The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Yes, we do. 40% of it is borrowed. We are currently spending 140% of what we collect in tax revenue. Our national debt is increasing at the rate of hundreds of millions PER DAY. This is not fiscal responsibility, its fiscal lunacy. But you dems and libs want more of it.

Yes, there is plenty of waste in DOD, as well as every other govt agency. Instead of whining for more giveaways, why not bitch about eliminating the waste, fraud, and abuse?

you libs say "tax the rich". We could take 100% of the income and wealth of the top 5% and it wouldn't come close to balancing the budget.

I've spent over 35 years working for the DoD. It is not so much waste fraud and abuse as having a modern military is very very expensive

What costs so much is the global mission we have assumed. We are the worlds policeman, we keep the seas safe, we project power to protect our global markets

We spend 41 cents of every military dollar in the world. We can adjust that without jeopardizing our safety

We agree on the world's police force idea. We cannot and should not assume that role. But, if we reduce our international presense it will be replaced by China and/or Russia and they will become the ones deciding which rulers stay in power and which ones are destroyed. Its a delicate balance.

But we are talking about the entire federal budget. Our entitlement spending, welfare spending, etc are much more budget destroying than the DOD budget.

How much do you think is wasted every day providing benefits for people who entered this country illegally?

Why do you condone illegal entry into our country?

We spend money on our military in response to a global threat. Since the end of the Cold War, that global threat has decreased. Our military spending has not
The same applies to building a wall. I do not think the threat posed to our country justifies the expense of building and policing a wall

you are wrong on both, but thats no surprise

Explain your reasoning

Well, for one with the end of the COld War military spending plummeted though out the First Bush and Clinton administrations.
Times they are a'changin and Progressives cant keep up. it is only a matter of time before Pandercrats lose the Black vote they continue to take for granted

Lose them to who?

who has the first Hispanic Governor?

who got elected in Utah, the first Haitian rep in congress??
who has more people of color running for president????

Anybody can run....getting republicans to actually vote for you is another thing
In the end, Republicans will pick a white, male christian.....they always do

Meanwile, the Dems ELECTED the first black President and will ELECT the first female President

Tell that to Bobby Jindal.

Excuse me, Governor Jindal.
What ever happened to Jindal?

How is his campaign going?

Oh, so you're dismissing the Governor ship of a state?

That's a pretty successful political career right there.

And in the Deep South at that.
Yes, we do. 40% of it is borrowed. We are currently spending 140% of what we collect in tax revenue. Our national debt is increasing at the rate of hundreds of millions PER DAY. This is not fiscal responsibility, its fiscal lunacy. But you dems and libs want more of it.

Yes, there is plenty of waste in DOD, as well as every other govt agency. Instead of whining for more giveaways, why not bitch about eliminating the waste, fraud, and abuse?

you libs say "tax the rich". We could take 100% of the income and wealth of the top 5% and it wouldn't come close to balancing the budget.

I've spent over 35 years working for the DoD. It is not so much waste fraud and abuse as having a modern military is very very expensive

What costs so much is the global mission we have assumed. We are the worlds policeman, we keep the seas safe, we project power to protect our global markets

We spend 41 cents of every military dollar in the world. We can adjust that without jeopardizing our safety

We agree on the world's police force idea. We cannot and should not assume that role. But, if we reduce our international presense it will be replaced by China and/or Russia and they will become the ones deciding which rulers stay in power and which ones are destroyed. Its a delicate balance.

But we are talking about the entire federal budget. Our entitlement spending, welfare spending, etc are much more budget destroying than the DOD budget.

How much do you think is wasted every day providing benefits for people who entered this country illegally?

Why do you condone illegal entry into our country?

We spend money on our military in response to a global threat. Since the end of the Cold War, that global threat has decreased. Our military spending has not
The same applies to building a wall. I do not think the threat posed to our country justifies the expense of building and policing a wall

And hence my contention that government just continues to feed fat cats.

