The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

you are wrong on both, but thats no surprise

Explain your reasoning

Its really quite simple
there is a global threat to the security of the USA
we need to enforce our borders or we have no country

People stream across our borders to find work. Instead of chasing down the aliens, throw the employers in jail and watch the jobs dry up

Why not do both?

Oh, because you don't really want to stop the stream, just keep the discussion going while the problem damages the nation to your benefit.

Because I'm a cheap assed mother fucker who doesn't want to foot the bill to build and man a two thousand mile wall to keep people out that I really don't give a shit about

So you would build roads, bridges, hospitals, etc and leave our borders open and let criminals walk free.

Brilliant, just fricken brilliant.
Because I'm a cheap assed mother fucker who doesn't want to foot the bill to build and man a two thousand mile wall to keep people out that I really don't give a shit about

It's a shame you're not as much of a "cheap assed mother fucker" with other peoples money as you claim to be with your own. :p

Of course not. Like any other American I have my priorities on how money should be spent

I would rather spend money on healthcare, education and upgrading our infrastructure than building walls and prisons

Yeah I know, as long as it's other peoples money being spent doesn't matter to you as to whether or not the Federal Government is staying within the bounds of it's constitutional authority, after all fuck everybody else and whether or not they want their money spent on YOUR priorities, you know what's best for everyone and how the fruits of the labor their should be spent, right? You say no to building a wall on the border yet don't bat an eye lash when it comes to blowing trillions on entitlements we can't afford or pie in the sky infrastructure spending that is riddled with graft and inefficiency.

Alternatively you could put your own money and efforts into your own priorities and stop trying to utilize government as a billy club to force the rest of the citizenry into spending the fruits of their labor to satisfy your sense of altruism, especially given the fact that government has a track record as the worst institution in the history institutions regarding spending other peoples money effectively and efficiently.
Because I'm a cheap assed mother fucker who doesn't want to foot the bill to build and man a two thousand mile wall to keep people out that I really don't give a shit about

It's a shame you're not as much of a "cheap assed mother fucker" with other peoples money as you claim to be with your own. :p

Of course not. Like any other American I have my priorities on how money should be spent

I would rather spend money on healthcare, education and upgrading our infrastructure than building walls and prisons

Yeah I know, as long as it's other peoples money being spent doesn't matter to you as to whether or not the Federal Government is staying within the bounds of it's constitutional authority, after all fuck everybody else and whether or not they want their money spent on YOUR priorities, you know what's best for everyone and how the fruits of the labor their should be spent, right? You say no to building a wall on the border yet don't bat an eye lash when it comes to blowing trillions on entitlements we can't afford or pie in the sky infrastructure spending that is riddled with graft and inefficiency.

Alternatively you could put your own money and efforts into your own priorities and stop trying to utilize government as a billy club to force the rest of the citizenry into spending the fruits of their labor to satisfy your sense of altruism, especially given the fact that government has a track record as the worst institution in the history institutions regarding spending other peoples money effectively and efficiently.

Explain your reasoning

Its really quite simple
there is a global threat to the security of the USA
we need to enforce our borders or we have no country

People stream across our borders to find work. Instead of chasing down the aliens, throw the employers in jail and watch the jobs dry up

Why not do both?

Oh, because you don't really want to stop the stream, just keep the discussion going while the problem damages the nation to your benefit.

Because I'm a cheap assed mother fucker who doesn't want to foot the bill to build and man a two thousand mile wall to keep people out that I really don't give a shit about

So you would build roads, bridges, hospitals, etc and leave our borders open and let criminals walk free.

Brilliant, just fricken brilliant.

