The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

it comes down to swing states. in this election it is predicted that the republicans will have to win either florida or ohio to win the election. given the democrats stance on 2nd amendment rights, which way do you think these two states will go? Democrats will also lose congressional seats because Hillary won't get the vote out in the mid west.
it comes down to swing states. in this election it is predicted that the republicans will have to win either florida or ohio to win the election. given the democrats stance on 2nd amendment rights, which way do you think these two states will go? Democrats will also lose congressional seats because Hillary won't get the vote out in the mid west.
Republicans need Florida and Ohio just to break even with the Democrats. As usual, conservatives will whine about the GOP candidate and fail to show....not that it will matter
Republicans defending 24 Senate seats will turn the Senate over to the Dems making it easier for Hillary to stock the Supreme Court with liberals
I've been trying to get RW to share.

Near as I can tell, he seems to be in some state of denial where whites will just suck it up and everything will be fine, and the lib agenda will be implemented and sometime after he is dead, things will return to a normal two party system.

As he is the only lib I can get to do anything on this issue other than giggle like a school yard bully, I can only assume that he is representative of the libs.

Until new information becomes available.
You have yet to define what whites have lost

The most obvious is anti-white discrimination, in hiring, promotions, university slots, ect.

An issue that is hurting a lot of whites NOW, and that you libs will very quickly make worse when you get a Liberal court with Disparate Impact Theory.

That alone supports my fears of a future of unending racial strife.

BUT I'm sure there will be other ways for you lefties to piss on whites and increase anger and resentment.

Like telling white over and over again that they are bad people when they complain about being discriminated against because they are racist.

As I mentioned before, "rubbing salt in a wound".

Most of that was 40 years ago with some of the strongest affirmative action laws under Reagan in the 80s

NOW...whites want to rebel?

I've seen it in promotions within the last 20 years, and the SAT bonus for black skin is ongoing and well documented. For two easy examples.

We've reviewed the New Haven case from 2003 repeatedly and how ALL THE DEM appointees voted for Blatant Discrimination under Disparate Impact Theory.

It's bad and set to get far worse.

YOur dismissal of legal discrimination is incredibly demonstrative of the type of treatment whites can expect under a One Party State ruled by dems.
Nothing compared to EEO and AA regulations in the 70 s and 80s

You think NOW whites are going to finally rebel?

1. SO, it seems you implicitly admitted the current anti-white discrimination I cited, as you state the it is "nothing compared to ..70s and 80s". Assuming my read of your statement is true, it raises the question of why you asked what "whites have lost".

2. IN the 70s adn 80s whites had legal and political opportunities to air their grievances and have them heard. The whole point of Permanent Disenfranchisement is that that will not be the case, ever.

3. I don't know exactly how it will play out. Increased racial strife and anger is obvious.

4. Your question implies that if the increased anger falls short of rebellion, that you don't care. Is this true? IMO, a nation torn apart by racial injustice and strife is an outcome to be avoided, regardless of whether or not it leads to actual war.
We could just be looking at a future of America as a Third WOrld COunty, with a ONe Party State government, a crappy economy, really crappy, and a diverse population constantly and forever torn apart by racial and ethnic strife.

Oh, and lots of crime.

As a best case scenario.

What's really strange is that that is what the libs seem to want. Are they really that stupid?

I've been trying to get RW to share.

Near as I can tell, he seems to be in some state of denial where whites will just suck it up and everything will be fine, and the lib agenda will be implemented and sometime after he is dead, things will return to a normal two party system.

As he is the only lib I can get to do anything on this issue other than giggle like a school yard bully, I can only assume that he is representative of the libs.

Until new information becomes available.
You have yet to define what whites have lost

The most obvious is anti-white discrimination, in hiring, promotions, university slots, ect.

An issue that is hurting a lot of whites NOW, and that you libs will very quickly make worse when you get a Liberal court with Disparate Impact Theory.

That alone supports my fears of a future of unending racial strife.

BUT I'm sure there will be other ways for you lefties to piss on whites and increase anger and resentment.

Like telling white over and over again that they are bad people when they complain about being discriminated against because they are racist.

As I mentioned before, "rubbing salt in a wound".

Dayum, I been white all my life and I dont ever remember being discriminated agaainst.

Got all white kids. No discrimination. Unless you count running track. My daughter didnt get to run the 100m. A black runner was much faster.

Is that what you mean? Msybe it was God discriminating against the whites.

You know Jesus was a brown person. Right?

YOur pretense that whites complaining about anti-white discrimination are just racists who want special privileges is going to go over so well in the ONe Party Future that RW loves to gloat about.

They are going to start out angry that they got fucked for being white, and then some complete dickwad like you is going to dismiss them and call them names.

And it is going to sink in that that is going to be all they will ever get from the "American" government...

