The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal. The economy is showing signs of turning ...

the stock market hovers in 26000 to 27000 range !!! though an 800 point loss in one day is not good today its up again !! we are not going into a recession !
China's response to the US trade 'effort' was to further devalue the Yuan. Their intention is to push us into a recession.

Xi Jinping alluded to a "New Long March" during a speech in May. The double meaning was in essence preparing the Chinese people for an impending recession.

Xi Jinping says China is embarking on a 'new Long March,' signaling no end to trade war soon

If the economy does go into recession...does not bode well for Trump

Trump has been calling for and probably receiving quantitative easing via the Fed...for some months now.

Trump Calls for New Quantitative Easing to Prop Up U.S. Economy
If we go into recession we are in big trouble. We are already spending like we are in a recession. Interest rates are very low. We already did a huge tax handout. Not any options to get out.
Bidens buddy the Chi coms are trying to hold out until 20/20 in the hopes that a democrat communist will get elected and they can keep screwing Americans !!! just the possibility however slight that a scum of the earth dem gets elected hurts this country !! unfortunately for you and your idiot libb traitors we are going to be signing a new trade agreement with the UK soon !
China's response to the US trade 'effort' was to further devalue the Yuan. Their intention is to push us into a recession.

Xi Jinping alluded to a "New Long March" during a speech in May. The double meaning was in essence preparing the Chinese people for an impending recession.

Xi Jinping says China is embarking on a 'new Long March,' signaling no end to trade war soon

If the economy does go into recession...does not bode well for Trump

Trump has been calling for and probably receiving quantitative easing via the Fed...for some months now.

Trump Calls for New Quantitative Easing to Prop Up U.S. Economy
If we go into recession we are in big trouble. We are already spending like we are in a recession. Interest rates are very low. We already did a huge tax handout. Not any options to get out.
Bidens buddy the Chi coms are trying to hold out until 20/20 in the hopes that a democrat communist will get elected and they can keep screwing Americans !!! just the possibility however slight that a scum of the earth dem gets elected hurts this country !! unfortunately for you and your idiot libb traitors we are going to be signing a new trade agreement with the UK soon !

the stock market hovers in 26000 to 27000 range !!! though an 800 point loss in one day is not good today its up again !! we are not going into a recession !
Democrats know that Trump's ace pitcher is the economy, and they are befuddled on what to do about it. Expect lots of anti-Trump economy talk, but none of it will matter when the economy is still strong a year from now, and we'll come back and revisit this thread then. :biggrin:
It's my profession. I can't make stupid, ignorant predictions like you nutters can.

Yep, so what the heck, you make different stupid, ignorant predictions...good job.
I did? Where?

Yep, don't have to be on this site very long to figure out who are the biggest cheerleaders for every wacko liberal idea possible. And then it's always "I didn't say that".
Yeah, I suspected you wouldn't be able to back up your words.

I'm shocked. Just shocked.

Show me the quotes, or you're just another coward & liar.
Maybe Bush was just listening to Barney the fag, who said this...

The DOW lost 800........BREAK OUT THE CHAMPAGNE!!!!

Horseshit, no one is getting pleasure out of Trump fucking up this country.
It's not Trump doing it.

It's the FED...the Dummycraps......and the media...talking down the economy EXACTLY LIKE THEY DID WHILE BUSH WAS IN OFFICE. I PREDICTED THIS SHIT AS SOON AS TRUMP WON ON ELECTION NIGHT!

Everyone BUT Trump’s fault! Democrats caused the trade wars! :rolleyes:

Good job tool.
Well, in a way, yes....but they got alot of help from Republicans.
The reason Trump is fighting a trade war is because our rat bastard politicians have been selling us out to the Russians and the Chicoms for decades, and he's trying to reverse the damage they've been intentionally doing to us. Sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet.

Well maybe he should try BETTER. Crazy thought.

Instead of tag-teaming China on their shit, he started world wide trade wars that are disrupting bussiness and pissed off just about all our allies and trading partners.

The slogan is America First, but more and more it's getting to be America Alone.
Well, we are the richest nation in the world....and all of those countries are trying to fleece us of our sorry to see you side with those who are screwing us over.

What you're seeing is a fight between a free nation and a globalism. The fight between freedom and world domination by socialists who need our money to survive. It's as simple as that.
It's my profession. I can't make stupid, ignorant predictions like you nutters can.

Yep, so what the heck, you make different stupid, ignorant predictions...good job.
I did? Where?

Yep, don't have to be on this site very long to figure out who are the biggest cheerleaders for every wacko liberal idea possible. And then it's always "I didn't say that".
Yeah, I suspected you wouldn't be able to back up your words.

I'm shocked. Just shocked.

Show me the quotes, or you're just another coward & liar.

You're shocked!? Yea, shock me and say you've never heard that before, dumbass.
Perhaps we can get back to the point.

Although I had not posted to you, you jumped in and said, "you make different stupid, ignorant predictions...good job."

I'm waiting for examples. Can you do that, slugger?
The recovery is long in the tooth. Household debt is getting up there. Corporate debt is high and it's slowing capital spending. Global growth is slow. The trade mess hasn't helped.

It's always a combination of things. It could turn back up. Right now we don't know.
Are you saying we're still in a recovery ?
WTF was Obama doing for 8 years?????

Well, just so you know, when rich people fully recovered from the Bush Great Recession and were actually BENIFITTING from it, blue collar were still struggling.

In fact they still are. Trump has not made America great again.

A Quarter Of Americans Are 'Worse' Now Than Before The Great Recession

The 10-year anniversary of the end of the Great Recession is approaching. A decade after the housing bust, the economy is robust and the unemployment rateis at a 49-year-low. But not all Americans have recovered.

