The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

As American Citizens they are have the God Given Right to pursue their agendas and interests in all areas of American society and government.

As American Citizens, they have the Constitutionally given right to pursue their agendas and interests in all areas of American society and government.

They DO NOT have ANY right to force their religion on anyone else. Including making people say " Merry Christmas ".
As Self Identified Christians are 70% of the population is a democratic Republic one would expect the Culture and the Government and the Laws to reflect Christian values and culture.

If one expected that --- one would be WRONG --- America is NOT and HAS NEVER BEEN a religious state. Some of the colonies were founded by religious groups, but when they formed the nation of America they abandoned that and wrote the Constitution which FORBIDS any religious test for holding office which shows they didn't want people voting their religion to run the country.

Your denial of INherent Human Rights is normal for leftists.

BUT for now, anyways, until you leftists take it away, these Christians have mostly the same rights as other Americans, and are the vast majority of the nation.

The rest of your post seems to be mostly leftist spin.

I said nothing about forcing anyone to say "Merry Christmas". Or forcing Christianity on anyone.

But, the cultural and moral beliefs of Christian voters are just as valid as your.

Legally speaking.
But then, Obama was weak and he got elected. Twice.

McCain was weaker. All the power of Geritol. Unlike Reagan, he came across as just an old man.

Romney blew it when he let Candy Crowley walk all over him.

Two good reasons to tell the Republican establishment to shut up and get out of the way.
Which Republicans at the time would have done better against Obama?
I'm thinking about 50 years

Republicans have marginalized themselves and blocked out a constituency that can't win
Like I said, Florida and Texas will ensure that the next Republican President hasn't been born yet
Hispanic populations with entrenched memories of the racist rhetoric emanating from right wing media. The punitive and demeaning laws targeted at Hispanics

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?
They are not block voting....They are voting for the party that best represents their views

Republicans are doomed

You ever ask a pro-life religious black why they vote for the pro-abortion party?

It's block voting.

now answer my question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

This is not a gotcha question or one of the other stupid games libs like to play.

You are one of the few people on this site other than myself that sees this train barreling down on us, and I am very curious as to your thoughts on it, and especially how and why you do not see it as the utter disaster for America that I do.

SO, please so being evasive and just answer the question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?
Actually it is voting on more than one issue. The fact that ALL minorities including Asians and Jews are repelled by Republicans should tell you something
Republicans made a choice....throw minorities under the bus to placate the bigots who flocked to their party in the 60s

total horseshit. Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Mia Love, Allen West, Carly Fiorina, just to name a few republican minorities. Are they under the bus? no, you biased lying dipshit.

What is true is that the Clintons and obamas have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy and turned it into the party of far left radicals like Sharpton and Jackson and Farrakhan.

Face reality, Hillary is not likeable, is old, is ugly, is corrupt, is a proven liar, and is very likely suffering from dementia.

Why would young people of any demographic want to vote for an old, corrupt, white woman who screeches like a banshee?
I will concede the ten percent of the minorities you claim

Not going to win you those electoral votes you need though
Here is the thing Correll, that every conservative needs to think about........

California is worth 55 electoral votes, yes?

It has between 38, and 39 million people in the state, yes?

So, how many of them are Hispanic? LOL, yes, I am laughing.

Tell you what, we know they are heavily Hispanic, but lets help the Dems out even more, lets make ALL 39 million Hispanic, and they ALL vote Democratic.

So then, how many votes did the Democrats just get? Why 39 million! How many electoral votes did they get? Why 55! That is correct, they still only get 55. That is the key to the whole debate, and WINGER, AKA ASTRO TURFING LIBTARD, has everyone thinking it is over, history, forget about it.

NO, it is far from over. They all reside in a few states, and one of those states, they are going to lose, known as FLORIDA! Texas, they are not going to win! And Black America is not happy with illegals taking their jobs, so guess what.....we are going to see less Black votes, and a larger % for the GOP.