Does anyone think the defense industry does not lobby the government ?
Of course they do. That is why we have to continually trump up imaginary threats to justify our spending

After the Soviet Union collapsed, it was obvious that their military capabilities were nowhere close to what we claimed they were

What about the loss of political control leads you to believe that the number of tanks or ships or soldiers or overall military capabilities were less than we thought?
You lefties win one freaking Presidential election and then a re-election which was AFTER A REPUBLICAN had the office for eight years before this puke Obama. And you think you are the hottest stuff around and all the people is in love love love with you and your nasty brand.

well go back and look at the TWO midterm Elections under that thug Obama and you'll see what the people think of you. you're just lucky they couldn't vote out Obama too or they probably would have. Your losers running for President are falling on their face where they can't even give tickets away to come to one of their clown shows. but you go on and live in your dream world. just stop spreading it all over us.

Let them go on believing that they've already got a lock on this...

Then sit back and watch the fun, on the night of November 8, 2016...
Can you point to a black or hispanic Republican who has advocated helping minority communities? They all embrace the callous Republican views of....Get a job, your struggles are not my problem

Soooo, wait. Are you agreeing that Republicans do NOT expect to win black and brown votes with running black and brown candidates?

Because that was what you just claimed and now you seemed to have dropped that and move on.

As to their policies, they are based on the same various ideologies and economic theories of the rest of the GOP, that is why they have been the gop.

The fact that you disagree is not really relevant.

Which does nothing to help Republicans to retake the White House in the next 50 years

They have maneuvered themselves into irrelevance


We do not nominate or run black or hispanic candidates because we think that it will help ups retake the White House, we do it because those black and hispanic candidates are the best candidates, in our opinion.

They were not referenced as a strategy to pander to minority votes but to point out to you that your accusation of the GOP being "anti-hispanic" was incorrect.

It is telling that you seem actually incapable of imagining picking black or hispanic candidate because they are the best, and not to pander.

PLEASE do not waste my time pointing out to me your opinion that the candidates in question are not the best. We are talking about Republican opinions and selections, not yours.

So, do you have a response that addresses this evidence that your accusation of an "anti-hispanic" bias is incorrect?
I have pointed out that bias throughout this thread

It includes...

Show me you papers laws, English only laws, blocking the Dream act, blocking a path to citizenship, characterizing immigrants as murderers and rapists and allowing anti Hispanic hate speech in their ranks

1. Voter ID is just common sense.

2. English only laws is an attempt at assimilation. YOu know, that thing that occurred in the past that you keep siting as "Evidence" that this change must be for the good, even while you are fighting any attempts at repeating the successes of the past.

3. Dream Act? Amnesty for millions of Third World citizens is not in the interests of America or American citizens.

4. Our prisons are full of immigrant criminals. Once again you libs race bait when republicans try to discuss real issues. And it works. In that it wins elections at the cost of the problems going unchecked and the nation being torn apart. Good job.

5. "Hate speech" my ass.

Fine......go with that

Like I said, the next Republican President hasn't been born yet
Soooo, wait. Are you agreeing that Republicans do NOT expect to win black and brown votes with running black and brown candidates?

Because that was what you just claimed and now you seemed to have dropped that and move on.

As to their policies, they are based on the same various ideologies and economic theories of the rest of the GOP, that is why they have been the gop.

The fact that you disagree is not really relevant.

Which does nothing to help Republicans to retake the White House in the next 50 years

They have maneuvered themselves into irrelevance


We do not nominate or run black or hispanic candidates because we think that it will help ups retake the White House, we do it because those black and hispanic candidates are the best candidates, in our opinion.

They were not referenced as a strategy to pander to minority votes but to point out to you that your accusation of the GOP being "anti-hispanic" was incorrect.

It is telling that you seem actually incapable of imagining picking black or hispanic candidate because they are the best, and not to pander.

PLEASE do not waste my time pointing out to me your opinion that the candidates in question are not the best. We are talking about Republican opinions and selections, not yours.

So, do you have a response that addresses this evidence that your accusation of an "anti-hispanic" bias is incorrect?
I have pointed out that bias throughout this thread

It includes...

