The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal. The economy is showing signs of turning ...

Of course Bush the sitting president at the time will of said that....he was trying to instill confidence.....
Now lets get your real you think we are just around the corner from a recession?.....if the answer is no then what the hell are you doing?...trying to stoke fear?.....that's pitiful dude....

Not sure how you define "just around the corner" but we will have a downturn soon, whether it is a full-fledged recession or not remains to be seen. I think it will be due to all of the other factors. Our system was designed to 'fail" on regular intervals as a means of control, and we just set the record for the longest period of economic will not last that much longer.

You are wishing and hoping for a recession that will not happen in our current economic state....we are leading the world once again....that is called making America great again...enjoy it...go buy a new car...take a trip...stop wishing for economic pain that will not come before 2020....

You are such a brain dead moron. Understanding how our system works is not hoping for a recession any more than knowing it gets cold in winter is hoping for cold.

Our current economic state is prime for a fall, if you had finished high school you might understand our history a bit more.

Oh, and I bought two new cars in the last year and have been on multiple weekend trips this year with the wife. Her new job does not afford her any more time off than that right now.
There is no chance of a recession before 2020...its laughable....

Pretty sure I can dig up comments from know-nothing politicos just like this from 2007.
Pretty sure you can't...we all knew about the banks unsecured loans forced on them by Reno and Clinton....

Pretty sure you don't know wtf you are talking about. No such thing as "unsecured loans", especially with the CRA program.
You don't remember Clinton and Janet Reno threatening the banks to open up their property lending to inner city unqualified borrowers? wonder your politics are so fucked up and left of have selective memory.....

You remember something about Clinton and Reno and the banks, but you fundamentally do not know what you are talking about and why CRA was or was not a driver of real estate bubble explosion.

My politics have nothing to do with it, I spent much time on this subject and accept a non-partisan, mainstream view of economists that the collapse was primarily caused by most classic of factors - MARKET EXUBERANCE and a pervasive view that real estate prices do not really ever fall. A classic case of vast risk underestimation.

But clearly your politics DO have something to do with your position because somehow you completely forgot that Bush had ENTIRE CAMPAIGN PLATFORM centered around home ownership as part of his ownership society. His administration promoted exotic mortgages, chided GSEs(fannie mae and etc..) for not keeping up with the private market in buying up sub-prime backed derivative securities and vastly loosened leverage requirements for banks.


You can point fingers all day long in every direction but FUNDAMENTALY the real estate and finance system failed because too many were convinced that real estate prices would not ever significantly contract.
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Of course Bush the sitting president at the time will of said that....he was trying to instill confidence.....
Now lets get your real you think we are just around the corner from a recession?.....if the answer is no then what the hell are you doing?...trying to stoke fear?.....that's pitiful dude....

Not sure how you define "just around the corner" but we will have a downturn soon, whether it is a full-fledged recession or not remains to be seen. I think it will be due to all of the other factors. Our system was designed to 'fail" on regular intervals as a means of control, and we just set the record for the longest period of economic will not last that much longer.

You are wishing and hoping for a recession that will not happen in our current economic state....we are leading the world once again....that is called making America great again...enjoy it...go buy a new car...take a trip...stop wishing for economic pain that will not come before 2020....
They think saying the word means it’s so
You are such a brain dead moron. Understanding how our system works is not hoping for a recession any more than knowing it gets cold in winter is hoping for cold.
You don't know how our system works...I can tell you don't because its not a system you idiot....

Our current economic state is prime for a fall, if you had finished high school you might understand our history a bit more
You and CNN are the only ones saying that....economic experts are laughing at the thought that we are "prime for a fall"...what a buffoon....turn off CNN....

Oh, and I bought two new cars in the last year and have been on multiple weekend trips this year with the wife. Her new job does not afford her any more time off than that right now.
So you are doing fine but still not happy with the current you know what that is called?.....TDS.....
There is no chance of a recession before 2020...its laughable....

Pretty sure I can dig up comments from know-nothing politicos just like this from 2007.
Pretty sure you can't...we all knew about the banks unsecured loans forced on them by Reno and Clinton....

Pretty sure you don't know wtf you are talking about. No such thing as "unsecured loans", especially with the CRA program.
You don't remember Clinton and Janet Reno threatening the banks to open up their property lending to inner city unqualified borrowers? wonder your politics are so fucked up and left of have selective memory.....

You remember something about Clinton and Reno and the banks, but you fundamentally do not know what you are talking about and why CRA was or was not a driver of real estate bubble explosion.

My politics have nothing to do with it, I spent much time on this subject and accept a non-partisan, mainstream view of economists that the collapse was primarily caused by most classic of factors - MARKET EXUBERANCE and a pervasive view that real estate prices do not really ever fall. A classic case of vast risk underestimation.

But clearly your politics DO have something to do with your position because somehow you completely forgot that Bush had ENTIRE CAMPAIGN PLATFORM centered around home ownership as part of his ownership society. His administration promoted exotic mortgages, chided GSEs(fannie mae and etc..) for not keeping up with the private market in buying up sub-prime backed derivative securities and vastly loosened leverage requirements for banks.


