The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal. The economy is showing signs of turning ...

""Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009.

Lying con tool, do you ever stop lying? Ever??? :ack-1:

You complain about 48,000 government jobs added during Bush's Great Recession; but being the lying con tool you are, you ludicrously blame Obama. When in reality, during the little more than 5 months Obama presided during the recession, non-postal government jobs decreased by 6,000.

Meaning ALL of those jobs added occurred under Bush. But because you're the lying con tool I've been saying you are, here you are pounding your fists on the table over Obama and blaming him for what Bush actually did.

BLS: total government

BLS: postal service


Rightwingers trying to do data analysis is like a three legged dog trying to run - it's really sad, but you just can't look away.

Did you want to address the two charts cited in the government report I provided, Anton? Show how they're inaccurate in any way? Explain why they don't show that Barry struggled mightily with the economy and job creation?

Umm it was already explained to you, your timeline is silly. Obama got to WH in Jan 2009.

His job growth record is very solid, which is why “they don’t show that Barry struggled with the job growth”

Barry's job growth record is "very solid"? In what way exactly? You do realize that the Obama Administration had to use "Jobs Created or Saved" because their stimulus created so few jobs that it was a political embarrassment? Or that if it wasn't for the energy boom created by fracking...which Barry opposed...that his numbers would have been positively abysmal? Or that he was proposing new Cap & Trade legislation as his next big legislative push when the GOP took back the House in the first mid term...legislation that would have cost even more jobs?

The truth is...Barack Obama's job growth record isn't very good but would have been far worse if he'd been able to get what he wanted politically! It's what happens when you put someone in the Oval Office that cares more about his agenda than he does about people who are out of a job!
Oh I don’t know, 80 something months of sis stained growth? Works for me.

You mean 80 months of tepid growth, right R-Derp? The worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression? How bad would that growth have been if he'd gotten the next piece of his liberal agenda know...the Cap & Trade legislation that he was pushing hard before the 2010 mid terms? Or how bad do you think his numbers would have been if fracking had been prohibited like he wanted?

How's THAT work for ya'?
Trump's recession is gearing up.

U.S. Stocks Drop as Treasurys Flash Warning Signal

"Trade tensions between the U.S. and China, uncertainty about the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate policy and signs of slowing economic growth have spurred weeks of turbulence that have rippled through the stock, bond and currency markets. In the Treasury market, the yield on the U.S. 30-year Treasury note touched 2.018%, below the previous intraday low of 2.094% in July 2016, according to Tradeweb.

Meanwhile, yields on the 10-year Treasury note briefly fell below two-year yields for the first time since 2007. This kind of inversion between short and long-term yields is viewed by many as a strong signal that a recession is likely in the future.""

The federal government has broken yet another record for how much money it's spending
"The federal government has spent more real money in the first seven months of this fiscal year than any other year in U.S. history, according to the latest monthly statement by the Department of Treasury. The previous record was set in 2011, when the U.S. was recuperating from the Great Recession."

Mark this up as another failure of Trump's, so many now.

You are SO excited. Maybe this time, you'll get him!
We’re not Republicans. This isn’t about “getting him” the way you guys failed at doing with Obama and Hillary and Bill, this is about saving the country.

Ah, so the countless strings you've started trying to get Trump...wasn't actually you trying to get was you trying to save the country? Right...
Not debatable at all.
Lost over $11.3 billion on GM.
Lost over $1.2 billion on Chrysler.
And 13 billion just on citicorp....

That's a profit from Citicorp, tard.
The list of financial institutions that lost hundreds of millions goes on forever. Congratulations you saved a bunch of scumbag financiers who destroyed the world economy. We saved tens of millions of jobs based on the Auto industry and ended your God damn depression.

The list of financial institutions that lost hundreds of millions goes on forever.

And yet, bank TARP gave a huge profit to the US Treasury.

Congratulations you saved a bunch of scumbag financiers who destroyed the world economy.