We had an open border for over a hundred years and Mexicans would come over, work and then go back

It was only after we closed the border that they were forced to stay
Because I'm a cheap assed mother fucker who doesn't want to foot the bill to build and man a two thousand mile wall to keep people out that I really don't give a shit about

It's a shame you're not as much of a "cheap assed mother fucker" with other peoples money as you claim to be with your own. :p

Of course not. Like any other American I have my priorities on how money should be spent

I would rather spend money on healthcare, education and upgrading our infrastructure than building walls and prisons

Yeah I know, as long as it's other peoples money being spent doesn't matter to you as to whether or not the Federal Government is staying within the bounds of it's constitutional authority, after all fuck everybody else and whether or not they want their money spent on YOUR priorities, you know what's best for everyone and how the fruits of the labor their should be spent, right? You say no to building a wall on the border yet don't bat an eye lash when it comes to blowing trillions on entitlements we can't afford or pie in the sky infrastructure spending that is riddled with graft and inefficiency.

Alternatively you could put your own money and efforts into your own priorities and stop trying to utilize government as a billy club to force the rest of the citizenry into spending the fruits of their labor to satisfy your sense of altruism, especially given the fact that government has a track record as the worst institution in the history institutions regarding spending other peoples money effectively and efficiently.
You all seem so indoctrinated in your rhetoric

Where does this, "other people's money" stuff come from? It is our money. It belongs to We the People

We the People decide how it is collected, who pays what amount and how it is spent

We the People wrote the Constitution and empowered our government to do what is necessary for the people. That is what governments do
Its really quite simple
there is a global threat to the security of the USA
we need to enforce our borders or we have no country

People stream across our borders to find work. Instead of chasing down the aliens, throw the employers in jail and watch the jobs dry up

Why not do both?

Oh, because you don't really want to stop the stream, just keep the discussion going while the problem damages the nation to your benefit.

Because I'm a cheap assed mother fucker who doesn't want to foot the bill to build and man a two thousand mile wall to keep people out that I really don't give a shit about

So you would build roads, bridges, hospitals, etc and leave our borders open and let criminals walk free.

Brilliant, just fricken brilliant.

We had an open border for over a hundred years and Mexicans would come over, work and then go back

It was only after we closed the border that they were forced to stay

Uhhh, OK winger. a closed border means we don't let illegals leave the country??????? Did you miss your meds this morning?
Because I'm a cheap assed mother fucker who doesn't want to foot the bill to build and man a two thousand mile wall to keep people out that I really don't give a shit about

It's a shame you're not as much of a "cheap assed mother fucker" with other peoples money as you claim to be with your own. :p

Of course not. Like any other American I have my priorities on how money should be spent

I would rather spend money on healthcare, education and upgrading our infrastructure than building walls and prisons

Yeah I know, as long as it's other peoples money being spent doesn't matter to you as to whether or not the Federal Government is staying within the bounds of it's constitutional authority, after all fuck everybody else and whether or not they want their money spent on YOUR priorities, you know what's best for everyone and how the fruits of the labor their should be spent, right? You say no to building a wall on the border yet don't bat an eye lash when it comes to blowing trillions on entitlements we can't afford or pie in the sky infrastructure spending that is riddled with graft and inefficiency.

Alternatively you could put your own money and efforts into your own priorities and stop trying to utilize government as a billy club to force the rest of the citizenry into spending the fruits of their labor to satisfy your sense of altruism, especially given the fact that government has a track record as the worst institution in the history institutions regarding spending other peoples money effectively and efficiently.
You all seem so indoctrinated in your rhetoric

Where does this, "other people's money" stuff come from? It is our money. It belongs to We the People

We the People decide how it is collected, who pays what amount and how it is spent

We the People wrote the Constitution and empowered our government to do what is necessary for the people. That is what governments do

Bullshit. my money belongs to me, not some fricken collective or commune. We pay taxes to allow the federal govt to do what the constitution requires of it, nothing more.
People stream across our borders to find work. Instead of chasing down the aliens, throw the employers in jail and watch the jobs dry up

Why not do both?

Oh, because you don't really want to stop the stream, just keep the discussion going while the problem damages the nation to your benefit.

