The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Hold on slugger, first you ramble along about the next republican president hasn't been born yet, valid arguments for some, and now its childish rhetoric proves republicans can no longer win? I think someone else said something like this in 1968.
Hold on slugger, first you ramble along about the next republican president hasn't been born yet, valid arguments for some, and now its childish rhetoric proves republicans can no longer win? I think someone else said something like this in 1968.

You are welcome to look at the red/blue breakdown of electoral votes and show a path for Republicans to reach 270

I don't see it
Chilling Video Terrifies Nation
LAS VEGAS (The Borowitz Report)—Authorities were urging people to remain calm on Tuesday night after the broadcast of a chilling video that terrified millions.

The video, which was broadcast nationally on CNN, appeared to show nine extremists glaring into the camera and making a series of escalating threats.

The radicals’ increasingly violent rhetoric and palpable hatred rattled viewers across the nation, sources said.

Experts who viewed the video acknowledged that the words and images contained in it were alarming, but advised the public to remain calm until the extremists’ threats could be authenticated.

Chilling Video Terrifies Nation
Here are the 20 solid blue states and their 246 electoral votes for a clearer understanding of just how skewed the Electoral College is against Republicans.
CA (55), NY (29), PA (20), IL (20), MI (16), NJ (14), WA (12), MA (11), MN (10), WI (10), MD (10), CT (7), OR (7), HI (4), ME (4), NH (4), RT (4), VT (3), DE (3), DC (3).

That's 246 Republicans
120 electoral votes left and you have to take 96 of them

As the Hispanic vote becomes more important in the next 20 years Texas and Arizona come into play and Florida turns blue

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Well, you might be a little ahead of yourself.

imo the republicans have a real change this time.

But past this?

Yes, your dem policy of importing Third World Voters to vote for your Third World Politics is succeeding wonderfully.

Good for you.

Is this a good time to ask again what benefit you see to coming from this for you or America as a whole?

Cause you keep resisting on that reasonable question.
Hold on slugger, first you ramble along about the next republican president hasn't been born yet, valid arguments for some, and now its childish rhetoric proves republicans can no longer win? I think someone else said something like this in 1968.

You are welcome to look at the red/blue breakdown of electoral votes and show a path for Republicans to reach 270

I don't see it

His point is completely valid.

In your previous post you cited the growth of the Hispanic Population as causing states to go blue, correctly.

"childish rhetoric" has nothing to do with this.

"Childish rhetoric" doesn't lead to generations long One Party State, which is what you are gloating about.

SO, please it is one thing for you dems to win and ruin the country in the process.

But don't lie to us and try telling us it is because of something wrong with us.

THAT'S called "rubbing salt in the wound".

It's going to be your world, Lib. You sure you want to set it on fire right out of the gate?
I don't see it

there is a whole lot you do not see, but one thing for certain you DO see a lot of shit that simply is not true!

Show me where I am wrong

Democrats have 246 electoral votes locked up
Show me a scenario where Republicans are able to take blue states or take 96/120 battleground EVs

If Trump message an appeal to the Working Class and Middle CLass and get Blue Dogs to cross the line.
Here are the 20 solid blue states and their 246 electoral votes for a clearer understanding of just how skewed the Electoral College is against Republicans.
CA (55), NY (29), PA (20), IL (20), MI (16), NJ (14), WA (12), MA (11), MN (10), WI (10), MD (10), CT (7), OR (7), HI (4), ME (4), NH (4), RT (4), VT (3), DE (3), DC (3).

That's 246 Republicans
120 electoral votes left and you have to take 96 of them

As the Hispanic vote becomes more important in the next 20 years Texas and Arizona come into play and Florida turns blue

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Well, you might be a little ahead of yourself.

imo the republicans have a real change this time.

But past this?

Yes, your dem policy of importing Third World Voters to vote for your Third World Politics is succeeding wonderfully.

Good for you.

Is this a good time to ask again what benefit you see to coming from this for you or America as a whole?

Cause you keep resisting on that reasonable question.