We saved tens of millions of jobs based on the Auto industry

Could have done it without screwing bondholders and taxpayers.

and ended your God damn depression.

And stopped the rise of the oceans. He sure was magic!
Worst economic policies since Nixon.
7 1/2 years straight of growth, brainwashed functional moron. And Bush's economic policies? You're absolutely nuts...

7 1/2 years straight of growth

But enough about his weak recovery...….tell me more about his magic!!!
And 13 billion just on citicorp....

That's a profit from Citicorp, tard.
The list of financial institutions that lost hundreds of millions goes on forever. Congratulations you saved a bunch of scumbag financiers who destroyed the world economy. We saved tens of millions of jobs based on the Auto industry and ended your God damn depression.

Tens of millions of jobs? Your ignorance grows by leaps and bounds! TARP propped up the financial sector and kept a bad recession from possibly turning into The Great Depression II. The auto bailout was Barry coming to the aid of the UAW at the expense of the US taxpayer.
They both worked and we averted another corrupt GOP World depression. When will you ever learn anything? The GOP is the swamp, especially the last 37 years....

TARP did work...just as W said it would. We essentially lent money to keep some big financial institutions from going bankrupt and they paid us back with interest. That isn't what took place when Barry started loaning out money it, Franco? He gave it to GM and Chrysler. He gave it to politically connected companies like Solyndra. They not only didn't pay that money back with interest like the companies that Bush gave money to...they stiffed us on the principle! It's a perfect example of how NOT to use a program like TARP!
Yes the GOP are economic geniuses. LOL what an idiot. I never argued that it wasn't a success. Could you remember that the GOP wrecked the entire world economy and cost us about 10 trillion dollars? Brainwashed functional moron.....
Once use a statistic to hide the truth. Your figure of 24,000 added can only be arrived at by counting the massive amount of people that the US Post Office laid organization that is only loosely affiliated with the "Federal Government"! The truth is that while millions of Americans in the Private Sector were being laid off...Barack Obama added to the Federal work force.

"Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009. State and local gov-ernments added jobs during the first several months of the recession, but after employment reached a high point in August 2008, they shed 68,000 jobs through the end of the recession—a decline of about 0.3 percent. (See chart 3.) Employment in State and local government tends not to fall during recessions, and job growth in these areas actu-ally accelerated during the 1990–91 and 2001 recessions.31State and local governments have less flexibility than the Federal Government to run deficits; nearly all State governments have some form of a balanced-budget re-quirement.32 State tax revenues—received primarily from income, sales, and gross receipts taxes—are sensitive to the business cycle, and they began to fall on an annual basis after September 2008.33 Falling revenues put pres-sure on States to cut employment, which they began to do after August 2008. In order to shore up State budgets, nearly 60 billion dollars of fiscal relief was given by the Federal Government to the States in 2009 as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This stimulus package was also intended to help local governments stave off job cuts.34Local governments, unlike State governments, did not see a drop in tax revenue. Local government tax revenues come mostly from property taxes, which continued to grow throughout the recession despite declining home values.35But, according to the National League of Cities, revenue growth was outpaced by spending growth in 2008 and 2009, and local governments began reducing employment after September 2008 in order to cover budget shortfalls.36The recession led not only to employment losses, but also to cuts in workers’ hours.37 In June 2009, average weekly hours of all employees had fallen by 1 hour to 33.7 hours from the peak in June 2007. Aggregate hours, the product of employment and average weekly hours, fell by 9.8 percent between June 2007 and October 2009. As 2010 came to a close, aggregate hours were still 7.6 per-centage points below their prerecession peak."
""Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009.

Lying con tool, do you ever stop lying? Ever??? :ack-1:

You complain about 48,000 government jobs added during Bush's Great Recession; but being the lying con tool you are, you ludicrously blame Obama. When in reality, during the little more than 5 months Obama presided during the recession, non-postal government jobs decreased by 6,000.

