tasked to provide liquidity to America’s financial system. But from 1930 to 1933, it shockingly engaged in deflationary monetary policy that reduced the nation’s cash supply by nearly one-third, according to Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman).

As privately-owned central bank of United States, the Fed can change the quantity of dollars in circulation — which leads to (and magnifies the) economic boom and bust cycles of U.S. economy. This is god-like power that can be extremely dangerous if decision makers have conflicts of interest or act unethically. For example, if you are given central-bank powers you can crash the economy and buy hundreds of businesses at 90% discounts from pre-crash valuations, thereby making a fortune when the economy recovers.

When the national cash supply shrinks too rapidly (deflationary policy), you get a recession (or depression). Less dollars in circulation means Americans have less cash in their wallet to pay bills. People, farmers and businesses also can’t pay interest on loans, and thus many go bankrupt.

Imagine what would happen if 50% of all bitcoins were programmed (by a central authority) to disappear from all wallets. BTC holders globally would be under extreme financial distress — having seen their digital fortunes evaporate into thin air.

In the early 1930s, the Fed decreased dollars in circulation by one-third at a time when it needed to do the opposite, according to Milton Friedman. (One-third is an extreme reduction.)

Therefore, banks begged for loans. Members of congress urged the Fed to change policy. But decision makers, most of whom came from Wall Street, refused to loan capital that would have enabled weakening banks to pay the withdrawals of depositors.

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