According to a new survey from Bankrate, 23% of Americans who were adults when the recession started in December 2007 say they are now financially worse off than they were before the recession hit. That’s just under 50 million Americans. Another 25% say they are doing the “same.” In all, just over half believe their “overall finances” are better than before.

“Americans were and continue to be in a degree of denial of the financial crisis and Great Recession,” said Mark Hamrick, Bankrate’s senior economic analyst. “One of the constant themes that presents itself in the data is that Americans are still digging out in many ways from that experience.”

“While some have managed to prosper in the decade since, there are still tens of millions who are struggling to even get back to where they were before the economy took a turn for the worse.”

The study notes that over half of all Americans (54%) who were adults when the recession began endured some sort of negative financial impact during that time.

More than 70% of those who had invested in the stock market saw their investments lose money while just under half of homeowners during the recession said their home lost value. A quarter completely spent their emergency savings, while a fifth took on “substantial” debt. More than 20% of those who had a partner who was working said either their partner or themselves lost their job.

What was Obama doing? He was fighting with Republican obstructionists. I can't believe the American people rewarded those obstructionists by staying home in 2010. Notice I didn't say they came and voted for Republicans? They didn't. They just got frustrated and stayed home. So Republicans obstruction paid off. They played politics with the recovery. So everyone still struggling can thank Repugs.

The people who are worse off now than before the Recession are the ones who were ignored by Barry! They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector. They were the people that were forced to burn through their lives savings while they waited for The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight (ie the Obama White House) to stop passing things like the ACA (which was a jobs killer) and trying to pass things like Cap & Trade legislation (which would have been another jobs killer!) They suffered while you progressives ignored them and pushed your liberal agenda!
"They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector."

You never stop lying, do you, ya lying con tool?

In reality, Obama is the only president on record to see public sector jobs decrease on his watch...

Truman ............. 609,000
Eisenhower ....... 1,770,000
Kennedy ............ 920,000
Johnson .......... 2,725,000
Nixon ............ 2,119,000
Ford ............... 728,000
Carter ........... 1,304,000
Reagan ........... 1,414,000
GHWBush .......... 1,127,000
Clinton .......... 1,934,000
Bush ............. 1,744,000
Obama ............. -269,000
Trump .............. 190,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Government Jobs

And Bush, along with Herbert Hoover, are the only presidents to see private sector jobs decrease on their watch. (you voted for Bush, didn'tcha?)

Jan/2001: 111,877,000
Jan/2009: 111,495,000

Bush: -382,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2001-2009)

Whereas private sector Jobs were way up under Obama...

With Bush's Great Recession ............................ 11,890,000
Since 2010 when jobs started coming back ... 16,063,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2009-2017)

Way to use statistics to paint a picture that didn't exist, Faun! "Public Sector jobs"? Now what would constitute a Public Sector job? That would be Federal, State and Local government jobs...correct? Did Federal jobs decrease under Obama? The answer to that would be NO...they did not! Despite a recession that saw millions of Americans laid off for years...Federal employees didn't get canned. The number of Federal employees actually increased! So who DID get laid off from government jobs and why did that take place? The answer to that is that State and local government workers got laid off! Why? Because unlike the Federal Government...State and local governments just can't print money to pay their employees! They have to balance budgets. So take your accusation of me "lying" and shove it up your ass! You're the biggest bullshit artist on this board! You don't use statistics to tell the use them to HIDE it!

Obama got rid of jobs in the Defense Department. There was a hiring freeze for years.

Then he gutted the military. They called it Sequestration.

Then he started hiring only minorities and non-citizens. He replaced thousands of retiring white Americans with blacks and foreign non-citizens. Our supply department here at Ft Campbell only has one white employee now. The PX hired blacks and a few German immigrants. No white Americans.
The recovery is long in the tooth. Household debt is getting up there. Corporate debt is high and it's slowing capital spending. Global growth is slow. The trade mess hasn't helped.

It's always a combination of things. It could turn back up. Right now we don't know.
Are you saying we're still in a recovery ?
WTF was Obama doing for 8 years?????

Well, just so you know, when rich people fully recovered from the Bush Great Recession and were actually BENIFITTING from it, blue collar were still struggling.

In fact they still are. Trump has not made America great again.

A Quarter Of Americans Are 'Worse' Now Than Before The Great Recession

The 10-year anniversary of the end of the Great Recession is approaching. A decade after the housing bust, the economy is robust and the unemployment rateis at a 49-year-low. But not all Americans have recovered.

According to a new survey from Bankrate, 23% of Americans who were adults when the recession started in December 2007 say they are now financially worse off than they were before the recession hit. That’s just under 50 million Americans. Another 25% say they are doing the “same.” In all, just over half believe their “overall finances” are better than before.

“Americans were and continue to be in a degree of denial of the financial crisis and Great Recession,” said Mark Hamrick, Bankrate’s senior economic analyst. “One of the constant themes that presents itself in the data is that Americans are still digging out in many ways from that experience.”

“While some have managed to prosper in the decade since, there are still tens of millions who are struggling to even get back to where they were before the economy took a turn for the worse.”

The study notes that over half of all Americans (54%) who were adults when the recession began endured some sort of negative financial impact during that time.

More than 70% of those who had invested in the stock market saw their investments lose money while just under half of homeowners during the recession said their home lost value. A quarter completely spent their emergency savings, while a fifth took on “substantial” debt. More than 20% of those who had a partner who was working said either their partner or themselves lost their job.

What was Obama doing? He was fighting with Republican obstructionists. I can't believe the American people rewarded those obstructionists by staying home in 2010. Notice I didn't say they came and voted for Republicans? They didn't. They just got frustrated and stayed home. So Republicans obstruction paid off. They played politics with the recovery. So everyone still struggling can thank Repugs.