Meaning ALL of those jobs added occurred under Bush. But because you're the lying con tool I've been saying you are, here you are pounding your fists on the table over Obama and blaming him for what Bush actually did.

BLS: total government

BLS: postal service


Rightwingers trying to do data analysis is like a three legged dog trying to run - it's really sad, but you just can't look away.

Did you want to address the two charts cited in the government report I provided, Anton? Show how they're inaccurate in any way? Explain why they don't show that Barry struggled mightily with the economy and job creation?

Umm it was already explained to you, your timeline is silly. Obama got to WH in Jan 2009.

His job growth record is very solid, which is why “they don’t show that Barry struggled with the job growth”

Barry's job growth record is "very solid"? In what way exactly?

Jezus straight up live on the moon.


Surely this is not the first time you've been introduced to these facts, so wtf is your malfunction?
Looks like he already did, brainwashed functional moron... Too bad nothing permeates your incredibly thick dupe skull....

Faun actually never addressed those charts at all, Franco! The reason for him to avoid doing so is that there really IS no way to explain how what's on those charts demonstrates leadership that has a clue about economics! Instead of dealing with charts that literally jump off the page at you they're so revealing, Faun chose to try and obscure the truth with more of his misleading statistics.
Sure I did. I listed the names of all the presidents who gave us those recessions.

How about talking about the two President's who oversaw the two worst recoveries from recessions in American history, Faun? That would be FDR and Barack Obama.
You mean the two who had the worst economies handed to them?

We've had literally dozens of recessions over the years...some equally as bad as those two. What's remarkable about The Great Depression and The Great Recession is how two progressive "icons" managed to prolong the economic downturns they were given and turn them into glacially slow recoveries!

Barack Obama took office promising some vague "plan" to handle the midway through his second term he wasn't even trying to fix the economy. His economic dream team of Larry Summers and Christina Romer had both abandoned shit and run back to their tenured jobs at Harvard and Berkeley and nobody else in his administration had a clue about how to create jobs or grow the economy! Ask a thousand liberals who Barry's economic advisor was for the latter part of his last term and I'll bet you can't find ten that know who he/she was...let alone what plan they were pushing!
"We've had literally dozens of recessions over the years...some equally as bad as those two."

You're fucking deranged, ya lying con tool. There's just no other reason you could spew something so demented.
Rightwingers trying to do data analysis is like a three legged dog trying to run - it's really sad, but you just can't look away.

Did you want to address the two charts cited in the government report I provided, Anton? Show how they're inaccurate in any way? Explain why they don't show that Barry struggled mightily with the economy and job creation?

Umm it was already explained to you, your timeline is silly. Obama got to WH in Jan 2009.

His job growth record is very solid, which is why “they don’t show that Barry struggled with the job growth”

Barry's job growth record is "very solid"? In what way exactly? You do realize that the Obama Administration had to use "Jobs Created or Saved" because their stimulus created so few jobs that it was a political embarrassment? Or that if it wasn't for the energy boom created by fracking...which Barry opposed...that his numbers would have been positively abysmal? Or that he was proposing new Cap & Trade legislation as his next big legislative push when the GOP took back the House in the first mid term...legislation that would have cost even more jobs?

The truth is...Barack Obama's job growth record isn't very good but would have been far worse if he'd been able to get what he wanted politically! It's what happens when you put someone in the Oval Office that cares more about his agenda than he does about people who are out of a job!
Oh I don’t know, 80 something months of sis stained growth? Works for me.

You mean 80 months of tepid growth, right R-Derp? The worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression? How bad would that growth have been if he'd gotten the next piece of his liberal agenda know...the Cap & Trade legislation that he was pushing hard before the 2010 mid terms? Or how bad do you think his numbers would have been if fracking had been prohibited like he wanted?