Democrats don't import anyone and it takes at least ten years to become a citizen

All immigrants in our history have been "third world". For some reason, wealthy people do not see a need to immigrate in large numbers

The fact that in the ten years immigrants work towards citizenship they become repulsed by the rhetoric and actions coming out of the Republican party is not the fault of the Democrats
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Here are the 20 solid blue states and their 246 electoral votes for a clearer understanding of just how skewed the Electoral College is against Republicans.
CA (55), NY (29), PA (20), IL (20), MI (16), NJ (14), WA (12), MA (11), MN (10), WI (10), MD (10), CT (7), OR (7), HI (4), ME (4), NH (4), RT (4), VT (3), DE (3), DC (3).

That's 246 Republicans
120 electoral votes left and you have to take 96 of them

As the Hispanic vote becomes more important in the next 20 years Texas and Arizona come into play and Florida turns blue

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Well, you might be a little ahead of yourself.

imo the republicans have a real change this time.

But past this?

Yes, your dem policy of importing Third World Voters to vote for your Third World Politics is succeeding wonderfully.

Good for you.

Is this a good time to ask again what benefit you see to coming from this for you or America as a whole?

Cause you keep resisting on that reasonable question.

Democrats don't import anyone and it takes at least ten years to become a citizen

All imigrants in our history have been "third world". For some reason, wealthy people do not see a need to immigrate in large numbers

The fact that in the ten years immigrants work towards citizenship they become repulsed by the rhetoric and actions coming out of the Republican party is not the fault of the Democrats

1. Democrats do import people, that's what the 65 Immigration act was all about.

2. 10 years? Considering this plan has been being implemented since 65, that is really, really irrelevant.

3. Link that all immigrants "Third World". And please explain relevance.

4. The fact that our policy is to import Voters who bloc vote Dem is the fault of dems. They were doing this long before the "childish rhetoric" of the other night, so it was dishonest of you to blame that.

RW, you gloat that the next Republican President has not yet been born.

That is not something you get because of rhetoric or even policy. Both of those can change ever election.

That is something you get with bloc voting.

So when you start talking smack about this Republican did that, or said this, you are contradiction yourself.


5. You never address the fact that telling those who you plan to permanently disenfranchise that it is because they are basically bad, or stupid or racist or some other BS, is going to just piss them off more.

What is your vision on how this will work out for the best, ie that you screw so many people, and then tell them it is their fault and that there is nothing they can ever do about it except suck it up?
Not that hard a prediction really

Yeah, like the Global Warming prediction made in 2008 that Manhattan would be under 2015. :p

Can Any Republican Win 270 Electoral Votes in 2016 (Or Ever Again)? | RedState

GOP’s biggest problem is Democrats start with 246 electoral votes
As Republicans gear up to “take back the White House” we all need to be aware that in 2012 if Romney had won the three swing states of Ohio, Florida and Virginia, he still would have lost the election to President Obama.
If you want to explore this new reality, check out Here you can play around with each state’s electoral votes and plot your favorite candidate’s path to 270 in 2016.
For instance, let’s look at Wisconsin with its 10 electoral votes. Every four years the Republican mind-set says Wisconsin will be a swing state. Then, within a few months into the campaign the state loses it’s coveted “battleground” status as polls begin to show “blue” reality. And the truth is that not since 1984, when Reagan won in a landslide against Walter Mondale, has Wisconsin seen red.
Or take Pennsylvania with 20 electoral votes and New York with 29 — both have been blue since Bill Clinton won them in 1992 and blue they will remain.
Then we have the mega-rich electoral state of California with its 55 votes that turned red for the last time in 1988 when George H.W. Bush won that “California guy,” Reagan’s “third term.”
After totaling the electoral votes in all the solid blue states, it becomes apparent that even a below average Democrat presidential candidate could begin the race with a whopping 246 advantage

Red State? Sorry, your source is not credible.

The numbers don't lie

Democrats start the race with 246 electoral votes...270 wins it

Which of your candidates do you think can win in a blue state?