You can point fingers all day long in every direction but FUNDAMENTALY the real estate and finance system failed because too many were convinced that real estate prices would not ever significantly contract.

chided GSEs(fannie mae and etc..) for not keeping up with the private market in buying up sub-prime backed derivative securities

It's true, Bush forced the GSE's to make 55% of their mortgage purchases subprime mortgages.
Horrible idea.
Clinton's 50% mandate was bad enough.
The people who are worse off now than before the Recession are the ones who were ignored by Barry! They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector. They were the people that were forced to burn through their lives savings while they waited for The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight (ie the Obama White House) to stop passing things like the ACA (which was a jobs killer) and trying to pass things like Cap & Trade legislation (which would have been another jobs killer!) They suffered while you progressives ignored them and pushed your liberal agenda!
too bad you have no evidence of all that stupidity except garbage propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. Obamacare didn't even start until 2013 and experts said it added to the economy. Obama stopped another corrupt GOP World depression. Idiot. And the orange clown has added nothing and given us chaos which is going to hit sometime.

As long as we have these giveaway to the rich tax rates that we've had for 35 years, inequality and upward Mobility will continue to get worse along with the middle class and our infrastructure. Great job! No matter how many $7 an hour jobs there are. The Democrats have only passed the stimulus and ObamaCare in the last 50 years. The GOP is a lying thieving swamp...

Obamacare didn't even start until 2013 and experts said it added to the economy.

Experts? Like the Obamacare architect who laughed about stupid voters? Durr.

Obama stopped another corrupt GOP World depression.

The recession ended in June 2009, stupid twat. What did Obama do that worked so fast?
Was it like stopping the rise of the oceans?

As long as we have these giveaway to the rich tax rates that we've had for 35 years,

Why are weak Dem twats so weak?
The recession ended in October thanks to the stimulus and tarp and about 8 trillion dollars in welfare and unemployment for the victims. Great job by the Republican corrupt scum again just like reconciliation and the filibuster.
And the rich bought all our homes that got foreclosed and now we rent from them. This is another way the gap between the rich and middle class widened. Before we were home owners with homes worth money. Now they own our homes and we give them our money but we don’t own homes anymore.

I luckily bought my condo in 1995 for $58,000. They did go down to $40,000 but now they are worth $130,000. That is if trump doesn’t cause another recession

This is another way the gap between the rich and middle class widened. Before we were home owners with homes worth money.

Should we really count bubble money as real money?
Especially when the mortgage was eventually defaulted on?

Who cares?

Did you miss the point? Before the Bush Great Recession all those people who lost their jobs and homes owned homes and they were paying them off and one day as part of their retirement they could sell their homes and use that money to retire. Or their kids would get the money when the parents died. Today that money/home is gone. Now they are renting. It's the rich person who was in a position to buy their homes from the banks for cheap who now have that wealth.

Today all those people are renting from the rich who purchased their homes for pennies on the dollar. They are paying just as much in rent as they were mortgages but they owned the home. Now the rich are getting richer. Like I said, this is just one of a few ways the rich have waged war on us. Truthfully, I think the Bush Great Recession was done on purpose. Look at TARP. What the fuck was that?

Free Market Unregulated Capitalism is like a ponzi scheme. It wouldn't work without the crashes. Who benefits? The rich. Clinton and Obama would have never had a Great Recession on their watch. Trump will.
too bad you have no evidence of all that stupidity except garbage propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. Obamacare didn't even start until 2013 and experts said it added to the economy. Obama stopped another corrupt GOP World depression. Idiot. And the orange clown has added nothing and given us chaos which is going to hit sometime.

As long as we have these giveaway to the rich tax rates that we've had for 35 years, inequality and upward Mobility will continue to get worse along with the middle class and our infrastructure. Great job! No matter how many $7 an hour jobs there are. The Democrats have only passed the stimulus and ObamaCare in the last 50 years. The GOP is a lying thieving swamp...

Obamacare didn't even start until 2013 and experts said it added to the economy.

Experts? Like the Obamacare architect who laughed about stupid voters? Durr.

Obama stopped another corrupt GOP World depression.

The recession ended in June 2009, stupid twat. What did Obama do that worked so fast?
Was it like stopping the rise of the oceans?

As long as we have these giveaway to the rich tax rates that we've had for 35 years,

Why are weak Dem twats so weak?
The recession ended in October thanks to the stimulus and tarp and about 8 trillion dollars in welfare and unemployment for the victims. Great job by the Republican corrupt scum again just like reconciliation and the filibuster.
And the rich bought all our homes that got foreclosed and now we rent from them. This is another way the gap between the rich and middle class widened. Before we were home owners with homes worth money. Now they own our homes and we give them our money but we don’t own homes anymore.

I luckily bought my condo in 1995 for $58,000. They did go down to $40,000 but now they are worth $130,000. That is if trump doesn’t cause another recession

This is another way the gap between the rich and middle class widened. Before we were home owners with homes worth money.

Should we really count bubble money as real money?
Especially when the mortgage was eventually defaulted on?

Who cares?

Did you miss the point? Before the Bush Great Recession all those people who lost their jobs and homes owned homes and they were paying them off and one day as part of their retirement they could sell their homes and use that money to retire. Or their kids would get the money when the parents died. Today that money/home is gone. Now they are renting. It's the rich person who was in a position to buy their homes from the banks for cheap who now have that wealth.