How's THAT work for ya'?
actually in the real world he did not push hard for cap-and-trade, and all he did with fracking was make it as safe as possible, brainwashed functional moron- try some real news media someday!
Once use a statistic to hide the truth. Your figure of 24,000 added can only be arrived at by counting the massive amount of people that the US Post Office laid organization that is only loosely affiliated with the "Federal Government"! The truth is that while millions of Americans in the Private Sector were being laid off...Barack Obama added to the Federal work force.

"Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009. State and local gov-ernments added jobs during the first several months of the recession, but after employment reached a high point in August 2008, they shed 68,000 jobs through the end of the recession—a decline of about 0.3 percent. (See chart 3.) Employment in State and local government tends not to fall during recessions, and job growth in these areas actu-ally accelerated during the 1990–91 and 2001 recessions.31State and local governments have less flexibility than the Federal Government to run deficits; nearly all State governments have some form of a balanced-budget re-quirement.32 State tax revenues—received primarily from income, sales, and gross receipts taxes—are sensitive to the business cycle, and they began to fall on an annual basis after September 2008.33 Falling revenues put pres-sure on States to cut employment, which they began to do after August 2008. In order to shore up State budgets, nearly 60 billion dollars of fiscal relief was given by the Federal Government to the States in 2009 as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This stimulus package was also intended to help local governments stave off job cuts.34Local governments, unlike State governments, did not see a drop in tax revenue. Local government tax revenues come mostly from property taxes, which continued to grow throughout the recession despite declining home values.35But, according to the National League of Cities, revenue growth was outpaced by spending growth in 2008 and 2009, and local governments began reducing employment after September 2008 in order to cover budget shortfalls.36The recession led not only to employment losses, but also to cuts in workers’ hours.37 In June 2009, average weekly hours of all employees had fallen by 1 hour to 33.7 hours from the peak in June 2007. Aggregate hours, the product of employment and average weekly hours, fell by 9.8 percent between June 2007 and October 2009. As 2010 came to a close, aggregate hours were still 7.6 per-centage points below their prerecession peak."
""Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009.

Lying con tool, do you ever stop lying? Ever??? :ack-1:

You complain about 48,000 government jobs added during Bush's Great Recession; but being the lying con tool you are, you ludicrously blame Obama. When in reality, during the little more than 5 months Obama presided during the recession, non-postal government jobs decreased by 6,000.

Meaning ALL of those jobs added occurred under Bush. But because you're the lying con tool I've been saying you are, here you are pounding your fists on the table over Obama and blaming him for what Bush actually did.

BLS: total government

BLS: postal service


Rightwingers trying to do data analysis is like a three legged dog trying to run - it's really sad, but you just can't look away.

Did you want to address the two charts cited in the government report I provided, Anton? Show how they're inaccurate in any way? Explain why they don't show that Barry struggled mightily with the economy and job creation?

Umm it was already explained to you, your timeline is silly. Obama got to WH in Jan 2009.

His job growth record is very solid, which is why “they don’t show that Barry struggled with the job growth”

Barry's job growth record is "very solid"? In what way exactly? You do realize that the Obama Administration had to use "Jobs Created or Saved" because their stimulus created so few jobs that it was a political embarrassment? Or that if it wasn't for the energy boom created by fracking...which Barry opposed...that his numbers would have been positively abysmal? Or that he was proposing new Cap & Trade legislation as his next big legislative push when the GOP took back the House in the first mid term...legislation that would have cost even more jobs?

The truth is...Barack Obama's job growth record isn't very good but would have been far worse if he'd been able to get what he wanted politically! It's what happens when you put someone in the Oval Office that cares more about his agenda than he does about people who are out of a job!
"Barry's job growth record is "very solid"? In what way exactly? "

16 million jobs gained in the private sector as we enjoyed a record 83 consecutive months of job growth from March, 2010 through January, 2017.

""Overall, government employment grew during the 2007–09 recession. Federal Government employment (ex-cluding temporary Census workers) grew by 48,000 from December 2007 through June 2009.