Oh, and in case I wasn't clear, you are a complete dickwad and fuck you.:321::asshole:
What's really strange is that that is what the libs seem to want. Are they really that stupid?

I've been trying to get RW to share.

Near as I can tell, he seems to be in some state of denial where whites will just suck it up and everything will be fine, and the lib agenda will be implemented and sometime after he is dead, things will return to a normal two party system.

As he is the only lib I can get to do anything on this issue other than giggle like a school yard bully, I can only assume that he is representative of the libs.

Until new information becomes available.
You have yet to define what whites have lost

The most obvious is anti-white discrimination, in hiring, promotions, university slots, ect.

An issue that is hurting a lot of whites NOW, and that you libs will very quickly make worse when you get a Liberal court with Disparate Impact Theory.

That alone supports my fears of a future of unending racial strife.

BUT I'm sure there will be other ways for you lefties to piss on whites and increase anger and resentment.

Like telling white over and over again that they are bad people when they complain about being discriminated against because they are racist.

As I mentioned before, "rubbing salt in a wound".

Dayum, I been white all my life and I dont ever remember being discriminated agaainst.

Got all white kids. No discrimination. Unless you count running track. My daughter didnt get to run the 100m. A black runner was much faster.

Is that what you mean? Msybe it was God discriminating against the whites.

You know Jesus was a brown person. Right?

YOur pretense that whites complaining about anti-white discrimination are just racists who want special privileges is going to go over so well in the ONe Party Future that RW loves to gloat about.

They are going to start out angry that they got fucked for being white, and then some complete dickwad like you is going to dismiss them and call them names.

And it is going to sink in that that is going to be all they will ever get from the "American" government...

Oh, and in case I wasn't clear, you are a complete dickwad and fuck you.:321::asshole:

The reason you claim whites are going to rise in protest has nothing to do with affirmative action

The reason is that they no longer get to call all the shots. White males now have to share the political arena with blacks, hiospanics and women...and they are not happy
it comes down to swing states. in this election it is predicted that the republicans will have to win either florida or ohio to win the election. given the democrats stance on 2nd amendment rights, which way do you think these two states will go? Democrats will also lose congressional seats because Hillary won't get the vote out in the mid west.
Republicans need Florida and Ohio just to break even with the Democrats. As usual, conservatives will whine about the GOP candidate and fail to show....not that it will matter
Republicans defending 24 Senate seats will turn the Senate over to the Dems making it easier for Hillary to stock the Supreme Court with liberals

Which would lead to a pro-Disparate Impact ruling in short order.
it comes down to swing states. in this election it is predicted that the republicans will have to win either florida or ohio to win the election. given the democrats stance on 2nd amendment rights, which way do you think these two states will go? Democrats will also lose congressional seats because Hillary won't get the vote out in the mid west.
Republicans need Florida and Ohio just to break even with the Democrats. As usual, conservatives will whine about the GOP candidate and fail to show....not that it will matter
Republicans defending 24 Senate seats will turn the Senate over to the Dems making it easier for Hillary to stock the Supreme Court with liberals

Which would lead to a pro-Disparate Impact ruling in short order.

WTF are you babbling about?
I've been trying to get RW to share.

Near as I can tell, he seems to be in some state of denial where whites will just suck it up and everything will be fine, and the lib agenda will be implemented and sometime after he is dead, things will return to a normal two party system.

As he is the only lib I can get to do anything on this issue other than giggle like a school yard bully, I can only assume that he is representative of the libs.

Until new information becomes available.
You have yet to define what whites have lost

The most obvious is anti-white discrimination, in hiring, promotions, university slots, ect.

An issue that is hurting a lot of whites NOW, and that you libs will very quickly make worse when you get a Liberal court with Disparate Impact Theory.

That alone supports my fears of a future of unending racial strife.

BUT I'm sure there will be other ways for you lefties to piss on whites and increase anger and resentment.

Like telling white over and over again that they are bad people when they complain about being discriminated against because they are racist.

As I mentioned before, "rubbing salt in a wound".

Dayum, I been white all my life and I dont ever remember being discriminated agaainst.

Got all white kids. No discrimination. Unless you count running track. My daughter didnt get to run the 100m. A black runner was much faster.

Is that what you mean? Msybe it was God discriminating against the whites.

You know Jesus was a brown person. Right?

YOur pretense that whites complaining about anti-white discrimination are just racists who want special privileges is going to go over so well in the ONe Party Future that RW loves to gloat about.

They are going to start out angry that they got fucked for being white, and then some complete dickwad like you is going to dismiss them and call them names.

And it is going to sink in that that is going to be all they will ever get from the "American" government...