Today all those people are renting from the rich who purchased their homes for pennies on the dollar. They are paying just as much in rent as they were mortgages but they owned the home. Now the rich are getting richer. Like I said, this is just one of a few ways the rich have waged war on us. Truthfully, I think the Bush Great Recession was done on purpose. Look at TARP. What the fuck was that?

Free Market Unregulated Capitalism is like a ponzi scheme. It wouldn't work without the crashes. Who benefits? The rich. Clinton and Obama would have never had a Great Recession on their watch. Trump will.

Did you miss the point? Before the Bush Great Recession all those people who lost their jobs and homes owned homes and they were paying them off

Some were paying them off, some were defaulting.

Truthfully, I think the Bush Great Recession was done on purpose. Look at TARP. What the fuck was that?

TARP was rescuing the financial system, at a profit to the Treasury.

Free Market Unregulated Capitalism

No such critter.
Are you saying we're still in a recovery ?
WTF was Obama doing for 8 years?????

Well, just so you know, when rich people fully recovered from the Bush Great Recession and were actually BENIFITTING from it, blue collar were still struggling.

In fact they still are. Trump has not made America great again.

A Quarter Of Americans Are 'Worse' Now Than Before The Great Recession

The 10-year anniversary of the end of the Great Recession is approaching. A decade after the housing bust, the economy is robust and the unemployment rateis at a 49-year-low. But not all Americans have recovered.

According to a new survey from Bankrate, 23% of Americans who were adults when the recession started in December 2007 say they are now financially worse off than they were before the recession hit. That’s just under 50 million Americans. Another 25% say they are doing the “same.” In all, just over half believe their “overall finances” are better than before.

“Americans were and continue to be in a degree of denial of the financial crisis and Great Recession,” said Mark Hamrick, Bankrate’s senior economic analyst. “One of the constant themes that presents itself in the data is that Americans are still digging out in many ways from that experience.”

“While some have managed to prosper in the decade since, there are still tens of millions who are struggling to even get back to where they were before the economy took a turn for the worse.”

The study notes that over half of all Americans (54%) who were adults when the recession began endured some sort of negative financial impact during that time.

More than 70% of those who had invested in the stock market saw their investments lose money while just under half of homeowners during the recession said their home lost value. A quarter completely spent their emergency savings, while a fifth took on “substantial” debt. More than 20% of those who had a partner who was working said either their partner or themselves lost their job.

What was Obama doing? He was fighting with Republican obstructionists. I can't believe the American people rewarded those obstructionists by staying home in 2010. Notice I didn't say they came and voted for Republicans? They didn't. They just got frustrated and stayed home. So Republicans obstruction paid off. They played politics with the recovery. So everyone still struggling can thank Repugs.

The people who are worse off now than before the Recession are the ones who were ignored by Barry! They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector. They were the people that were forced to burn through their lives savings while they waited for The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight (ie the Obama White House) to stop passing things like the ACA (which was a jobs killer) and trying to pass things like Cap & Trade legislation (which would have been another jobs killer!) They suffered while you progressives ignored them and pushed your liberal agenda!
"They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector."

You never stop lying, do you, ya lying con tool?

In reality, Obama is the only president on record to see public sector jobs decrease on his watch...

Truman ............. 609,000
Eisenhower ....... 1,770,000
Kennedy ............ 920,000
Johnson .......... 2,725,000
Nixon ............ 2,119,000
Ford ............... 728,000
Carter ........... 1,304,000
Reagan ........... 1,414,000
GHWBush .......... 1,127,000
Clinton .......... 1,934,000
Bush ............. 1,744,000
Obama ............. -269,000
Trump .............. 190,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Government Jobs

And Bush, along with Herbert Hoover, are the only presidents to see private sector jobs decrease on their watch. (you voted for Bush, didn'tcha?)

Jan/2001: 111,877,000
Jan/2009: 111,495,000

Bush: -382,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2001-2009)

Whereas private sector Jobs were way up under Obama...

With Bush's Great Recession ............................ 11,890,000
Since 2010 when jobs started coming back ... 16,063,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2009-2017)

Way to use statistics to paint a picture that didn't exist, Faun! "Public Sector jobs"? Now what would constitute a Public Sector job? That would be Federal, State and Local government jobs...correct? Did Federal jobs decrease under Obama? The answer to that would be NO...they did not! Despite a recession that saw millions of Americans laid off for years...Federal employees didn't get canned. The number of Federal employees actually increased! So who DID get laid off from government jobs and why did that take place? The answer to that is that State and local government workers got laid off! Why? Because unlike the Federal Government...State and local governments just can't print money to pay their employees! They have to balance budgets. So take your accusation of me "lying" and shove it up your ass! You're the biggest bullshit artist on this board! You don't use statistics to tell the use them to HIDE it!
Poor, lying con tool. I'm going by what you said ... private versus public jobs. Public jobs decreased under Obama; and only under Obama. The private sector did great under him, adding 16 million jobs once jobs returned after Bush's Great Recession.


As far as federal jobs, only 24,000 were added under Obama in 8 years.

Trump's already add nearly half that in just 2½ years, not a word from you.

33,000 added under Bush in 8 years, nearly all added during his recession. Not a word from you.

