The Next Recession Is Going to Be Brutal. The economy is showing signs of turning ...

Trump's recession is gearing up.

U.S. Stocks Drop as Treasurys Flash Warning Signal

"Trade tensions between the U.S. and China, uncertainty about the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate policy and signs of slowing economic growth have spurred weeks of turbulence that have rippled through the stock, bond and currency markets. In the Treasury market, the yield on the U.S. 30-year Treasury note touched 2.018%, below the previous intraday low of 2.094% in July 2016, according to Tradeweb.

Meanwhile, yields on the 10-year Treasury note briefly fell below two-year yields for the first time since 2007. This kind of inversion between short and long-term yields is viewed by many as a strong signal that a recession is likely in the future.""

The federal government has broken yet another record for how much money it's spending
"The federal government has spent more real money in the first seven months of this fiscal year than any other year in U.S. history, according to the latest monthly statement by the Department of Treasury. The previous record was set in 2011, when the U.S. was recuperating from the Great Recession."

Mark this up as another failure of Trump's, so many now.

You didnt predict it. You hoped for it. Every boom ends in a bust. Thats a fact...not a prediction.

Yes, I did. Any businessman who files 6 bankruptcies and loses $1B (Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses) is obviously NOT fit to be POTUS if he didn't learn from the FIRST fucking bankruptcy.

When did YOU learn about his bankruptcies? And you voted for the pig anyway, didn't you?
based on what facts? a genius will always fail at least once, the more failures, the smarter the man. have you not heard that? Therefore, your statement is nonsense.
Trump's recession is gearing up.
Three weeks ago, liberals were telling us about the virtues of Obama's economic boom and how Trump was taking credit for something he had nothing to do with.
What changed?
Trump was warned not to impose those tariffs,.
That was more than three weeks ago.
Trump's spending right and left...
Th was more than three weeks ago.
Trump took a booming economy and started fucking it up.
In the last three weeks?
That's what has changed.
Why aren't you able to admit you'll never give Trump credit for anything good, and will always blame him for anything bad?
Electing Trump was repubs first step into a bankrupt America Remember hoe repubs hated the easy money policy of Obama ? Now they're all for it?
Trump's recession is gearing up.

U.S. Stocks Drop as Treasurys Flash Warning Signal

"Trade tensions between the U.S. and China, uncertainty about the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate policy and signs of slowing economic growth have spurred weeks of turbulence that have rippled through the stock, bond and currency markets. In the Treasury market, the yield on the U.S. 30-year Treasury note touched 2.018%, below the previous intraday low of 2.094% in July 2016, according to Tradeweb.

Meanwhile, yields on the 10-year Treasury note briefly fell below two-year yields for the first time since 2007. This kind of inversion between short and long-term yields is viewed by many as a strong signal that a recession is likely in the future.""

The federal government has broken yet another record for how much money it's spending
"The federal government has spent more real money in the first seven months of this fiscal year than any other year in U.S. history, according to the latest monthly statement by the Department of Treasury. The previous record was set in 2011, when the U.S. was recuperating from the Great Recession."

Mark this up as another failure of Trump's, so many now.

Isn’t it the Kenyans economy though?
Kenyans? You claim to be American and hate immigrants and you speak one language and you can't spell. Shame on you!!!
Trump's recession is gearing up.
Three weeks ago, liberals were telling us about the virtues of Obama's economic boom and how Trump was taking credit for something he had nothing to do with.
What changed?
Trump was warned not to impose those tariffs,.
That was more than three weeks ago.
Trump's spending right and left...
Th was more than three weeks ago.
Trump took a booming economy and started fucking it up.
In the last three weeks?
That's what has changed.
Why aren't you able to admit you'll never give Trump credit for anything good, and will always blame him for anything bad?
I could stand to be corrected but isn't the DOW a dead issue since Jan 18?
Trump's recession is gearing up.

U.S. Stocks Drop as Treasurys Flash Warning Signal

"Trade tensions between the U.S. and China, uncertainty about the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate policy and signs of slowing economic growth have spurred weeks of turbulence that have rippled through the stock, bond and currency markets. In the Treasury market, the yield on the U.S. 30-year Treasury note touched 2.018%, below the previous intraday low of 2.094% in July 2016, according to Tradeweb.