The people who are worse off now than before the Recession are the ones who were ignored by Barry! They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector. They were the people that were forced to burn through their lives savings while they waited for The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight (ie the Obama White House) to stop passing things like the ACA (which was a jobs killer) and trying to pass things like Cap & Trade legislation (which would have been another jobs killer!) They suffered while you progressives ignored them and pushed your liberal agenda!
"They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector."

You never stop lying, do you, ya lying con tool?

In reality, Obama is the only president on record to see public sector jobs decrease on his watch...

Truman ............. 609,000
Eisenhower ....... 1,770,000
Kennedy ............ 920,000
Johnson .......... 2,725,000
Nixon ............ 2,119,000
Ford ............... 728,000
Carter ........... 1,304,000
Reagan ........... 1,414,000
GHWBush .......... 1,127,000
Clinton .......... 1,934,000
Bush ............. 1,744,000
Obama ............. -269,000
Trump .............. 190,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Government Jobs

And Bush, along with Herbert Hoover, are the only presidents to see private sector jobs decrease on their watch. (you voted for Bush, didn'tcha?)

Jan/2001: 111,877,000
Jan/2009: 111,495,000

Bush: -382,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2001-2009)

Whereas private sector Jobs were way up under Obama...

With Bush's Great Recession ............................ 11,890,000
Since 2010 when jobs started coming back ... 16,063,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2009-2017)

Way to use statistics to paint a picture that didn't exist, Faun! "Public Sector jobs"? Now what would constitute a Public Sector job? That would be Federal, State and Local government jobs...correct? Did Federal jobs decrease under Obama? The answer to that would be NO...they did not! Despite a recession that saw millions of Americans laid off for years...Federal employees didn't get canned. The number of Federal employees actually increased! So who DID get laid off from government jobs and why did that take place? The answer to that is that State and local government workers got laid off! Why? Because unlike the Federal Government...State and local governments just can't print money to pay their employees! They have to balance budgets. So take your accusation of me "lying" and shove it up your ass! You're the biggest bullshit artist on this board! You don't use statistics to tell the use them to HIDE it!
Poor, lying con tool. I'm going by what you said ... private versus public jobs. Public jobs decreased under Obama; and only under Obama. The private sector did great under him, adding 16 million jobs once jobs returned after Bush's Great Recession.


As far as federal jobs, only 24,000 were added under Obama in 8 years.

Trump's already add nearly half that in just 2½ years, not a word from you.

33,000 added under Bush in 8 years, nearly all added during his recession. Not a word from you.

You single out the Democrat because you're a lying con tool.
Are you saying we're still in a recovery ?
WTF was Obama doing for 8 years?????

Well, just so you know, when rich people fully recovered from the Bush Great Recession and were actually BENIFITTING from it, blue collar were still struggling.

In fact they still are. Trump has not made America great again.

A Quarter Of Americans Are 'Worse' Now Than Before The Great Recession

The 10-year anniversary of the end of the Great Recession is approaching. A decade after the housing bust, the economy is robust and the unemployment rateis at a 49-year-low. But not all Americans have recovered.

According to a new survey from Bankrate, 23% of Americans who were adults when the recession started in December 2007 say they are now financially worse off than they were before the recession hit. That’s just under 50 million Americans. Another 25% say they are doing the “same.” In all, just over half believe their “overall finances” are better than before.

“Americans were and continue to be in a degree of denial of the financial crisis and Great Recession,” said Mark Hamrick, Bankrate’s senior economic analyst. “One of the constant themes that presents itself in the data is that Americans are still digging out in many ways from that experience.”

“While some have managed to prosper in the decade since, there are still tens of millions who are struggling to even get back to where they were before the economy took a turn for the worse.”

The study notes that over half of all Americans (54%) who were adults when the recession began endured some sort of negative financial impact during that time.

More than 70% of those who had invested in the stock market saw their investments lose money while just under half of homeowners during the recession said their home lost value. A quarter completely spent their emergency savings, while a fifth took on “substantial” debt. More than 20% of those who had a partner who was working said either their partner or themselves lost their job.

What was Obama doing? He was fighting with Republican obstructionists. I can't believe the American people rewarded those obstructionists by staying home in 2010. Notice I didn't say they came and voted for Republicans? They didn't. They just got frustrated and stayed home. So Republicans obstruction paid off. They played politics with the recovery. So everyone still struggling can thank Repugs.

The people who are worse off now than before the Recession are the ones who were ignored by Barry! They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector. They were the people that were forced to burn through their lives savings while they waited for The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight (ie the Obama White House) to stop passing things like the ACA (which was a jobs killer) and trying to pass things like Cap & Trade legislation (which would have been another jobs killer!) They suffered while you progressives ignored them and pushed your liberal agenda!
"They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector."

You never stop lying, do you, ya lying con tool?

In reality, Obama is the only president on record to see public sector jobs decrease on his watch...

Truman ............. 609,000
Eisenhower ....... 1,770,000
Kennedy ............ 920,000
Johnson .......... 2,725,000
Nixon ............ 2,119,000
Ford ............... 728,000
Carter ........... 1,304,000
Reagan ........... 1,414,000
GHWBush .......... 1,127,000
Clinton .......... 1,934,000
Bush ............. 1,744,000
Obama ............. -269,000
Trump .............. 190,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Government Jobs

And Bush, along with Herbert Hoover, are the only presidents to see private sector jobs decrease on their watch. (you voted for Bush, didn'tcha?)

Jan/2001: 111,877,000
Jan/2009: 111,495,000

Bush: -382,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2001-2009)

Whereas private sector Jobs were way up under Obama...