Lying con tool, do you ever stop lying? Ever??? :ack-1:

You complain about 48,000 government jobs added during Bush's Great Recession; but being the lying con tool you are, you ludicrously blame Obama. When in reality, during the little more than 5 months Obama presided during the recession, non-postal government jobs decreased by 6,000.

Meaning ALL of those jobs added occurred under Bush. But because you're the lying con tool I've been saying you are, here you are pounding your fists on the table over Obama and blaming him for what Bush actually did.

BLS: total government

BLS: postal service


Rightwingers trying to do data analysis is like a three legged dog trying to run - it's really sad, but you just can't look away.

Did you want to address the two charts cited in the government report I provided, Anton? Show how they're inaccurate in any way? Explain why they don't show that Barry struggled mightily with the economy and job creation?

Umm it was already explained to you, your timeline is silly. Obama got to WH in Jan 2009.

His job growth record is very solid, which is why “they don’t show that Barry struggled with the job growth”

Barry's job growth record is "very solid"? In what way exactly?

Jezus straight up live on the moon.


Surely this is not the first time you've been introduced to these facts, so wtf is your malfunction?
If it doesn't come for the mouths of Shawn or Rush, it's all fake news of course. Totally brainwashed it's really unbelievable and scary....
And 13 billion just on citicorp....

That's a profit from Citicorp, tard.
The list of financial institutions that lost hundreds of millions goes on forever. Congratulations you saved a bunch of scumbag financiers who destroyed the world economy. We saved tens of millions of jobs based on the Auto industry and ended your God damn depression.

Tens of millions of jobs? Your ignorance grows by leaps and bounds! TARP propped up the financial sector and kept a bad recession from possibly turning into The Great Depression II. The auto bailout was Barry coming to the aid of the UAW at the expense of the US taxpayer.
They both worked and we averted another corrupt GOP World depression. When will you ever learn anything? The GOP is the swamp, especially the last 37 years....

TARP did work...just as W said it would. We essentially lent money to keep some big financial institutions from going bankrupt and they paid us back with interest. That isn't what took place when Barry started loaning out money it, Franco? He gave it to GM and Chrysler. He gave it to politically connected companies like Solyndra. They not only didn't pay that money back with interest like the companies that Bush gave money to...they stiffed us on the principle! It's a perfect example of how NOT to use a program like TARP!
"TARP did work"

So you claim, but you're a lying con tool. The economy, which worsened following its passage, says otherwise.
Rightwingers trying to do data analysis is like a three legged dog trying to run - it's really sad, but you just can't look away.

Did you want to address the two charts cited in the government report I provided, Anton? Show how they're inaccurate in any way? Explain why they don't show that Barry struggled mightily with the economy and job creation?

Umm it was already explained to you, your timeline is silly. Obama got to WH in Jan 2009.

His job growth record is very solid, which is why “they don’t show that Barry struggled with the job growth”

Barry's job growth record is "very solid"? In what way exactly? You do realize that the Obama Administration had to use "Jobs Created or Saved" because their stimulus created so few jobs that it was a political embarrassment? Or that if it wasn't for the energy boom created by fracking...which Barry opposed...that his numbers would have been positively abysmal? Or that he was proposing new Cap & Trade legislation as his next big legislative push when the GOP took back the House in the first mid term...legislation that would have cost even more jobs?

The truth is...Barack Obama's job growth record isn't very good but would have been far worse if he'd been able to get what he wanted politically! It's what happens when you put someone in the Oval Office that cares more about his agenda than he does about people who are out of a job!
Oh I don’t know, 80 something months of sis stained growth? Works for me.

You mean 80 months of tepid growth, right R-Derp? The worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression? How bad would that growth have been if he'd gotten the next piece of his liberal agenda know...the Cap & Trade legislation that he was pushing hard before the 2010 mid terms? Or how bad do you think his numbers would have been if fracking had been prohibited like he wanted?

