The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal. The economy is showing signs of turning ...

Or maybe YOU'D like to point out where those charts are inaccurate, Franco?
Looks like he already did, brainwashed functional moron... Too bad nothing permeates your incredibly thick dupe skull....

Faun actually never addressed those charts at all, Franco! The reason for him to avoid doing so is that there really IS no way to explain how what's on those charts demonstrates leadership that has a clue about economics! Instead of dealing with charts that literally jump off the page at you they're so revealing, Faun chose to try and obscure the truth with more of his misleading statistics.
Only they were not mistakes. It was Intentional. Research The Things They Did. It was all to draw power to themselves and to eliminate all competition to The Federal Reserve System.

The Great Depression | Federal Reserve History

“Regarding the Great Depression, … we did it. We’re very sorry. … We won’t do it again.” Ben Bernanke, November 8, 2002, in a speech given at “A Conference to Honor Milton Friedman … On the Occasion of His 90th Birthday.”

In 2002, Ben Bernanke, then a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, acknowledged publicly what economists have long believed. The Federal Reserve’s mistakes contributed to the “worst economic disaster in American history” (Bernanke 2002).

Bernanke, like other economic historians, characterized the Great Depression as a disaster because of its length, depth, and consequences. The Depression lasted a decade, beginning in 1929 and ending during World War II. Industrial production plummeted. Unemployment soared. Families suffered. Marriage rates fell. The contraction began in the United States and spread around the globe. The Depression was the longest and deepest downturn in the history of the United States and the modern industrial economy.
Bernanke and Friedman are idiots who were proven wrong on just about everything... Stupid GOP deregulation like the 10% margin buy and then stupid trade Wars in 1930 wrecked the whole world economy. Just like the idiot Trump is doing now....

Stupid GOP deregulation like the 10% margin buy

Did you ever discover when Republicans passed the 10% margin rule?

Or are you still lying?
The usual corrupt deregulation and crony oversight by the GOP from 1921 to 1929. But you dupes probably don't know the dates and if it's like 2008 you don't even know the depression happened LOL.... As always hard to prove with the scumbag GOP swampers.... Just like with Trump campaign meeting with Russians over a hundred times and writing nothing down is not suspicious at all I suppose.... Only the brainwash and your ignorance makes this mess possible...

No proof? Were you lying, or just wrong?
No you're right. The GOP had nothing to do with any of these corrupt economic meltdowns when they were in power, every time, brainwashed functional moron.

No proof yet for your 10% margin claim? Weird.

It's probably because you were lying.
""Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009.

Lying con tool, do you ever stop lying? Ever??? :ack-1:

You complain about 48,000 government jobs added during Bush's Great Recession; but being the lying con tool you are, you ludicrously blame Obama. When in reality, during the little more than 5 months Obama presided during the recession, non-postal government jobs decreased by 6,000.

Meaning ALL of those jobs (plus 6,000) added -- occurred under Bush. But because you're the lying con tool I've been saying you are, here you are pounding your fists on the table over Obama and blaming him for what Bush actually did.

BLS: total government

BLS: postal service


So now you're claiming that when I cite a government source...that "I'm" lying? How does that work exactly, Faun? You can't bring yourself to admit that Barry SUCKED when it came to the economy and job creation! You use cherry picked statistics to try and make it look like he had a clue what he was doing on the economy but it's obvious that his progressive agenda extended the recession that he inherited and turned it into the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and the Great Depression!
maybe it's because it was the worst economic meltdown since the Great Depression, and was only averted by spending 8 trillion dollars or so...
That's what happens when the GOP Rex the entire world economy duh. Thank God Democrats got in fast this time. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.... Europe also spent about that much, but much of the world did have a depression.
Make no mistake, brainwashed functional moron. We had the best economy in the world under Obama for 7 and 1/2 years, just as good as Trump's economy even with 2 trillion dollars in sugar for no reason except the typical GOP giveaway to the rich and giant corporations....