With Bush's Great Recession ............................ 11,890,000
Since 2010 when jobs started coming back ... 16,063,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2009-2017)

Way to use statistics to paint a picture that didn't exist, Faun! "Public Sector jobs"? Now what would constitute a Public Sector job? That would be Federal, State and Local government jobs...correct? Did Federal jobs decrease under Obama? The answer to that would be NO...they did not! Despite a recession that saw millions of Americans laid off for years...Federal employees didn't get canned. The number of Federal employees actually increased! So who DID get laid off from government jobs and why did that take place? The answer to that is that State and local government workers got laid off! Why? Because unlike the Federal Government...State and local governments just can't print money to pay their employees! They have to balance budgets. So take your accusation of me "lying" and shove it up your ass! You're the biggest bullshit artist on this board! You don't use statistics to tell the use them to HIDE it!

Obama got rid of jobs in the Defense Department. There was a hiring freeze for years.

Then he gutted the military. They called it Sequestration.

Then he started hiring only minorities and non-citizens. He replaced thousands of retiring white Americans with blacks and foreign non-citizens. Our supply department here at Ft Campbell only has one white employee now. The PX hired blacks and a few German immigrants. No white Americans.

Translation: Obama cut military spending after ending the war in Iraq. Rightards bitch & moan.
Trump's recession is gearing up.

U.S. Stocks Drop as Treasurys Flash Warning Signal

"Trade tensions between the U.S. and China, uncertainty about the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate policy and signs of slowing economic growth have spurred weeks of turbulence that have rippled through the stock, bond and currency markets. In the Treasury market, the yield on the U.S. 30-year Treasury note touched 2.018%, below the previous intraday low of 2.094% in July 2016, according to Tradeweb.

Meanwhile, yields on the 10-year Treasury note briefly fell below two-year yields for the first time since 2007. This kind of inversion between short and long-term yields is viewed by many as a strong signal that a recession is likely in the future.""

The federal government has broken yet another record for how much money it's spending
"The federal government has spent more real money in the first seven months of this fiscal year than any other year in U.S. history, according to the latest monthly statement by the Department of Treasury. The previous record was set in 2011, when the U.S. was recuperating from the Great Recession."

Mark this up as another failure of Trump's, so many now.

All economic upswings end. You know that right?

Yes, something triggers them. In this instance, it's Trump's trade war that we're losing.
In 2008, it was the mortgage crisis brought about by the big banks.
In 1929 it was the stock market crash caused by shitty pay, too much debt and bank loan defaults.
Any other questions, Einstein?

Trump took a perfectly good economy and he's fucking it up.
He thinks he's a fucking hammer and everything else is a nail, including Xi Jinping.

China's long standing policy of predatory trade, is a real issue that needs addressed.

Better to fight and EVEN "LOSE" a trade war, and then rebuild a healthy trade situation, than let it continue.
Are you saying we're still in a recovery ?
WTF was Obama doing for 8 years?????

Well, just so you know, when rich people fully recovered from the Bush Great Recession and were actually BENIFITTING from it, blue collar were still struggling.

In fact they still are. Trump has not made America great again.

A Quarter Of Americans Are 'Worse' Now Than Before The Great Recession

The 10-year anniversary of the end of the Great Recession is approaching. A decade after the housing bust, the economy is robust and the unemployment rateis at a 49-year-low. But not all Americans have recovered.

According to a new survey from Bankrate, 23% of Americans who were adults when the recession started in December 2007 say they are now financially worse off than they were before the recession hit. That’s just under 50 million Americans. Another 25% say they are doing the “same.” In all, just over half believe their “overall finances” are better than before.

“Americans were and continue to be in a degree of denial of the financial crisis and Great Recession,” said Mark Hamrick, Bankrate’s senior economic analyst. “One of the constant themes that presents itself in the data is that Americans are still digging out in many ways from that experience.”

“While some have managed to prosper in the decade since, there are still tens of millions who are struggling to even get back to where they were before the economy took a turn for the worse.”

The study notes that over half of all Americans (54%) who were adults when the recession began endured some sort of negative financial impact during that time.

More than 70% of those who had invested in the stock market saw their investments lose money while just under half of homeowners during the recession said their home lost value. A quarter completely spent their emergency savings, while a fifth took on “substantial” debt. More than 20% of those who had a partner who was working said either their partner or themselves lost their job.

What was Obama doing? He was fighting with Republican obstructionists. I can't believe the American people rewarded those obstructionists by staying home in 2010. Notice I didn't say they came and voted for Republicans? They didn't. They just got frustrated and stayed home. So Republicans obstruction paid off. They played politics with the recovery. So everyone still struggling can thank Repugs.

The people who are worse off now than before the Recession are the ones who were ignored by Barry! They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector. They were the people that were forced to burn through their lives savings while they waited for The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight (ie the Obama White House) to stop passing things like the ACA (which was a jobs killer) and trying to pass things like Cap & Trade legislation (which would have been another jobs killer!) They suffered while you progressives ignored them and pushed your liberal agenda!
"They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector."

You never stop lying, do you, ya lying con tool?

In reality, Obama is the only president on record to see public sector jobs decrease on his watch...

Truman ............. 609,000
Eisenhower ....... 1,770,000
Kennedy ............ 920,000
Johnson .......... 2,725,000
Nixon ............ 2,119,000
Ford ............... 728,000
Carter ........... 1,304,000
Reagan ........... 1,414,000
GHWBush .......... 1,127,000
Clinton .......... 1,934,000
Bush ............. 1,744,000
Obama ............. -269,000
Trump .............. 190,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Government Jobs

And Bush, along with Herbert Hoover, are the only presidents to see private sector jobs decrease on their watch. (you voted for Bush, didn'tcha?)

Jan/2001: 111,877,000
Jan/2009: 111,495,000

Bush: -382,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2001-2009)

Whereas private sector Jobs were way up under Obama...