How's THAT work for ya'?
"You mean 80 months of tepid growth, right R-Derp?"


Lying con tool, by "tepid growth," you mean 16 million private sector jobs, right?
Faun actually never addressed those charts at all, Franco! The reason for him to avoid doing so is that there really IS no way to explain how what's on those charts demonstrates leadership that has a clue about economics! Instead of dealing with charts that literally jump off the page at you they're so revealing, Faun chose to try and obscure the truth with more of his misleading statistics.
Sure I did. I listed the names of all the presidents who gave us those recessions.

How about talking about the two President's who oversaw the two worst recoveries from recessions in American history, Faun? That would be FDR and Barack Obama.
You mean the two who had the worst economies handed to them?

We've had literally dozens of recessions over the years...some equally as bad as those two. What's remarkable about The Great Depression and The Great Recession is how two progressive "icons" managed to prolong the economic downturns they were given and turn them into glacially slow recoveries!

Barack Obama took office promising some vague "plan" to handle the midway through his second term he wasn't even trying to fix the economy. His economic dream team of Larry Summers and Christina Romer had both abandoned shit and run back to their tenured jobs at Harvard and Berkeley and nobody else in his administration had a clue about how to create jobs or grow the economy! Ask a thousand liberals who Barry's economic advisor was for the latter part of his last term and I'll bet you can't find ten that know who he/she was...let alone what plan they were pushing!
"We've had literally dozens of recessions over the years...some equally as bad as those two."

You're fucking deranged, ya lying con tool. There's just no other reason you could spew something so demented.

"There have been as many as 47 recessions in the United States dating back to the Articles of Confederation, and although economists and historians dispute certain 19th-century recessions,[1] the consensus view among economists and historians is that "The cyclical volatility of GNP and unemployment was greater before the Great Depression than it has been since the end of World War II."[2] Cycles in the country's agricultural production, industrial production, consumption, business investment, and the health of the banking industry contribute to these declines. U.S. recessions have increasingly affected economies on a worldwide scale, especially as countries' economies become more intertwined."
List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia
That's a profit from Citicorp, tard.
The list of financial institutions that lost hundreds of millions goes on forever. Congratulations you saved a bunch of scumbag financiers who destroyed the world economy. We saved tens of millions of jobs based on the Auto industry and ended your God damn depression.

Tens of millions of jobs? Your ignorance grows by leaps and bounds! TARP propped up the financial sector and kept a bad recession from possibly turning into The Great Depression II. The auto bailout was Barry coming to the aid of the UAW at the expense of the US taxpayer.
They both worked and we averted another corrupt GOP World depression. When will you ever learn anything? The GOP is the swamp, especially the last 37 years....

TARP did work...just as W said it would. We essentially lent money to keep some big financial institutions from going bankrupt and they paid us back with interest. That isn't what took place when Barry started loaning out money it, Franco? He gave it to GM and Chrysler. He gave it to politically connected companies like Solyndra. They not only didn't pay that money back with interest like the companies that Bush gave money to...they stiffed us on the principle! It's a perfect example of how NOT to use a program like TARP!
"TARP did work"

So you claim, but you're a lying con tool. The economy, which worsened following its passage, says otherwise.
TARP wasn't designed to fix the was designed to stabilize large financial institutions...which it did. Thus my claim that TARP did spot on!
The Obama Stimulus on the other hand was designed to fix the economy and create jobs...both of which got worse after it was implemented. Is that what you were thinking about when you posted that, Faun?
Did you want to address the two charts cited in the government report I provided, Anton? Show how they're inaccurate in any way? Explain why they don't show that Barry struggled mightily with the economy and job creation?

Umm it was already explained to you, your timeline is silly. Obama got to WH in Jan 2009.