So, WINGER is playing "look, squirrel" politics. He is trying to get everyone to look at the squirrel, instead of seeing what is important.........the Democrats in deep trouble, and using propaganda to try and wiggle out of it-)

Think about it...246 out of 270 needed
Those are blue states and are off the table

Meaning Republicans need 96 out of the remaining 120 electoral votes in play

You just don't have the horses.....look at your weak field of candidates

HOw many of those states that have gone Blue have done so because of demographic shift, or Third World Immigration since 1965?
Who cares?

It is what it is...what are Republicans going to do about it?

You care.

YOu have conflicting ideas as part of your world view.

You regularly gloat about how demographic shift is going to lead to no GOP president for 50 years.

Then we I point out that demographic shift is caused by importing Third World VOters, you claim it is something else.

Sometimes you can discuss the effect of demographic shift and other times, you deny it.

What are republicans going to do about it?

Hopefully Elect Trump and see what if anything he can do.

If we deport the illegals, reverse Birthright citizenship, and secure the border, it might help.

But if not?

What do you think a large population that is constantly discriminated against and oppressed and degraded and told it is their fault will do if denied any legal or political option for addressing their grievances?

Well said and accurate. The answer to your last question is: they will rebel or secede. There is no other viable option.

We could just be looking at a future of America as a Third WOrld COunty, with a ONe Party State government, a crappy economy, really crappy, and a diverse population constantly and forever torn apart by racial and ethnic strife.

Oh, and lots of crime.

As a best case scenario.

Think about it...246 out of 270 needed
Those are blue states and are off the table

Meaning Republicans need 96 out of the remaining 120 electoral votes in play

You just don't have the horses.....look at your weak field of candidates

HOw many of those states that have gone Blue have done so because of demographic shift, or Third World Immigration since 1965?
Who cares?

It is what it is...what are Republicans going to do about it?

You care.

YOu have conflicting ideas as part of your world view.

You regularly gloat about how demographic shift is going to lead to no GOP president for 50 years.

Then we I point out that demographic shift is caused by importing Third World VOters, you claim it is something else.

Sometimes you can discuss the effect of demographic shift and other times, you deny it.

What are republicans going to do about it?

Hopefully Elect Trump and see what if anything he can do.

If we deport the illegals, reverse Birthright citizenship, and secure the border, it might help.

But if not?

What do you think a large population that is constantly discriminated against and oppressed and degraded and told it is their fault will do if denied any legal or political option for addressing their grievances?

Well said and accurate. The answer to your last question is: they will rebel or secede. There is no other viable option.

We could just be looking at a future of America as a Third WOrld COunty, with a ONe Party State government, a crappy economy, really crappy, and a diverse population constantly and forever torn apart by racial and ethnic strife.

Oh, and lots of crime.

As a best case scenario.
What will turn America into a third world country is not immigration but the ever widening gap between the rich and the poor. Wages that are not keeping up with escalating costs of food, healthcare and education
What issues are more important that the "mass murder of little black babies" to pro-life religious blacks?

I've asked. They can't tell you.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

now answer my question.

What changes in 50 years, that ends bloc voting by "minorities"?

This is not a gotcha question or one of the other stupid games libs like to play.
I don't see many blacks, even evangelicals, who use abortion as a make or break issue. Same goes with most Americans
What can republicans do over the next 50 years to win back the electoral votes they have lost?
1. Stop being such assholes. Kick the racists and bigots out of your party ...they are the RINOS
2. Become fiscal conservatives and allow flexibility on social conservativism . Admit you lost the fight against gays, work on making healthcare better, stop trying to ban abortion
3. Jobs.....Jobs....Jobs. Make the Republican Party the party of jobs. Jobs in poor neighborhoods, stop exporting jobs. Be the party that workers turn to...the party that fights for worker rights

Thank you for a real answer.

1. The "racism" is a function of successful lib Demagoguery. We won't be able to challenge that any better in 50 years than we can now. Indeed, with reduced numbers and power our ability to do so will be LESS, than now.