Because I'm a cheap assed mother fucker who doesn't want to foot the bill to build and man a two thousand mile wall to keep people out that I really don't give a shit about

So you would build roads, bridges, hospitals, etc and leave our borders open and let criminals walk free.

Brilliant, just fricken brilliant.

We had an open border for over a hundred years and Mexicans would come over, work and then go back

It was only after we closed the border that they were forced to stay

Uhhh, OK winger. a closed border means we don't let illegals leave the country??????? Did you miss your meds this morning?

If the border is open, workers can come and go with the seasons

Close the border so that they have to risk their lives to get back over and they stay permanently
Because I'm a cheap assed mother fucker who doesn't want to foot the bill to build and man a two thousand mile wall to keep people out that I really don't give a shit about

It's a shame you're not as much of a "cheap assed mother fucker" with other peoples money as you claim to be with your own. :p

Of course not. Like any other American I have my priorities on how money should be spent

I would rather spend money on healthcare, education and upgrading our infrastructure than building walls and prisons

Yeah I know, as long as it's other peoples money being spent doesn't matter to you as to whether or not the Federal Government is staying within the bounds of it's constitutional authority, after all fuck everybody else and whether or not they want their money spent on YOUR priorities, you know what's best for everyone and how the fruits of the labor their should be spent, right? You say no to building a wall on the border yet don't bat an eye lash when it comes to blowing trillions on entitlements we can't afford or pie in the sky infrastructure spending that is riddled with graft and inefficiency.

Alternatively you could put your own money and efforts into your own priorities and stop trying to utilize government as a billy club to force the rest of the citizenry into spending the fruits of their labor to satisfy your sense of altruism, especially given the fact that government has a track record as the worst institution in the history institutions regarding spending other peoples money effectively and efficiently.
You all seem so indoctrinated in your rhetoric

Where does this, "other people's money" stuff come from? It is our money. It belongs to We the People

We the People decide how it is collected, who pays what amount and how it is spent

We the People wrote the Constitution and empowered our government to do what is necessary for the people. That is what governments do

Bullshit. my money belongs to me, not some fricken collective or commune. We pay taxes to allow the federal govt to do what the constitution requires of it, nothing more.

We the People established a system of government that says otherwise
You all seem so indoctrinated in your rhetoric
Well if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is... perhaps you need to examine your own beliefs and how you express them JUST a bit more closely and recognize that my beliefs do not include believing what is best for anybody else or how everybody else's money should be spent.

Where does this, "other people's money" stuff come from? It is our money. It belongs to We the People
No, my money is MY money, I own my own person and therefore I own the fruits of the labor that my person produces this "it belongs to the We the People" nonsense is just a justification for your wishes to enslave the citizenry to government coercion.

We the People decide how it is collected, who pays what amount and how it is spent
Really? aren't I a member of "We the People"? how come I don't get to decide how the fruits of my own labor are spent ? What moral justification does "We The People" have for taking by force what I worked for to pay for things from which I derive no benefit?

We the People wrote the Constitution and empowered our government to do what is necessary for the people. That is what governments do
That would be true except for the fact that over two hundred years unscrupulous individuals in government have twisted the spirit and the meanings of our Constitution to the point where there are currently little, if any restraints on Federal Government power, look around and you'll see that the government is and has been for a long time running roughshod over the rights of the citizenry.

If you were of a mind to be honest you'd just admit that you don't really care about the citizenry and their wants and needs as long as your boys and girls in blue are in power and the other "team" is rendered completely powerless. It's why you're gleefully fantasizing about one party rule in this thread.........
Why not do both?

Oh, because you don't really want to stop the stream, just keep the discussion going while the problem damages the nation to your benefit.

Because I'm a cheap assed mother fucker who doesn't want to foot the bill to build and man a two thousand mile wall to keep people out that I really don't give a shit about

So you would build roads, bridges, hospitals, etc and leave our borders open and let criminals walk free.

Brilliant, just fricken brilliant.