Oh, and in case I wasn't clear, you are a complete dickwad and fuck you.:321::asshole:

The reason you claim whites are going to rise in protest has nothing to do with affirmative action

The reason is that they no longer get to call all the shots. White males now have to share the political arena with blacks, hiospanics and women...and they are not happy

The VAST MAJORITY of "White Males" today, have never "got to call the shots".

There might be a few "White Males" out there who are missing Days of Power, some guys names George or Bill,

Me? I was born into the Working Class and had to bust my ass to get to the Middle Class. My peers? Similar. Born Middle Class, have to work hard to stay there. Born Middle Class and had to work hard to only fall to Working Class.

It is self serving of you to lump me in with Former Presidents and CEO's.

It gives you an excuse to dismiss my interests in the pursuit of your lib agenda.

Your One Party State scenario will be one of Whites, male and female getting screwed over time and time again, and if they complain being called racist by smug assholes who don't have a clue what smug assholes they are being.

I hope you enjoy the pleasant and civil public discourse of today. Because These are THE GOOD OLD DAYS.
it comes down to swing states. in this election it is predicted that the republicans will have to win either florida or ohio to win the election. given the democrats stance on 2nd amendment rights, which way do you think these two states will go? Democrats will also lose congressional seats because Hillary won't get the vote out in the mid west.
Republicans need Florida and Ohio just to break even with the Democrats. As usual, conservatives will whine about the GOP candidate and fail to show....not that it will matter
Republicans defending 24 Senate seats will turn the Senate over to the Dems making it easier for Hillary to stock the Supreme Court with liberals

Which would lead to a pro-Disparate Impact ruling in short order.

WTF are you babbling about?

We've covered this before.

That was the lib legal theory that the New Haven City officials used to justify their blatant anti-white discrimination against the White Firefighters.

That was the legal theory that all the dem appointees on the Supreme Court supported when the case reached them.

One more lib judge, and the next time such a case reaches them or it decided by a lower court in favor of legally mandated blatant anti-white discrimination, that theory will become Law of the Land.
You have yet to define what whites have lost

The most obvious is anti-white discrimination, in hiring, promotions, university slots, ect.

An issue that is hurting a lot of whites NOW, and that you libs will very quickly make worse when you get a Liberal court with Disparate Impact Theory.

That alone supports my fears of a future of unending racial strife.

BUT I'm sure there will be other ways for you lefties to piss on whites and increase anger and resentment.

Like telling white over and over again that they are bad people when they complain about being discriminated against because they are racist.

As I mentioned before, "rubbing salt in a wound".

Dayum, I been white all my life and I dont ever remember being discriminated agaainst.

Got all white kids. No discrimination. Unless you count running track. My daughter didnt get to run the 100m. A black runner was much faster.

Is that what you mean? Msybe it was God discriminating against the whites.

You know Jesus was a brown person. Right?

YOur pretense that whites complaining about anti-white discrimination are just racists who want special privileges is going to go over so well in the ONe Party Future that RW loves to gloat about.

They are going to start out angry that they got fucked for being white, and then some complete dickwad like you is going to dismiss them and call them names.

And it is going to sink in that that is going to be all they will ever get from the "American" government...

Oh, and in case I wasn't clear, you are a complete dickwad and fuck you.:321::asshole:

The reason you claim whites are going to rise in protest has nothing to do with affirmative action

The reason is that they no longer get to call all the shots. White males now have to share the political arena with blacks, hiospanics and women...and they are not happy

The VAST MAJORITY of "White Males" today, have never "got to call the shots".

There might be a few "White Males" out there who are missing Days of Power, some guys names George or Bill,

Me? I was born into the Working Class and had to bust my ass to get to the Middle Class. My peers? Similar. Born Middle Class, have to work hard to stay there. Born Middle Class and had to work hard to only fall to Working Class.

It is self serving of you to lump me in with Former Presidents and CEO's.

It gives you an excuse to dismiss my interests in the pursuit of your lib agenda.

Your One Party State scenario will be one of Whites, male and female getting screwed over time and time again, and if they complain being called racist by smug assholes who don't have a clue what smug assholes they are being.

I hope you enjoy the pleasant and civil public discourse of today. Because These are THE GOOD OLD DAYS. admit that when white males had all the political power they screwed over blacks , women and minorities

What happened when they complained about getting screwed over? Attack dogs and fire hoses
The most obvious is anti-white discrimination, in hiring, promotions, university slots, ect.

An issue that is hurting a lot of whites NOW, and that you libs will very quickly make worse when you get a Liberal court with Disparate Impact Theory.

That alone supports my fears of a future of unending racial strife.

BUT I'm sure there will be other ways for you lefties to piss on whites and increase anger and resentment.

Like telling white over and over again that they are bad people when they complain about being discriminated against because they are racist.

As I mentioned before, "rubbing salt in a wound".

Dayum, I been white all my life and I dont ever remember being discriminated agaainst.