2. Fiscal conservatism is not possible with the Greying of the Population. That is going to be a huge bi-partisan problem that neither side has an answer for. That is not going to change voting patterns.

2b We already do allow flexibility on Social Conservatism. Remember the Draft Powell movement? Despite him being pro-choice?

3. Trump is running on that platform and you libs have pulled out all the stops to paint him as a monster. And the RInos are helping you. And as the party permanently out of power, we won't be able to do more than then we can now. And even though I think Trump has a real chance now, he probably wouldn't in 8 years due to continued demographic shift.

So. It's not 50 years, it's forever.

Permanent Disenfranchisement of the majority of the largest single ethnic group.

We will not have our interests or agenda considered for national policy again in our lifetimes, or the lifetimes of our children.

We will have no political recourse as a permanent minority.

We will have no legal recourse because you libs will be writing the laws, and putting libs in the Supreme Court to rule in favor of them.

if your projections are correct, then there will be a serious secession movement sometime in the next 20 years or less. If HRC is elected it could happen in 2017.

A disenfranchised majority will not be silent and allow itself to be overrun by the far left zealots.

Won't be a majority.

That's the point.

Between hard core leftist and minorities, the Dems will have an effective majority, soon to be an actual majority.

wrong, the actual headcounts don't support that theory. Plus you are assuming that whites who currently vote lib will stay that way as their rights and property are taken away from them.

No, i agree as time goes on and the Left becomes ever more blatant and oppressive in their discrimination against whites, or "attempts to address historical disadvantages" that more and more whites will start voting against them.

But even if that means a GOP President, that doesn't reverse the underlying demographic trends.
HOw many of those states that have gone Blue have done so because of demographic shift, or Third World Immigration since 1965?
Who cares?

It is what it is...what are Republicans going to do about it?

You care.

YOu have conflicting ideas as part of your world view.

You regularly gloat about how demographic shift is going to lead to no GOP president for 50 years.

Then we I point out that demographic shift is caused by importing Third World VOters, you claim it is something else.

Sometimes you can discuss the effect of demographic shift and other times, you deny it.

What are republicans going to do about it?

Hopefully Elect Trump and see what if anything he can do.

If we deport the illegals, reverse Birthright citizenship, and secure the border, it might help.

But if not?

What do you think a large population that is constantly discriminated against and oppressed and degraded and told it is their fault will do if denied any legal or political option for addressing their grievances?

Well said and accurate. The answer to your last question is: they will rebel or secede. There is no other viable option.

We could just be looking at a future of America as a Third WOrld COunty, with a ONe Party State government, a crappy economy, really crappy, and a diverse population constantly and forever torn apart by racial and ethnic strife.

Oh, and lots of crime.

As a best case scenario.
What will turn America into a third world country is not immigration but the ever widening gap between the rich and the poor. Wages that are not keeping up with escalating costs of food, healthcare and education

The Economic gap is a result of bad trade and immigration policy that would have been reversed in a healthy democracy some time ago.

Now, at this late point, Trump is attempting to address these issues and for his troubles is being demonized.

This shows that the bi-partisan consensus on economics, trade and immigration will be the policy for quite some time, barring some type of Epic Trump Administration.

And the gap is a small part of what is making the US a Third World County.

The One Party State will be corrupt and ineffective.

The continued and increased role of AA, and it's associated polices, especially with Disparate Impact will be Legally Mandated Racial Discrimination against whites, which will lead to racial and ethnic strife as whites getting increasingly angry.

And libs and minorities get increasingly angry BACK at what they will perceive as increasing white racism.
Last edited:

Think about it...246 out of 270 needed
Those are blue states and are off the table

Meaning Republicans need 96 out of the remaining 120 electoral votes in play

You just don't have the horses.....look at your weak field of candidates

HOw many of those states that have gone Blue have done so because of demographic shift, or Third World Immigration since 1965?
Who cares?

It is what it is...what are Republicans going to do about it?

You care.

YOu have conflicting ideas as part of your world view.

You regularly gloat about how demographic shift is going to lead to no GOP president for 50 years.