We had an open border for over a hundred years and Mexicans would come over, work and then go back

It was only after we closed the border that they were forced to stay

Uhhh, OK winger. a closed border means we don't let illegals leave the country??????? Did you miss your meds this morning?

If the border is open, workers can come and go with the seasons

Close the border so that they have to risk their lives to get back over and they stay permanently

I have no issue with seasonal workers. But document them and do not allow them to stay once their "season" is over.

Why is it that you libs do not understand the word "illegal" ? Why is it that you do not want our existing immigration laws to be enforced?
It's a shame you're not as much of a "cheap assed mother fucker" with other peoples money as you claim to be with your own. :p

Of course not. Like any other American I have my priorities on how money should be spent

I would rather spend money on healthcare, education and upgrading our infrastructure than building walls and prisons

Yeah I know, as long as it's other peoples money being spent doesn't matter to you as to whether or not the Federal Government is staying within the bounds of it's constitutional authority, after all fuck everybody else and whether or not they want their money spent on YOUR priorities, you know what's best for everyone and how the fruits of the labor their should be spent, right? You say no to building a wall on the border yet don't bat an eye lash when it comes to blowing trillions on entitlements we can't afford or pie in the sky infrastructure spending that is riddled with graft and inefficiency.

Alternatively you could put your own money and efforts into your own priorities and stop trying to utilize government as a billy club to force the rest of the citizenry into spending the fruits of their labor to satisfy your sense of altruism, especially given the fact that government has a track record as the worst institution in the history institutions regarding spending other peoples money effectively and efficiently.
You all seem so indoctrinated in your rhetoric

Where does this, "other people's money" stuff come from? It is our money. It belongs to We the People

We the People decide how it is collected, who pays what amount and how it is spent

We the People wrote the Constitution and empowered our government to do what is necessary for the people. That is what governments do

Bullshit. my money belongs to me, not some fricken collective or commune. We pay taxes to allow the federal govt to do what the constitution requires of it, nothing more.

We the People established a system of government that says otherwise

You obviously do not understand our system of government and our constitution. The USA is not a collective wherein everyone owns everything. We have private property and my money belongs to me once I pay my taxes.

The role and duties of the federal govt are defined and limited by the constitution.
You all seem so indoctrinated in your rhetoric
Well if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is... perhaps you need to examine your own beliefs and how you express them JUST a bit more closely and recognize that my beliefs do not include believing what is best for anybody else or how everybody else's money should be spent.

Where does this, "other people's money" stuff come from? It is our money. It belongs to We the People
No, my money is MY money, I own my own person and therefore I own the fruits of the labor that my person produces this "it belongs to the We the People" nonsense is just a justification for your wishes to enslave the citizenry to government coercion.

We the People decide how it is collected, who pays what amount and how it is spent
Really? aren't I a member of "We the People"? how come I don't get to decide how the fruits of my own labor are spent ? What moral justification does "We The People" have for taking by force what I worked for to pay for things from which I derive no benefit?

We the People wrote the Constitution and empowered our government to do what is necessary for the people. That is what governments do
That would be true except for the fact that over two hundred years unscrupulous individuals in government have twisted the spirit and the meanings of our Constitution to the point where there are currently little, if any restraints on Federal Government power, look around and you'll see that the government is and has been for a long time running roughshod over the rights of the citizenry.

If you were of a mind to be honest you'd just admit that you don't really care about the citizenry and their wants and needs as long as your boys and girls in blue are in power and the other "team" is rendered completely powerless. It's why you're gleefully fantasizing about one party rule in this thread.........
Your problem is you were born in THIS country.
If you are not happy with the system that We the People set up, you are welcome to find a better one

This country takes care of its people. We do not ignore people in poverty.
You all seem so indoctrinated in your rhetoric
Well if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is... perhaps you need to examine your own beliefs and how you express them JUST a bit more closely and recognize that my beliefs do not include believing what is best for anybody else or how everybody else's money should be spent.