Show me you papers laws, English only laws, blocking the Dream act, blocking a path to citizenship, characterizing immigrants as murderers and rapists and allowing anti Hispanic hate speech in their ranks

1. Voter ID is just common sense.

2. English only laws is an attempt at assimilation. YOu know, that thing that occurred in the past that you keep siting as "Evidence" that this change must be for the good, even while you are fighting any attempts at repeating the successes of the past.

3. Dream Act? Amnesty for millions of Third World citizens is not in the interests of America or American citizens.

4. Our prisons are full of immigrant criminals. Once again you libs race bait when republicans try to discuss real issues. And it works. In that it wins elections at the cost of the problems going unchecked and the nation being torn apart. Good job.

5. "Hate speech" my ass.

Fine......go with that

Like I said, the next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Why do you think the dems can't win the White Vote, ever?
I've spent over 35 years working for the DoD. It is not so much waste fraud and abuse as having a modern military is very very expensive

What costs so much is the global mission we have assumed. We are the worlds policeman, we keep the seas safe, we project power to protect our global markets

We spend 41 cents of every military dollar in the world. We can adjust that without jeopardizing our safety

We agree on the world's police force idea. We cannot and should not assume that role. But, if we reduce our international presense it will be replaced by China and/or Russia and they will become the ones deciding which rulers stay in power and which ones are destroyed. Its a delicate balance.

But we are talking about the entire federal budget. Our entitlement spending, welfare spending, etc are much more budget destroying than the DOD budget.

How much do you think is wasted every day providing benefits for people who entered this country illegally?

Why do you condone illegal entry into our country?

We spend money on our military in response to a global threat. Since the end of the Cold War, that global threat has decreased. Our military spending has not
The same applies to building a wall. I do not think the threat posed to our country justifies the expense of building and policing a wall

And hence my contention that government just continues to feed fat cats.

Does anyone think the defense industry does not lobby the government ?

Does anyone think that the people who work in the defense industry do not have good jobs and pay federal, state, and local taxes? If you cut DOD spending many of those people will be out of jobs. Would it be better to have them on the welfare rolls?

The money spent in the defense industry would be spent somewhere else and would generate jobs in another sector.

For instance, defense money could go to build and maintain roads. That money would generate more jobs in that sector

Do you think we live in a safe world where the USA has no enemies who would like to destroy us?

How much would you cut DOD? 20%, 30%, 50% ? OK, pick a %, then apply it to the DOD budget. Does that cut generate enough to balance the budget and do all of the infrastructure work that you claim needs to be done? Answer: NO
Yes, we do. 40% of it is borrowed. We are currently spending 140% of what we collect in tax revenue. Our national debt is increasing at the rate of hundreds of millions PER DAY. This is not fiscal responsibility, its fiscal lunacy. But you dems and libs want more of it.

Yes, there is plenty of waste in DOD, as well as every other govt agency. Instead of whining for more giveaways, why not bitch about eliminating the waste, fraud, and abuse?

you libs say "tax the rich". We could take 100% of the income and wealth of the top 5% and it wouldn't come close to balancing the budget.

I've spent over 35 years working for the DoD. It is not so much waste fraud and abuse as having a modern military is very very expensive

What costs so much is the global mission we have assumed. We are the worlds policeman, we keep the seas safe, we project power to protect our global markets

We spend 41 cents of every military dollar in the world. We can adjust that without jeopardizing our safety

We agree on the world's police force idea. We cannot and should not assume that role. But, if we reduce our international presense it will be replaced by China and/or Russia and they will become the ones deciding which rulers stay in power and which ones are destroyed. Its a delicate balance.

But we are talking about the entire federal budget. Our entitlement spending, welfare spending, etc are much more budget destroying than the DOD budget.

How much do you think is wasted every day providing benefits for people who entered this country illegally?

Why do you condone illegal entry into our country?

We spend money on our military in response to a global threat. Since the end of the Cold War, that global threat has decreased. Our military spending has not
The same applies to building a wall. I do not think the threat posed to our country justifies the expense of building and policing a wall

you are wrong on both, but thats no surprise

Explain your reasoning

Its really quite simple
there is a global threat to the security of the USA
we need to enforce our borders or we have no country
Soooo, wait. Are you agreeing that Republicans do NOT expect to win black and brown votes with running black and brown candidates?