Meanwhile, yields on the 10-year Treasury note briefly fell below two-year yields for the first time since 2007. This kind of inversion between short and long-term yields is viewed by many as a strong signal that a recession is likely in the future.""

The federal government has broken yet another record for how much money it's spending
"The federal government has spent more real money in the first seven months of this fiscal year than any other year in U.S. history, according to the latest monthly statement by the Department of Treasury. The previous record was set in 2011, when the U.S. was recuperating from the Great Recession."

Mark this up as another failure of Trump's, so many now.

Right Mr. Wizard and I predict the sun will set tonignt and rise again tomorrow morning.
China's response to the US trade 'effort' was to further devalue the Yuan. Their intention is to push us into a recession.

Xi Jinping alluded to a "New Long March" during a speech in May. The double meaning was in essence preparing the Chinese people for an impending recession.

Xi Jinping says China is embarking on a 'new Long March,' signaling no end to trade war soon

If the economy does go into recession...does not bode well for Trump

Trump has been calling for and probably receiving quantitative easing via the Fed...for some months now.

Trump Calls for New Quantitative Easing to Prop Up U.S. Economy
If we go into recession we are in big trouble. We are already spending like we are in a recession. Interest rates are very low. We already did a huge tax handout. Not any options to get out.
Yeap...and...who will buy our bonds? Worst will we absorb the mass sell off of existing bonds?
China has something like $1T? Last time I cared to check many years ago.
Last time we worked with countries like China. As China dumps other holders will be forced to move their assets in kind to prevent leaving their ass flapping in the breeze.

This is otherworld levels of fuckery that I don't even want to imagine.

There’s lots of demand for our bonds even if the Chinese sell them all.
Maybe. If China goes full kung fu and dumps their shit it will send everyone for the door. $1T is a lot of mullah. Would it cut their throat? Yeah...will they do it? No...but IF.

If they dump their Treasuries quickly, they risk a plunge in the yuan and capital flight which would damage their economy. They’ve already sold $200 billion. They’ll probably keep reducing but slowly.
That's the threat appears that there was a 'handshake' that they would. However, if we are continuing trends which are pushing them into recession (Trade restrictions/tariffs) who is to say they would pick up the pace?
As for capital flight and damage to the economy...given the topic...wouldn't that already be assumed? No one is stating that they would be one would. Further, I think that action would be tantamount to armed conflict...which would probably ensue.
Trump's recession is gearing up.

U.S. Stocks Drop as Treasurys Flash Warning Signal

"Trade tensions between the U.S. and China, uncertainty about the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate policy and signs of slowing economic growth have spurred weeks of turbulence that have rippled through the stock, bond and currency markets. In the Treasury market, the yield on the U.S. 30-year Treasury note touched 2.018%, below the previous intraday low of 2.094% in July 2016, according to Tradeweb.

Meanwhile, yields on the 10-year Treasury note briefly fell below two-year yields for the first time since 2007. This kind of inversion between short and long-term yields is viewed by many as a strong signal that a recession is likely in the future.""

The federal government has broken yet another record for how much money it's spending
"The federal government has spent more real money in the first seven months of this fiscal year than any other year in U.S. history, according to the latest monthly statement by the Department of Treasury. The previous record was set in 2011, when the U.S. was recuperating from the Great Recession."

Mark this up as another failure of Trump's, so many now.

You didnt predict it. You hoped for it. Every boom ends in a bust. Thats a fact...not a prediction.

Yes, I did. Any businessman who files 6 bankruptcies and loses $1B (Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses) is obviously NOT fit to be POTUS if he didn't learn from the FIRST fucking bankruptcy.

When did YOU learn about his bankruptcies? And you voted for the pig anyway, didn't you?
based on what facts? a genius will always fail at least once, the more failures, the smarter the man. have you not heard that? Therefore, your statement is nonsense.
Sorry pal IF you don't learn from your mistakes you will be repeating them Trump has learned nothing
Trump's recession is gearing up.
Three weeks ago, liberals were telling us about the virtues of Obama's economic boom and how Trump was taking credit for something he had nothing to do with.
What changed?

if there is a recession and Obama gets the blame, that's automatically giving him credit for an economy that failed - the one Trump and his drones take credit for.