If you think the Obama economy was as good as Trump's for 7 1/2 years,'re reinforcing your status as the left's biggest buffoon! TARP is what kept us from having major parts of the financial system collapse and THAT was W's response to the recession...not Barry's!
Yes yes, the bushes took great care of their cronies and pals in the private mortgage and insurance business. The stimulus took care of people on main Street that got screwed... Along with about 7 trillion dollars in welfare and unemployment for the victims.... Great job as always. Oh wait that depression never happened...

The only problem with that liberal myth, Franco is that all of the TARP money that W gave to prop up the financial institutions and keep them from going under was REPAID in full! In comparison, when Barry gave out money to companies like Solyndra and General Motors...we DIDN'T get all of it back!

As for the stimulus helping people on Main Street? Yeah, everyone in the Private Sector got a little amount taken off of the taxes they owed! If you were in government you got your job secured by billions of dollars coming from the Federal Government. The average person on Main Street was left to twist in the wind during the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...burning through their life's savings to stay afloat. Meanwhile the wealthy were making a killing investing in the stock market with the nearly free money they could borrow because the Fed had to keep interest rates so low for so long because of Barry's ineptitude with economics!
Or maybe YOU'D like to point out where those charts are inaccurate, Franco?
Looks like he already did, brainwashed functional moron... Too bad nothing permeates your incredibly thick dupe skull....

Faun actually never addressed those charts at all, Franco! The reason for him to avoid doing so is that there really IS no way to explain how what's on those charts demonstrates leadership that has a clue about economics! Instead of dealing with charts that literally jump off the page at you they're so revealing, Faun chose to try and obscure the truth with more of his misleading statistics.
Sure I did. I listed the names of all the presidents who gave us those recessions.
Or maybe YOU'D like to point out where those charts are inaccurate, Franco?
Looks like he already did, brainwashed functional moron... Too bad nothing permeates your incredibly thick dupe skull....

Faun actually never addressed those charts at all, Franco! The reason for him to avoid doing so is that there really IS no way to explain how what's on those charts demonstrates leadership that has a clue about economics! Instead of dealing with charts that literally jump off the page at you they're so revealing, Faun chose to try and obscure the truth with more of his misleading statistics.
Sure I did. I listed the names of all the presidents who gave us those recessions.

How about talking about the two President's who oversaw the two worst recoveries from recessions in American history, Faun? That would be FDR and Barack Obama.
So now you're claiming that when I cite a government source...that "I'm" lying? How does that work exactly, Faun? You can't bring yourself to admit that Barry SUCKED when it came to the economy and job creation! You use cherry picked statistics to try and make it look like he had a clue what he was doing on the economy but it's obvious that his progressive agenda extended the recession that he inherited and turned it into the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and the Great Depression!
maybe it's because it was the worst economic meltdown since the Great Depression, and was only averted by spending 8 trillion dollars or so...
That's what happens when the GOP Rex the entire world economy duh. Thank God Democrats got in fast this time. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.... Europe also spent about that much, but much of the world did have a depression.
Make no mistake, brainwashed functional moron. We had the best economy in the world under Obama for 7 and 1/2 years, just as good as Trump's economy even with 2 trillion dollars in sugar for no reason except the typical GOP giveaway to the rich and giant corporations....

If you think the Obama economy was as good as Trump's for 7 1/2 years,'re reinforcing your status as the left's biggest buffoon! TARP is what kept us from having major parts of the financial system collapse and THAT was W's response to the recession...not Barry's!
Yes yes, the bushes took great care of their cronies and pals in the private mortgage and insurance business. The stimulus took care of people on main Street that got screwed... Along with about 7 trillion dollars in welfare and unemployment for the victims.... Great job as always. Oh wait that depression never happened...

The only problem with that liberal myth, Franco is that all of the TARP money that W gave to prop up the financial institutions and keep them from going under was REPAID in full! In comparison, when Barry gave out money to companies like Solyndra and General Motors...we DIDN'T get all of it back!