With Bush's Great Recession ............................ 11,890,000
Since 2010 when jobs started coming back ... 16,063,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2009-2017)

Way to use statistics to paint a picture that didn't exist, Faun! "Public Sector jobs"? Now what would constitute a Public Sector job? That would be Federal, State and Local government jobs...correct? Did Federal jobs decrease under Obama? The answer to that would be NO...they did not! Despite a recession that saw millions of Americans laid off for years...Federal employees didn't get canned. The number of Federal employees actually increased! So who DID get laid off from government jobs and why did that take place? The answer to that is that State and local government workers got laid off! Why? Because unlike the Federal Government...State and local governments just can't print money to pay their employees! They have to balance budgets. So take your accusation of me "lying" and shove it up your ass! You're the biggest bullshit artist on this board! You don't use statistics to tell the use them to HIDE it!
Poor, lying con tool. I'm going by what you said ... private versus public jobs. Public jobs decreased under Obama; and only under Obama. The private sector did great under him, adding 16 million jobs once jobs returned after Bush's Great Recession.


As far as federal jobs, only 24,000 were added under Obama in 8 years.

Trump's already add nearly half that in just 2½ years, not a word from you.

33,000 added under Bush in 8 years, nearly all added during his recession. Not a word from you.

You single out the Democrat because you're a lying con tool.

Once use a statistic to hide the truth. Your figure of 24,000 added can only be arrived at by counting the massive amount of people that the US Post Office laid organization that is only loosely affiliated with the "Federal Government"! The truth is that while millions of Americans in the Private Sector were being laid off...Barack Obama added to the Federal work force.

"Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009. State and local gov-ernments added jobs during the first several months of the recession, but after employment reached a high point in August 2008, they shed 68,000 jobs through the end of the recession—a decline of about 0.3 percent. (See chart 3.) Employment in State and local government tends not to fall during recessions, and job growth in these areas actu-ally accelerated during the 1990–91 and 2001 recessions.31State and local governments have less flexibility than the Federal Government to run deficits; nearly all State governments have some form of a balanced-budget re-quirement.32 State tax revenues—received primarily from income, sales, and gross receipts taxes—are sensitive to the business cycle, and they began to fall on an annual basis after September 2008.33 Falling revenues put pres-sure on States to cut employment, which they began to do after August 2008. In order to shore up State budgets, nearly 60 billion dollars of fiscal relief was given by the Federal Government to the States in 2009 as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This stimulus package was also intended to help local governments stave off job cuts.34Local governments, unlike State governments, did not see a drop in tax revenue. Local government tax revenues come mostly from property taxes, which continued to grow throughout the recession despite declining home values.35But, according to the National League of Cities, revenue growth was outpaced by spending growth in 2008 and 2009, and local governments began reducing employment after September 2008 in order to cover budget shortfalls.36The recession led not only to employment losses, but also to cuts in workers’ hours.37 In June 2009, average weekly hours of all employees had fallen by 1 hour to 33.7 hours from the peak in June 2007. Aggregate hours, the product of employment and average weekly hours, fell by 9.8 percent between June 2007 and October 2009. As 2010 came to a close, aggregate hours were still 7.6 per-centage points below their prerecession peak."
Check out chart #3 at that site! It perfectly illustrates what was taking place during the Obama years.

Then check out chart #4 to understand how different THIS recession was from previous ones! Obama's handling of the economy was SO abysmal that the result was the worst recovery from a recession in modern US economic history!
Horseshit, no one is getting pleasure out of Trump fucking up this country.
It's not Trump doing it.

It's the FED...the Dummycraps......and the media...talking down the economy EXACTLY LIKE THEY DID WHILE BUSH WAS IN OFFICE. I PREDICTED THIS SHIT AS SOON AS TRUMP WON ON ELECTION NIGHT!

Everyone BUT Trump’s fault! Democrats caused the trade wars! :rolleyes:

Good job tool.
Well, in a way, yes....but they got alot of help from Republicans.
The reason Trump is fighting a trade war is because our rat bastard politicians have been selling us out to the Russians and the Chicoms for decades, and he's trying to reverse the damage they've been intentionally doing to us. Sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet.

Well maybe he should try BETTER. Crazy thought.

Instead of tag-teaming China on their shit, he started world wide trade wars that are disrupting bussiness and pissed off just about all our allies and trading partners.

The slogan is America First, but more and more it's getting to be America Alone.
Well, we are the richest nation in the world....and all of those countries are trying to fleece us of our wealth.

Is that what Trump told you :rolleyes:?

Canada is out to git' us? Britain is out to git' us? Germany is out to git' us?

Really? Ok everyone is out to git' us, IT STILL DOESN'T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENCE to unilaterelly arm wrestle China when you could have built up a multinational front that would put way more pressure on them to curb some of their practices like intelectual property stealing.
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Well, just so you know, when rich people fully recovered from the Bush Great Recession and were actually BENIFITTING from it, blue collar were still struggling.

In fact they still are. Trump has not made America great again.

A Quarter Of Americans Are 'Worse' Now Than Before The Great Recession

The 10-year anniversary of the end of the Great Recession is approaching. A decade after the housing bust, the economy is robust and the unemployment rateis at a 49-year-low. But not all Americans have recovered.

According to a new survey from Bankrate, 23% of Americans who were adults when the recession started in December 2007 say they are now financially worse off than they were before the recession hit. That’s just under 50 million Americans. Another 25% say they are doing the “same.” In all, just over half believe their “overall finances” are better than before.

“Americans were and continue to be in a degree of denial of the financial crisis and Great Recession,” said Mark Hamrick, Bankrate’s senior economic analyst. “One of the constant themes that presents itself in the data is that Americans are still digging out in many ways from that experience.”

“While some have managed to prosper in the decade since, there are still tens of millions who are struggling to even get back to where they were before the economy took a turn for the worse.”

The study notes that over half of all Americans (54%) who were adults when the recession began endured some sort of negative financial impact during that time.