Because that was what you just claimed and now you seemed to have dropped that and move on.

As to their policies, they are based on the same various ideologies and economic theories of the rest of the GOP, that is why they have been the gop.

The fact that you disagree is not really relevant.

Which does nothing to help Republicans to retake the White House in the next 50 years

They have maneuvered themselves into irrelevance


We do not nominate or run black or hispanic candidates because we think that it will help ups retake the White House, we do it because those black and hispanic candidates are the best candidates, in our opinion.

They were not referenced as a strategy to pander to minority votes but to point out to you that your accusation of the GOP being "anti-hispanic" was incorrect.

It is telling that you seem actually incapable of imagining picking black or hispanic candidate because they are the best, and not to pander.

PLEASE do not waste my time pointing out to me your opinion that the candidates in question are not the best. We are talking about Republican opinions and selections, not yours.

So, do you have a response that addresses this evidence that your accusation of an "anti-hispanic" bias is incorrect?
I have pointed out that bias throughout this thread

It includes...

Show me you papers laws, English only laws, blocking the Dream act, blocking a path to citizenship, characterizing immigrants as murderers and rapists and allowing anti Hispanic hate speech in their ranks

1. Voter ID is just common sense.

2. English only laws is an attempt at assimilation. YOu know, that thing that occurred in the past that you keep siting as "Evidence" that this change must be for the good, even while you are fighting any attempts at repeating the successes of the past.

3. Dream Act? Amnesty for millions of Third World citizens is not in the interests of America or American citizens.

4. Our prisons are full of immigrant criminals. Once again you libs race bait when republicans try to discuss real issues. And it works. In that it wins elections at the cost of the problems going unchecked and the nation being torn apart. Good job.

5. "Hate speech" my ass.

Fine......go with that

Like I said, the next Republican President hasn't been born yet

He has, and his name is Donald Trump
We agree on the world's police force idea. We cannot and should not assume that role. But, if we reduce our international presense it will be replaced by China and/or Russia and they will become the ones deciding which rulers stay in power and which ones are destroyed. Its a delicate balance.

But we are talking about the entire federal budget. Our entitlement spending, welfare spending, etc are much more budget destroying than the DOD budget.

How much do you think is wasted every day providing benefits for people who entered this country illegally?

Why do you condone illegal entry into our country?

We spend money on our military in response to a global threat. Since the end of the Cold War, that global threat has decreased. Our military spending has not
The same applies to building a wall. I do not think the threat posed to our country justifies the expense of building and policing a wall

And hence my contention that government just continues to feed fat cats.

Does anyone think the defense industry does not lobby the government ?

Does anyone think that the people who work in the defense industry do not have good jobs and pay federal, state, and local taxes? If you cut DOD spending many of those people will be out of jobs. Would it be better to have them on the welfare rolls?

The money spent in the defense industry would be spent somewhere else and would generate jobs in another sector.

For instance, defense money could go to build and maintain roads. That money would generate more jobs in that sector

Do you think we live in a safe world where the USA has no enemies who would like to destroy us?

How much would you cut DOD? 20%, 30%, 50% ? OK, pick a %, then apply it to the DOD budget. Does that cut generate enough to balance the budget and do all of the infrastructure work that you claim needs to be done? Answer: NO
I think cutting an arbitrary percentage is idiotic. We need to redefine our global mission and cut funding accordingly.
The global threat that was present during the Cold War is no longer there, yet, our military budget has not decreased
I've spent over 35 years working for the DoD. It is not so much waste fraud and abuse as having a modern military is very very expensive

What costs so much is the global mission we have assumed. We are the worlds policeman, we keep the seas safe, we project power to protect our global markets

We spend 41 cents of every military dollar in the world. We can adjust that without jeopardizing our safety

We agree on the world's police force idea. We cannot and should not assume that role. But, if we reduce our international presense it will be replaced by China and/or Russia and they will become the ones deciding which rulers stay in power and which ones are destroyed. Its a delicate balance.