As for the stimulus helping people on Main Street? Yeah, everyone in the Private Sector got a little amount taken off of the taxes they owed! If you were in government you got your job secured by billions of dollars coming from the Federal Government. The average person on Main Street was left to twist in the wind during the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...burning through their life's savings to stay afloat. Meanwhile the wealthy were making a killing investing in the stock market with the nearly free money they could borrow because the Fed had to keep interest rates so low for so long because of Barry's ineptitude with economics!
Yeah thanks for the corrupt depression as typical with the crony greedy idiot GOP. Lobbyists, cronyism, give away tax rates for the rich and a screw job for everyone else is just Grand, Super Dupe.
Or maybe YOU'D like to point out where those charts are inaccurate, Franco?
Looks like he already did, brainwashed functional moron... Too bad nothing permeates your incredibly thick dupe skull....

Faun actually never addressed those charts at all, Franco! The reason for him to avoid doing so is that there really IS no way to explain how what's on those charts demonstrates leadership that has a clue about economics! Instead of dealing with charts that literally jump off the page at you they're so revealing, Faun chose to try and obscure the truth with more of his misleading statistics.
Sure I did. I listed the names of all the presidents who gave us those recessions.

How about talking about the two President's who oversaw the two worst recoveries from recessions in American history, Faun? That would be FDR and Barack Obama.
You mean the two who had the worst economies handed to them?
Or maybe YOU'D like to point out where those charts are inaccurate, Franco?
Looks like he already did, brainwashed functional moron... Too bad nothing permeates your incredibly thick dupe skull....

Faun actually never addressed those charts at all, Franco! The reason for him to avoid doing so is that there really IS no way to explain how what's on those charts demonstrates leadership that has a clue about economics! Instead of dealing with charts that literally jump off the page at you they're so revealing, Faun chose to try and obscure the truth with more of his misleading statistics.
Sure I did. I listed the names of all the presidents who gave us those recessions.

How about talking about the two President's who oversaw the two worst recoveries from recessions in American history, Faun? That would be FDR and Barack Obama.
Also the two worst and most corrupt depressions in our history by Harding Coolidge Hoover and George W bush. Classic disasters. They wrecked the whole world that's why the recoveries were so bad.
Or maybe YOU'D like to point out where those charts are inaccurate, Franco?
Looks like he already did, brainwashed functional moron... Too bad nothing permeates your incredibly thick dupe skull....

Faun actually never addressed those charts at all, Franco! The reason for him to avoid doing so is that there really IS no way to explain how what's on those charts demonstrates leadership that has a clue about economics! Instead of dealing with charts that literally jump off the page at you they're so revealing, Faun chose to try and obscure the truth with more of his misleading statistics.
Copy the charts I don't want to download. If you don't listen to GOP media propaganda garbage, you might figure out the GOP is the swamp basically always has been but not as bad as since Reagan. Total giveaway to the rich screwjob for everybody else and only garbage propaganda makes it possible.... They always have to screw with the economy to try to make money for their pals.... GOP is the greedy idiot rich and the bought off and duped.
So now you're claiming that when I cite a government source...that "I'm" lying? How does that work exactly, Faun? You can't bring yourself to admit that Barry SUCKED when it came to the economy and job creation! You use cherry picked statistics to try and make it look like he had a clue what he was doing on the economy but it's obvious that his progressive agenda extended the recession that he inherited and turned it into the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and the Great Depression!
maybe it's because it was the worst economic meltdown since the Great Depression, and was only averted by spending 8 trillion dollars or so...
That's what happens when the GOP Rex the entire world economy duh. Thank God Democrats got in fast this time. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.... Europe also spent about that much, but much of the world did have a depression.
Make no mistake, brainwashed functional moron. We had the best economy in the world under Obama for 7 and 1/2 years, just as good as Trump's economy even with 2 trillion dollars in sugar for no reason except the typical GOP giveaway to the rich and giant corporations....