You single out the Democrat because you're a lying con tool.

Do you remember last months numbers were bad and they would have been even worse if it weren't for the big increase in government/military spending? Republicans are such fucking hypocrites.

Trump delivered a stimulus-fueled 2.9% GDP, but not the transformation he promised

U.S. economic growth slowed less than expected in the second quarter as a surge in consumer spending blunted some of the drag from declining exports and a smaller inventory build, which could further allay concerns about the economy’s health.

Business investment contracted for the first time in more than three years and housing declined for a sixth straight quarter.

Gross domestic product increased at a 2.1% annualized rate in the second quarter

President Donald Trump, whose administration has sought to boost the economy through a cocktail of massive tax cuts, government spending and deregulation, downplayed the slowdown in growth and blamed the Fed for the loss of momentum.

Growth in government investment accelerated, notching its best performance in 10 years, but spending on homebuilding contracted for a sixth straight quarter, the longest such stretch since the Great Recession.
Well, just so you know, when rich people fully recovered from the Bush Great Recession and were actually BENIFITTING from it, blue collar were still struggling.

In fact they still are. Trump has not made America great again.

A Quarter Of Americans Are 'Worse' Now Than Before The Great Recession

The 10-year anniversary of the end of the Great Recession is approaching. A decade after the housing bust, the economy is robust and the unemployment rateis at a 49-year-low. But not all Americans have recovered.

According to a new survey from Bankrate, 23% of Americans who were adults when the recession started in December 2007 say they are now financially worse off than they were before the recession hit. That’s just under 50 million Americans. Another 25% say they are doing the “same.” In all, just over half believe their “overall finances” are better than before.

“Americans were and continue to be in a degree of denial of the financial crisis and Great Recession,” said Mark Hamrick, Bankrate’s senior economic analyst. “One of the constant themes that presents itself in the data is that Americans are still digging out in many ways from that experience.”

“While some have managed to prosper in the decade since, there are still tens of millions who are struggling to even get back to where they were before the economy took a turn for the worse.”

The study notes that over half of all Americans (54%) who were adults when the recession began endured some sort of negative financial impact during that time.

More than 70% of those who had invested in the stock market saw their investments lose money while just under half of homeowners during the recession said their home lost value. A quarter completely spent their emergency savings, while a fifth took on “substantial” debt. More than 20% of those who had a partner who was working said either their partner or themselves lost their job.

What was Obama doing? He was fighting with Republican obstructionists. I can't believe the American people rewarded those obstructionists by staying home in 2010. Notice I didn't say they came and voted for Republicans? They didn't. They just got frustrated and stayed home. So Republicans obstruction paid off. They played politics with the recovery. So everyone still struggling can thank Repugs.

The people who are worse off now than before the Recession are the ones who were ignored by Barry! They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector. They were the people that were forced to burn through their lives savings while they waited for The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight (ie the Obama White House) to stop passing things like the ACA (which was a jobs killer) and trying to pass things like Cap & Trade legislation (which would have been another jobs killer!) They suffered while you progressives ignored them and pushed your liberal agenda!
"They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector."

You never stop lying, do you, ya lying con tool?

In reality, Obama is the only president on record to see public sector jobs decrease on his watch...

Truman ............. 609,000
Eisenhower ....... 1,770,000
Kennedy ............ 920,000
Johnson .......... 2,725,000
Nixon ............ 2,119,000
Ford ............... 728,000
Carter ........... 1,304,000
Reagan ........... 1,414,000
GHWBush .......... 1,127,000
Clinton .......... 1,934,000
Bush ............. 1,744,000
Obama ............. -269,000
Trump .............. 190,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Government Jobs

And Bush, along with Herbert Hoover, are the only presidents to see private sector jobs decrease on their watch. (you voted for Bush, didn'tcha?)

Jan/2001: 111,877,000
Jan/2009: 111,495,000

Bush: -382,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2001-2009)

Whereas private sector Jobs were way up under Obama...

With Bush's Great Recession ............................ 11,890,000
Since 2010 when jobs started coming back ... 16,063,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2009-2017)

Way to use statistics to paint a picture that didn't exist, Faun! "Public Sector jobs"? Now what would constitute a Public Sector job? That would be Federal, State and Local government jobs...correct? Did Federal jobs decrease under Obama? The answer to that would be NO...they did not! Despite a recession that saw millions of Americans laid off for years...Federal employees didn't get canned. The number of Federal employees actually increased! So who DID get laid off from government jobs and why did that take place? The answer to that is that State and local government workers got laid off! Why? Because unlike the Federal Government...State and local governments just can't print money to pay their employees! They have to balance budgets. So take your accusation of me "lying" and shove it up your ass! You're the biggest bullshit artist on this board! You don't use statistics to tell the use them to HIDE it!
Poor, lying con tool. I'm going by what you said ... private versus public jobs. Public jobs decreased under Obama; and only under Obama. The private sector did great under him, adding 16 million jobs once jobs returned after Bush's Great Recession.


As far as federal jobs, only 24,000 were added under Obama in 8 years.

Trump's already add nearly half that in just 2½ years, not a word from you.

33,000 added under Bush in 8 years, nearly all added during his recession. Not a word from you.

You single out the Democrat because you're a lying con tool.