But we are talking about the entire federal budget. Our entitlement spending, welfare spending, etc are much more budget destroying than the DOD budget.

How much do you think is wasted every day providing benefits for people who entered this country illegally?

Why do you condone illegal entry into our country?

We spend money on our military in response to a global threat. Since the end of the Cold War, that global threat has decreased. Our military spending has not
The same applies to building a wall. I do not think the threat posed to our country justifies the expense of building and policing a wall

you are wrong on both, but thats no surprise

Explain your reasoning

Its really quite simple
there is a global threat to the security of the USA
we need to enforce our borders or we have no country

People stream across our borders to find work. Instead of chasing down the aliens, throw the employers in jail and watch the jobs dry up
Yes, we do. 40% of it is borrowed. We are currently spending 140% of what we collect in tax revenue. Our national debt is increasing at the rate of hundreds of millions PER DAY. This is not fiscal responsibility, its fiscal lunacy. But you dems and libs want more of it.

Yes, there is plenty of waste in DOD, as well as every other govt agency. Instead of whining for more giveaways, why not bitch about eliminating the waste, fraud, and abuse?

you libs say "tax the rich". We could take 100% of the income and wealth of the top 5% and it wouldn't come close to balancing the budget.

I've spent over 35 years working for the DoD. It is not so much waste fraud and abuse as having a modern military is very very expensive

What costs so much is the global mission we have assumed. We are the worlds policeman, we keep the seas safe, we project power to protect our global markets

We spend 41 cents of every military dollar in the world. We can adjust that without jeopardizing our safety

We agree on the world's police force idea. We cannot and should not assume that role. But, if we reduce our international presense it will be replaced by China and/or Russia and they will become the ones deciding which rulers stay in power and which ones are destroyed. Its a delicate balance.

But we are talking about the entire federal budget. Our entitlement spending, welfare spending, etc are much more budget destroying than the DOD budget.

How much do you think is wasted every day providing benefits for people who entered this country illegally?

Why do you condone illegal entry into our country?

We spend money on our military in response to a global threat. Since the end of the Cold War, that global threat has decreased. Our military spending has not
The same applies to building a wall. I do not think the threat posed to our country justifies the expense of building and policing a wall

And hence my contention that government just continues to feed fat cats.

Does anyone think the defense industry does not lobby the government ?

Does anyone think that the people who work in the defense industry do not have good jobs and pay federal, state, and local taxes? If you cut DOD spending many of those people will be out of jobs. Would it be better to have them on the welfare rolls?

They might be there, they might not.
You lefties win one freaking Presidential election and then a re-election which was AFTER A REPUBLICAN had the office for eight years before this puke Obama. And you think you are the hottest stuff around and all the people is in love love love with you and your nasty brand.

well go back and look at the TWO midterm Elections under that thug Obama and you'll see what the people think of you. you're just lucky they couldn't vote out Obama too or they probably would have. Your losers running for President are falling on their face where they can't even give tickets away to come to one of their clown shows. but you go on and live in your dream world. just stop spreading it all over us.

You don't get it and never will, but that's okay. You'll just continue losing election after election.
People stream across our borders to find work. Instead of chasing down the aliens, throw the employers in jail and watch the jobs dry up

You mean enforcing the existing immigration laws that are already on the books ? What a novel concept! Perhaps you should run your brilliant idea up the flagpole to the executive branch since apparently the nimrods there haven't thought of that one yet. :)
We agree on the world's police force idea. We cannot and should not assume that role. But, if we reduce our international presense it will be replaced by China and/or Russia and they will become the ones deciding which rulers stay in power and which ones are destroyed. Its a delicate balance.

But we are talking about the entire federal budget. Our entitlement spending, welfare spending, etc are much more budget destroying than the DOD budget.

How much do you think is wasted every day providing benefits for people who entered this country illegally?

Why do you condone illegal entry into our country?