More than 70% of those who had invested in the stock market saw their investments lose money while just under half of homeowners during the recession said their home lost value. A quarter completely spent their emergency savings, while a fifth took on “substantial” debt. More than 20% of those who had a partner who was working said either their partner or themselves lost their job.

What was Obama doing? He was fighting with Republican obstructionists. I can't believe the American people rewarded those obstructionists by staying home in 2010. Notice I didn't say they came and voted for Republicans? They didn't. They just got frustrated and stayed home. So Republicans obstruction paid off. They played politics with the recovery. So everyone still struggling can thank Repugs.

The people who are worse off now than before the Recession are the ones who were ignored by Barry! They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector. They were the people that were forced to burn through their lives savings while they waited for The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight (ie the Obama White House) to stop passing things like the ACA (which was a jobs killer) and trying to pass things like Cap & Trade legislation (which would have been another jobs killer!) They suffered while you progressives ignored them and pushed your liberal agenda!
"They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector."

You never stop lying, do you, ya lying con tool?

In reality, Obama is the only president on record to see public sector jobs decrease on his watch...

Truman ............. 609,000
Eisenhower ....... 1,770,000
Kennedy ............ 920,000
Johnson .......... 2,725,000
Nixon ............ 2,119,000
Ford ............... 728,000
Carter ........... 1,304,000
Reagan ........... 1,414,000
GHWBush .......... 1,127,000
Clinton .......... 1,934,000
Bush ............. 1,744,000
Obama ............. -269,000
Trump .............. 190,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Government Jobs

And Bush, along with Herbert Hoover, are the only presidents to see private sector jobs decrease on their watch. (you voted for Bush, didn'tcha?)

Jan/2001: 111,877,000
Jan/2009: 111,495,000

Bush: -382,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2001-2009)

Whereas private sector Jobs were way up under Obama...

With Bush's Great Recession ............................ 11,890,000
Since 2010 when jobs started coming back ... 16,063,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2009-2017)

Way to use statistics to paint a picture that didn't exist, Faun! "Public Sector jobs"? Now what would constitute a Public Sector job? That would be Federal, State and Local government jobs...correct? Did Federal jobs decrease under Obama? The answer to that would be NO...they did not! Despite a recession that saw millions of Americans laid off for years...Federal employees didn't get canned. The number of Federal employees actually increased! So who DID get laid off from government jobs and why did that take place? The answer to that is that State and local government workers got laid off! Why? Because unlike the Federal Government...State and local governments just can't print money to pay their employees! They have to balance budgets. So take your accusation of me "lying" and shove it up your ass! You're the biggest bullshit artist on this board! You don't use statistics to tell the use them to HIDE it!
Poor, lying con tool. I'm going by what you said ... private versus public jobs. Public jobs decreased under Obama; and only under Obama. The private sector did great under him, adding 16 million jobs once jobs returned after Bush's Great Recession.


As far as federal jobs, only 24,000 were added under Obama in 8 years.

Trump's already add nearly half that in just 2½ years, not a word from you.

33,000 added under Bush in 8 years, nearly all added during his recession. Not a word from you.

You single out the Democrat because you're a lying con tool.

Once use a statistic to hide the truth. Your figure of 24,000 added can only be arrived at by counting the massive amount of people that the US Post Office laid organization that is only loosely affiliated with the "Federal Government"! The truth is that while millions of Americans in the Private Sector were being laid off...Barack Obama added to the Federal work force.

"Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009. State and local gov-ernments added jobs during the first several months of the recession, but after employment reached a high point in August 2008, they shed 68,000 jobs through the end of the recession—a decline of about 0.3 percent. (See chart 3.) Employment in State and local government tends not to fall during recessions, and job growth in these areas actu-ally accelerated during the 1990–91 and 2001 recessions.31State and local governments have less flexibility than the Federal Government to run deficits; nearly all State governments have some form of a balanced-budget re-quirement.32 State tax revenues—received primarily from income, sales, and gross receipts taxes—are sensitive to the business cycle, and they began to fall on an annual basis after September 2008.33 Falling revenues put pres-sure on States to cut employment, which they began to do after August 2008. In order to shore up State budgets, nearly 60 billion dollars of fiscal relief was given by the Federal Government to the States in 2009 as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This stimulus package was also intended to help local governments stave off job cuts.34Local governments, unlike State governments, did not see a drop in tax revenue. Local government tax revenues come mostly from property taxes, which continued to grow throughout the recession despite declining home values.35But, according to the National League of Cities, revenue growth was outpaced by spending growth in 2008 and 2009, and local governments began reducing employment after September 2008 in order to cover budget shortfalls.36The recession led not only to employment losses, but also to cuts in workers’ hours.37 In June 2009, average weekly hours of all employees had fallen by 1 hour to 33.7 hours from the peak in June 2007. Aggregate hours, the product of employment and average weekly hours, fell by 9.8 percent between June 2007 and October 2009. As 2010 came to a close, aggregate hours were still 7.6 per-centage points below their prerecession peak."
""Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009.

Lying con tool, do you ever stop lying? Ever??? :ack-1:

You complain about 48,000 government jobs added during Bush's Great Recession; but being the lying con tool you are, you ludicrously blame Obama. When in reality, during the little more than 5 months Obama presided during the recession, non-postal government jobs decreased by 6,000.

Meaning ALL of those jobs (plus 6,000) added -- occurred under Bush. But because you're the lying con tool I've been saying you are, here you are pounding your fists on the table over Obama and blaming him for what Bush actually did.

BLS: total government

BLS: postal service

The people who are worse off now than before the Recession are the ones who were ignored by Barry! They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector. They were the people that were forced to burn through their lives savings while they waited for The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight (ie the Obama White House) to stop passing things like the ACA (which was a jobs killer) and trying to pass things like Cap & Trade legislation (which would have been another jobs killer!) They suffered while you progressives ignored them and pushed your liberal agenda!
"They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector."