Do you remember last months numbers were bad and they would have been even worse if it weren't for the big increase in government/military spending? Republicans are such fucking hypocrites.

Trump delivered a stimulus-fueled 2.9% GDP, but not the transformation he promised

U.S. economic growth slowed less than expected in the second quarter as a surge in consumer spending blunted some of the drag from declining exports and a smaller inventory build, which could further allay concerns about the economy’s health.

Business investment contracted for the first time in more than three years and housing declined for a sixth straight quarter.

Gross domestic product increased at a 2.1% annualized rate in the second quarter

President Donald Trump, whose administration has sought to boost the economy through a cocktail of massive tax cuts, government spending and deregulation, downplayed the slowdown in growth and blamed the Fed for the loss of momentum.

Growth in government investment accelerated, notching its best performance in 10 years, but spending on homebuilding contracted for a sixth straight quarter, the longest such stretch since the Great Recession.
I just remember the days when you folks were doing cartwheels to 1.3% seasonally adjusted growth, only 200,000 jobs lost, and 8% unemployment.
SO please......cut the bullshit
The people who are worse off now than before the Recession are the ones who were ignored by Barry! They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector. They were the people that were forced to burn through their lives savings while they waited for The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight (ie the Obama White House) to stop passing things like the ACA (which was a jobs killer) and trying to pass things like Cap & Trade legislation (which would have been another jobs killer!) They suffered while you progressives ignored them and pushed your liberal agenda!
"They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector."

You never stop lying, do you, ya lying con tool?

In reality, Obama is the only president on record to see public sector jobs decrease on his watch...

Truman ............. 609,000
Eisenhower ....... 1,770,000
Kennedy ............ 920,000
Johnson .......... 2,725,000
Nixon ............ 2,119,000
Ford ............... 728,000
Carter ........... 1,304,000
Reagan ........... 1,414,000
GHWBush .......... 1,127,000
Clinton .......... 1,934,000
Bush ............. 1,744,000
Obama ............. -269,000
Trump .............. 190,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Government Jobs

And Bush, along with Herbert Hoover, are the only presidents to see private sector jobs decrease on their watch. (you voted for Bush, didn'tcha?)

Jan/2001: 111,877,000
Jan/2009: 111,495,000

Bush: -382,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2001-2009)

Whereas private sector Jobs were way up under Obama...

With Bush's Great Recession ............................ 11,890,000
Since 2010 when jobs started coming back ... 16,063,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2009-2017)

Way to use statistics to paint a picture that didn't exist, Faun! "Public Sector jobs"? Now what would constitute a Public Sector job? That would be Federal, State and Local government jobs...correct? Did Federal jobs decrease under Obama? The answer to that would be NO...they did not! Despite a recession that saw millions of Americans laid off for years...Federal employees didn't get canned. The number of Federal employees actually increased! So who DID get laid off from government jobs and why did that take place? The answer to that is that State and local government workers got laid off! Why? Because unlike the Federal Government...State and local governments just can't print money to pay their employees! They have to balance budgets. So take your accusation of me "lying" and shove it up your ass! You're the biggest bullshit artist on this board! You don't use statistics to tell the use them to HIDE it!
Poor, lying con tool. I'm going by what you said ... private versus public jobs. Public jobs decreased under Obama; and only under Obama. The private sector did great under him, adding 16 million jobs once jobs returned after Bush's Great Recession.


As far as federal jobs, only 24,000 were added under Obama in 8 years.

Trump's already add nearly half that in just 2½ years, not a word from you.

33,000 added under Bush in 8 years, nearly all added during his recession. Not a word from you.

You single out the Democrat because you're a lying con tool.

Do you remember last months numbers were bad and they would have been even worse if it weren't for the big increase in government/military spending? Republicans are such fucking hypocrites.

Trump delivered a stimulus-fueled 2.9% GDP, but not the transformation he promised

U.S. economic growth slowed less than expected in the second quarter as a surge in consumer spending blunted some of the drag from declining exports and a smaller inventory build, which could further allay concerns about the economy’s health.

Business investment contracted for the first time in more than three years and housing declined for a sixth straight quarter.

Gross domestic product increased at a 2.1% annualized rate in the second quarter

President Donald Trump, whose administration has sought to boost the economy through a cocktail of massive tax cuts, government spending and deregulation, downplayed the slowdown in growth and blamed the Fed for the loss of momentum.

Growth in government investment accelerated, notching its best performance in 10 years, but spending on homebuilding contracted for a sixth straight quarter, the longest such stretch since the Great Recession.
I just remember the days when you folks were doing cartwheels to 1.3% seasonally adjusted growth, only 200,000 jobs lost, and 8% unemployment.
SO please......cut the bullshit
Hey, after suffering -8.4% GDP, 8% unemployment and 700,000 jobs lost, that didn't hurt as much.
Of course Bush the sitting president at the time will of said that....he was trying to instill confidence.....
Now lets get your real you think we are just around the corner from a recession?.....if the answer is no then what the hell are you doing?...trying to stoke fear?.....that's pitiful dude....

Not sure how you define "just around the corner" but we will have a downturn soon, whether it is a full-fledged recession or not remains to be seen. I think it will be due to all of the other factors. Our system was designed to 'fail" on regular intervals as a means of control, and we just set the record for the longest period of economic will not last that much longer.

