The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

No, you do not detect a trend.

Canada, the UK, Germany, Japan, wars over, problems gone.

Poverty? On and on and on, more and more money, more and more government.

Sure, we keep getting new poor people, because we refuse to address the actual problem, ie the cause.

THat's a lot different from the way we waged WWII.

War? On and on and on, more and more money, more and more government

Completely different.

We spend money on the military and we get results, safe sea routes, secure borders, defeated enemies, gone enemies.

Or at least we used to.

The War on Poverty? How many Peace Dividends have we had in that struggle?
We spend money on the poor and we get results. We don't have sick people dying in the streets, we don't have poor people begging door to door

More importantly, we provide a path out of poverty through education and jobs programs

How many times have we had a draw down on social workers because of so much "results"?

You will not be able to find any poor people who escaped poverty and did not benefit at some point from a government program or government assistance

Ask Ben Carson

Yes, ask Carson. His mother worked multiple jobs to raise her kids from poverty. She was too proud to take govt charity.
War? On and on and on, more and more money, more and more government

Completely different.

We spend money on the military and we get results, safe sea routes, secure borders, defeated enemies, gone enemies.

Or at least we used to.

The War on Poverty? How many Peace Dividends have we had in that struggle?
We spend money on the poor and we get results. We don't have sick people dying in the streets, we don't have poor people begging door to door

More importantly, we provide a path out of poverty through education and jobs programs

How many times have we had a draw down on social workers because of so much "results"?

You will not be able to find any poor people who escaped poverty and did not benefit at some point from a government program or government assistance

Ask Ben Carson

Yes, ask Carson. His mother worked multiple jobs to raise her kids from poverty. She was too proud to take govt charity.
She accepted charity. So did Ben
The Republicans are in their "We hate everyone, we want someone new" phase

Happens every four years

By the time the primaries start, Republicans will be back into their "who do we have that can win" mode

Trump, Carson, Cruz and Fiorina will drop off as legitimate candiates like Bush and Rubio actually win primaries
Trump is already starting to drop

But before he goes, he will bring down all the top potential Republican candidates

Hillary just has to clean up on the leftovers
I disagree. I think when conservative philosophy is clearly articulated by someone who understands it, the nation resonates. True Conservatism IS the moderate view. It rejects radical extremism. The problem is, some Republicans have no clue as to what Conservative philosophy is or how to articulate it.

"Rebranding" is a specious word. It implies that someone is going to repackage the same product under a different label or brand. I assure you, this is not the case with the Republican party. Don't get me wrong, there are Republicans who would love nothing more than to "rebrand" and trot out Romney 2.0 We'll give you everything the liberals promise and cut your taxes too!

Trump and Carson clearly aren't carrying the Establishment GOP water. What you are seeing is history being made. These candidates are the direct result of a grass roots movement across this country. They do not care about your labels. This is not "rebranding" but a complete redefinition.

You make some interesting points but let me throw this one at you, the problem I see is that conservatism has become a blanket label that is far too broad, for example I'm not a conservative, I'm a libertarian, there are distinct differences in philosophy (primarily stemming from the fact that conservatives do not hold the NAP as their central tenet) but the general public, the media and a lot of talking heads in Washington don't understand the differences. It's the same way with the liberal moniker, it's so often conflated with "progressive" that it has become basically meaningless, progressivism at it's birth was distinctly different from liberalism but since they have been allowed to become interchangeable actual liberals are now lumped in with authoritarian progressives even though in the original meanings they are polar opposites.

I'd like to see a modern conservative that can really articulate what makes conservative philosophy unique but as it stands now it's hard to pin point anyone.
You make some interesting points but let me throw this one at you, the problem I see is that conservatism has become a blanket label that is far too broad, for example I'm not a conservative, I'm a libertarian, there are distinct differences in philosophy (primarily stemming from the fact that conservatives do not hold the NAP as their central tenet) but the general public, the media and a lot of talking heads in Washington don't understand the differences.

Sorry it took so long to get back to this.

Conservatism is not an ideology. It has been morphed into a false ideology by the progressive left. Conservative voices have not been strongly unified enough behind a speaker who understands conservative philosophy to do anything about the false perception instilled by the left. Conservatism in it's purest form is a philosophy. It encompasses many ideological principles. This is how you can have social conservatives and libertarian conservatives, both supporting completely different agendas.

Some people are tricked into thinking we have Conservatives, Moderates and Liberals. This is false. Liberals are radical extremists, Conservatives are the moderate alternative to that. Thus, a so-called "moderate" is a 'centrist' who is between extreme and conservative.
I disagree. I think when conservative philosophy is clearly articulated by someone who understands it, the nation resonates. True Conservatism IS the moderate view. It rejects radical extremism. The problem is, some Republicans have no clue as to what Conservative philosophy is or how to articulate it.