You never stop lying, do you, ya lying con tool?

In reality, Obama is the only president on record to see public sector jobs decrease on his watch...

Truman ............. 609,000
Eisenhower ....... 1,770,000
Kennedy ............ 920,000
Johnson .......... 2,725,000
Nixon ............ 2,119,000
Ford ............... 728,000
Carter ........... 1,304,000
Reagan ........... 1,414,000
GHWBush .......... 1,127,000
Clinton .......... 1,934,000
Bush ............. 1,744,000
Obama ............. -269,000
Trump .............. 190,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Government Jobs

And Bush, along with Herbert Hoover, are the only presidents to see private sector jobs decrease on their watch. (you voted for Bush, didn'tcha?)

Jan/2001: 111,877,000
Jan/2009: 111,495,000

Bush: -382,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2001-2009)

Whereas private sector Jobs were way up under Obama...

With Bush's Great Recession ............................ 11,890,000
Since 2010 when jobs started coming back ... 16,063,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2009-2017)

Way to use statistics to paint a picture that didn't exist, Faun! "Public Sector jobs"? Now what would constitute a Public Sector job? That would be Federal, State and Local government jobs...correct? Did Federal jobs decrease under Obama? The answer to that would be NO...they did not! Despite a recession that saw millions of Americans laid off for years...Federal employees didn't get canned. The number of Federal employees actually increased! So who DID get laid off from government jobs and why did that take place? The answer to that is that State and local government workers got laid off! Why? Because unlike the Federal Government...State and local governments just can't print money to pay their employees! They have to balance budgets. So take your accusation of me "lying" and shove it up your ass! You're the biggest bullshit artist on this board! You don't use statistics to tell the use them to HIDE it!
Poor, lying con tool. I'm going by what you said ... private versus public jobs. Public jobs decreased under Obama; and only under Obama. The private sector did great under him, adding 16 million jobs once jobs returned after Bush's Great Recession.


As far as federal jobs, only 24,000 were added under Obama in 8 years.

Trump's already add nearly half that in just 2½ years, not a word from you.

33,000 added under Bush in 8 years, nearly all added during his recession. Not a word from you.

You single out the Democrat because you're a lying con tool.

Once use a statistic to hide the truth. Your figure of 24,000 added can only be arrived at by counting the massive amount of people that the US Post Office laid organization that is only loosely affiliated with the "Federal Government"! The truth is that while millions of Americans in the Private Sector were being laid off...Barack Obama added to the Federal work force.

"Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009. State and local gov-ernments added jobs during the first several months of the recession, but after employment reached a high point in August 2008, they shed 68,000 jobs through the end of the recession—a decline of about 0.3 percent. (See chart 3.) Employment in State and local government tends not to fall during recessions, and job growth in these areas actu-ally accelerated during the 1990–91 and 2001 recessions.31State and local governments have less flexibility than the Federal Government to run deficits; nearly all State governments have some form of a balanced-budget re-quirement.32 State tax revenues—received primarily from income, sales, and gross receipts taxes—are sensitive to the business cycle, and they began to fall on an annual basis after September 2008.33 Falling revenues put pres-sure on States to cut employment, which they began to do after August 2008. In order to shore up State budgets, nearly 60 billion dollars of fiscal relief was given by the Federal Government to the States in 2009 as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This stimulus package was also intended to help local governments stave off job cuts.34Local governments, unlike State governments, did not see a drop in tax revenue. Local government tax revenues come mostly from property taxes, which continued to grow throughout the recession despite declining home values.35But, according to the National League of Cities, revenue growth was outpaced by spending growth in 2008 and 2009, and local governments began reducing employment after September 2008 in order to cover budget shortfalls.36The recession led not only to employment losses, but also to cuts in workers’ hours.37 In June 2009, average weekly hours of all employees had fallen by 1 hour to 33.7 hours from the peak in June 2007. Aggregate hours, the product of employment and average weekly hours, fell by 9.8 percent between June 2007 and October 2009. As 2010 came to a close, aggregate hours were still 7.6 per-centage points below their prerecession peak."
""Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009.

Lying con tool, do you ever stop lying? Ever??? :ack-1:

You complain about 48,000 government jobs added during Bush's Great Recession; but being the lying con tool you are, you ludicrously blame Obama. When in reality, during the little more than 5 months Obama presided during the recession, non-postal government jobs decreased by 6,000.

Meaning ALL of those jobs added occurred under Bush. But because you're the lying con tool I've been saying you are, here you are pounding your fists on the table over Obama and blaming him for what Bush actually did.

BLS: total government

BLS: postal service


Rightwingers trying to do data analysis is like a three legged dog trying to run - it's really sad, but you just can't look away.
She must sit on his face nightly
I wanted her to be elected in a landslide so we could have some reform in this country. This is a GOP give away to the rich screw everyone else Mess. Only brainwashing and ignoramuses like you people make it possible. Have you ever heard of policy and issues? Just phony scandals.....

I wanted her to be elected in a landslide so we could have some reform in this country.

Like all the reform we got when Bill was elected? LOL!

Only brainwashing and ignoramuses like you people make it possible.

Dem politicians...all the way down.
I wanted 60 votes in the Senate kind of landslide otherwise they can't do anything. I wish they would do the nuclear option and pass bunch of stuff. Then the Republicans can try repealing vacations cheap college and training higher taxes on the rich, good infrastructure etcetera etcetera

I wanted 60 votes in the Senate kind of landslide otherwise they can't do anything

Dems are the weakest twats in the history of twats.
They can never believe what scum the GOP is and what fools the dupes are.... Time for the nukes.

Nuke the Dem twats. We won't miss them.
There is no chance of a recession before 2020...its laughable....

Pretty sure I can dig up comments from know-nothing politicos just like this from 2007.
Pretty sure you can't...we all knew about the banks unsecured loans forced on them by Reno and Clinton....