Then we I point out that demographic shift is caused by importing Third World VOters, you claim it is something else.

Sometimes you can discuss the effect of demographic shift and other times, you deny it.

What are republicans going to do about it?

Hopefully Elect Trump and see what if anything he can do.

If we deport the illegals, reverse Birthright citizenship, and secure the border, it might help.

But if not?

What do you think a large population that is constantly discriminated against and oppressed and degraded and told it is their fault will do if denied any legal or political option for addressing their grievances?

Well said and accurate. The answer to your last question is: they will rebel or secede. There is no other viable option.

We could just be looking at a future of America as a Third WOrld COunty, with a ONe Party State government, a crappy economy, really crappy, and a diverse population constantly and forever torn apart by racial and ethnic strife.

Oh, and lots of crime.

As a best case scenario.

What's really strange is that that is what the libs seem to want. Are they really that stupid?
I don't see many blacks, even evangelicals, who use abortion as a make or break issue. Same goes with most Americans
What can republicans do over the next 50 years to win back the electoral votes they have lost?
1. Stop being such assholes. Kick the racists and bigots out of your party ...they are the RINOS
2. Become fiscal conservatives and allow flexibility on social conservativism . Admit you lost the fight against gays, work on making healthcare better, stop trying to ban abortion
3. Jobs.....Jobs....Jobs. Make the Republican Party the party of jobs. Jobs in poor neighborhoods, stop exporting jobs. Be the party that workers turn to...the party that fights for worker rights

Thank you for a real answer.

1. The "racism" is a function of successful lib Demagoguery. We won't be able to challenge that any better in 50 years than we can now. Indeed, with reduced numbers and power our ability to do so will be LESS, than now.

2. Fiscal conservatism is not possible with the Greying of the Population. That is going to be a huge bi-partisan problem that neither side has an answer for. That is not going to change voting patterns.

2b We already do allow flexibility on Social Conservatism. Remember the Draft Powell movement? Despite him being pro-choice?

3. Trump is running on that platform and you libs have pulled out all the stops to paint him as a monster. And the RInos are helping you. And as the party permanently out of power, we won't be able to do more than then we can now. And even though I think Trump has a real chance now, he probably wouldn't in 8 years due to continued demographic shift.

So. It's not 50 years, it's forever.

Permanent Disenfranchisement of the majority of the largest single ethnic group.

We will not have our interests or agenda considered for national policy again in our lifetimes, or the lifetimes of our children.

We will have no political recourse as a permanent minority.

We will have no legal recourse because you libs will be writing the laws, and putting libs in the Supreme Court to rule in favor of them.

if your projections are correct, then there will be a serious secession movement sometime in the next 20 years or less. If HRC is elected it could happen in 2017.

A disenfranchised majority will not be silent and allow itself to be overrun by the far left zealots.

Won't be a majority.

That's the point.

Between hard core leftist and minorities, the Dems will have an effective majority, soon to be an actual majority.

wrong, the actual headcounts don't support that theory. Plus you are assuming that whites who currently vote lib will stay that way as their rights and property are taken away from them.

No, i agree as time goes on and the Left becomes ever more blatant and oppressive in their discrimination against whites, or "attempts to address historical disadvantages" that more and more whites will start voting against them.

But even if that means a GOP President, that doesn't reverse the underlying demographic trends.

again you are assuming that each demographic will continue its current political ideology, I don't think that will happen.
HOw many of those states that have gone Blue have done so because of demographic shift, or Third World Immigration since 1965?
Who cares?

It is what it is...what are Republicans going to do about it?

You care.

YOu have conflicting ideas as part of your world view.

You regularly gloat about how demographic shift is going to lead to no GOP president for 50 years.

Then we I point out that demographic shift is caused by importing Third World VOters, you claim it is something else.

Sometimes you can discuss the effect of demographic shift and other times, you deny it.

What are republicans going to do about it?

Hopefully Elect Trump and see what if anything he can do.