Got all white kids. No discrimination. Unless you count running track. My daughter didnt get to run the 100m. A black runner was much faster.

Is that what you mean? Msybe it was God discriminating against the whites.

You know Jesus was a brown person. Right?

YOur pretense that whites complaining about anti-white discrimination are just racists who want special privileges is going to go over so well in the ONe Party Future that RW loves to gloat about.

They are going to start out angry that they got fucked for being white, and then some complete dickwad like you is going to dismiss them and call them names.

And it is going to sink in that that is going to be all they will ever get from the "American" government...

Oh, and in case I wasn't clear, you are a complete dickwad and fuck you.:321::asshole:

The reason you claim whites are going to rise in protest has nothing to do with affirmative action

The reason is that they no longer get to call all the shots. White males now have to share the political arena with blacks, hiospanics and women...and they are not happy

The VAST MAJORITY of "White Males" today, have never "got to call the shots".

There might be a few "White Males" out there who are missing Days of Power, some guys names George or Bill,

Me? I was born into the Working Class and had to bust my ass to get to the Middle Class. My peers? Similar. Born Middle Class, have to work hard to stay there. Born Middle Class and had to work hard to only fall to Working Class.

It is self serving of you to lump me in with Former Presidents and CEO's.

It gives you an excuse to dismiss my interests in the pursuit of your lib agenda.

Your One Party State scenario will be one of Whites, male and female getting screwed over time and time again, and if they complain being called racist by smug assholes who don't have a clue what smug assholes they are being.

I hope you enjoy the pleasant and civil public discourse of today. Because These are THE GOOD OLD DAYS. admit that when white males had all the political power they screwed over blacks , women and minorities

What happened when they complained about getting screwed over? Attack dogs and fire hoses

RW, that was beneath you. I said nothing of the sort. I have seriously and honestly replied to all of your posts.

Please try again.

The VAST MAJORITY of "White Males" today, have never "got to call the shots".

There might be a few "White Males" out there who are missing Days of Power, some guys names George or Bill,

Me? I was born into the Working Class and had to bust my ass to get to the Middle Class. My peers? Similar. Born Middle Class, have to work hard to stay there. Born Middle Class and had to work hard to only fall to Working Class.

It is self serving of you to lump me in with Former Presidents and CEO's.

It gives you an excuse to dismiss my interests in the pursuit of your lib agenda.

Your One Party State scenario will be one of Whites, male and female getting screwed over time and time again, and if they complain being called racist by smug assholes who don't have a clue what smug assholes they are being.

I hope you enjoy the pleasant and civil public discourse of today. Because These are THE GOOD OLD DAYS
Which Republicans at the time would have done better against Obama?

probably no one. black pride, white guilt and a biased media ensured an Obama victory.

But now that the country has seen the mistake it made, the next election will be quite different.
Of course the wealth gap under Obama got wider.

After the Bush debacle, millions of Americans lost their houses, jobs and savings.

If people came through the Bush disaster WITHOUT losing their houses, jobs and savings then they benefitted from the Obama period of great stock market, recovering house values and jobs.

So yea, those with something have more than those that lost everything.

The weath gap grew. Thanks to the policies of Bush. It grew more under Obama thanks to the policies of Bush.

now that's some funny shit.

Obozo is not responsible for anything that happened during the last 7 years, right?

Booooosch did it. Are you really that fricken dumb?

You cant read very well can you?

I blamed (held responsible)Obama for the stock market recovery, the housing market recovery and jobs.

But he didnt have much to do with cheap gas.

Damn Obama.

specifically what did Obama do to make the stock market go up?. Give us a list of his specific actions and how they impacted the market in a positive manner.

Also, give us a list of the specific actions he took that caused gas prices to fall. You can leave out the reduced demand due to so many people being out of work if you like.

Since unemployment and under employment have been at record levels during his terms, I can't wait for you to tell us how he created jobs. Then tell it to recent college grads who are flipping burgers with their degrees in engineering.

Redfish, sorry to hear that YOU are poor and suffering.

You must have really lost your ass under Bush to not have benefitted during Obama.

The topic was wealth gap. Yes it has grown. I explained why. But I will again.

Under Bush, people lost homes, jobs and savings. Fact. How it came to be you can argue about forever. But it still happened under President Bush.

Under Obama, the stock market came way back, home values rebounded and jobs were created. Facts. Obama may not have had jack shit to do with any of it and that can be argued forever.

But thats how the wealth gap changed so much. Millions lost about everything and other millions managed to hang on and benefitted from recovery.

Sorry to hear you are one that didnt get to benefit.

Your attempt at being a circus clown has failed. I have done just fine personally and will continue to do so, your concern is misplaced.