Pretty sure you don't know wtf you are talking about. No such thing as "unsecured loans", especially with the CRA program.
You don't remember Clinton and Janet Reno threatening the banks to open up their property lending to inner city unqualified borrowers? wonder your politics are so fucked up and left of have selective memory.....
"They were the people from the Private Sector that lost their jobs while Obama was propping up the Public Sector."

You never stop lying, do you, ya lying con tool?

In reality, Obama is the only president on record to see public sector jobs decrease on his watch...

Truman ............. 609,000
Eisenhower ....... 1,770,000
Kennedy ............ 920,000
Johnson .......... 2,725,000
Nixon ............ 2,119,000
Ford ............... 728,000
Carter ........... 1,304,000
Reagan ........... 1,414,000
GHWBush .......... 1,127,000
Clinton .......... 1,934,000
Bush ............. 1,744,000
Obama ............. -269,000
Trump .............. 190,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Government Jobs

And Bush, along with Herbert Hoover, are the only presidents to see private sector jobs decrease on their watch. (you voted for Bush, didn'tcha?)

Jan/2001: 111,877,000
Jan/2009: 111,495,000

Bush: -382,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2001-2009)

Whereas private sector Jobs were way up under Obama...

With Bush's Great Recession ............................ 11,890,000
Since 2010 when jobs started coming back ... 16,063,000

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data - Private Sector Jobs (2009-2017)

Way to use statistics to paint a picture that didn't exist, Faun! "Public Sector jobs"? Now what would constitute a Public Sector job? That would be Federal, State and Local government jobs...correct? Did Federal jobs decrease under Obama? The answer to that would be NO...they did not! Despite a recession that saw millions of Americans laid off for years...Federal employees didn't get canned. The number of Federal employees actually increased! So who DID get laid off from government jobs and why did that take place? The answer to that is that State and local government workers got laid off! Why? Because unlike the Federal Government...State and local governments just can't print money to pay their employees! They have to balance budgets. So take your accusation of me "lying" and shove it up your ass! You're the biggest bullshit artist on this board! You don't use statistics to tell the use them to HIDE it!
Poor, lying con tool. I'm going by what you said ... private versus public jobs. Public jobs decreased under Obama; and only under Obama. The private sector did great under him, adding 16 million jobs once jobs returned after Bush's Great Recession.


As far as federal jobs, only 24,000 were added under Obama in 8 years.

Trump's already add nearly half that in just 2½ years, not a word from you.

33,000 added under Bush in 8 years, nearly all added during his recession. Not a word from you.

You single out the Democrat because you're a lying con tool.

Once use a statistic to hide the truth. Your figure of 24,000 added can only be arrived at by counting the massive amount of people that the US Post Office laid organization that is only loosely affiliated with the "Federal Government"! The truth is that while millions of Americans in the Private Sector were being laid off...Barack Obama added to the Federal work force.

"Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009. State and local gov-ernments added jobs during the first several months of the recession, but after employment reached a high point in August 2008, they shed 68,000 jobs through the end of the recession—a decline of about 0.3 percent. (See chart 3.) Employment in State and local government tends not to fall during recessions, and job growth in these areas actu-ally accelerated during the 1990–91 and 2001 recessions.31State and local governments have less flexibility than the Federal Government to run deficits; nearly all State governments have some form of a balanced-budget re-quirement.32 State tax revenues—received primarily from income, sales, and gross receipts taxes—are sensitive to the business cycle, and they began to fall on an annual basis after September 2008.33 Falling revenues put pres-sure on States to cut employment, which they began to do after August 2008. In order to shore up State budgets, nearly 60 billion dollars of fiscal relief was given by the Federal Government to the States in 2009 as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This stimulus package was also intended to help local governments stave off job cuts.34Local governments, unlike State governments, did not see a drop in tax revenue. Local government tax revenues come mostly from property taxes, which continued to grow throughout the recession despite declining home values.35But, according to the National League of Cities, revenue growth was outpaced by spending growth in 2008 and 2009, and local governments began reducing employment after September 2008 in order to cover budget shortfalls.36The recession led not only to employment losses, but also to cuts in workers’ hours.37 In June 2009, average weekly hours of all employees had fallen by 1 hour to 33.7 hours from the peak in June 2007. Aggregate hours, the product of employment and average weekly hours, fell by 9.8 percent between June 2007 and October 2009. As 2010 came to a close, aggregate hours were still 7.6 per-centage points below their prerecession peak."
""Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009.

Lying con tool, do you ever stop lying? Ever??? :ack-1:

You complain about 48,000 government jobs added during Bush's Great Recession; but being the lying con tool you are, you ludicrously blame Obama. When in reality, during the little more than 5 months Obama presided during the recession, non-postal government jobs decreased by 6,000.

Meaning ALL of those jobs added occurred under Bush. But because you're the lying con tool I've been saying you are, here you are pounding your fists on the table over Obama and blaming him for what Bush actually did.

BLS: total government

BLS: postal service


Rightwingers trying to do data analysis is like a three legged dog trying to run - it's really sad, but you just can't look away.
They are not known for being educated.
Of course Bush the sitting president at the time will of said that....he was trying to instill confidence.....
Now lets get your real you think we are just around the corner from a recession?.....if the answer is no then what the hell are you doing?...trying to stoke fear?.....that's pitiful dude....

Not sure how you define "just around the corner" but we will have a downturn soon, whether it is a full-fledged recession or not remains to be seen. I think it will be due to all of the other factors. Our system was designed to 'fail" on regular intervals as a means of control, and we just set the record for the longest period of economic will not last that much longer.

You are wishing and hoping for a recession that will not happen in our current economic state....we are leading the world once again....that is called making America great again...enjoy it...go buy a new car...take a trip...stop wishing for economic pain that will not come before 2020....

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