If we deport the illegals, reverse Birthright citizenship, and secure the border, it might help.

But if not?

What do you think a large population that is constantly discriminated against and oppressed and degraded and told it is their fault will do if denied any legal or political option for addressing their grievances?

Well said and accurate. The answer to your last question is: they will rebel or secede. There is no other viable option.

We could just be looking at a future of America as a Third WOrld COunty, with a ONe Party State government, a crappy economy, really crappy, and a diverse population constantly and forever torn apart by racial and ethnic strife.

Oh, and lots of crime.

As a best case scenario.
What will turn America into a third world country is not immigration but the ever widening gap between the rich and the poor. Wages that are not keeping up with escalating costs of food, healthcare and education

LOL, do you understand that the rich/poor gap has gotten wider under Obama? Under the socialist utopia that you seem to want, all of the power and all of the wealth will be controlled by a very small minority of super elites.

your naivety is very obvious. you have no idea what you are asking for.
Thank you for a real answer.

1. The "racism" is a function of successful lib Demagoguery. We won't be able to challenge that any better in 50 years than we can now. Indeed, with reduced numbers and power our ability to do so will be LESS, than now.

2. Fiscal conservatism is not possible with the Greying of the Population. That is going to be a huge bi-partisan problem that neither side has an answer for. That is not going to change voting patterns.

2b We already do allow flexibility on Social Conservatism. Remember the Draft Powell movement? Despite him being pro-choice?

3. Trump is running on that platform and you libs have pulled out all the stops to paint him as a monster. And the RInos are helping you. And as the party permanently out of power, we won't be able to do more than then we can now. And even though I think Trump has a real chance now, he probably wouldn't in 8 years due to continued demographic shift.

So. It's not 50 years, it's forever.

Permanent Disenfranchisement of the majority of the largest single ethnic group.

We will not have our interests or agenda considered for national policy again in our lifetimes, or the lifetimes of our children.

We will have no political recourse as a permanent minority.

We will have no legal recourse because you libs will be writing the laws, and putting libs in the Supreme Court to rule in favor of them.

if your projections are correct, then there will be a serious secession movement sometime in the next 20 years or less. If HRC is elected it could happen in 2017.

A disenfranchised majority will not be silent and allow itself to be overrun by the far left zealots.

Won't be a majority.

That's the point.

Between hard core leftist and minorities, the Dems will have an effective majority, soon to be an actual majority.

wrong, the actual headcounts don't support that theory. Plus you are assuming that whites who currently vote lib will stay that way as their rights and property are taken away from them.

No, i agree as time goes on and the Left becomes ever more blatant and oppressive in their discrimination against whites, or "attempts to address historical disadvantages" that more and more whites will start voting against them.

But even if that means a GOP President, that doesn't reverse the underlying demographic trends.

again you are assuming that each demographic will continue its current political ideology, I don't think that will happen.
Good point

What are Republicans offering that would change that ideology?

They are losing more of the Hispanic vote
Who cares?

It is what it is...what are Republicans going to do about it?

You care.

YOu have conflicting ideas as part of your world view.

You regularly gloat about how demographic shift is going to lead to no GOP president for 50 years.

Then we I point out that demographic shift is caused by importing Third World VOters, you claim it is something else.

Sometimes you can discuss the effect of demographic shift and other times, you deny it.

What are republicans going to do about it?

Hopefully Elect Trump and see what if anything he can do.

If we deport the illegals, reverse Birthright citizenship, and secure the border, it might help.

But if not?

What do you think a large population that is constantly discriminated against and oppressed and degraded and told it is their fault will do if denied any legal or political option for addressing their grievances?

Well said and accurate. The answer to your last question is: they will rebel or secede. There is no other viable option.

We could just be looking at a future of America as a Third WOrld COunty, with a ONe Party State government, a crappy economy, really crappy, and a diverse population constantly and forever torn apart by racial and ethnic strife.

Oh, and lots of crime.