You earlier claimed that Obama caused the market to go up and now you admit that he "may not have had jack shit to do with it" We agree. Now why did you lie about it in the first place?

So in your small mind Bush personally caused everything that happened during his terms but obozo has had zero to do with what has happened during his.

Maybe some time in a mental institution is what you need.

Redfish, You are what is known as a "liar". Why you lying about what I wrote.

What I said was that Bush was President when people lost their houses, jobs and savings.

Then I said Obama was Pres when house values, jobs and savings came roaring back.

I attributed nothing to Obama and blamed nothing on Bush. Said it could all be argued about forever.

But it is a FACT that those two were President when what I claimed happened, happened.

Why you want to lie about what I wrote?
Is it because you are a fucked up, failing individual that didnt benefit from the economic recoveyt? I can understand your angst about being a failure.

But Obama didnt make you a failure. You did.

btw, my white daughter just graduated from a good university. And no, she wasnt discriminated against in her quest for higher education.

You should try that education thing. You really need it.
Dayum, I been white all my life and I dont ever remember being discriminated agaainst.

Got all white kids. No discrimination. Unless you count running track. My daughter didnt get to run the 100m. A black runner was much faster.

Is that what you mean? Msybe it was God discriminating against the whites.

You know Jesus was a brown person. Right?

YOur pretense that whites complaining about anti-white discrimination are just racists who want special privileges is going to go over so well in the ONe Party Future that RW loves to gloat about.

They are going to start out angry that they got fucked for being white, and then some complete dickwad like you is going to dismiss them and call them names.

And it is going to sink in that that is going to be all they will ever get from the "American" government...

Oh, and in case I wasn't clear, you are a complete dickwad and fuck you.:321::asshole:

The reason you claim whites are going to rise in protest has nothing to do with affirmative action

The reason is that they no longer get to call all the shots. White males now have to share the political arena with blacks, hiospanics and women...and they are not happy

The VAST MAJORITY of "White Males" today, have never "got to call the shots".

There might be a few "White Males" out there who are missing Days of Power, some guys names George or Bill,

Me? I was born into the Working Class and had to bust my ass to get to the Middle Class. My peers? Similar. Born Middle Class, have to work hard to stay there. Born Middle Class and had to work hard to only fall to Working Class.

It is self serving of you to lump me in with Former Presidents and CEO's.

It gives you an excuse to dismiss my interests in the pursuit of your lib agenda.

Your One Party State scenario will be one of Whites, male and female getting screwed over time and time again, and if they complain being called racist by smug assholes who don't have a clue what smug assholes they are being.

I hope you enjoy the pleasant and civil public discourse of today. Because These are THE GOOD OLD DAYS. admit that when white males had all the political power they screwed over blacks , women and minorities

What happened when they complained about getting screwed over? Attack dogs and fire hoses

RW, that was beneath you. I said nothing of the sort. I have seriously and honestly replied to all of your posts.

Please try again.

The VAST MAJORITY of "White Males" today, have never "got to call the shots".

There might be a few "White Males" out there who are missing Days of Power, some guys names George or Bill,

Me? I was born into the Working Class and had to bust my ass to get to the Middle Class. My peers? Similar. Born Middle Class, have to work hard to stay there. Born Middle Class and had to work hard to only fall to Working Class.

It is self serving of you to lump me in with Former Presidents and CEO's.

It gives you an excuse to dismiss my interests in the pursuit of your lib agenda.

Your One Party State scenario will be one of Whites, male and female getting screwed over time and time again, and if they complain being called racist by smug assholes who don't have a clue what smug assholes they are being.

I hope you enjoy the pleasant and civil public discourse of today. Because These are THE GOOD OLD DAYS

Yes, the vast majority of White males have called the shots....I am one of them

There was a time when the best occupations were reserved for white males. Management was an arena for white males only. Elected officials were all white.

Things have changed. The electorate has changed. Blacks, Hispanics and women are now exercising more political clout. White males are not happy
YOur pretense that whites complaining about anti-white discrimination are just racists who want special privileges is going to go over so well in the ONe Party Future that RW loves to gloat about.

They are going to start out angry that they got fucked for being white, and then some complete dickwad like you is going to dismiss them and call them names.

And it is going to sink in that that is going to be all they will ever get from the "American" government...

Oh, and in case I wasn't clear, you are a complete dickwad and fuck you.:321::asshole:

The reason you claim whites are going to rise in protest has nothing to do with affirmative action

The reason is that they no longer get to call all the shots. White males now have to share the political arena with blacks, hiospanics and women...and they are not happy

The VAST MAJORITY of "White Males" today, have never "got to call the shots".

There might be a few "White Males" out there who are missing Days of Power, some guys names George or Bill,

Me? I was born into the Working Class and had to bust my ass to get to the Middle Class. My peers? Similar. Born Middle Class, have to work hard to stay there. Born Middle Class and had to work hard to only fall to Working Class.