We spend money on our military in response to a global threat. Since the end of the Cold War, that global threat has decreased. Our military spending has not
The same applies to building a wall. I do not think the threat posed to our country justifies the expense of building and policing a wall

you are wrong on both, but thats no surprise

Explain your reasoning

Its really quite simple
there is a global threat to the security of the USA
we need to enforce our borders or we have no country

People stream across our borders to find work. Instead of chasing down the aliens, throw the employers in jail and watch the jobs dry up

Why not do both?

Oh, because you don't really want to stop the stream, just keep the discussion going while the problem damages the nation to your benefit.
We spend money on our military in response to a global threat. Since the end of the Cold War, that global threat has decreased. Our military spending has not
The same applies to building a wall. I do not think the threat posed to our country justifies the expense of building and policing a wall

you are wrong on both, but thats no surprise

Explain your reasoning

Its really quite simple
there is a global threat to the security of the USA
we need to enforce our borders or we have no country

People stream across our borders to find work. Instead of chasing down the aliens, throw the employers in jail and watch the jobs dry up

Why not do both?

Oh, because you don't really want to stop the stream, just keep the discussion going while the problem damages the nation to your benefit.

Because I'm a cheap assed mother fucker who doesn't want to foot the bill to build and man a two thousand mile wall to keep people out that I really don't give a shit about
Because I'm a cheap assed mother fucker who doesn't want to foot the bill to build and man a two thousand mile wall to keep people out that I really don't give a shit about

It's a shame you're not as much of a "cheap assed mother fucker" with other peoples money as you claim to be with your own. :p
Because I'm a cheap assed mother fucker who doesn't want to foot the bill to build and man a two thousand mile wall to keep people out that I really don't give a shit about

It's a shame you're not as much of a "cheap assed mother fucker" with other peoples money as you claim to be with your own. :p

Of course not. Like any other American I have my priorities on how money should be spent

I would rather spend money on healthcare, education and upgrading our infrastructure than building walls and prisons
We agree on the world's police force idea. We cannot and should not assume that role. But, if we reduce our international presense it will be replaced by China and/or Russia and they will become the ones deciding which rulers stay in power and which ones are destroyed. Its a delicate balance.

But we are talking about the entire federal budget. Our entitlement spending, welfare spending, etc are much more budget destroying than the DOD budget.

How much do you think is wasted every day providing benefits for people who entered this country illegally?

Why do you condone illegal entry into our country?

We spend money on our military in response to a global threat. Since the end of the Cold War, that global threat has decreased. Our military spending has not
The same applies to building a wall. I do not think the threat posed to our country justifies the expense of building and policing a wall

you are wrong on both, but thats no surprise

Explain your reasoning

Its really quite simple
there is a global threat to the security of the USA
we need to enforce our borders or we have no country

People stream across our borders to find work. Instead of chasing down the aliens, throw the employers in jail and watch the jobs dry up

Good idea. Why hasn't obama done that in 7 years?
I've spent over 35 years working for the DoD. It is not so much waste fraud and abuse as having a modern military is very very expensive

What costs so much is the global mission we have assumed. We are the worlds policeman, we keep the seas safe, we project power to protect our global markets

We spend 41 cents of every military dollar in the world. We can adjust that without jeopardizing our safety

We agree on the world's police force idea. We cannot and should not assume that role. But, if we reduce our international presense it will be replaced by China and/or Russia and they will become the ones deciding which rulers stay in power and which ones are destroyed. Its a delicate balance.

But we are talking about the entire federal budget. Our entitlement spending, welfare spending, etc are much more budget destroying than the DOD budget.

How much do you think is wasted every day providing benefits for people who entered this country illegally?

Why do you condone illegal entry into our country?

We spend money on our military in response to a global threat. Since the end of the Cold War, that global threat has decreased. Our military spending has not
The same applies to building a wall. I do not think the threat posed to our country justifies the expense of building and policing a wall

And hence my contention that government just continues to feed fat cats.

Does anyone think the defense industry does not lobby the government ?

Does anyone think that the people who work in the defense industry do not have good jobs and pay federal, state, and local taxes? If you cut DOD spending many of those people will be out of jobs. Would it be better to have them on the welfare rolls?

They might be there, they might not.

Duh, Ok

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