"Rebranding" is a specious word. It implies that someone is going to repackage the same product under a different label or brand. I assure you, this is not the case with the Republican party. Don't get me wrong, there are Republicans who would love nothing more than to "rebrand" and trot out Romney 2.0 We'll give you everything the liberals promise and cut your taxes too!

Trump and Carson clearly aren't carrying the Establishment GOP water. What you are seeing is history being made. These candidates are the direct result of a grass roots movement across this country. They do not care about your labels. This is not "rebranding" but a complete redefinition.

You make some interesting points but let me throw this one at you, the problem I see is that conservatism has become a blanket label that is far too broad, for example I'm not a conservative, I'm a libertarian, there are distinct differences in philosophy (primarily stemming from the fact that conservatives do not hold the NAP as their central tenet) but the general public, the media and a lot of talking heads in Washington don't understand the differences. It's the same way with the liberal moniker, it's so often conflated with "progressive" that it has become basically meaningless, progressivism at it's birth was distinctly different from liberalism but since they have been allowed to become interchangeable actual liberals are now lumped in with authoritarian progressives even though in the original meanings they are polar opposites.

I'd like to see a modern conservative that can really articulate what makes conservative philosophy unique but as it stands now it's hard to pin point anyone.
You make some interesting points but let me throw this one at you, the problem I see is that conservatism has become a blanket label that is far too broad, for example I'm not a conservative, I'm a libertarian, there are distinct differences in philosophy (primarily stemming from the fact that conservatives do not hold the NAP as their central tenet) but the general public, the media and a lot of talking heads in Washington don't understand the differences.

Sorry it took so long to get back to this.

Conservatism is not an ideology. It has been morphed into a false ideology by the progressive left. Conservative voices have not been strongly unified enough behind a speaker who understands conservative philosophy to do anything about the false perception instilled by the left. Conservatism in it's purest form is a philosophy. It encompasses many ideological principles. This is how you can have social conservatives and libertarian conservatives, both supporting completely different agendas.

Some people are tricked into thinking we have Conservatives, Moderates and Liberals. This is false. Liberals are radical extremists, Conservatives are the moderate alternative to that. Thus, a so-called "moderate" is a 'centrist' who is between extreme and conservative.

Conservatives have driven the moderates (fucking RINOs) from the Republican party. A moderate voter has no other choice but to vote for a moderate Democrat as opposed to an extreme Republican
As the current crop of republican candidates is consuming itself, it is clear the Hillary will have a clear path to the presidency

Expect the "Mad as hell" candidates Trump, Carson and Fiorina to fall away as traditional candidates Bush, Rubio and Cruz step forward after the Iowa Caucus

Easy pickings for Hillary
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime

Looks like Republicans are conceding the swing states to Hillary

As Republicans retreat into their "Red Castle" will they ever win again?
Eventually the poor economics of blue states will force people to change. All we have to do is wait. I personally wish Obama can be in office longer just so people will begin to slowly realize that nothing the democratic party believes actually works.
Eventually the poor economics of blue states will force people to change. All we have to do is wait. I personally wish Obama can be in office longer just so people will begin to slowly realize that nothing the democratic party believes actually works.

Blue states support the red states economically

remember when left-wing nutjobs predicted they would have both chambers of Congress for FORTY YEARS too???

here's a reminder:

Book Review: James Carville's "40 More Years" - Daily Kos
Daily Kos
Jun 7, 2009 - 40 More Years: How the Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation ... even this far in to the essay to declare that predicting the future is stupid, ... control Congress and win the majority of presidential elections until mid-century or so. ..... of the next 40 years will see Democratic majorities in both Houses and at

libs are losers who themselves
Eventually the poor economics of blue states will force people to change. All we have to do is wait. I personally wish Obama can be in office longer just so people will begin to slowly realize that nothing the democratic party believes actually works.

Blue states support the red states economically


try again
Red States are what we know as takers. They freeload off the generosity of the Blue States
It will be interesting to see if Republicans can resolve their clown car issues without too much damage

Rubio looks like an interesting candidate who offers a credible alternative to Hillary

He will mitigate the impact of the Hispanic vote, make a strong run at Florida and offer a young and dynamic voice as an alternative to a tired Hillary

After last nights debate, it has become clear why the next Republican President hasn't been born yet

These guys are literally cartoon characters being sold to simpletons
Eventually the poor economics of blue states will force people to change. All we have to do is wait. I personally wish Obama can be in office longer just so people will begin to slowly realize that nothing the democratic party believes actually works.

Blue states support the red states economically


try again
Red States are what we know as takers. They freeload off the generosity of the Blue States

Oh goody.. this stupid shit again.

After last nights debate, it has become clear why the next Republican President hasn't been born yet

These guys are literally cartoon characters being sold to simpletons

Yeah, because Sanders, Clinton and O'Mally are such serious candidates.

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