It is self serving of you to lump me in with Former Presidents and CEO's.

It gives you an excuse to dismiss my interests in the pursuit of your lib agenda.

Your One Party State scenario will be one of Whites, male and female getting screwed over time and time again, and if they complain being called racist by smug assholes who don't have a clue what smug assholes they are being.

I hope you enjoy the pleasant and civil public discourse of today. Because These are THE GOOD OLD DAYS. admit that when white males had all the political power they screwed over blacks , women and minorities

What happened when they complained about getting screwed over? Attack dogs and fire hoses

RW, that was beneath you. I said nothing of the sort. I have seriously and honestly replied to all of your posts.

Please try again.

The VAST MAJORITY of "White Males" today, have never "got to call the shots".

There might be a few "White Males" out there who are missing Days of Power, some guys names George or Bill,

Me? I was born into the Working Class and had to bust my ass to get to the Middle Class. My peers? Similar. Born Middle Class, have to work hard to stay there. Born Middle Class and had to work hard to only fall to Working Class.

It is self serving of you to lump me in with Former Presidents and CEO's.

It gives you an excuse to dismiss my interests in the pursuit of your lib agenda.

Your One Party State scenario will be one of Whites, male and female getting screwed over time and time again, and if they complain being called racist by smug assholes who don't have a clue what smug assholes they are being.

I hope you enjoy the pleasant and civil public discourse of today. Because These are THE GOOD OLD DAYS

Yes, the vast majority of White males have called the shots....I am one of them

There was a time when the best occupations were reserved for white males. Management was an arena for white males only. Elected officials were all white.

Things have changed. The electorate has changed. Blacks, Hispanics and women are now exercising more political clout. White males are not happy

Fine, I will take this as your final answer.

1. The Vast Majority of White Males did not call the shots. Very few white males did. THat has nothing to do with me or the vast majority of Whites. Lumping todays white in with yesterday's Presidents and CEO's is morally wrong.

2. THose White Males are not the ones who are getting fucked by anti-white discrimination. It is the white poor and middle classes who are paying the price for what other people did a long time ago because they have similar skin color. This is very wrong.

3. YOu keep moving the goal posts. First it was a. what have white males lost? Then B. AA was back in the 70s and 80s C. Well, when blacks complained about discrimination they were oppressed as if two wrong make a right. Two wrongs don't make a right. THat is morally wrong.

4. Come 2020 and some poor white kids sue because they got discriminated against because they were white and the jobs went to unqualified blacks, and you tell them it is because they used to call the shots, back in the days of "firehoses and attack dogs" and they are going to look at you like "WTF are you talking about, that was before we were born, we have nothing and you are taking away our chance to have something".

My recommendation to you for that situation? Call them racist. That will cool things down. Nice and calm. Peaceful.

Like a bird signing happily in the forest.
The reason you claim whites are going to rise in protest has nothing to do with affirmative action

The reason is that they no longer get to call all the shots. White males now have to share the political arena with blacks, hiospanics and women...and they are not happy

The VAST MAJORITY of "White Males" today, have never "got to call the shots".

There might be a few "White Males" out there who are missing Days of Power, some guys names George or Bill,

Me? I was born into the Working Class and had to bust my ass to get to the Middle Class. My peers? Similar. Born Middle Class, have to work hard to stay there. Born Middle Class and had to work hard to only fall to Working Class.

It is self serving of you to lump me in with Former Presidents and CEO's.

It gives you an excuse to dismiss my interests in the pursuit of your lib agenda.

Your One Party State scenario will be one of Whites, male and female getting screwed over time and time again, and if they complain being called racist by smug assholes who don't have a clue what smug assholes they are being.

I hope you enjoy the pleasant and civil public discourse of today. Because These are THE GOOD OLD DAYS. admit that when white males had all the political power they screwed over blacks , women and minorities

What happened when they complained about getting screwed over? Attack dogs and fire hoses

RW, that was beneath you. I said nothing of the sort. I have seriously and honestly replied to all of your posts.

Please try again.

The VAST MAJORITY of "White Males" today, have never "got to call the shots".

There might be a few "White Males" out there who are missing Days of Power, some guys names George or Bill,

Me? I was born into the Working Class and had to bust my ass to get to the Middle Class. My peers? Similar. Born Middle Class, have to work hard to stay there. Born Middle Class and had to work hard to only fall to Working Class.

It is self serving of you to lump me in with Former Presidents and CEO's.

It gives you an excuse to dismiss my interests in the pursuit of your lib agenda.

Your One Party State scenario will be one of Whites, male and female getting screwed over time and time again, and if they complain being called racist by smug assholes who don't have a clue what smug assholes they are being.