His job growth record is very solid, which is why “they don’t show that Barry struggled with the job growth”

Barry's job growth record is "very solid"? In what way exactly? You do realize that the Obama Administration had to use "Jobs Created or Saved" because their stimulus created so few jobs that it was a political embarrassment? Or that if it wasn't for the energy boom created by fracking...which Barry opposed...that his numbers would have been positively abysmal? Or that he was proposing new Cap & Trade legislation as his next big legislative push when the GOP took back the House in the first mid term...legislation that would have cost even more jobs?

The truth is...Barack Obama's job growth record isn't very good but would have been far worse if he'd been able to get what he wanted politically! It's what happens when you put someone in the Oval Office that cares more about his agenda than he does about people who are out of a job!
Oh I don’t know, 80 something months of sis stained growth? Works for me.

You mean 80 months of tepid growth, right R-Derp? The worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression? How bad would that growth have been if he'd gotten the next piece of his liberal agenda know...the Cap & Trade legislation that he was pushing hard before the 2010 mid terms? Or how bad do you think his numbers would have been if fracking had been prohibited like he wanted?

How's THAT work for ya'?
"You mean 80 months of tepid growth, right R-Derp?"


Lying con tool, by "tepid growth," you mean 16 million private sector jobs, right?

Where are you pulling the number of 16 million from Faun? By my calculations, 8.9 million net jobs were created during Obama's two terms. Let me don't count the jobs that were lost while he was President? Why doesn't that surprise me...
Gee, Faun...would 47 be considered "dozens"? Duh?
And since we got the Fed and unemployment and welfare and Social Security there have been a lot fewer... You're welcome, brainwash functional moron. Now you need the GOP to actively screw up the economy to have one....
The list of financial institutions that lost hundreds of millions goes on forever. Congratulations you saved a bunch of scumbag financiers who destroyed the world economy. We saved tens of millions of jobs based on the Auto industry and ended your God damn depression.

Tens of millions of jobs? Your ignorance grows by leaps and bounds! TARP propped up the financial sector and kept a bad recession from possibly turning into The Great Depression II. The auto bailout was Barry coming to the aid of the UAW at the expense of the US taxpayer.
They both worked and we averted another corrupt GOP World depression. When will you ever learn anything? The GOP is the swamp, especially the last 37 years....

TARP did work...just as W said it would. We essentially lent money to keep some big financial institutions from going bankrupt and they paid us back with interest. That isn't what took place when Barry started loaning out money it, Franco? He gave it to GM and Chrysler. He gave it to politically connected companies like Solyndra. They not only didn't pay that money back with interest like the companies that Bush gave money to...they stiffed us on the principle! It's a perfect example of how NOT to use a program like TARP!
"TARP did work"

So you claim, but you're a lying con tool. The economy, which worsened following its passage, says otherwise.
TARP wasn't designed to fix the was designed to stabilize large financial institutions...which it did. Thus my claim that TARP did spot on!
The Obama Stimulus on the other hand was designed to fix the economy and create jobs...both of which got worse after it was implemented. Is that what you were thinking about when you posted that, Faun?
Can you even SEE the facts and charts we present to you, brainwashed functional moron? LOL you dupes are unbelievable. Poor America poor world...
Tens of millions of jobs? Your ignorance grows by leaps and bounds! TARP propped up the financial sector and kept a bad recession from possibly turning into The Great Depression II. The auto bailout was Barry coming to the aid of the UAW at the expense of the US taxpayer.
They both worked and we averted another corrupt GOP World depression. When will you ever learn anything? The GOP is the swamp, especially the last 37 years....

TARP did work...just as W said it would. We essentially lent money to keep some big financial institutions from going bankrupt and they paid us back with interest. That isn't what took place when Barry started loaning out money it, Franco? He gave it to GM and Chrysler. He gave it to politically connected companies like Solyndra. They not only didn't pay that money back with interest like the companies that Bush gave money to...they stiffed us on the principle! It's a perfect example of how NOT to use a program like TARP!
"TARP did work"

So you claim, but you're a lying con tool. The economy, which worsened following its passage, says otherwise.
TARP wasn't designed to fix the was designed to stabilize large financial institutions...which it did. Thus my claim that TARP did spot on!
The Obama Stimulus on the other hand was designed to fix the economy and create jobs...both of which got worse after it was implemented. Is that what you were thinking about when you posted that, Faun?
Can you even SEE the facts and charts we present to you, brainwashed functional moron? LOL you dupes are unbelievable. Poor America poor world...