You are wishing and hoping for a recession that will not happen in our current economic state....we are leading the world once again....that is called making America great again...enjoy it...go buy a new car...take a trip...stop wishing for economic pain that will not come before 2020....
Didn't you guys say that in 2007?

And this "you are wishing" bullshit is getting old. Faun gave you facts and this is what you come back with? Lame.
The people who are worse off now than before the Recession are the ones who were ignored by Barry! They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector. They were the people that were forced to burn through their lives savings while they waited for The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight (ie the Obama White House) to stop passing things like the ACA (which was a jobs killer) and trying to pass things like Cap & Trade legislation (which would have been another jobs killer!) They suffered while you progressives ignored them and pushed your liberal agenda!
"They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector."

You never stop lying, do you, ya lying con tool?

In reality, Obama is the only president on record to see public sector jobs decrease on his watch...

Truman ............. 609,000
Eisenhower ....... 1,770,000
Kennedy ............ 920,000
Johnson .......... 2,725,000
Nixon ............ 2,119,000
Ford ............... 728,000
Carter ........... 1,304,000
Reagan ........... 1,414,000
GHWBush .......... 1,127,000
Clinton .......... 1,934,000
Bush ............. 1,744,000
Obama ............. -269,000
Trump .............. 190,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Government Jobs

And Bush, along with Herbert Hoover, are the only presidents to see private sector jobs decrease on their watch. (you voted for Bush, didn'tcha?)

Jan/2001: 111,877,000
Jan/2009: 111,495,000

Bush: -382,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2001-2009)

Whereas private sector Jobs were way up under Obama...

With Bush's Great Recession ............................ 11,890,000
Since 2010 when jobs started coming back ... 16,063,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2009-2017)

Way to use statistics to paint a picture that didn't exist, Faun! "Public Sector jobs"? Now what would constitute a Public Sector job? That would be Federal, State and Local government jobs...correct? Did Federal jobs decrease under Obama? The answer to that would be NO...they did not! Despite a recession that saw millions of Americans laid off for years...Federal employees didn't get canned. The number of Federal employees actually increased! So who DID get laid off from government jobs and why did that take place? The answer to that is that State and local government workers got laid off! Why? Because unlike the Federal Government...State and local governments just can't print money to pay their employees! They have to balance budgets. So take your accusation of me "lying" and shove it up your ass! You're the biggest bullshit artist on this board! You don't use statistics to tell the use them to HIDE it!
Poor, lying con tool. I'm going by what you said ... private versus public jobs. Public jobs decreased under Obama; and only under Obama. The private sector did great under him, adding 16 million jobs once jobs returned after Bush's Great Recession.


As far as federal jobs, only 24,000 were added under Obama in 8 years.

Trump's already add nearly half that in just 2½ years, not a word from you.

33,000 added under Bush in 8 years, nearly all added during his recession. Not a word from you.

You single out the Democrat because you're a lying con tool.

Do you remember last months numbers were bad and they would have been even worse if it weren't for the big increase in government/military spending? Republicans are such fucking hypocrites.

Trump delivered a stimulus-fueled 2.9% GDP, but not the transformation he promised

U.S. economic growth slowed less than expected in the second quarter as a surge in consumer spending blunted some of the drag from declining exports and a smaller inventory build, which could further allay concerns about the economy’s health.

Business investment contracted for the first time in more than three years and housing declined for a sixth straight quarter.

Gross domestic product increased at a 2.1% annualized rate in the second quarter

President Donald Trump, whose administration has sought to boost the economy through a cocktail of massive tax cuts, government spending and deregulation, downplayed the slowdown in growth and blamed the Fed for the loss of momentum.

Growth in government investment accelerated, notching its best performance in 10 years, but spending on homebuilding contracted for a sixth straight quarter, the longest such stretch since the Great Recession.
I just remember the days when you folks were doing cartwheels to 1.3% seasonally adjusted growth, only 200,000 jobs lost, and 8% unemployment.
SO please......cut the bullshit

When was that? The months after coming out of the Bush Great Recession?

No my friend, we did cartwheels over 80 straight months of job growth. Trump said Obama's numbers weren't good enough but after Trumps MASSIVE tax giveaways his economy is hardly any different than Obama's. Unless you are rich of course then you love Trump.

The hypocrisy of Trump’s State of the Union jobs claims, in one chart

How real is Trump's jobs 'miracle'?
"They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector."

You never stop lying, do you, ya lying con tool?

In reality, Obama is the only president on record to see public sector jobs decrease on his watch...

Truman ............. 609,000
Eisenhower ....... 1,770,000
Kennedy ............ 920,000
Johnson .......... 2,725,000
Nixon ............ 2,119,000
Ford ............... 728,000
Carter ........... 1,304,000
Reagan ........... 1,414,000
GHWBush .......... 1,127,000
Clinton .......... 1,934,000
Bush ............. 1,744,000
Obama ............. -269,000
Trump .............. 190,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Government Jobs

And Bush, along with Herbert Hoover, are the only presidents to see private sector jobs decrease on their watch. (you voted for Bush, didn'tcha?)

Jan/2001: 111,877,000
Jan/2009: 111,495,000

Bush: -382,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2001-2009)

Whereas private sector Jobs were way up under Obama...