I hope you enjoy the pleasant and civil public discourse of today. Because These are THE GOOD OLD DAYS

Yes, the vast majority of White males have called the shots....I am one of them

There was a time when the best occupations were reserved for white males. Management was an arena for white males only. Elected officials were all white.

Things have changed. The electorate has changed. Blacks, Hispanics and women are now exercising more political clout. White males are not happy

Fine, I will take this as your final answer.

1. The Vast Majority of White Males did not call the shots. Very few white males did. THat has nothing to do with me or the vast majority of Whites. Lumping todays white in with yesterday's Presidents and CEO's is morally wrong.

2. THose White Males are not the ones who are getting fucked by anti-white discrimination. It is the white poor and middle classes who are paying the price for what other people did a long time ago because they have similar skin color. This is very wrong.

3. YOu keep moving the goal posts. First it was a. what have white males lost? Then B. AA was back in the 70s and 80s C. Well, when blacks complained about discrimination they were oppressed as if two wrong make a right. Two wrongs don't make a right. THat is morally wrong.

4. Come 2020 and some poor white kids sue because they got discriminated against because they were white and the jobs went to unqualified blacks, and you tell them it is because they used to call the shots, back in the days of "firehoses and attack dogs" and they are going to look at you like "WTF are you talking about, that was before we were born, we have nothing and you are taking away our chance to have something".

My recommendation to you for that situation? Call them racist. That will cool things down. Nice and calm. Peaceful.

Like a bird signing happily in the forest.

As a white male, I fail to have much sympathy for the plight of the species or their chances of succeeding in the future

Just because others are now getting a chance to hold the positions once reserved for the white race is no reason to plan a pity party
I've been trying to get RW to share.

Near as I can tell, he seems to be in some state of denial where whites will just suck it up and everything will be fine, and the lib agenda will be implemented and sometime after he is dead, things will return to a normal two party system.

As he is the only lib I can get to do anything on this issue other than giggle like a school yard bully, I can only assume that he is representative of the libs.

Until new information becomes available.
You have yet to define what whites have lost

horseshit. total unadulterated horseshit.
The most obvious is anti-white discrimination, in hiring, promotions, university slots, ect.

An issue that is hurting a lot of whites NOW, and that you libs will very quickly make worse when you get a Liberal court with Disparate Impact Theory.

That alone supports my fears of a future of unending racial strife.

BUT I'm sure there will be other ways for you lefties to piss on whites and increase anger and resentment.

Like telling white over and over again that they are bad people when they complain about being discriminated against because they are racist.

As I mentioned before, "rubbing salt in a wound".

Dayum, I been white all my life and I dont ever remember being discriminated agaainst.

Got all white kids. No discrimination. Unless you count running track. My daughter didnt get to run the 100m. A black runner was much faster.

Is that what you mean? Msybe it was God discriminating against the whites.

You know Jesus was a brown person. Right?

YOur pretense that whites complaining about anti-white discrimination are just racists who want special privileges is going to go over so well in the ONe Party Future that RW loves to gloat about.

They are going to start out angry that they got fucked for being white, and then some complete dickwad like you is going to dismiss them and call them names.

And it is going to sink in that that is going to be all they will ever get from the "American" government...

Oh, and in case I wasn't clear, you are a complete dickwad and fuck you.:321::asshole:

The reason you claim whites are going to rise in protest has nothing to do with affirmative action

The reason is that they no longer get to call all the shots. White males now have to share the political arena with blacks, hiospanics and women...and they are not happy
The VAST MAJORITY of "White Males" today, have never "got to call the shots".

There might be a few "White Males" out there who are missing Days of Power, some guys names George or Bill,

Me? I was born into the Working Class and had to bust my ass to get to the Middle Class. My peers? Similar. Born Middle Class, have to work hard to stay there. Born Middle Class and had to work hard to only fall to Working Class.

It is self serving of you to lump me in with Former Presidents and CEO's.

It gives you an excuse to dismiss my interests in the pursuit of your lib agenda.

Your One Party State scenario will be one of Whites, male and female getting screwed over time and time again, and if they complain being called racist by smug assholes who don't have a clue what smug assholes they are being.

I hope you enjoy the pleasant and civil public discourse of today. Because These are THE GOOD OLD DAYS. admit that when white males had all the political power they screwed over blacks , women and minorities

What happened when they complained about getting screwed over? Attack dogs and fire hoses

RW, that was beneath you. I said nothing of the sort. I have seriously and honestly replied to all of your posts.

Please try again.

The VAST MAJORITY of "White Males" today, have never "got to call the shots".

There might be a few "White Males" out there who are missing Days of Power, some guys names George or Bill,

Me? I was born into the Working Class and had to bust my ass to get to the Middle Class. My peers? Similar. Born Middle Class, have to work hard to stay there. Born Middle Class and had to work hard to only fall to Working Class.