If you think the Obama economy was as good as Trump's for 7 1/2 years,'re reinforcing your status as the left's biggest buffoon! TARP is what kept us from having major parts of the financial system collapse and THAT was W's response to the recession...not Barry's!
Yes yes, the bushes took great care of their cronies and pals in the private mortgage and insurance business. The stimulus took care of people on main Street that got screwed... Along with about 7 trillion dollars in welfare and unemployment for the victims.... Great job as always. Oh wait that depression never happened...

The only problem with that liberal myth, Franco is that all of the TARP money that W gave to prop up the financial institutions and keep them from going under was REPAID in full! In comparison, when Barry gave out money to companies like Solyndra and General Motors...we DIDN'T get all of it back!

As for the stimulus helping people on Main Street? Yeah, everyone in the Private Sector got a little amount taken off of the taxes they owed! If you were in government you got your job secured by billions of dollars coming from the Federal Government. The average person on Main Street was left to twist in the wind during the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...burning through their life's savings to stay afloat. Meanwhile the wealthy were making a killing investing in the stock market with the nearly free money they could borrow because the Fed had to keep interest rates so low for so long because of Barry's ineptitude with economics!
That is propaganda about us not getting the money back from automakers also with tarp... Highly debatable.
maybe it's because it was the worst economic meltdown since the Great Depression, and was only averted by spending 8 trillion dollars or so...
That's what happens when the GOP Rex the entire world economy duh. Thank God Democrats got in fast this time. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.... Europe also spent about that much, but much of the world did have a depression.
Make no mistake, brainwashed functional moron. We had the best economy in the world under Obama for 7 and 1/2 years, just as good as Trump's economy even with 2 trillion dollars in sugar for no reason except the typical GOP giveaway to the rich and giant corporations....

If you think the Obama economy was as good as Trump's for 7 1/2 years,'re reinforcing your status as the left's biggest buffoon! TARP is what kept us from having major parts of the financial system collapse and THAT was W's response to the recession...not Barry's!
Yes yes, the bushes took great care of their cronies and pals in the private mortgage and insurance business. The stimulus took care of people on main Street that got screwed... Along with about 7 trillion dollars in welfare and unemployment for the victims.... Great job as always. Oh wait that depression never happened...

The only problem with that liberal myth, Franco is that all of the TARP money that W gave to prop up the financial institutions and keep them from going under was REPAID in full! In comparison, when Barry gave out money to companies like Solyndra and General Motors...we DIDN'T get all of it back!

As for the stimulus helping people on Main Street? Yeah, everyone in the Private Sector got a little amount taken off of the taxes they owed! If you were in government you got your job secured by billions of dollars coming from the Federal Government. The average person on Main Street was left to twist in the wind during the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...burning through their life's savings to stay afloat. Meanwhile the wealthy were making a killing investing in the stock market with the nearly free money they could borrow because the Fed had to keep interest rates so low for so long because of Barry's ineptitude with economics!
That is propaganda about us not getting the money back from automakers also with tarp... Highly debatable.
And I would have let the AIG etc etc go out of business who needs them? Basically criminals. Along with the GOP crony regulators....
maybe it's because it was the worst economic meltdown since the Great Depression, and was only averted by spending 8 trillion dollars or so...
That's what happens when the GOP Rex the entire world economy duh. Thank God Democrats got in fast this time. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.... Europe also spent about that much, but much of the world did have a depression.
Make no mistake, brainwashed functional moron. We had the best economy in the world under Obama for 7 and 1/2 years, just as good as Trump's economy even with 2 trillion dollars in sugar for no reason except the typical GOP giveaway to the rich and giant corporations....

If you think the Obama economy was as good as Trump's for 7 1/2 years,'re reinforcing your status as the left's biggest buffoon! TARP is what kept us from having major parts of the financial system collapse and THAT was W's response to the recession...not Barry's!
Yes yes, the bushes took great care of their cronies and pals in the private mortgage and insurance business. The stimulus took care of people on main Street that got screwed... Along with about 7 trillion dollars in welfare and unemployment for the victims.... Great job as always. Oh wait that depression never happened...