As a best case scenario.
What will turn America into a third world country is not immigration but the ever widening gap between the rich and the poor. Wages that are not keeping up with escalating costs of food, healthcare and education

LOL, do you understand that the rich/poor gap has gotten wider under Obama? Under the socialist utopia that you seem to want, all of the power and all of the wealth will be controlled by a very small minority of super elites.

your naivety is very obvious. you have no idea what you are asking for.

More gloating from conservatives that Obama couldn't do anything about their supply side policies
HOw many of those states that have gone Blue have done so because of demographic shift, or Third World Immigration since 1965?
Who cares?

It is what it is...what are Republicans going to do about it?

You care.

YOu have conflicting ideas as part of your world view.

You regularly gloat about how demographic shift is going to lead to no GOP president for 50 years.

Then we I point out that demographic shift is caused by importing Third World VOters, you claim it is something else.

Sometimes you can discuss the effect of demographic shift and other times, you deny it.

What are republicans going to do about it?

Hopefully Elect Trump and see what if anything he can do.

If we deport the illegals, reverse Birthright citizenship, and secure the border, it might help.

But if not?

What do you think a large population that is constantly discriminated against and oppressed and degraded and told it is their fault will do if denied any legal or political option for addressing their grievances?

Well said and accurate. The answer to your last question is: they will rebel or secede. There is no other viable option.

We could just be looking at a future of America as a Third WOrld COunty, with a ONe Party State government, a crappy economy, really crappy, and a diverse population constantly and forever torn apart by racial and ethnic strife.

Oh, and lots of crime.

As a best case scenario.

What's really strange is that that is what the libs seem to want. Are they really that stupid?

I've been trying to get RW to share.

Near as I can tell, he seems to be in some state of denial where whites will just suck it up and everything will be fine, and the lib agenda will be implemented and sometime after he is dead, things will return to a normal two party system.

As he is the only lib I can get to do anything on this issue other than giggle like a school yard bully, I can only assume that he is representative of the libs.

Until new information becomes available.
Thank you for a real answer.

1. The "racism" is a function of successful lib Demagoguery. We won't be able to challenge that any better in 50 years than we can now. Indeed, with reduced numbers and power our ability to do so will be LESS, than now.

2. Fiscal conservatism is not possible with the Greying of the Population. That is going to be a huge bi-partisan problem that neither side has an answer for. That is not going to change voting patterns.

2b We already do allow flexibility on Social Conservatism. Remember the Draft Powell movement? Despite him being pro-choice?

3. Trump is running on that platform and you libs have pulled out all the stops to paint him as a monster. And the RInos are helping you. And as the party permanently out of power, we won't be able to do more than then we can now. And even though I think Trump has a real chance now, he probably wouldn't in 8 years due to continued demographic shift.

So. It's not 50 years, it's forever.

Permanent Disenfranchisement of the majority of the largest single ethnic group.

We will not have our interests or agenda considered for national policy again in our lifetimes, or the lifetimes of our children.

We will have no political recourse as a permanent minority.

We will have no legal recourse because you libs will be writing the laws, and putting libs in the Supreme Court to rule in favor of them.

if your projections are correct, then there will be a serious secession movement sometime in the next 20 years or less. If HRC is elected it could happen in 2017.

A disenfranchised majority will not be silent and allow itself to be overrun by the far left zealots.

Won't be a majority.

That's the point.

Between hard core leftist and minorities, the Dems will have an effective majority, soon to be an actual majority.

wrong, the actual headcounts don't support that theory. Plus you are assuming that whites who currently vote lib will stay that way as their rights and property are taken away from them.

No, i agree as time goes on and the Left becomes ever more blatant and oppressive in their discrimination against whites, or "attempts to address historical disadvantages" that more and more whites will start voting against them.

But even if that means a GOP President, that doesn't reverse the underlying demographic trends.

again you are assuming that each demographic will continue its current political ideology, I don't think that will happen.

Yes I do.

Because it's not ideology.

Pro-life religious blacks are firmly in the pocket of the pro-abortion party.

For one example.
You care.

YOu have conflicting ideas as part of your world view.