It is self serving of you to lump me in with Former Presidents and CEO's.

It gives you an excuse to dismiss my interests in the pursuit of your lib agenda.

Your One Party State scenario will be one of Whites, male and female getting screwed over time and time again, and if they complain being called racist by smug assholes who don't have a clue what smug assholes they are being.

I hope you enjoy the pleasant and civil public discourse of today. Because These are THE GOOD OLD DAYS

Yes, the vast majority of White males have called the shots....I am one of them

There was a time when the best occupations were reserved for white males. Management was an arena for white males only. Elected officials were all white.

Things have changed. The electorate has changed. Blacks, Hispanics and women are now exercising more political clout. White males are not happy

Fine, I will take this as your final answer.

1. The Vast Majority of White Males did not call the shots. Very few white males did. THat has nothing to do with me or the vast majority of Whites. Lumping todays white in with yesterday's Presidents and CEO's is morally wrong.

2. THose White Males are not the ones who are getting fucked by anti-white discrimination. It is the white poor and middle classes who are paying the price for what other people did a long time ago because they have similar skin color. This is very wrong.

3. YOu keep moving the goal posts. First it was a. what have white males lost? Then B. AA was back in the 70s and 80s C. Well, when blacks complained about discrimination they were oppressed as if two wrong make a right. Two wrongs don't make a right. THat is morally wrong.

4. Come 2020 and some poor white kids sue because they got discriminated against because they were white and the jobs went to unqualified blacks, and you tell them it is because they used to call the shots, back in the days of "firehoses and attack dogs" and they are going to look at you like "WTF are you talking about, that was before we were born, we have nothing and you are taking away our chance to have something".

My recommendation to you for that situation? Call them racist. That will cool things down. Nice and calm. Peaceful.

Like a bird signing happily in the forest.

As a white male, I fail to have much sympathy for the plight of the species or their chances of succeeding in the future

Just because others are now getting a chance to hold the positions once reserved for the white race is no reason to plan a pity party

no one on this board believes that you are a white male.
As a white male, I fail to have much sympathy for the plight of the species or their chances of succeeding in the future


Errr, first of all, it is Whites, not just white males. And second of all, Why?

Whites I know are fine. There kids look promising. Why are you so bleak on our "chances of succeeding in the future"?


Just because others are now getting a chance to hold the positions once reserved for the white race is no reason to plan a pity party

RW, I've repeatedly addressed your odd obsession with upper level management positions. At this point it is coming across as a mantra you are chanting for some personal reason, not a serious position.

Whatever guilt you have over your actions when you were in a position of power, don't ask me or my daughter to pay the penance.

The white people who are now and will in the future be paying the price for your white guilt bear no responsibility for actions they had no part of.
As a white male, I fail to have much sympathy for the plight of the species or their chances of succeeding in the future


Errr, first of all, it is Whites, not just white males. And second of all, Why?

Whites I know are fine. There kids look promising. Why are you so bleak on our "chances of succeeding in the future"?


Just because others are now getting a chance to hold the positions once reserved for the white race is no reason to plan a pity party

RW, I've repeatedly addressed your odd obsession with upper level management positions. At this point it is coming across as a mantra you are chanting for some personal reason, not a serious position.

Whatever guilt you have over your actions when you were in a position of power, don't ask me or my daughter to pay the penance.

The white people who are now and will in the future be paying the price for your white guilt bear no responsibility for actions they had no part of.
They are not paying a price.
They have lost their voting advantages they held for so long ....that is the way democracies work
As a white male, I fail to have much sympathy for the plight of the species or their chances of succeeding in the future


Errr, first of all, it is Whites, not just white males. And second of all, Why?

Whites I know are fine. There kids look promising. Why are you so bleak on our "chances of succeeding in the future"?


Just because others are now getting a chance to hold the positions once reserved for the white race is no reason to plan a pity party

RW, I've repeatedly addressed your odd obsession with upper level management positions. At this point it is coming across as a mantra you are chanting for some personal reason, not a serious position.

Whatever guilt you have over your actions when you were in a position of power, don't ask me or my daughter to pay the penance.

The white people who are now and will in the future be paying the price for your white guilt bear no responsibility for actions they had no part of.
They are not paying a price.
They have lost their voting advantages they held for so long ....that is the way democracies work

1. Errr, first of all, it is Whites, not just white males. And second of all, Why?

Whites I know are fine. Their kids look promising. Why are you so bleak on our "chances of succeeding in the future"?

2. Yes, they are paying a price, one that your dem policies have set up to vastly increase as time goes on. "Voting Advantage"? What are you talking about? They will be Permanently Disenfranchised.

And the reasons you have cited for justifying this punishment were all done by other people, not the ones paying/to pay the price.

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