The only problem with that liberal myth, Franco is that all of the TARP money that W gave to prop up the financial institutions and keep them from going under was REPAID in full! In comparison, when Barry gave out money to companies like Solyndra and General Motors...we DIDN'T get all of it back!

As for the stimulus helping people on Main Street? Yeah, everyone in the Private Sector got a little amount taken off of the taxes they owed! If you were in government you got your job secured by billions of dollars coming from the Federal Government. The average person on Main Street was left to twist in the wind during the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...burning through their life's savings to stay afloat. Meanwhile the wealthy were making a killing investing in the stock market with the nearly free money they could borrow because the Fed had to keep interest rates so low for so long because of Barry's ineptitude with economics!
That is propaganda about us not getting the money back from automakers also with tarp... Highly debatable.

That is propaganda about us not getting the money back from automakers also with tarp... Highly debatable.



Bailout List: Banks, Auto Companies, and More | Eye on the Bailout | ProPublica
Or maybe YOU'D like to point out where those charts are inaccurate, Franco?
Looks like he already did, brainwashed functional moron... Too bad nothing permeates your incredibly thick dupe skull....

Faun actually never addressed those charts at all, Franco! The reason for him to avoid doing so is that there really IS no way to explain how what's on those charts demonstrates leadership that has a clue about economics! Instead of dealing with charts that literally jump off the page at you they're so revealing, Faun chose to try and obscure the truth with more of his misleading statistics.
Sure I did. I listed the names of all the presidents who gave us those recessions.

How about talking about the two President's who oversaw the two worst recoveries from recessions in American history, Faun? That would be FDR and Barack Obama.
You mean the two who had the worst economies handed to them?

We've had literally dozens of recessions over the years...some equally as bad as those two. What's remarkable about The Great Depression and The Great Recession is how two progressive "icons" managed to prolong the economic downturns they were given and turn them into glacially slow recoveries!

Barack Obama took office promising some vague "plan" to handle the midway through his second term he wasn't even trying to fix the economy. His economic dream team of Larry Summers and Christina Romer had both abandoned shit and run back to their tenured jobs at Harvard and Berkeley and nobody else in his administration had a clue about how to create jobs or grow the economy! Ask a thousand liberals who Barry's economic advisor was for the latter part of his last term and I'll bet you can't find ten that know who he/she was...let alone what plan they were pushing!
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maybe it's because it was the worst economic meltdown since the Great Depression, and was only averted by spending 8 trillion dollars or so...
That's what happens when the GOP Rex the entire world economy duh. Thank God Democrats got in fast this time. Great job scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you.... Europe also spent about that much, but much of the world did have a depression.
Make no mistake, brainwashed functional moron. We had the best economy in the world under Obama for 7 and 1/2 years, just as good as Trump's economy even with 2 trillion dollars in sugar for no reason except the typical GOP giveaway to the rich and giant corporations....

If you think the Obama economy was as good as Trump's for 7 1/2 years,'re reinforcing your status as the left's biggest buffoon! TARP is what kept us from having major parts of the financial system collapse and THAT was W's response to the recession...not Barry's!
Yes yes, the bushes took great care of their cronies and pals in the private mortgage and insurance business. The stimulus took care of people on main Street that got screwed... Along with about 7 trillion dollars in welfare and unemployment for the victims.... Great job as always. Oh wait that depression never happened...

The only problem with that liberal myth, Franco is that all of the TARP money that W gave to prop up the financial institutions and keep them from going under was REPAID in full! In comparison, when Barry gave out money to companies like Solyndra and General Motors...we DIDN'T get all of it back!