Well, if true, we're doomed.... the mess we're staring at is the direct result of decades of progressive policies which has given us trillions of debt and nearly 60 trillion in unfunded liabilities. It is unsustainable. But, hey, we just need more of the same right?

Here are the 20 solid blue states and their 246 electoral votes for a clearer understanding of just how skewed the Electoral College is against Republicans.
CA (55), NY (29), PA (20), IL (20), MI (16), NJ (14), WA (12), MA (11), MN (10), WI (10), MD (10), CT (7), OR (7), HI (4), ME (4), NH (4), RT (4), VT (3), DE (3), DC (3).

That's 246 Republicans
120 electoral votes left and you have to take 96 of them

As the Hispanic vote becomes more important in the next 20 years Texas and Arizona come into play and Florida turns blue

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Well, you might be a little ahead of yourself.

imo the republicans have a real change this time.

But past this?

Yes, your dem policy of importing Third World Voters to vote for your Third World Politics is succeeding wonderfully.

Good for you.

Is this a good time to ask again what benefit you see to coming from this for you or America as a whole?

Cause you keep resisting on that reasonable question.

Democrats don't import anyone and it takes at least ten years to become a citizen

All imigrants in our history have been "third world". For some reason, wealthy people do not see a need to immigrate in large numbers

The fact that in the ten years immigrants work towards citizenship they become repulsed by the rhetoric and actions coming out of the Republican party is not the fault of the Democrats

1. Democrats do import people, that's what the 65 Immigration act was all about.

2. 10 years? Considering this plan has been being implemented since 65, that is really, really irrelevant.

3. Link that all immigrants "Third World". And please explain relevance.

4. The fact that our policy is to import Voters who bloc vote Dem is the fault of dems. They were doing this long before the "childish rhetoric" of the other night, so it was dishonest of you to blame that.

RW, you gloat that the next Republican President has not yet been born.

That is not something you get because of rhetoric or even policy. Both of those can change ever election.

That is something you get with bloc voting.

So when you start talking smack about this Republican did that, or said this, you are contradiction yourself.


5. You never address the fact that telling those who you plan to permanently disenfranchise that it is because they are basically bad, or stupid or racist or some other BS, is going to just piss them off more.

What is your vision on how this will work out for the best, ie that you screw so many people, and then tell them it is their fault and that there is nothing they can ever do about it except suck it up?

Sorry pal...but Democrats do not force anyone to immigrate
In our past...Irish, Itallian, Chinese immigrants were third world

None of which excuses Republican inability to convince black, hispanic, asian or Jewish voters to vote Republican

Sometimes you need to look in the mirror to find what the problem is
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime

That would be a very good thing for America if we don't see another republican president in a long time.

They are toxic to our nation.

Their economic policies destroy the economy.

Their social policies kills people and creates high rates of unplanned pregnancies, high rates of studs, crumbling schools and infrastructure.

They aren't dealing with reality and it's been so long since any of them has told a truth that none of them knows what truth is anymore.

Their base and voters know they're being lied to but don't care. They just keep voting for and supporting those liars.
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime

That would be a very good thing for America if we don't see another republican president in a long time.

They are toxic to our nation.

Their economic policies destroy the economy.

Their social policies kills people and creates high rates of unplanned pregnancies, high rates of studs, crumbling schools and infrastructure.

They aren't dealing with reality and it's been so long since any of them has told a truth that none of them knows what truth is anymore.

Their base and voters know they're being lied to but don't care. They just keep voting for and supporting those liars.

It all comes down to whether the party can evolve...right now, it seems they are regressing as the party has been taken over by the 35% who are radical conservative

I also believe the party is not being helped by the rightwing media which does not allow them to compromise
It all comes down to whether the party can evolve...right now, it seems they are regressing as the party has been taken over by the 35% who are radical conservative

I also believe the party is not being helped by the rightwing media which does not allow them to compromise
They have painting themselves into a corner. They have long since kicked out all the moderates (read- reasonable) so they are left w/ a sycophantic echo chamber :blahblah: There are basically no adults left in the room.

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