Where does this, "other people's money" stuff come from? It is our money. It belongs to We the People
No, my money is MY money, I own my own person and therefore I own the fruits of the labor that my person produces this "it belongs to the We the People" nonsense is just a justification for your wishes to enslave the citizenry to government coercion.

We the People decide how it is collected, who pays what amount and how it is spent
Really? aren't I a member of "We the People"? how come I don't get to decide how the fruits of my own labor are spent ? What moral justification does "We The People" have for taking by force what I worked for to pay for things from which I derive no benefit?

We the People wrote the Constitution and empowered our government to do what is necessary for the people. That is what governments do
That would be true except for the fact that over two hundred years unscrupulous individuals in government have twisted the spirit and the meanings of our Constitution to the point where there are currently little, if any restraints on Federal Government power, look around and you'll see that the government is and has been for a long time running roughshod over the rights of the citizenry.

If you were of a mind to be honest you'd just admit that you don't really care about the citizenry and their wants and needs as long as your boys and girls in blue are in power and the other "team" is rendered completely powerless. It's why you're gleefully fantasizing about one party rule in this thread.........
Your problem is you were born in THIS country.
If you are not happy with the system that We the People set up, you are welcome to find a better one

This country takes care of its people. We do not ignore people in poverty.

Yes, we take care of AMERICAN CITIZENS in poverty, and we take care of them better than any other country in the world takes care of its poor.

We do not have an obligation to take care of all the people in poverty world wide, we do not have an obligation to bring them into our country and give them free stuff.

If you want to help the poor of the world, give money to churches and other charities. They do a much better job than the government.
Your problem is you were born in THIS country.
Yeah unfortunately for your argument I have read the Constitution and the Federalist Papers and understand the intent and purpose of the Constitution far better than you apparently do, after all you don't even to seem to recognize limits on Federal Authority as long as your party of choice is in power which indicates a fundamental misunderstanding of the central purpose for that documents creation.

If you are not happy with the system that We the People set up, you are welcome to find a better one
Ah yes, the good old "love it or leave it" retort, a favorite of authoritarians everywhere, if it's all the same to you I'll just continue to point out the immorality and selfishness of your positions from right here in the U.S. and how your sense of the "We the People" is nothing more than cover for "I want to be the one to determine what's best for everybody".

This country takes care of its people. We do not ignore people in poverty.
We do? how's that whole "war on poverty" thing been working out so far? it's funny how you pretend to "care" about the people when your rhetoric demonstrates that all you really care about is controlling other people.
Your problem is you were born in THIS country.
Yeah unfortunately for your argument I have read the Constitution and the Federalist Papers and understand the intent and purpose of the Constitution far better than you apparently do, after all you don't even to seem to recognize limits on Federal Authority as long as your party of choice is in power which indicates a fundamental misunderstanding of the central purpose for that documents creation.

If you are not happy with the system that We the People set up, you are welcome to find a better one
Ah yes, the good old "love it or leave it" retort, a favorite of authoritarians everywhere, if it's all the same to you I'll just continue to point out the immorality and selfishness of your positions from right here in the U.S. and how your sense of the "We the People" is nothing more than cover for "I want to be the one to determine what's best for everybody".

This country takes care of its people. We do not ignore people in poverty.
We do? how's that whole "war on poverty" thing been working out so far? it's funny how you pretend to "care" about the people when your rhetoric demonstrates that all you really care about is controlling other people.
Like all wars, the war on poverty is an endless battle. Did you really think it was something you win?

We have been paying for our military for two hundred years and it never ended war
You all seem so indoctrinated in your rhetoric
Well if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is... perhaps you need to examine your own beliefs and how you express them JUST a bit more closely and recognize that my beliefs do not include believing what is best for anybody else or how everybody else's money should be spent.