As for the stimulus helping people on Main Street? Yeah, everyone in the Private Sector got a little amount taken off of the taxes they owed! If you were in government you got your job secured by billions of dollars coming from the Federal Government. The average person on Main Street was left to twist in the wind during the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...burning through their life's savings to stay afloat. Meanwhile the wealthy were making a killing investing in the stock market with the nearly free money they could borrow because the Fed had to keep interest rates so low for so long because of Barry's ineptitude with economics!
That is propaganda about us not getting the money back from automakers also with tarp... Highly debatable.

You seem hell bent on proving without a doubt that you ARE one of the most ignorant posters on this board, Franco! Why don't you spend a little less time with your silly "Pub dupe!" posts and educate yourself!
Trump's recession is gearing up.
Yeah...all of this record low unemployment, record high stock market, and increased wages is just awful. :lmao:

(The tragic part is that's actually the way the left thinks)
we also have the worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world by far and it just gets worse. Most of those wage increases go to the rich as always lately... Thanks GOP.
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Make no mistake, brainwashed functional moron. We had the best economy in the world under Obama for 7 and 1/2 years, just as good as Trump's economy even with 2 trillion dollars in sugar for no reason except the typical GOP giveaway to the rich and giant corporations....

If you think the Obama economy was as good as Trump's for 7 1/2 years,'re reinforcing your status as the left's biggest buffoon! TARP is what kept us from having major parts of the financial system collapse and THAT was W's response to the recession...not Barry's!
Yes yes, the bushes took great care of their cronies and pals in the private mortgage and insurance business. The stimulus took care of people on main Street that got screwed... Along with about 7 trillion dollars in welfare and unemployment for the victims.... Great job as always. Oh wait that depression never happened...

The only problem with that liberal myth, Franco is that all of the TARP money that W gave to prop up the financial institutions and keep them from going under was REPAID in full! In comparison, when Barry gave out money to companies like Solyndra and General Motors...we DIDN'T get all of it back!

As for the stimulus helping people on Main Street? Yeah, everyone in the Private Sector got a little amount taken off of the taxes they owed! If you were in government you got your job secured by billions of dollars coming from the Federal Government. The average person on Main Street was left to twist in the wind during the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...burning through their life's savings to stay afloat. Meanwhile the wealthy were making a killing investing in the stock market with the nearly free money they could borrow because the Fed had to keep interest rates so low for so long because of Barry's ineptitude with economics!
That is propaganda about us not getting the money back from automakers also with tarp... Highly debatable.

That is propaganda about us not getting the money back from automakers also with tarp... Highly debatable.


View attachment 274715

Bailout List: Banks, Auto Companies, and More | Eye on the Bailout | ProPublica
As I said. Highly debatable. the point is the Republicans screwed the world economy again.
Make no mistake, brainwashed functional moron. We had the best economy in the world under Obama for 7 and 1/2 years, just as good as Trump's economy even with 2 trillion dollars in sugar for no reason except the typical GOP giveaway to the rich and giant corporations....

If you think the Obama economy was as good as Trump's for 7 1/2 years,'re reinforcing your status as the left's biggest buffoon! TARP is what kept us from having major parts of the financial system collapse and THAT was W's response to the recession...not Barry's!
Yes yes, the bushes took great care of their cronies and pals in the private mortgage and insurance business. The stimulus took care of people on main Street that got screwed... Along with about 7 trillion dollars in welfare and unemployment for the victims.... Great job as always. Oh wait that depression never happened...

The only problem with that liberal myth, Franco is that all of the TARP money that W gave to prop up the financial institutions and keep them from going under was REPAID in full! In comparison, when Barry gave out money to companies like Solyndra and General Motors...we DIDN'T get all of it back!

As for the stimulus helping people on Main Street? Yeah, everyone in the Private Sector got a little amount taken off of the taxes they owed! If you were in government you got your job secured by billions of dollars coming from the Federal Government. The average person on Main Street was left to twist in the wind during the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...burning through their life's savings to stay afloat. Meanwhile the wealthy were making a killing investing in the stock market with the nearly free money they could borrow because the Fed had to keep interest rates so low for so long because of Barry's ineptitude with economics!
That is propaganda about us not getting the money back from automakers also with tarp... Highly debatable.