You regularly gloat about how demographic shift is going to lead to no GOP president for 50 years.

Then we I point out that demographic shift is caused by importing Third World VOters, you claim it is something else.

Sometimes you can discuss the effect of demographic shift and other times, you deny it.

What are republicans going to do about it?

Hopefully Elect Trump and see what if anything he can do.

If we deport the illegals, reverse Birthright citizenship, and secure the border, it might help.

But if not?

What do you think a large population that is constantly discriminated against and oppressed and degraded and told it is their fault will do if denied any legal or political option for addressing their grievances?

Well said and accurate. The answer to your last question is: they will rebel or secede. There is no other viable option.

We could just be looking at a future of America as a Third WOrld COunty, with a ONe Party State government, a crappy economy, really crappy, and a diverse population constantly and forever torn apart by racial and ethnic strife.

Oh, and lots of crime.

As a best case scenario.
What will turn America into a third world country is not immigration but the ever widening gap between the rich and the poor. Wages that are not keeping up with escalating costs of food, healthcare and education

LOL, do you understand that the rich/poor gap has gotten wider under Obama? Under the socialist utopia that you seem to want, all of the power and all of the wealth will be controlled by a very small minority of super elites.

your naivety is very obvious. you have no idea what you are asking for.

More gloating from conservatives that Obama couldn't do anything about their supply side policies

What evidence do you have that Obama or the Dems are interested in changing policy that would actually reverse the growing gap?
But then, Obama was weak and he got elected. Twice.

McCain was weaker. All the power of Geritol. Unlike Reagan, he came across as just an old man.

Romney blew it when he let Candy Crowley walk all over him.

Two good reasons to tell the Republican establishment to shut up and get out of the way.
Which Republicans at the time would have done better against Obama?

probably no one. black pride, white guilt and a biased media ensured an Obama victory.

But now that the country has seen the mistake it made, the next election will be quite different.
if your projections are correct, then there will be a serious secession movement sometime in the next 20 years or less. If HRC is elected it could happen in 2017.

A disenfranchised majority will not be silent and allow itself to be overrun by the far left zealots.

Won't be a majority.

That's the point.

Between hard core leftist and minorities, the Dems will have an effective majority, soon to be an actual majority.

wrong, the actual headcounts don't support that theory. Plus you are assuming that whites who currently vote lib will stay that way as their rights and property are taken away from them.

No, i agree as time goes on and the Left becomes ever more blatant and oppressive in their discrimination against whites, or "attempts to address historical disadvantages" that more and more whites will start voting against them.

But even if that means a GOP President, that doesn't reverse the underlying demographic trends.

again you are assuming that each demographic will continue its current political ideology, I don't think that will happen.

Yes I do.

Because it's not ideology.

Pro-life religious blacks are firmly in the pocket of the pro-abortion party.

For one example.

that is changing. blacks are not as homogeneous as the dems think they are. Tim Scott, Allen West, Mia Love, Ben Carson. All have huge black support and are conservative republicans.

the real enemy here is ignorance and lack of education. The dems need an ignorant populace to continue in power.
if your projections are correct, then there will be a serious secession movement sometime in the next 20 years or less. If HRC is elected it could happen in 2017.

A disenfranchised majority will not be silent and allow itself to be overrun by the far left zealots.

Won't be a majority.

That's the point.

Between hard core leftist and minorities, the Dems will have an effective majority, soon to be an actual majority.

wrong, the actual headcounts don't support that theory. Plus you are assuming that whites who currently vote lib will stay that way as their rights and property are taken away from them.

No, i agree as time goes on and the Left becomes ever more blatant and oppressive in their discrimination against whites, or "attempts to address historical disadvantages" that more and more whites will start voting against them.

But even if that means a GOP President, that doesn't reverse the underlying demographic trends.

again you are assuming that each demographic will continue its current political ideology, I don't think that will happen.
Good point

What are Republicans offering that would change that ideology?