Trust me...I've seen every single "fact" that you two have presented here, Franco...and I've shown how all of it is nothing more than liberal myth to protect poor Barry's "legacy"!
Sure I did. I listed the names of all the presidents who gave us those recessions.

How about talking about the two President's who oversaw the two worst recoveries from recessions in American history, Faun? That would be FDR and Barack Obama.
You mean the two who had the worst economies handed to them?

We've had literally dozens of recessions over the years...some equally as bad as those two. What's remarkable about The Great Depression and The Great Recession is how two progressive "icons" managed to prolong the economic downturns they were given and turn them into glacially slow recoveries!

Barack Obama took office promising some vague "plan" to handle the midway through his second term he wasn't even trying to fix the economy. His economic dream team of Larry Summers and Christina Romer had both abandoned shit and run back to their tenured jobs at Harvard and Berkeley and nobody else in his administration had a clue about how to create jobs or grow the economy! Ask a thousand liberals who Barry's economic advisor was for the latter part of his last term and I'll bet you can't find ten that know who he/she was...let alone what plan they were pushing!
"We've had literally dozens of recessions over the years...some equally as bad as those two."

You're fucking deranged, ya lying con tool. There's just no other reason you could spew something so demented.

"There have been as many as 47 recessions in the United States dating back to the Articles of Confederation, and although economists and historians dispute certain 19th-century recessions,[1] the consensus view among economists and historians is that "The cyclical volatility of GNP and unemployment was greater before the Great Depression than it has been since the end of World War II."[2] Cycles in the country's agricultural production, industrial production, consumption, business investment, and the health of the banking industry contribute to these declines. U.S. recessions have increasingly affected economies on a worldwide scale, especially as countries' economies become more intertwined."
List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia
Seriously, lying con tool? Wikipedia??

Show me GDP and unemployment figures from an recession worse than the Great Depression...
Umm it was already explained to you, your timeline is silly. Obama got to WH in Jan 2009.

His job growth record is very solid, which is why “they don’t show that Barry struggled with the job growth”

Barry's job growth record is "very solid"? In what way exactly? You do realize that the Obama Administration had to use "Jobs Created or Saved" because their stimulus created so few jobs that it was a political embarrassment? Or that if it wasn't for the energy boom created by fracking...which Barry opposed...that his numbers would have been positively abysmal? Or that he was proposing new Cap & Trade legislation as his next big legislative push when the GOP took back the House in the first mid term...legislation that would have cost even more jobs?

The truth is...Barack Obama's job growth record isn't very good but would have been far worse if he'd been able to get what he wanted politically! It's what happens when you put someone in the Oval Office that cares more about his agenda than he does about people who are out of a job!
Oh I don’t know, 80 something months of sis stained growth? Works for me.

You mean 80 months of tepid growth, right R-Derp? The worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression? How bad would that growth have been if he'd gotten the next piece of his liberal agenda know...the Cap & Trade legislation that he was pushing hard before the 2010 mid terms? Or how bad do you think his numbers would have been if fracking had been prohibited like he wanted?

How's THAT work for ya'?
"You mean 80 months of tepid growth, right R-Derp?"


Lying con tool, by "tepid growth," you mean 16 million private sector jobs, right?

Where are you pulling the number of 16 million from Faun? By my calculations, 8.9 million net jobs were created during Obama's two terms. Let me don't count the jobs that were lost while he was President? Why doesn't that surprise me...
1/2010: 107,316,000
1/2017: 123,385,000


Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

What fuzzy math did you employ to come up with 8.9 million?

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