You seem hell bent on proving without a doubt that you ARE one of the most ignorant posters on this board, Franco! Why don't you spend a little less time with your silly "Pub dupe!" posts and educate yourself!
Look at the chart of payback and see that it is highly debatable. The financial institutions got away with murder just being paid back and as a loan. I can't remember how that worked...
If you think the Obama economy was as good as Trump's for 7 1/2 years,'re reinforcing your status as the left's biggest buffoon! TARP is what kept us from having major parts of the financial system collapse and THAT was W's response to the recession...not Barry's!
Yes yes, the bushes took great care of their cronies and pals in the private mortgage and insurance business. The stimulus took care of people on main Street that got screwed... Along with about 7 trillion dollars in welfare and unemployment for the victims.... Great job as always. Oh wait that depression never happened...

The only problem with that liberal myth, Franco is that all of the TARP money that W gave to prop up the financial institutions and keep them from going under was REPAID in full! In comparison, when Barry gave out money to companies like Solyndra and General Motors...we DIDN'T get all of it back!

As for the stimulus helping people on Main Street? Yeah, everyone in the Private Sector got a little amount taken off of the taxes they owed! If you were in government you got your job secured by billions of dollars coming from the Federal Government. The average person on Main Street was left to twist in the wind during the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...burning through their life's savings to stay afloat. Meanwhile the wealthy were making a killing investing in the stock market with the nearly free money they could borrow because the Fed had to keep interest rates so low for so long because of Barry's ineptitude with economics!
That is propaganda about us not getting the money back from automakers also with tarp... Highly debatable.

You seem hell bent on proving without a doubt that you ARE one of the most ignorant posters on this board, Franco! Why don't you spend a little less time with your silly "Pub dupe!" posts and educate yourself!
Look at the chart of payback and see that it is highly debatable. The financial institutions got away with murder just being paid back and as a loan. I can't remember how that worked...
And guess what, the point is the GOP and George Bush and all their lobbyists and corrupt regulators screwed the whole world in 2008. Start there. Talk about educating yourself. How many of your phony scandals against Hillary have even gone to court? Do you believe in a giant conspiracy of the FBI against you like the rest of you idiots? And you think that the rich pay too much in taxes. Absolute idiocy if you do.
If you think the Obama economy was as good as Trump's for 7 1/2 years,'re reinforcing your status as the left's biggest buffoon! TARP is what kept us from having major parts of the financial system collapse and THAT was W's response to the recession...not Barry's!
Yes yes, the bushes took great care of their cronies and pals in the private mortgage and insurance business. The stimulus took care of people on main Street that got screwed... Along with about 7 trillion dollars in welfare and unemployment for the victims.... Great job as always. Oh wait that depression never happened...

The only problem with that liberal myth, Franco is that all of the TARP money that W gave to prop up the financial institutions and keep them from going under was REPAID in full! In comparison, when Barry gave out money to companies like Solyndra and General Motors...we DIDN'T get all of it back!

As for the stimulus helping people on Main Street? Yeah, everyone in the Private Sector got a little amount taken off of the taxes they owed! If you were in government you got your job secured by billions of dollars coming from the Federal Government. The average person on Main Street was left to twist in the wind during the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...burning through their life's savings to stay afloat. Meanwhile the wealthy were making a killing investing in the stock market with the nearly free money they could borrow because the Fed had to keep interest rates so low for so long because of Barry's ineptitude with economics!
That is propaganda about us not getting the money back from automakers also with tarp... Highly debatable.

That is propaganda about us not getting the money back from automakers also with tarp... Highly debatable.


View attachment 274715

Bailout List: Banks, Auto Companies, and More | Eye on the Bailout | ProPublica
As I said. Highly debatable. the point is the Republicans screwed the world economy again.

Not debatable at all.
Lost over $11.3 billion on GM.
Lost over $1.2 billion on Chrysler.

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