They are losing more of the Hispanic vote

you know winger, you are under the false impression that just because you say something on this message board, that it is true.

The Hispanic vote is very much up for grabs. Legal Hispanics (the ones who are voters) are opposed to illegal immigration and muslim invasion.

Again, you dem/libs count on ignorant voters and the numbers of ignorants are becoming smaller thanks to the internet.
Who cares?

It is what it is...what are Republicans going to do about it?

You care.

YOu have conflicting ideas as part of your world view.

You regularly gloat about how demographic shift is going to lead to no GOP president for 50 years.

Then we I point out that demographic shift is caused by importing Third World VOters, you claim it is something else.

Sometimes you can discuss the effect of demographic shift and other times, you deny it.

What are republicans going to do about it?

Hopefully Elect Trump and see what if anything he can do.

If we deport the illegals, reverse Birthright citizenship, and secure the border, it might help.

But if not?

What do you think a large population that is constantly discriminated against and oppressed and degraded and told it is their fault will do if denied any legal or political option for addressing their grievances?

Well said and accurate. The answer to your last question is: they will rebel or secede. There is no other viable option.

We could just be looking at a future of America as a Third WOrld COunty, with a ONe Party State government, a crappy economy, really crappy, and a diverse population constantly and forever torn apart by racial and ethnic strife.

Oh, and lots of crime.

As a best case scenario.
What will turn America into a third world country is not immigration but the ever widening gap between the rich and the poor. Wages that are not keeping up with escalating costs of food, healthcare and education

LOL, do you understand that the rich/poor gap has gotten wider under Obama? Under the socialist utopia that you seem to want, all of the power and all of the wealth will be controlled by a very small minority of super elites.

your naivety is very obvious. you have no idea what you are asking for.

Of course the wealth gap under Obama got wider.

After the Bush debacle, millions of Americans lost their houses, jobs and savings.

If people came through the Bush disaster WITHOUT losing their houses, jobs and savings then they benefitted from the Obama period of great stock market, recovering house values and jobs.

So yea, those with something have more than those that lost everything.

The weath gap grew. Thanks to the policies of Bush. It grew more under Obama thanks to the policies of Bush.
You care.

YOu have conflicting ideas as part of your world view.

You regularly gloat about how demographic shift is going to lead to no GOP president for 50 years.

Then we I point out that demographic shift is caused by importing Third World VOters, you claim it is something else.

Sometimes you can discuss the effect of demographic shift and other times, you deny it.

What are republicans going to do about it?

Hopefully Elect Trump and see what if anything he can do.

If we deport the illegals, reverse Birthright citizenship, and secure the border, it might help.

But if not?

What do you think a large population that is constantly discriminated against and oppressed and degraded and told it is their fault will do if denied any legal or political option for addressing their grievances?

Well said and accurate. The answer to your last question is: they will rebel or secede. There is no other viable option.

We could just be looking at a future of America as a Third WOrld COunty, with a ONe Party State government, a crappy economy, really crappy, and a diverse population constantly and forever torn apart by racial and ethnic strife.

Oh, and lots of crime.

As a best case scenario.
What will turn America into a third world country is not immigration but the ever widening gap between the rich and the poor. Wages that are not keeping up with escalating costs of food, healthcare and education

LOL, do you understand that the rich/poor gap has gotten wider under Obama? Under the socialist utopia that you seem to want, all of the power and all of the wealth will be controlled by a very small minority of super elites.

your naivety is very obvious. you have no idea what you are asking for.

Of course the wealth gap under Obama got wider.

After the Bush debacle, millions of Americans lost their houses, jobs and savings.

If people came through the Bush disaster WITHOUT losing their houses, jobs and savings then they benefitted from the Obama period of great stock market, recovering house values and jobs.

So yea, those with something have more than those that lost everything.

The weath gap grew. Thanks to the policies of Bush. It grew more under Obama thanks to the policies of Bush.

now that's some funny shit.

Obozo is not responsible for anything that happened during the last 7 years, right?

Booooosch did it. Are you really that fricken dumb?

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