With Bush's Great Recession ............................ 11,890,000
Since 2010 when jobs started coming back ... 16,063,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2009-2017)

Way to use statistics to paint a picture that didn't exist, Faun! "Public Sector jobs"? Now what would constitute a Public Sector job? That would be Federal, State and Local government jobs...correct? Did Federal jobs decrease under Obama? The answer to that would be NO...they did not! Despite a recession that saw millions of Americans laid off for years...Federal employees didn't get canned. The number of Federal employees actually increased! So who DID get laid off from government jobs and why did that take place? The answer to that is that State and local government workers got laid off! Why? Because unlike the Federal Government...State and local governments just can't print money to pay their employees! They have to balance budgets. So take your accusation of me "lying" and shove it up your ass! You're the biggest bullshit artist on this board! You don't use statistics to tell the use them to HIDE it!
Poor, lying con tool. I'm going by what you said ... private versus public jobs. Public jobs decreased under Obama; and only under Obama. The private sector did great under him, adding 16 million jobs once jobs returned after Bush's Great Recession.


As far as federal jobs, only 24,000 were added under Obama in 8 years.

Trump's already add nearly half that in just 2½ years, not a word from you.

33,000 added under Bush in 8 years, nearly all added during his recession. Not a word from you.

You single out the Democrat because you're a lying con tool.

Do you remember last months numbers were bad and they would have been even worse if it weren't for the big increase in government/military spending? Republicans are such fucking hypocrites.

Trump delivered a stimulus-fueled 2.9% GDP, but not the transformation he promised

U.S. economic growth slowed less than expected in the second quarter as a surge in consumer spending blunted some of the drag from declining exports and a smaller inventory build, which could further allay concerns about the economy’s health.

Business investment contracted for the first time in more than three years and housing declined for a sixth straight quarter.

Gross domestic product increased at a 2.1% annualized rate in the second quarter

President Donald Trump, whose administration has sought to boost the economy through a cocktail of massive tax cuts, government spending and deregulation, downplayed the slowdown in growth and blamed the Fed for the loss of momentum.

Growth in government investment accelerated, notching its best performance in 10 years, but spending on homebuilding contracted for a sixth straight quarter, the longest such stretch since the Great Recession.
I just remember the days when you folks were doing cartwheels to 1.3% seasonally adjusted growth, only 200,000 jobs lost, and 8% unemployment.
SO please......cut the bullshit
Hey, after suffering -8.4% GDP, 8% unemployment and 700,000 jobs lost, that didn't hurt as much.

In First 45 Months In Office, Obama Created 750,000 Private Sector Jobs, Bush Lost More Than One Million

In First 45 Months In Office, Obama Created 750,000 Private Sector Jobs, Bush Lost More Than One Million

Today’s report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that the economy added 171,000 jobs last month, beating analysts’ expectations. The private sector added 184,000 jobs (offset by some public sector losses), making this the 32nd consecutive month that the private sector has grown.

Overall, even accounting for the horrific month for jobs that was January 2009, the private sector has added 759,000 jobs overall under Obama. At this same point in the George W. Bush administration — October 2004 — the private sector had lost more than 1 million jobs. This chart shows the difference:
The people who are worse off now than before the Recession are the ones who were ignored by Barry! They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector. They were the people that were forced to burn through their lives savings while they waited for The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight (ie the Obama White House) to stop passing things like the ACA (which was a jobs killer) and trying to pass things like Cap & Trade legislation (which would have been another jobs killer!) They suffered while you progressives ignored them and pushed your liberal agenda!
"They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector."

You never stop lying, do you, ya lying con tool?

In reality, Obama is the only president on record to see public sector jobs decrease on his watch...

Truman ............. 609,000
Eisenhower ....... 1,770,000
Kennedy ............ 920,000
Johnson .......... 2,725,000
Nixon ............ 2,119,000
Ford ............... 728,000
Carter ........... 1,304,000
Reagan ........... 1,414,000
GHWBush .......... 1,127,000
Clinton .......... 1,934,000
Bush ............. 1,744,000
Obama ............. -269,000
Trump .............. 190,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Government Jobs

And Bush, along with Herbert Hoover, are the only presidents to see private sector jobs decrease on their watch. (you voted for Bush, didn'tcha?)

Jan/2001: 111,877,000
Jan/2009: 111,495,000

Bush: -382,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2001-2009)

Whereas private sector Jobs were way up under Obama...

With Bush's Great Recession ............................ 11,890,000
Since 2010 when jobs started coming back ... 16,063,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2009-2017)

Way to use statistics to paint a picture that didn't exist, Faun! "Public Sector jobs"? Now what would constitute a Public Sector job? That would be Federal, State and Local government jobs...correct? Did Federal jobs decrease under Obama? The answer to that would be NO...they did not! Despite a recession that saw millions of Americans laid off for years...Federal employees didn't get canned. The number of Federal employees actually increased! So who DID get laid off from government jobs and why did that take place? The answer to that is that State and local government workers got laid off! Why? Because unlike the Federal Government...State and local governments just can't print money to pay their employees! They have to balance budgets. So take your accusation of me "lying" and shove it up your ass! You're the biggest bullshit artist on this board! You don't use statistics to tell the use them to HIDE it!
Poor, lying con tool. I'm going by what you said ... private versus public jobs. Public jobs decreased under Obama; and only under Obama. The private sector did great under him, adding 16 million jobs once jobs returned after Bush's Great Recession.