dont tell me youre too stupid to figure that one out ...
'Predicted'? This is what traitorous, Trump-hating sore-loser party-1st Democrats / snowflakes have been praying for, for the record-setting economy to stall, for the country to fail, for Americans to be hurt and suffer so they could blame the President, knowing that if the economy remained / remains strong they don't have a shot in hell of beating him in 2020. Pulling for your country to fail for party benefit is akin to treason in my book. You either have something to offer the country on your own or you don't...without praying the country suffers...
Oh shush, you were claiming that your president is a Muslim from Kenya, that the good economy is fake news. You were warned that trump will fuck things up, and most e economists told him not to wage a trade war, and there you have it. Don't be dumber than him.
Oh shush, you were claiming that your president is a Muslim from Kenya...
You, not surprising to anyone, are a LIAR.

I am the one pointing out how he spent 8 years arming, financing, training, protecting, defending, aiding, abetting, and even using our military to help terrorists, to include the ones who slaughtered 3,000 Americans in one day, and how the Nobel Peace Prize Winner dragged the US into 2 wars to help terrorists.
Oh shush, you were claiming that your president is a Muslim from Kenya...
You, not surprising to anyone, are a LIAR.

I am the one pointing out how he spent 8 years arming, financing, training, protecting, defending, aiding, abetting, and even using our military to help terrorists, to include the ones who slaughtered 3,000 Americans in one day, and how the Nobel Peace Prize Winner dragged the US into 2 wars to help terrorists.

the KGB trained you well Boris.
Trump's recession is gearing up.

U.S. Stocks Drop as Treasurys Flash Warning Signal

"Trade tensions between the U.S. and China, uncertainty about the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate policy and signs of slowing economic growth have spurred weeks of turbulence that have rippled through the stock, bond and currency markets. In the Treasury market, the yield on the U.S. 30-year Treasury note touched 2.018%, below the previous intraday low of 2.094% in July 2016, according to Tradeweb.

Meanwhile, yields on the 10-year Treasury note briefly fell below two-year yields for the first time since 2007. This kind of inversion between short and long-term yields is viewed by many as a strong signal that a recession is likely in the future.""

The federal government has broken yet another record for how much money it's spending
"The federal government has spent more real money in the first seven months of this fiscal year than any other year in U.S. history, according to the latest monthly statement by the Department of Treasury. The previous record was set in 2011, when the U.S. was recuperating from the Great Recession."

Mark this up as another failure of Trump's, so many now.

You didnt predict it. You hoped for it. Every boom ends in a bust. Thats a fact...not a prediction.

Yes, I did. Any businessman who files 6 bankruptcies and loses $1B (Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses) is obviously NOT fit to be POTUS if he didn't learn from the FIRST fucking bankruptcy.

When did YOU learn about his bankruptcies? And you voted for the pig anyway, didn't you?
based on what facts? a genius will always fail at least once, the more failures, the smarter the man. have you not heard that? Therefore, your statement is nonsense.
Sorry pal IF you don't learn from your mistakes you will be repeating them Trump has learned nothing
right, Trump gave up his kingdom for a dollar. would you do that?
Trump's recession is gearing up.

U.S. Stocks Drop as Treasurys Flash Warning Signal

"Trade tensions between the U.S. and China, uncertainty about the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate policy and signs of slowing economic growth have spurred weeks of turbulence that have rippled through the stock, bond and currency markets. In the Treasury market, the yield on the U.S. 30-year Treasury note touched 2.018%, below the previous intraday low of 2.094% in July 2016, according to Tradeweb.

Meanwhile, yields on the 10-year Treasury note briefly fell below two-year yields for the first time since 2007. This kind of inversion between short and long-term yields is viewed by many as a strong signal that a recession is likely in the future.""

The federal government has broken yet another record for how much money it's spending
"The federal government has spent more real money in the first seven months of this fiscal year than any other year in U.S. history, according to the latest monthly statement by the Department of Treasury. The previous record was set in 2011, when the U.S. was recuperating from the Great Recession."

Mark this up as another failure of Trump's, so many now.

Dream on little dreamer, dream on.

Don't be surprised by the hangover when you awake.
the KGB trained you well Boris.

Democrats are STILL trying to 'get Trump'....and failing....but no one is using the exposed 'Russia' lie anymore.


Judge slaps down Dem gambit in Trump impeachment probe



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