Where does this, "other people's money" stuff come from? It is our money. It belongs to We the People
No, my money is MY money, I own my own person and therefore I own the fruits of the labor that my person produces this "it belongs to the We the People" nonsense is just a justification for your wishes to enslave the citizenry to government coercion.

We the People decide how it is collected, who pays what amount and how it is spent
Really? aren't I a member of "We the People"? how come I don't get to decide how the fruits of my own labor are spent ? What moral justification does "We The People" have for taking by force what I worked for to pay for things from which I derive no benefit?

We the People wrote the Constitution and empowered our government to do what is necessary for the people. That is what governments do
That would be true except for the fact that over two hundred years unscrupulous individuals in government have twisted the spirit and the meanings of our Constitution to the point where there are currently little, if any restraints on Federal Government power, look around and you'll see that the government is and has been for a long time running roughshod over the rights of the citizenry.

If you were of a mind to be honest you'd just admit that you don't really care about the citizenry and their wants and needs as long as your boys and girls in blue are in power and the other "team" is rendered completely powerless. It's why you're gleefully fantasizing about one party rule in this thread.........
Your problem is you were born in THIS country.
If you are not happy with the system that We the People set up, you are welcome to find a better one

This country takes care of its people. We do not ignore people in poverty.

He is part of the We The People and has a say in the system.

The right answer is to work to change it if he does not like it.
Yeah unfortunately for your argument I have read the Constitution and the Federalist Papers and understand the intent and purpose of the Constitution far better than you apparently do, after all you don't even to seem to recognize limits on Federal Authority as long as your party of choice is in power which indicates a fundamental misunderstanding of the central purpose for that documents creation.

Al Gore, the moronic left winger (AG is not a liberal) helped us all understand the constitution breaths. Axiomatically, it also apparently farts.

And we've been getting the interpretation of those farts from the SCOTUS for several decades.

Federalist Papers don't count because they don't fit the narrative.
you are wrong on both, but thats no surprise

Explain your reasoning

Its really quite simple
there is a global threat to the security of the USA
we need to enforce our borders or we have no country

People stream across our borders to find work. Instead of chasing down the aliens, throw the employers in jail and watch the jobs dry up

Why not do both?

Oh, because you don't really want to stop the stream, just keep the discussion going while the problem damages the nation to your benefit.

Because I'm a cheap assed mother fucker who doesn't want to foot the bill to build and man a two thousand mile wall to keep people out that I really don't give a shit about


IF those immigrants were voting GOP as much as they are voting dem, you'd be mortgaging your own house to pay for mines and machine gun armed robot sentries for the border.
Because I'm a cheap assed mother fucker who doesn't want to foot the bill to build and man a two thousand mile wall to keep people out that I really don't give a shit about

It's a shame you're not as much of a "cheap assed mother fucker" with other peoples money as you claim to be with your own. :p

Of course not. Like any other American I have my priorities on how money should be spent

I would rather spend money on healthcare, education and upgrading our infrastructure than building walls and prisons

Yeah I know, as long as it's other peoples money being spent doesn't matter to you as to whether or not the Federal Government is staying within the bounds of it's constitutional authority, after all fuck everybody else and whether or not they want their money spent on YOUR priorities, you know what's best for everyone and how the fruits of the labor their should be spent, right? You say no to building a wall on the border yet don't bat an eye lash when it comes to blowing trillions on entitlements we can't afford or pie in the sky infrastructure spending that is riddled with graft and inefficiency.

Alternatively you could put your own money and efforts into your own priorities and stop trying to utilize government as a billy club to force the rest of the citizenry into spending the fruits of their labor to satisfy your sense of altruism, especially given the fact that government has a track record as the worst institution in the history institutions regarding spending other peoples money effectively and efficiently.
You all seem so indoctrinated in your rhetoric

Where does this, "other people's money" stuff come from? It is our money. It belongs to We the People

We the People decide how it is collected, who pays what amount and how it is spent

We the People wrote the Constitution and empowered our government to do what is necessary for the people. That is what governments do

That is actually communistic.


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