As far as federal jobs, only 24,000 were added under Obama in 8 years.

Trump's already add nearly half that in just 2½ years, not a word from you.

33,000 added under Bush in 8 years, nearly all added during his recession. Not a word from you.

You single out the Democrat because you're a lying con tool.

Do you remember last months numbers were bad and they would have been even worse if it weren't for the big increase in government/military spending? Republicans are such fucking hypocrites.

Trump delivered a stimulus-fueled 2.9% GDP, but not the transformation he promised

U.S. economic growth slowed less than expected in the second quarter as a surge in consumer spending blunted some of the drag from declining exports and a smaller inventory build, which could further allay concerns about the economy’s health.

Business investment contracted for the first time in more than three years and housing declined for a sixth straight quarter.

Gross domestic product increased at a 2.1% annualized rate in the second quarter

President Donald Trump, whose administration has sought to boost the economy through a cocktail of massive tax cuts, government spending and deregulation, downplayed the slowdown in growth and blamed the Fed for the loss of momentum.

Growth in government investment accelerated, notching its best performance in 10 years, but spending on homebuilding contracted for a sixth straight quarter, the longest such stretch since the Great Recession.
I just remember the days when you folks were doing cartwheels to 1.3% seasonally adjusted growth, only 200,000 jobs lost, and 8% unemployment.
SO please......cut the bullshit

Trump and GOP promised economic growth much better than Obama’s. That’s not what happened

Throughout the 2016 campaign and since, the president and his party have vowed to kick-start tepid Obama-era economic growth. Specifically, they insisted tax cuts and deregulation would return growth to its post-World War II average of 3 percent — a level, candidate Trump said derisively, that President Barack Obama became “the first president in modern history” never to reach in a single year.

New government data on Thursday morning show that Trump, too, has failed to reach the 3 percent promised land, according to one major metric. The Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis measured 2018 growth at 2.9 percent, matching the peak Obama enjoyed in 2015.
You don't know how our system works...I can tell you don't because its not a system you idiot....

We do not have an economic system? Damn dude, that is a new level of stupidity even for you. Do you think everything just happens by accident?

You and CNN are the only ones saying that....economic experts are laughing at the thought that we are "prime for a fall"...what a buffoon....turn off CNN....

I will take your word for it about CNN, I never watch it. But you are wrong, most economist are saying it. The problem is you think that Trump is a god so you will believe whatever he tells you.

So you are doing fine but still not happy with the current you know what that is called?.....TDS.....

I know, I have this weird thing called compassion and empathy and I care about more than just myself. I do not expect someone like you to understand these feelings, clearly such feelings have never entered into that tiny little mind of yours.
You don't know how our system works...I can tell you don't because its not a system you idiot....

We do not have an economic system? Damn dude, that is a new level of stupidity even for you. Do you think everything just happens by accident?

You and CNN are the only ones saying that....economic experts are laughing at the thought that we are "prime for a fall"...what a buffoon....turn off CNN....

I will take your word for it about CNN, I never watch it. But you are wrong, most economist are saying it. The problem is you think that Trump is a god so you will believe whatever he tells you.

So you are doing fine but still not happy with the current you know what that is called?.....TDS.....

I know, I have this weird thing called compassion and empathy and I care about more than just myself. I do not expect someone like you to understand these feelings, clearly such feelings have never entered into that tiny little mind of yours.

You sure aren't going to hear about it on Fox same as they didn't tell us the truth about the Bush Great Recession coming in 2007

You got stories like this

Liz Peek: The economic sky isn’t falling – here’s what you need to know about scary ups and downs

Art Laffer says he's not concerned about a recession following Dow's massive plunge

Martha MacCallum Falsely Says CNN, MSNBC 'Giddy' Over Recession

We see where you get your talking points
DJIA up another 280 points and still climbing.
NASDAQ up 132 and climbing
S&P up 41 and climbing

DemTards dreams of a recession fading fast.
DJIA up another 280 points and still climbing.
NASDAQ up 132 and climbing
S&P up 41 and climbing

DemTards dreams of a recession fading fast.

And even with this climb the DJI is still below where it was the day Trump started his 2nd year in office and launched his trade war. 570 days gone by and the DJI is below where it was.
I know, I have this weird thing called compassion and empathy and I care about more than just myself. I do not expect someone like you to understand these feelings, clearly such feelings have never entered into that tiny little mind of yours.
I care about everyone...I prioritize...I care about Americans and the USA first...then I care about the rest of the world....
DJIA up another 280 points and still climbing.
NASDAQ up 132 and climbing
S&P up 41 and climbing

DemTards dreams of a recession fading fast.

And even with this climb the DJI is still below where it was the day Trump started his 2nd year in office and launched his trade war. 570 days gone by and the DJI is below where it was.
Aww...stop fapping to pics of Obama and Clinton and hoping for a recession.

Bob Mueller isn't going to save you and neither will The Stock Market.

DJ is up 300. Probably end the Day up 500-700

I bet you put all of your money in paper straws.

Am I right?

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